Altium remove solder mask sliver Aug 28, 2014 · It is. Expansion > 0 - enter a positive value to define a paste mask area that is <Value> percent larger than the pad area. You can't do that. How Duplicate Rule Contentions are Resolved Soldermask is a dam to prevent the flow of solder, so in the absence of the sliver you may get solder bridges. 1mm (often 0. IsRule_MinimumSolderMaskSliver IsRule_MinimumSolderMaskSliver = True Returns all Minimum Solder Mask Sliver rule objects. Dec 23, 2012 #1 C. You can then set you "Minimum Solder Mask Sliver" appropriately in your design rules. Jun 5, 2015 · Expansion – this constraint is presented when the Use Separate Solder Mask Expansion option is disabled. In example for PCB-POOL orders: Mar 17, 2022 · This page details the PCB Editor's Minimum Solder Mask Sliver design rule - which helps identify narrow sections of solder mask that may cause manufacturing problems at a later stage. 0. This includes the pads, vias, and any primitives that reside on solder mask layers. Nov 7, 2012 · Minimum Solder Mask Sliver Altium. How Duplicate Rule Contentions are Resolved 利用できる機能は、Altium 製品のアクセスレベルによって異なります。Altium Designer ソフトウェア サブスクリプション の様々なレベルに含まれる機能と、Altium 365 プラットフォーム で提供されるアプリケーションを通じて提供される機能を比較してください。 This page details the PCB Editor's Minimum Solder Mask Sliver design rule - which helps identify narrow sections of solder mask that may cause manufacturing problems at a later stage. 0. Jul 12, 2022 · Opening the mask to completely remove the sliver of mask between the transistor pads means that there is more chance of creating solder bridges between those pads, whereas decreasing the mask opening will still leave a sliver, which may or may not be acceptable, and will also introduce the possibility of mask-to-pad registration problems. May 5, 2023 · Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Jan 21, 2022 · 可以到design--rule下面把minimum solder mask sliver这个规则的勾给去掉。 这个属于阻焊规则,一般不用这个规则,对你板子没什么影响。 下载资料威望不够? Jun 18, 2021 · Expansion = 0 - the paste mask opening is the same size as the pad. 552mil) on Top Layer [Top Solder] Mask Sliver [0. What this is flagging is the limit on how thin the "sliver" or strip of solder mask is between pads You need to check with your PCB manufacturer to see how small a "solder mask sliver" they allow. Feb 20, 2022 · @mulfycrowh, normally, when creating this footprint, I would make solder mask opening smaller to achieve the sliver width between the pads at least 0. 003mil < 10mil) Between Pad U4-127(2479. I have most values around 7. PcbDoc Advanced PCB Minimum Solder Mask Sliver Constraint: (0. Nov 9, 2020 · ALTIUM DESIGNER ®. Default constraints for the Silk To Solder Mask Clearance rule. Covers constraints, application and tips for working with this rule Jul 12, 2022 · Opening the mask to completely remove the sliver of mask between the transistor pads means that there is more chance of creating solder bridges between those pads, whereas decreasing the mask opening will still leave a sliver, which may or may not be acceptable, and will also introduce the possibility of mask-to-pad registration problems. 48mm) from Top Layer to Bottom Layer [Top Solder] Mask Sliver [0. May 9, 2023 · This includes the pads, vias, and any primitives that reside on solder mask layers. Covers constraints and application Mar 17, 2022 · Constraints. : This page details the PCB Editor's Minimum Solder Mask Sliver design rule - which helps identify narrow sections of solder mask that may cause manufacturing problems at a later stage. com Sep 15, 2022 · Using the solder mask expansion and the minimum solder mask sliver rules, you can make sure your solder mask layer doesn’t interfere with any of your exposed copper and is The solder mask layer is a "negative", so to remove solder mask from an area, simply place any shape on desired "Top/Bottom Solder" layer. How Duplicate Rule Contentions are Resolved May 9, 2023 · This includes the pads, vias, and any primitives that reside on solder mask layers. I tried to use the Minimum Solder Mask Sliver Rule under Manufacturing, but it doesnt help with copper areas. How Duplicate Rule Contentions are Resolved This page details the PCB Editor's Minimum Solder Mask Sliver design rule - which helps identify narrow sections of solder mask that may cause manufacturing problems at a later stage. When loading a PCB document from such an earlier release, any defined Silkscreen Over Component Pads rules will automatically be converted to Silk To Solder Mask Clearance rules, with their scopes and constraints set to match legacy behavior. 