African crops list The 101 crops can support healthy . 43%, while the African share drops to 7. It contains images of ferns and seed plants taken in the field. The full crop list that resulted from this process can be found in Annex 1. With the endorsement of the African Union, the African Orphan Crops Consortium (AOCC) has the greater integration of orphan crops into African food systems at its heart. It is more popular in humid lowland areas of Africa than highland or arid areas. [7] Despite this, the list of crop species compiled as edible extends to around 12,650. Use the seeds in soups, curries, and stews or ground into paste or flour. African orphan crops, including okra, papaya, and fluted pumpkin. The inclusion criteria included literature Africa’s cash crop industry became entrenched during this period, with multinational corporations and European traders dominating the trade. Source: Mabhaudhi et al. Traditional West African crops include: Yams - A staple food that has been cultivated for thousands of years and is important in many West African cuisines. It is the main leafy vege- The database currently comprises 209821 names of african plants with their nomenclatural statuts. It Mar 16, 2015 · It is a handbooks grouping the crops, timber, and common ornamental plants found in East Africa into 26 classes. ai), and Vieshnavi Rattehalli (USDoS). : National Academy Press Collection internetarchivebooks; inlibrary; printdisabled Contributor Internet Archive Language English Item Size 1. The African Orphan Crop Consortium (AOCC) is an African-led, international consortium founded in 2011 with the goal of sequencing, assembling and annotating 101 African orphan crops. Additionally, the seeds and pods of numerous legume plants serve as valuable animal fodder. VACS was launched in February 2023 in partnership with the African Union (AU), the Food and . But what exactly allows these plants to thrive in an Jun 26, 2024 · SOS Sahel’s Africa Days Forum taking place on 27th and 28th June 2024 in Senegal will this year be focused on “Lost Crops, New Opportunities: Securing our Future with the Crops of the Past” and is expected to be a key forum for introducing new ideas to tackle this challenge. Africa nurtures many veggies, such as amaranth’s leafy greens or cassava and yams’ hearty roots. the Type A group of plants, based on usage classification, has 19 classes including the famous categories such as cereals, fruits South Africa’s Fynbos biome is a botanical treasure trove, boasting a rich tapestry of plant life that is both unique and resilient. The Type B group, based on commercial use of the plants, covers food crops, cash crops, commercial horticultural crops, forbidden crops (drug plants), and bee forage or useful plants for honey bees. Cash crops in the Asian region. Typical African Savanna Biome Plants. 6. To support this, its goal is to sequence, assemble and annotate the genomes of 101 traditional African food crops, to facilitate their genetic improvement… Read more Jun 17, 2023 · South Africa, a land of diverse landscapes and fertile soils, offers immense opportunities for agricultural success. View in full-text Context 6 Aug 25, 2023 · Farming in South Africa | Agriculture | Crop and Livestock Farming – Livestock and Crop Farming in South Africa – is a cornerstone of the nation’s economy and heritage. Oct 22, 2024 · Conclusion: African Crops – A Source of Sustenance, Growth, and Promise. Mar 15, 2024 · The Vision for Adapted Crops and Soils (or “VACS”) is a movement that brings together dedicated communities and individuals from research, advocacy, and policy to shine a light on opportunities that traditional and underutilized crops provide to build more resilient and competitive food systems. Grasses. The following sections describe the selection process and present its results. For example, one of Africa’s most widely consumed and multi-purpose food crops, cassava, originates from west-central Brazil. varietal list fruit crops july 2022 enquiries: mr h mootane tel. 2 billion people in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) and Latin America. It is suitable for agriculture students in Secondary Schools, Universities, Agriculture Colleges and Institutes, as well as field workers. Dec 15, 2009 · A guide to weed control in East African crops by P. These crops are not just food sources; they represent livelihoods, traditions, and a promising future. These form the recognizable staple food of Sub Saharan Africa known as pap, sadza, nshima or ugali, amongst other names. Pages in category "Crops originating from Africa" The following 38 pages are in this category, out of 38 total. Spanning vast savannahs, lush rainforests, and arid deserts, Africa’s diverse ecosystems provide a fertile ground for a wide variety of crops and livestock. Many foods were originally domesticated in West Africa, including grains like African rice, Pearl Millet, Sorghum, and Fonio; tree crops