747 fmc tutorial Works exactly the same with the 777 and 737NG. For instance there's a video on how to link Sim brief to the FMC. The flight will carry 364 passengers over a distance of 590 nautical miles at a cruise altitude of 37,000 feet, and will require 63,082 pounds of block fuel. I then program the route in the FMC, MOLUS, KUDES etc it goes in but when i type UN871 it says "not in da Hi all! Today i will be learning you how to use the FMC in the PMDG 747-400Comment if you need any help!Please subscribe, It really helps! I made this tutorial for beginners who just want to fly without worrying about those extra details. Installing ISG1 Gauges into the panel cfg file isgsim com. Pmdg 747 fmc Nov 29, 2020 · But when I went to the sparky744 / 747-400. Durant la phase de prévol, pour l’exemple, le FMC affichera la page There are a few tutorials out there regarding how to use the Salty mod. Hope it helps those of you w In unserem speziellen Tutorial für die Control-Display-Unit (CDU) erfährst Du, wie Du einen Flugplan mit der CDU in den Flugzeugen Boeing 737 NG und MAX, 747, 777 oder 787 eingeben kannst. Keep in mind that. Hope it helps those of you w Nov 9, 2012 · Boeing 747-400-Sims PMDG-Operating Manual; PMDG 747-400X 燃油系统教程; PMDG 747 tutorial; PMDG FMC教程; PMDG_747简要操作手册; PMDG-BOEING 737 NG FMC简明实用手册; PMDG-FMC如何设置; PMDG737-FMC航路设置教程; PMDG Boeng 747 冷舱启动教程; 波音747系列之FMC讲解; PMDG737NG系列教程——FMC的设置 [波音 Sep 6, 2017 · Yup, the 700 Series book is kind of a 'shotgun approach' to learning to fly PC-based sims of study aircraft such as the PMDG 737, PMDG 747, iFly 737, iFly 747, Level D 767, Captain Sim 757, Wilco 737 300/400/500 etc, all of which have pretty much identical CDUs and FMC capability. Catch me now on Twitch!! https://www. The pictures did not come over. Available as a printable PDF, it assists pilots in managing normal procedures The "Aircraft & Avionics Update 2" for MSFS greatly improved the default Boeing 747-8, so we're taking it out for a flight tutorial, this time from OTHH Doha ##MSFS2020 #MicrosoftFlightSimulator #TutorialHello everyone, this is the 20th episode of the tutorial series, we're with The Queen of Skies. My page shows 6! DCBEL2, DENVR5, PIKES4, PLAIN4, ROCK14 and YELLO6. Nov 29, 2020 · - Built on the default 747-400, keeping the commands and datarefs, allowing to seamlessly migrate keyboard bindings and, even more important, XChecklist clist - Staying "within the plane", which means there is no popup window for Ground Handling, etc. gg/zgfgjsEz9c #msfs2020 #msfs #boeing #tutorial In this video I will show you how to configure the FMC of Salty Boeing 747-8 in Microsoft Flight Simulator. but your plane is perfect. Big Boeing features of the Honeywell FMC found on the 757 / 767 / 747 / 777. I've been getting more familiar with the aircraft and wanted to share what I've learned about it so far. 2. txt At first I forgot to install the ifly folder, I had assumed it would only contain the manual. 9 TUTORIAL #1 A Dec 20, 2024 · Can someone please explain how to fly direct to a waypoint using the FMC in the SSG B747-800 ver. There will be s Jun 23, 2023 · An updated video looking at the start-up procedure for the Boeing 747-8i in Microsoft Flight Simulator, starting the aircraft up from cold and dark, and taki Apr 5, 2017 · This Training Tips presentation covers a detailed description of FMS-CDU Navigation Exercises on the PMDG B747-400. Back; New Files Unread Content Content I Started New Files Search Quizzes Nov 3, 2021 · All - Here is my cheklist on 747 as title says. See below to download the latest version of each aircraft’s manual. Set a FL of 35000; Get in the sim; Once in the cockpit go to the FMC. This sheet is your passport to the world of the Boeing 747. Boeing 747-400 Standard Procedure's Guide An illustrated guide to New pilot to the 738 and Boeing aircraft in general. Their monster A380 is not far from release, so my need to fly the big stuff can be fulfilled Dec 16, 2020 · Hi, everybody ! This checklist is my personal addition to the Boeing 747-400. Moderator please move to tutorial if deemed worthy. Click the FMC button located at LSK (Line Select Key) 1L (this means the first button down on the left). I love The Queen Of The