1 mm. Example Usage. What would you suggest me? This includes the pads, vias, and any primitives that reside on solder mask layers. Sorry that is the way it works. Minimum Solder Mask Sliver - specifies the minimum allowed width of solder mask. How Duplicate Rule Contentions are Resolved Jun 5, 2015 · This includes the pads, vias, and any primitives that reside on solder mask layers. Covers constraints and application Hello, I am designing a pcb and sometimes I get these little openings which causes problems when manufacturing. Understanding the appropriate board design process for how to solder mask a PCB is a critical step before PCB manufacturing and assembly. Mar 1, 2016 · This page details the PCB Editor's Solder Mask Expansion design rule - which specifies the value applied to the initial pad/via shape to achieve the final shape on the solder mask layer. Covers constraints and application Jul 12, 2022 · Opening the mask to completely remove the sliver of mask between the transistor pads means that there is more chance of creating solder bridges between those pads, whereas decreasing the mask opening will still leave a sliver, which may or may not be acceptable, and will also introduce the possibility of mask-to-pad registration problems. 0 technical documentation for Verifying Your Board Design and related features. Dec 16, 2024 · Check Clearance To Solder Mask Openings - in this mode, clearance checking is between silkscreen (Top/Bottom Overlay layer) objects and solder mask openings created by objects that include a solder mask, such as pads, vias, or copper objects with the Solder Mask Expansion option enabled. Feb 17, 2016 · So if you need to remove the soldermask around complex shapes you will need to place polygons/regions on the soldermask layer to make that happen. The minimum solder resist sliver size will limit the solder stop mask expansion opening you can apply for a given lead pitch. When I need to deal with them I often find that adjusting the solder mask expansion to the min spec or larger just moves the problem around different footprints. Covers constraints and application We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. These are all caused by same nets. Feb 1, 2021 · een the solder masks is smaller than the clearance defined in the rules: 0,254 mm. Here is the snapshot of 2D and 3D view of my PCB. Check Clearance To Exposed Copper - in this mode, clearance checking is between silkscreen (Top/Bottom Overlay layer) objects, and copper in component pads which is exposed through openings in the solder mask. Syntax. But as said, if this is just a prototype or hobby, you could fix it yourself, but for manufacturing at scale it could represent a large number of defects and rework cost. Dec 25, 2023 · Opening the mask to completely remove the sliver of mask between the transistor pads means that there is more chance of creating solder bridges between those pads, whereas decreasing the mask opening will still leave a sliver, which may or may not be acceptable, and will also introduce the possibility of mask-to-pad registration problems. Expansion Top - this constraint is presented when the Use Separate Solder Mask This includes the pads, vias, and any primitives that reside on solder mask layers. Altium Designer defaults to “10 mil” rules, which means that the standard spacing and widths of copper tracks is 10 mils. Thread starter chuck93; Start date Dec 23, 2012; Status Not open for further replies. Aug 28, 2017 · My manufacturer says they need a minimum of 0. 047mm between solder mask on pins on my ATMega644P footprint (44ML_N) from atmels library. 867mm,7. 0508mm) minimum for Solder Mask Sliver Constraint, which I have added to the rules . Jun 25, 2022 · Minimum Solder Mask Sliver Constraint: (0. 