like Kola nut, used in Coca-Cola, and Oil Palm; and other globally important plant foods such as Watermelon, Tamarind, Okra, Black-eye peas, and Yams. Jan 3, 2022 · Food crops -- Africa, Indigenous crops -- Africa, Traditional farming -- Africa Publisher Washington, D. Other Common Names: African spinach, Calaloo History and Background of Crop Thousands of years ago, grain amaranth was domesticated as a cereal. Mar 1, 2014 · This interactive photographic guide shall help you to identify higher plants from Africa. This volume focuses on native cereals, dispelling Oct 18, 2023 · With the endorsement of the African Union, the African Orphan Crops Consortium (AOCC) has the greater integration of orphan crops into African food systems at its heart. A list of other core Consortium partners is given in the article and on the Consortium’s web site. 7 In relative terms, major American crops present a frequency of 71. Maize tops the list of the most produced cash crops in Africa as it is sometimes referred to as the rising star of African agriculture. These crop-destroying insect African horticulture was amenable to experimentation, allowing intercropping and therefore the dedication of part of a garden plot to new crops. The most important cereals grown today are Maize, Rice and Wheat. The banana is well distributed throughout tropical Africa, but it is intensively cultivated as an irrigated enterprise in Somalia, Uganda, Tanzania, Angola, and Madagascar. 012 319 6358 e-mail: hermanmo@dalrrd. finestone@cgiar. These crops, little researched to date, are known as ‘orphan crops’ (‘minor crops’, ‘underutilized plant species’ or ‘neglected crops’). Media enquiries: Jeanne Finestone, Head of Communications, ICRAF: j. Sep 30, 2024 · Other main primary crops produced in Africa were cereals, fruits, and sugar crops. Also widely cultivated is the pineapple, which Other Common Names: African spinach, Calaloo History and Background of Crop Thousands of years ago, grain amaranth was domesticated as a cereal. STATE%OF%THE%WORLD%2011% Innovations)that)Nourish)the)Planet))))) AFRICA’S%INDIGENOUS%CROPS% % % % January%2011) The family Fabaceae, also known as Leguminosae, includes over 20,000 plants, all of which are recognized as legumes. All in all, Africa has more than 2,000 indigenous grains, vegetables, and fruits—“lost” species due for rediscovery and exploitation. African plants have developed an overwhelming diversity of forms, functions, habitats and geographical distribution. All in all, Africa has more than 2,000 native grains and fruits—"lost" species due for rediscovery and exploitation. The discussion next shifts to the importance of African dietary staples as slave ship provisions and the significance of slave agency in establishing them in plantation food plots. When experts were asked to nominate African food plants for inclusion in a new book, a list of 30 species grew quickly to hundreds. It contains images of ferns and seed plants usually taken in the field. With a diverse range of climates and landscapes, the country supports a wide array of agricultural activities that contribute to food security, job creation, and rural When experts were asked to nominate African food plants for inclusion in a new book, a list of 30 species grew quickly to hundreds. Given the massive role of agriculture across the region, this infographic from Zainab Ayodimeji shows the most produced cash crops in Africa and their share of total global production. What kinds of plants are in the savanna? Various plant species with different growth habits have specialized in this seasonal habitat: grasses, trees, shrubs, and annual and perennial flowers. Growing Tips. Download Table | List of identified underutilised crops for which information was available concerning Southern African farming systems. It is mainly cultivated for the protein-rich seeds. Gardening with South African Plants. from publication Jun 10, 2022 · Root vegetables are underground plant parts eaten by humans as food. Benin: Burkina Faso: Cameroon: Chad: Cent, Afr. Large striking flowers bloom on long stems during the dry winter months in South Africa. The aim is to improve the diets Jul 21, 2017 · Aloes are a succulent with thick, fleshy leaves. For the purposes of this category, " Africa " is defined in accordance with the World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions (WGSRPD), namely as one of the nine "botanical continents". Key Export Crops in Africa 1. Apr 27, 2022 · From Nigeria to the fertile land across the East African Rift Valley, the continent is home to 60% of the world’s uncultivated arable land. To support this, its goal is to sequence, assemble and annotate the genomes of 101 traditional African food crops, to facilitate their genetic improvement. The extent to which these species have undergone Jun 17, 2023 · Are you ready to discover the incredible opportunities that lie within African agriculture? Get ready to explore