Skies, but it is not fleshed out. Free Download Utopi This is the first video in a series of videos covering the tutorial for Boeing 747-8 which is the default plane for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. The FMC can´t handle long flightplans. I have just bought PMDG 747 Queen of the Skies and have a problem with the FMC. We will gather tutorial videos made by the community, and other helpful data on how to operate this plane to this topic. and THAT right there is the moment I dropped the 747 and went to the FBW A32X NEO. Back; Recent Posts and Files; All Activity My Activity Streams. - Stekeller Dec 3, 2024 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Feb 4, 2017 · A full tutorial showing you how to start up the brand new PMDG 747 V3 - Queen of the Skies II from Cold & Dark and how to program the FMC! MORE INFO AND CHAP Click the FMC button located at LSK (Line Select Key) 1L (this means the first button down on the left). Nov 23, 2020 · In this video, we go through the process of manually setting the FMS up in the Boeing 747 in MS FS2020. Nov 7, 2019 · GPS 430-530 Tutorials Scenario Based Lessons Pro Flight Planning FMC Tutorials Series Helo Flight School Chuck's Overview Recent Posts and Files. Boeing 747-400 Wamos. Pressing LEGS on the FMC showed that SIDBY was the first Waypoint listed and not this unnamed one. com/fromstartuptoshutdown , Thanks for your support. In the manual their is a tutorial from Geneva to Berlin. Apr 11, 2017 · Welcome to this PMDG 747 FMC Tutorial video. Guide for 747 400 FMS PPRuNe Forums. 0(1)·免費ThisPDFdocumentprovidesastructuredwalkthroughdetailingeveryproceduralstagefortheiconicBoeing747-400withinFSX,小弟我 Mar 18, 2012 · This topic is for discussion of the UFMC and its performance on the SSG 747-8 aircraft. Boeing. 0" and when I go back to my simulator for example the plane is able to select the speed 145 but it stalls, the aircraft is like falling to the ground during the approach. Wenn ihr dazu Fragen oder Anmerkungen habt, würde ich mich sehr über eine Kommentar freuen!Addons:PMDG 747 QOTS IIORB Finally my PMDG FMC tutorial. When I loaded the aircraft, I looked at the FMC and saw "FMC" in the display at the top. org/Boeing-747-200-Classic_p_1491. Make GPS flight plan. This manual provides detailed instructions on how to initialize and operate the FMC and CDU for a variety of flight operations. Click int/ref > POS Enter your heading and Ref airport. But IS THIS NOT A LONG HAULER? Back to hangar! I am very disapointed. ) You will then enter your waypoint in the TO column. The POS INIT page of the FMC allows you to determine and input your aircraft's current position. Mar 7, 2025 · PMDG 747 v3 FMC Tutorial ,評分5. Boeing 787 FMC Preflight Jun 9, 2009 · 无疑在虚拟飞行中,飞行员也需要培训和大量的学习,对于pmdg 747-400这样复杂的高级飞机插件培训是当然需要的。 本培训光盘提供如下功能: 系统训练 在飞机系统方面的培训强调了自动飞行功能和fmc系统的使用,在fmc功能介绍方面大约有一个半小时。 Jul 21, 2022 · Welcome to the latest version of the Simplified Procedures guide specific to the 747-200 as modeled by Felis. Click IDENT at LSK 1L. Boeing 787 FMC Preflight Click the FMC button located at LSK (Line Select Key) 1L (this means the first button down on the left). Click POS INIT at LSK 6R. The fuel plumbing isn't even complete (or wast at my last time of flying). youtube. aspSIDS/STARS: http:/ #fs2020 #boeing747 #flightsimulator Esse vídeo é o tutorial completo do Boeing 747-8 da Asobo para o Flight Simulator 2020 no PC e Xbox 🔥Loja do Canal 🏪 ht Oct 31, 2019 · FMC is not working for me. The latest versions of the aircraft include updated configuration files to make them more accurate, but this is an ongoing task and any input or observations from the ORG community will be helpful. Steps to take: NOTE: if you start plane at active runway, your systems will be on, engines running etc. google. twitch. This new version has been in beta test for more then 6 months, with many many beta testers that followed this ruge update in it flight dynamics, manual and automated navigation guidance, flight performa A quick guide on how to use the FIX function within the 747's FMC, more details to be found within the FCOM supplied with the A/C. acf / acf/_Vso_kts It is mentioned the speed "110. Feb 5, 2022 · 747-800 with default livery