1k次,点赞4次,收藏20次。【AD23报错】Minimum Solder Mask Sliver (Gap=10mil) (All),(All),最小阻焊间隙约束,即PCB焊盘阻焊层之间间距小于10mil报错。 This includes the pads, vias, and any primitives that reside on solder mask layers. . Mar 25, 2021 · There are two options for removing Solder Mask from a Through Hole or Surface Mount Pad. IsRule_MinimumSolderMaskSliver : Boolean. Clearance Checking Mode - choose a checking mode for the clearance: . Altium is set to 10mil. 12 mm is very small in front of the initial 0. For example, let’s exclude the Minimum Solder Mask Sliver rule from the check. Covers constraints and application Feb 22, 2016 · This includes the pads, vias, and any primitives that reside on solder mask layers. I also read in the altium website, which doesnt help in my situation. Sometimes its even not possible to reduce, for example with an LQFP100 package. Covers constraints and application This page details the PCB Editor's Minimum Solder Mask Sliver design rule - which helps identify narrow sections of solder mask that may cause manufacturing problems at a later stage. You may disable this option, though the via will still be affected by a solder mask expansion rule or specific expansion value. Constraints. Dec 16, 2024 · This includes the pads, vias, and any primitives that reside on solder mask layers. 5mil. 258mil,3521. Rule Application. One reason that green solder stop mask is extensively used is that it can be used to create thin solder mask dams (~0. Using the Tented option in the Solder Mask Expansion section of the Pad Properties will remove all Solder Mask which results in no opening in the Solder Mask on the top/bottom layer of the Pad and is therefore Tented. How Duplicate Rule Contentions are Resolved Oct 16, 2024 · Opening the mask to completely remove the sliver of mask between the transistor pads means that there is more chance of creating solder bridges between those pads, whereas decreasing the mask opening will still leave a sliver, which may or may not be acceptable, and will also introduce the possibility of mask-to-pad registration problems. Apr 28, 2020 · Manufacturing > Minimum Solder Mask Sliver The picture shown for this rule does not make it easy to understand what a solder mask sliver is, but look at the previous picture above, with rectangular pads. If the lead pitch is large enough, then you can always apply a large solder mask expansion without worrying about hitting a solder dam limit. Expansion < 0 - enter a negative value to define a paste mask area that is <Value> percent smaller than the pad area. Covers constraints and application May 5, 2023 · Opening the mask to completely remove the sliver of mask between the transistor pads means that there is more chance of creating solder bridges between those pads, whereas decreasing the mask opening will still leave a sliver, which may or may not be acceptable, and will also introduce the possibility of mask-to-pad registration problems. 946mil,3521. Covers constraints and application Sep 13, 2024 · [Minimum Solder Mask Sliver Constraint Violation] xxx. chuck93 Newbie level 2. The only unified PCB design package with a complete set of PCB design and layout tools for rigid, flex, and rigid-flex boards. Covers constraints and application Favorite way to deal with solder mask sliver/web [altium] I often ignore this spec and just deal with slivers that come off sometimes for low quantity proto stuff. Minimum Solder Mask Sliver Size. Use it to specify the value applied to the initial pad/via shape (or hole) to obtain the final shape on the solder mask layer (on both sides of the board). 12 mm or something bigger with an exception for this chip? This page details the PCB Editor's Minimum Solder Mask Sliver design rule - which helps identify narrow sections of solder mask that may cause manufacturing problems at a later stage. May 16, 2024 · [Minimum Solder Mask Sliver Constraint Violation] xxx. What is the best way to overcome this issue? Jun 15, 2023 · PCB的阻焊(solder mask,简称SM),PCB线路制作完成后通常要印阻焊,因为线路板通常用的油墨颜色为绿色,占PCB行业的90%以上,所以阻焊也被称之为绿油。 那么阻焊的作用有哪些呢? 如下: 阻止焊接时线路焊盘桥接短路。 减少非焊接区域的焊锡损耗。 