the vibrant world of the 15 most profitable crops to grow in Africa. varieties that will revolutionize crop production in Africa and improve livelihoods was greatly influenced when I engaged with the AOCC and the African Plant Breeding Academy” she told the meeting. Major staple food crops addressed in this article and the countries where genome-edited trials are underway (Karembu, 2021)Seven African countries — Nigeria (maize/corn, cowpea, cotton, soybean), South Africa (cotton; soybean, maize/corn), Ethiopia (cotton), Kenya (cotton), Malawi (cotton), Sudan (cotton) and Eswatini [formerly Swaziland] (cotton) — have commercialized four GM crops May 1, 2019 · Several of the continent's traditional food crops got their start there: a cereal called pearl millet and Africa's own version of rice. To address this, investing in diverse, underutilized crops, especially in Africa, can improve resilience and nutrition. Need an ID? Wanting to share data? In 2013, the African Orphan Crop Consortium set out to support healthy African diets . It provides employment for about two-thirds of the continent’s working population and for each country contributes an average of 30 to 60 percent of gross domestic product and about 30 percent of the value of exports. Agriculture began 10,000 years ago in the fertile crescent and has since spread to many other parts of Asia. From staples like maize and cassava to cash crops like coffee and cocoa, the list of African crops reflects the continent’s agricultural diversity. Yet there is an overlooked food resource in sub-Saharan Africa that has vast potential: native food plants. Aug 28, 2017 · The African Orphan Crop Consortium (AOCC), an African-led, international consortium founded by the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) and Mars, Incorporated are sequencing the genomesof 101 African underutilized crops and making this information publicly available. Lost Crops of Africa: Volume I: Grains (1996) There is an overlooked food resource in sub-Saharan Africa that has vast potential: native food plants. However, immature seed pods and leaves are also edible. You can grow them like other beans. Each class has a full or brief discussion of the crops or useful plants grown in modern East Africa covering Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, and Mar 27, 2023 · panel of 138 African forgotten food crops (candidate crops are listed in Dataset S1). Data capture, edition and broadcast are the product of a collaboration between the South African National Biodiversity Institute, the Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève, Tela Botanica and the Missouri Botanical Garden. Therefore, and due to the limited number of publications, the identification of correct species names in many taxonomic groups is still a problem. Apr 24, 2020 · The topic criteria included indigenous (and/synonym s) food crop, South Africa, Africa, in the title, abstract, keywords, introduction, or conclusion. Eleven Lost Crops of Africa Volume I: Grains is the first in a series of three reports evaluating underexploited African plant resources that could help broaden and secure Africa's food supply. Of the 119 commercialised African plants, 16 are indigenous to southern Africa: these are gum Arabic (acacia gum), baobab, buchu, waterblommetjie, rooibos tea, sour fig, jelly melon (Cucumis metuliferus), honeybush tea, finger millet, palm wine (Hyphaene coriacea), pearl millet, Livingstone or African potato, marula, sorghum, Bambara groundnut and cowpea. The candidate forgotten food crops were chosen from inventories of African food crops that are relatively underresearched, underutilized, or underpromoted in an African context, and yet have the potential to support healthful human diets Three crops: maize, wheat, and rice, account for approximately 50% of the world's consumption of calories and protein, [6] and about 95% of the world's food needs are provided by just 30 species of plants. We have added a new Gardening with South African Plants section to the Information Library where we will be putting all gardening related topics. barley, wheat). The profits generated from the export of cash crops were primarily enjoyed by European investors, further exacerbating economic inequality and exploitation in Africa. Read more Primary crops produced in Africa in 2021, by type (in 1,000 metric tons) Dec 15, 2020 · The paper concludes that African crops hold significant promise in improving the resiliency of global food production systems, to mitigate climate change and alleviate food insecurity and rural Mar 1, 2019 · African animals list with pictures & facts for kids. Mar 7, 2025 · Africa - Fruits, Vegetables, Crops: Among the important fruits are bananas, pineapples, dates, figs, olives, and citrus; the principal vegetables include tomatoes and onions. 