and default loadout; Flight Conditions: Air Traffic OFF; Weather and Time Preset Clear Skies; I’ve saved this flight plan to reuse and have done so a number of times to test various aspects of the FMC and flight behavior. Join this channel at the Private Pilot tier or higher to get access to guides and tutorials on the Citation Longitude, CJ4, Flysimware Cessna 414, Concorde, PMDG B747-400 v3 FMC Setup tutorial - PMDG B747-400 v3 FMC Setup tutorial by oal260 7,926 views 7 years ago 16 minutes - A quick tutorial, on how to setup the FMC, for a flight using the B744 V3 from PMDG. 7k views Aug 7, 2023 · It's able to do almost everything any retrofitted FMC could/would do. FMC Tutorials Series; Helo Flight School; Chuck's Overview; More . 8 final by Flight Procedures Simulation. Version 2. Not sure what more you want it to do. Press the "ACTIVATE" button and then the now-lighted execute key. txt - wpNavAID. Adds a great deal to a "real" feeling Jan 18, 2020 · 飞行管理计算机(fmc) fmc的主要功能是沿航路导航和自动飞行。 fmc允许输入由多个导航点组成的航路。该航路在导航显示(nd)上显示,可通过lnav(横向导航)自动驾驶模式自动飞行,或人工飞行。为了确定航路的最短距离,航路点之间的航路段以大圆航线计算。 Check out our dedicated tutorial for the Control-Display-Unit (CDU) to learn how to enter a flight plan using the CDU in the Boeing 737 NG and MAX, 747, 777 or 787 airliners. Fill this out until you have completed the entire plan. com – PMDG 747 & FS2Crew 6 en fonction de la phase de vol courante. Either the waypoints don’t populate or they populate without speeds and even then sometimes the autopilot just refuses to follow them. If you want a complete/in-depth FMC tutorail for 747-400 Hallo zusammen!Viel Spaß beim Tutorial. There are some exceptions but I don't want to confuse you. htmlJoin my discord for the checklist- https://discord. Once you get within approximately 20-30 miles of the airport, you should be on a heading so that you can intercept the ILS LOC. com/www/default. If ATC gives me a "direct to" a waypoint I already have programmed into my route, how do I use the FMC to fly direct to that waypoint bypassing all the waypoints in between? Also, if they give m Dec 13, 2016 · How do you activate the "INIT" screen of the FMC in X-Plane 11's 737? I'm a noob so how do I fly a full flight with Boeing 747 400 on MacBook I know practically nothing? Problem in FMC Setup of Default X-plane11 Boeing 737-800; How do I update the X-Plane 11 b737-800 FMC AIRAC data; How can I find a tutorial to program the FMC on the 747-400? Has been read. Back; New Files Unread Content Content I Started New Files Search Jan 11, 2023 · Just A Quick Tutorial On How To Use The Zibo 737 FMC! I Hope Everyone Enjoyed The Video! Make Sure You Like, Comment, And Subscribe For More Videos! Have Fun Sep 17, 2021 · It's very similar to the procedure on 747-400 and even -8 Main difference is you need to do manual Tank-to-Engine config When Taking-off and landing, In flight, if Center tank over 17000lb/7700kg before take off, return a center-tank-to-all config, with all crossfeed valve open. In particular, iFMS was actually based on the system commonly found in the older Boeing 747/757/767 series, but the system is very similar across all Boeing aircraft. This tutorial also assumes the use of the default PMDG 747-400 Queen of the Skies II aircraft configuration as far as the aircraft options go—if you have changed them, please reset them to the defaults on the PMDG SETUP/AIRCRAFT page. Feb 4, 2022 · The assigned approach was ILS 28R via SIDBY. Back; New Files Unread Content Content I Started New Files Search Program the default Laminar FMS / FMC system to fly numerous Xplane freeware and payware aircraft. While this document follows a similar format to what I have done for the 737-200, 737-300, and MD-80, this 747 guide lays out the procedural steps and details for both the solo sim-pilot and for those flying together as a crew using Jan 18, 2013 · (ex. PMDG 747 v3 FMC Tutorial Boeing B 747 400 B 747 400D B 747 400F December 17th, 2019 - BOEING B 747 400 Highlights of Change EFFECTIVE ABOVE DATE the Boeing 747 400 Master Minimum Equipment List has been revised The changes in this revision were made to increase flexibility and How to work with FMC PMDG 747 - FMC Tutorial FSBuild Shorts همینطوری توو ترافیک چطور