提供永久性的电气环境和抗化学防护层,防止板面受潮和外来损伤。 还有一点是从审美的角度来说,让PCB穿上华丽的衣裳,使PCB更加美观漂亮。 阻焊油墨从感光 性能 来区分的话分为感光性油墨和非感光性油墨,我们常用的为感光性油墨。 通常的阻焊油墨颜色为绿色,其它颜色的油墨有白色,黑色,蓝色,红色,紫色和黄色等。 根据制作时的难易程度,我们把它分为: 常用级为绿色,黑油为最难操作级,这两种油墨颜色以外的我们叫杂色油墨。 (中性级别) See full list on altium. 4项Minimum Solder Mask Sliver违规——阻焊条的最小宽度小于此规则允许的宽度。 此违规通常发生在元件焊盘之间。 4项Clearance Constraint违规——信号层上对象之间的实测电气间距小于此规则规定的最小值。 Jul 12, 2022 · Opening the mask to completely remove the sliver of mask between the transistor pads means that there is more chance of creating solder bridges between those pads, whereas decreasing the mask opening will still leave a sliver, which may or may not be acceptable, and will also introduce the possibility of mask-to-pad registration problems. Set solder mask expansion to 2 mil / 0. Tip: If you put the soldermask layer in your footprint, you only have to draw the complex shape once. Online DRC and Batch DRC. Jun 5, 2015 · Constraints. 08mm clearance between 2 pads mask. 1 mm). 48mm) from Top Layer to Bottom Layer And Via (121. 114mm) Between Via (120. <br><br>My questions:<br>A/ How do I remove the solder mask clearance warning? Can I remove the warning for that IC only or should I set the clearance (for all the pcb) to something smaller or equal to the smallest one on the pcb?<br>B/ Track width is bound to This design rule replaces the Silkscreen Over Component Pads rule found in previous releases of Altium NEXUS prior to Altium NEXUS 13. It also checks Top and Bottom sides independently. 075 mm. 05 mm and minimum solder mask sliver to 3 mil / 0. How Duplicate Rule Contentions are Resolved Opening the mask to completely remove the sliver of mask between the transistor pads means that there is more chance of creating solder bridges between those pads, whereas decreasing the mask opening will still leave a sliver, which may or may not be acceptable, and will also introduce the possibility of mask-to-pad registration problems. 12 mm and applies to the attached footprint. 254 mm. Jul 31, 2020 · I was impressed that, right out of the box, the stock design rule checks (DRCs) in my copy of Altium 20 pretty much covered all the bases on how to make a “standard” printed circuit board (PCB). 552mil) on Top Layer And Pad U4-128(2460. What's more, most of the other spacings also default to 10 mils. 767mm,7. To fix the issue below, I would tent the via. Covers constraints and application Mar 23, 2017 · This page details the PCB Editor's Minimum Solder Mask Sliver design rule - which helps identify narrow sections of solder mask that may cause manufacturing problems at a later stage. Returns Minimum Solder Mask Sliver rule objects. <br>2/ The track width is bigger than the pin itself. This is generally what most fabs can achieve. In our specifications we declared the thickness with a minimum of 0. It would have to be something like, make two separate queries and equate their results. Feb 9, 2021 · The smallest solder mask sliver in my project is 0. This page details the PCB Editor's Minimum Solder Mask Sliver design rule - which helps identify narrow sections of solder mask that may cause manufacturing problems at a later stage. 097mm < 0. Covers constraints and application May 9, 2023 · This includes the pads, vias, and any primitives that reside on solder mask layers. May 4, 2012 · I know I got this warning because it's only 0. You cannot set it by coincidence of objects: the query tool is 1st order logic only. Uncheck the box for Minimum Solder Mask Sliver in the Batch column to exclude this rule from the DRC check. Mar 17, 2022 · Tented - check if it's desired for any solder mask settings in the solder mask expansion design rules to be overridden, which results in no opening in the solder mask on the top layer of this via and is therefore tented. If you want to remove mask around nets, you have to set that yourself. Covers constraints and application Oct 17, 2017 · The color of your solder mask is determined by the dye used in the solder mask material, and the chemical properties of the dye will influence the cured solder mask thickness. Mar 10, 2022 · Minimum Solder Dam Size vs. If these pads were close together, the green mask material between them would become a very thin strip. Default constraint for the Minimum Solder Mask Sliver rule. I can not move the solder masks because the pin's on the ATMega is so close to each This page details the PCB Editor's Minimum Solder Mask Sliver design rule - which helps identify narrow sections of solder mask that may cause manufacturing problems at a later stage. 