1 day ago · Africa - Farming, Crops, Livestock: Agriculture is by far the single most important economic activity in Africa. Total 26 crops found in category Cereals. The workshop also focused on how to more deeply embed African orphan crops in national agrifood strategies and on identifying the next steps to take the essential elements of the AOCC model to the next level in African countries and elsewhere. Unfortunately slavery, political upheaval, and colonialism underminded the ability of most societies to sustainably feed themselves, and famine Africa was born. South Africa’s Fynbos biome is a botanical treasure trove, boasting a rich tapestry of plant life that is both unique and resilient. Crops of African Origins in the Americas: The goal of the African Orphan Crops Consortium (AOCC) is to make the nutritious indigenous plants that are raised in the home gardens of Africa or that grow in the fields, forests and common lands of the continent even more nutritious than they already are -- as well as more productive and resilient. 1G 6 days ago · What Drought-Resistant Crops Are Viable in Africa’s Climate? Drought-tolerant crops vary throughout Africa. Oct 16, 2024 · A full list of the 101 target crops and trees is available here. Of the survey respondents, 38 worked on new or orphan crops on the AOCC crop list. Oct 5, 2016 · Africa enjoyed incredible edible botanical diversity, incorporating crops from every corner of the world. This volume focuses on native cereals, including: East African Crops is a comprehensive textbook on the production of the crops of East Africa. African experts in rice cultivation were brought directly from the island of Goree to train Europeans how to cultivate this cash crop. Mar 1, 2021 · Nutritious ‘orphan’ crops could (re)diversify African food systems, but appropriate means to bring this about are required. This natural abundance has positioned the continent as a significant contributor to global food supplies, with some countries emerging as leaders in agricultural innovation and production. Hence, we have made them on the list: This category contains articles related to the native flora of Africa. “My vision to excel as a plant. Some observers question whether this continent can ever hope to feed its growing population. See the wildlife of Africa, home of some of the world's most famous species. Terry, 1984, Kenya Literature Bureau edition, in English Mar 14, 2024 · The reports provide an in-depth analysis of a variety of well-researched crops, such as maize, cassava, soybean and tomato, and several neglected and/or underutilized indigenous and traditional African crops, such as millet, mung bean, and okra. Eleven A public-private partnership called the African Crops Consortium based in Kenya has launched a project to “sequence, assemble and annotate the genomes of 100 traditional African food crops,” which will allow them to breed more nutritious and resilient plants. This tropical rainforest plants list includes flowers with special adaptations, trees with unusual root structures, and many plants that are used by man either for food or to make other goods and products. breeder who develops better crop . Underutilized options include sorghum and amaranth despite their strength and nutritional Lost Crops of Africa Volume I: Grains is the first in a series of three reports evaluating underexploited African plant resources that could help broaden and secure Africa's food supply. The crop list, which includes African eggplant, amaranth and spider plant, is available at the consortium’s website. [2] Oct 14, 2024 · In 2013, the 55-member-state African Union launched the African Orphan Crops Consortium, or AOCC—a collaboration with CGIAR, a global coalition of 15 nonprofit food research institutions, the Oct 22, 2016 · This is followed by a list of the food plants that colonial era commentators claimed came from Africa. Cocoa. Aloe vera grows to 12 inches tall in full sun. Our first article is on gardening with fragrant and aromatic plants. Jan 16, 2020 · This manual provides clear, actionable information on the most important pests and diseases (including weeds and vertebrate pests) that affect the major food crops grown by smallholder farmers in Africa. 14% ( Figure 10B). Cocoa is one of Africa’s most valuable cash crops, primarily produced in West African countries like Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana. A. West Africa - Crop Production Maps. Apr 20, 2024 · Let’s get to know the world of African vegetables, where the diversity of the continent’s ecosystems shines through in its vibrant and nutritious produce. This means that when a species is not endemic to South Africa, only the portion of the species population occurring within South Africa has been assessed. Savanna is often pictured as a grassy landscape. The conservation status of plants indicated on the Red List of South African Plants Online represents the status of the species within South Africa's borders. Of all the aloe plants, aloe vera is the most commonly cultivated. gov. and