رنگ چشم رو روشن کنیم در فتوشاپ 2021 - Photoshop 2021 Dec 11, 2021 · PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D CPU, NVIDIA RTX 3070TI GPU, ASUS B450M-PLUS II Gaming Motherboard, 4x 8GB Corsair Vengeance DDR4 3200Mhz Memory, 1x 250GB Samsung 970 EVO Plus M. The document outlines the route, fuel requirements, payload Aug 6, 1997 · PS1 Quick Start and FMC Tutorial v1. Dec 17, 2019 · Je n'ai pas regardé encore, l'ensemble du vidéo, mais au 21m11s, l'initialization du FMC dans la page du "POS INIT" doit être performé avec GPS POSITION, pas avec LAST POSITION. The altitudes in the FMC or just a guide, you control your altitude via the AP control Jun 1, 2009 · Finally my PMDG FMC tutorial. 00. SID and STAR Procedures : Understand how to input Standard Instrument Departures (SIDs) and Standard Terminal Arrival Routes (STARs). Sep 18, 2021 · Felis 747 (HIGHLY RECOMENDED)- https://store. Hi there. Any 742s with retrofitted FMCs only use it for LNAV so the default FMC is able to do all of that. Full setup tutorial for installing your flight plan. Complete tutorial in French of 747-8 V2. HD PMDG 747 400 FMC quick tutorial for beginners Part 1 of 2. The FMC now tells me more than one time "ROUTE FULL" Tried is with "UFMC" 3DFMC and popout FMC. -----SUBSCRIBE-----New Website: http://sites. By Paul Story. Feb 8, 2012 · Second part here : http://www. Ensure that the FMC is reporting accurate information about your current aircraft. Note your heading if you are on the runway. Nov 20, 2023 · GPS 430-530 Tutorials Scenario Based Lessons Pro Flight Planning FMC Tutorials Series Helo Flight School Chuck's Overview Recent Posts and Files. 1 reply; 1. Aircraft: iFly 747-400v2 Released Nov 21 2014! Tutorial en español configuracion FMC Pre. It is supposed to "go live" at 20:00 (8:00pm) EST. Tutorial completo en español de 747-400 Queen of the Skies II v3, vuelo completo uso de ivao, inicio desde cold and dark, despegue y aterrizaje. This will finish the setup of the FMC and then you are good to go. 3 beta00:00 Hello02:55 Activating the Route03:16 How to enter the ZFW03:51 How to enter the Reserves04:19 Cost Index 999905:53 How much fuel to loa Feb 3, 2022 · The FMC works good in the 747. 5k views; metteck9913; January 14, 2018 Nov 19, 2024 · Manual. com/site/fsxfanatics/Me going over cost index and what it is used for. Upon programming this into the FMC, the aircraft immediately made a u-turn and flew to a new unnamed waypoint just south of “Decel”. Covered in Part 1 is Route Offset, Along May 8, 2005 · PMDG 747. I know Airbus has the DIFSRIP acronym to help prepare the MCDU. I tried a plan EDDF to SAEZ. AIRAC: http://www. Is there any similar way of easily remembering what all needs to be setup in the FMC before/during flight? Or is it just a brute-force memorization that comes with practice? It’s the aspect of flight I’ve been Tutorial del Boeing 747-8 de Asobo para el Flight Simulator 2020. 9 TUTORIAL #1 A Primer video de la serie "como volar del Boeing 747 del desarrolador PMDG"En este primer video veremos como preparar el vuelo, programar la FMC, hacer el Pus Oct 13, 2012 · In this tutorial i will be showing you many functions of the FMC and how to program the FMC. Back; New Files Unread Content Content I Started New Files Search Quizzes Nov 10, 2024 · Boeing 747 - Step-By-Step Checklist as PDF is a Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 mod created by Bardimaeus. But my FMC does not seem to have the COORZ3 SID from runway 17R at KDEN? The tutorial KDEN Departures page for 17R shows just 1 SID, COORZ3. Boeing B 747 400 B 747 400D B 747 400F. The map describes All procedures before takeoff; All procedures for start up the aircraft; All procedures before pushback; All procedures during pushback; All Nov 29, 2020 · i have no words, its awesome! i never liked to fly the default 747 because it was so old and outdated, i downloaded a update pack and a FMOD for the default 744, but it still wasn't good. We'll do a Col Jan 28, 2018 · I am just starting work on the QOTS tutorial. You may also set up SIDs/STARS in the FMC, if you have them. 2, 2x 1TB Samsung 870 QVO SSD In unserem speziellen Tutorial für die Control-Display-Unit (CDU) erfährst Du, wie Du einen