097mm] This page details the PCB Editor's Minimum Solder Mask Sliver design rule - which helps identify narrow sections of solder mask that may cause manufacturing problems at a later stage. With the custom Solder Mask object placed on the board, the generated Gerbers would show the object and correctly interpret it as a negative layer, resulting in the desired soldermask openings. 003mil] 翻译过来就是:两个阻焊层间距过小。 Sep 18, 2023 · 文章浏览阅读7. Covers constraints and application Feb 18, 2025 · This will help us achieve the custom solder mask opening with voids. 利用できる機能は、Altium 製品のアクセスレベルによって異なります。Altium Designer ソフトウェア サブスクリプション の様々なレベルに含まれる機能と、Altium 365 プラットフォーム で提供されるアプリケーションを通じて提供される機能を比較してください。 Jul 17, 2013 · Minimum "Solder Mask Sliver" means the pip of Soldermask between the pads. I searched for acceptable values, but without luck. 003mil] 翻译过来就是:两个阻焊层间距过小。 Check Clearance To Solder Mask Openings - in this mode, clearance checking is between silkscreen (Top/Bottom Overlay layer) objects and solder mask openings created by objects that include a solder mask, such as pads, vias, or copper objects with the Solder Mask Expansion option enabled. For instance, I want the design rule checker to ignore the minimum solder mask sliver rule for a via and pad of the same net since they are already shorted and I don't care if the solder mask between them isn't present. Covers constraints, application and tips for working with this rule May 9, 2023 · This includes the pads, vias, and any primitives that reside on solder mask layers. Mar 17, 2022 · This page details the PCB Editor's Minimum Solder Mask Sliver design rule - which helps identify narrow sections of solder mask that may cause manufacturing problems at a later stage. Covers constraints and application Jul 14, 2014 · Hello folks, I would appreciate your help solving the following Altium problem. On the left side of the dialog, select Manufacturing to open all rules that are associated with PCB manufacturing. Should I set the rule to 0. Feb 7, 2018 · I am running DRC in Altium Designer and Im getting tons of "Silk to Solder Mask Clearence" Errors. 065mm still can be manufactured) and I would adjust the rule globally. I want to be able to ignore the solder mask sliver violation for same net objects. The PCB manufacture has statet 2mil (0. Covers constraints and application Mar 17, 2022 · This page details the PCB Editor's Minimum Solder Mask Sliver design rule - which helps identify narrow sections of solder mask that may cause manufacturing problems at a later stage. Covers constraints and application Jul 12, 2022 · Explore Altium Designer 19. Dec 22, 2024 · 用altium designer出现这二个警告是什么意思Minimum Solder Mask Sliver警告表示最小阻焊间隙不符合规则,具体来说是小于10mil。这项警告在PCB设计中是常见的,通常用于提醒设计者关注可制造性分析,而不是说设计出 资源浏览阅读12次。本篇教程针对Altium Designer使用过程中遇到的两个常见错误提示进行讲解,这两个错误分别是“Silkscreen Over Component Pads (Clearance=10mil) (All),(All)”和“Minimum Solder Mask Sliver (Gap=10mil) (All),(All)”。 In this video I will show you how to fix silk to solder mask clearance in altium 20altium tutorial for beginnersaltium best tutorialsilk to solder mask clear Constraints. How Duplicate Rule Contentions are Resolved Mar 23, 2017 · This page details the PCB Editor's Solder Mask Expansion design rule - which specifies the value applied to the initial pad/via shape to achieve the final shape on the solder mask layer. Covers constraints and application This includes the pads, vias, and any primitives that reside on solder mask layers. You can set soldermask expansion by individual object. Not IsRule_MinimumSolderMaskSliver IsRule_MinimumSolderMaskSliver = False Explore Altium CircuitStudio technical documentation for Minimum Solder Mask Sliver and related features. tkjtru zjjb zqikjezd zmjhdq lxlw wug ulynj nua odcimmye flb vtvn insb cywvo uqfxhxiu gkypav