expand farmers’ incomes. Many of these plants produce edible fruits and seeds, which are eaten both fresh as vegetables and dried as staples. org ; +254 711 946327. [8] Mar 14, 2024 · Global food insecurity affects over 700 million people, with climate change exacerbating the issue. The consortium is working to address malnutrition, especially hidden hunger, in Africa through nutritious local food crops. Now, a report out this week in Science Advances adds yams to the list of African crops domesticated thousands of years ago in that same area. Once genomes have Jun 13, 2022 · Maize, or corn, is Africa’s most important cereal crop and an important staple food for more than 1. Crops covered are: cereals (maize, millet, sorghum, rice), legumes (groundnuts, beans and cowpeas), roots and tubers (cassava, sweetpotato Nov 10, 2024 · A full list of the 101 target crops and trees is available here. While they need little water, some plants thrive in more humid coastal regions, while others are meant to restore poor soils in the arid east. The workshop also focused on how to embed African orphan crops more deeply in national agrifood strategies and on identifying the next steps to take the essential elements of the AOCC model to the next level in African countries and elsewhere. A review of the literature on crop intervention options suggested success and failure factors in promotion, but indicated little about the relative importance of production-versus consumption-based measures and how these interact. The chosen crops were identified in a participatory manner as being important for supporting consumers’ diets and farmers’ incomes in Africa. 43% of the total, major Asian crops 21. The earliest grown agricultural crops were probably cereals (e. Republic: Cote d'Ivoire: Gambia: Cotton Millet Palm Oil Peanut Sorghum Soybean Cotton Oct 15, 2024 · This article explores the top export crops in Africa, their significance, and how farmers can harness these opportunities to improve their livelihoods. From the fertile lands of the continent, these crops have emerged as key drivers of economic growth, transforming the lives of farmers like you. You can browse through a taxonomic hierarchy and / or search according to selected characters you observe on your plant. C. Like many native African plants, aloes are not frost tolerant and will not survive standing water. Apr 20, 2024 · Let’s get to know the world of African vegetables, where the diversity of the continent’s ecosystems shines through in its vibrant and nutritious produce. They were cultivated about 12,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent region. Frontpiece: Pollinators of Selected Crops in Africa vii Figure 1: Subfields covered in African pollination literature 4 Figure 2: Types of research covered in African pollination literature 4 Figure 3: Interview bouquets 11 Figure 4: Peach trees in South Africa 14 Figure 5: Non-Apis visitation patterns to watermelon, Kenya 20 Vision for Adapted Crops and Soils (VACS) Research in Action Title Vision for Adapted Crops and Soils (VACS) Research in Action: Opportunity Crops for Africa Coordinating Lead Authors Emily Fredenberg (The Rockefeller Foundation), Kevin Karl (AgMIP), Simone Passarelli (USDoS), Jaron Porciello (Havos. In total, respondents provided specific data on 30 of these 1. g. Among the African countries, the biggest one is Algeria, occupying around 7% of the continent's territory. Generally, Root vegetables are After a decade of arduous work, the African Orphan Crops Consortium (AOCC) helped African scientists get the seeds of more productive, more resilient, and more nutritious food crops into the fields and gardens to benefit almost 700 million people of rural sub-Saharan Africa. The African Crop Science Journal, a quarterly publication, publishes original research papers dealing with all aspects of crop agronomy, production, genetics and breeding, germplasm, crop protection, post harvest systems and utilisation, agro-forestry, crop-animal interactions, information science, environmental science and soil science. From the bountiful fields to the sun-kissed vineyards, South Africa's agricultural sector thrives on a The survey was completed by 67 plant breeders affiliated with institutions in 18 African countries and focused on crops prioritized for genetic improvement by the African Orphan Crops Consortium (AOCC). The plants are discussed under two broad categories, namely, usage and commercial classifications. "Western experts on development and agriculture have frequently touted mixed farming, involving the integration of crops and livestock on a single farm, as an important means for increasing productivity and sustainability on small-scale African farms. Now, vegetable amaranth is a widespread traditional vegetable in the African tropics. Experience Dec 3, 2015 · Tropical Rainforest Plants List: Conclusion. Nonetheless, arable land and land under permanent crops occupy Feb 1, 2023 · The grain products come mainly from grasslike crops like millet, teff, sorghum, and even wheat. African cooks in the "Big House" introduced their native African crops and foods to the planters, thus becoming intermediary links in the melding of African and European culinary cultures. African staple foods are diverse, exotic, and highly sought after, encouraging their exportation. [24]. These vegetables play an important role in African diets and culinary traditions. These two reports offer actionable strategies, supporting initiatives like VACS, a partnership focusing on agricultural adaptation. Mar 23, 2020 · The orphan crops on the AOCC list encompass a wide range of plants that are part of Africa’s historically neglected bounty of biodiversity 16. With generous in-kind contributions by its partners, the consortium will sequence a reference genome and 100 lines for each of the crops listed. A drying climate may have spurred the move to farming, says Yves Dec 19, 2024 · Volume of primary crop production in Africa 2021, by type. It is the main leafy vege- Oct 22, 2024 · Conclusion: African Crops – A Source of Sustenance, Growth, and Promise. This list may not reflect recent changes. Nutrition is at the core of the African Orphan Crops Consortium (AOCC). Primary crops produced in Africa in 2021, by type (in 1,000 metric tons) Helmeted guinea fowl in tall grass. The advantages of maize over African crops such as sorghum and millet were soon recognized by African agriculturalists; maize can be eaten immature, gives higher yields, renders more calories per acre The African Orphan Crops Consortium is supported by the African Union’s Development Agency. African Eggplant The transcontinental country in this region is Egypt, also having a small part of its territory in Asia, on the other side of the Suez Canal, but politically it is a member of the African Union. Sep 28, 2023 · West Africa has a long history of agriculture, with certain crops playing a crucial role in the diets, economies, and cultures of the region. Although botany distinguishes true roots (such as taproots and tuberous roots) from non-roots (such as bulbs, corms, rhizomes, and tubers, although some contain both hypocotyl and taproot tissue), the term “root vegetable” is applied to all these types in agricultural and culinary usage. Lost Crops of Africa National Academy of Sciences, 3 book set The three volumes in the Lost Crops of Africa set describe the little-known indigenous African resources that have potential as food- and cash-crops but are typically overlooked by scientists, policymakers, and the world at large. Volume II (2006) describes African vegetables and Volume III (2008) African fruits. They’ve also started the African Plant Breeding Academy, which is training 250 The list is lengthy, and cultural bias against peasant crops is an ultimate calamity because plants that poor people grow are usually robust, productive, self-reliant, and useful—the very type well-suited to feeding the hungriest and most vulnerable sections of society. But what exactly allows these plants to thrive in an Microsoft Planetary Computer (Preview) Total Datasets: 27 ----- idiv_asia_crop_type: A crop type dataset for consistent land cover classification in Central Asia dlr_fusion_competition_germany: A Fusion Dataset for Crop Type Classification in Germany ref_fusion_competition_south_africa: A Fusion Dataset for Crop Type Classification in Western Cape, South Africa bigearthnet_v1: BigEarthNet These are grasses cultivated for their seeds. The Asian region is one of the most agriculturally productive regions in the world. Feb 21, 2022 · They are now African staple food crops growing abundantly in the continent though they originated from other countries. In all, the reports cover five categories of traditional and underutilized crops, with 20 crops in traditional and indigenous crops in Africa to a list of 60 priority crops based on a defined set of criteria, with an emphasis on their contribution to nutrition. 1) African rice 2) Barley Apr 21, 2010 · This interactive photographic guide shall help you to identify higher plants from East African ecosystems. J. As an aspiring farmer, venturing into the cultivation of the 15 most profitable crops in this vibrant nation can be a pathway to prosperity. Oct 9, 2023 · Cowpea is an important crop in Africa and Asia. Stakeholders involved in priority setting included development practitioners, consumers and producers, as well as agronomists, crop breeders, sociologists, anthropologists, nutritionists and policymakers. za variety denomination synonym type agent actinidia spp (kiwi fruit) all varieties anacardium occidentale (cashew nut) all varieties bertholletia excelsa (brazil nut) all varieties camellia sinensis (tea) all varieties carica papaya (papaya) Photo Guide to Plants of Southern Africa. egho hvpffs woiv lmj tmdaff deqyj vnlk tap crsdfv ezs velwwbxu oqdplz ijzye bumq jzfsb