Flugplan mit der CDU in den Flugzeugen Boeing 737 NG und MAX, 747, 777 oder 787 eingeben kannst. Checklists and manuals: B747-8i Checklist & Procedures Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental Manual Tutorial videos: Beginners guide 747 autopilot tutorial showing takeoff procedure, following FMC flight plan, step climbs, altitude changes, and 'direct to' waypoints. Flight procedure: Activate LNAV; Activate VNAV; Set AP Altitude to 8000 from default 10000 FMC Basics: Learn about the FMC’s purpose, components, and navigation database. Rob Stevenson This playlist consists of all the tutorials related to Boeing 747-8 in MSFS 2020 Check out our dedicated tutorial for the Control-Display-Unit (CDU) to learn how to enter a flight plan using the CDU in the Boeing 737 NG and MAX, 747, 777 or 787 airliners. Last position est seulement dans la mémoire du FMC, indiquant la dernière place ou l'avion a parqué. 31JAN17 RTM DO NOT DUPLICATE For Simulator Use Only PMDG 747-400 Queen of the Skies II 0. This is simply a brief ove Buy me a coffee : https://ko-fi. espero les ay Open the FMC by clicking the FMC button on the panel switcher. x-plane. 8. In this video, I will try to show you how to program the PMDG 747 FMC so that you are ready to fly in your favour User's Manual for the PMDG 747-400 Flight Management Computer (FMC) and Control Display Unit (CDU). Creating a Route : Step-by-step guide on entering your departure, waypoints, airways, and arrival. En este video te enseño las configuraciones y todos los procedimientos para el correcto fun Downloadable PDF manuals for various aircraft in Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020) and Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. it have good textures, good sounds, physics and a lot of features that make the simulation a lot better, best freeware plane, the x plane community needs more stuff like this The Aircraft and Avionics Update 2 (AAU2) by Working Title to the default Boeing 747 in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 brings this aircraft closer to a stud This tutorial also assumes the use of the default PMDG 747-400 Queen of the Skies II aircraft configuration as far as the aircraft options go—if you have changed them, please reset them to the defaults on the PMDG SETUP/AIRCRAFT page. The aircraft had a little tendency to drift off course. 747 400 FMC Nav Radio Page PMDG 747 400 Legacy Versions. I tried to make as comprehensive as possible, knowing that some features are pretty useless in FS. It´s the same problem as in V1. txt - wpNavAPT. Then enter the gps pos by clicking on it. Gre Oct 15, 2023 · GPS 430-530 Tutorials Scenario Based Lessons Pro Flight Planning FMC Tutorials Series Helo Flight School Chuck's Overview Recent Posts and Files. Boeing 787 FMC Preflight Get Aerofly FS Now! I have noticed a lot of questions about the 747 but few people actually using it enough to be able to answer. Feb 3, 2025 · PMDG General Forum The AVSIM. txt - wpNavFIX. Your fav airports. 1 to help beginning users of 747-400 Precision Simulator (PS1) learn to program the 747's flight management computer (FMC). Its a good way how its presented but the content needs to be correct as well. 747 400 Fms Pilot Guide CTSNet. The sim brief video is below but just search YouTube for the salty mod start up or "cold & dark" start up videos. Free download boeing 767 fmc manual Files at Software Informer - F. Back; New Files Unread Content Content I Started New Files Search Quizzes Jan 1, 2025 · Hello Everyone, Well, after being quiet for 7 months after my first attempt back in May, I finally completed the tutorial video for the Boeing 747-200 and just posted it on YouTube. gg/ATa76qwdKJHello Everyone and welcome back to Microsoft Dec 31, 2019 · PMDG 747 QOTS download is a few days old. navigraph. 1 By Furax84, December 17, 2019. Nothing works. In this Tutorial de vol LFPG - WMKK Marc Berthomeaux@mail. 0:00 Intro1:00 Before T Nov 13, 2024 · Hi, we have just released the new SSG B747-8 verion 2. Jun 7, 2022 · Hey everyone, just wondering if there was an FMC guide for the CS 777? I have the salty-747 mod as well as the CS compatibility mod, however every time I plan a flight there seems to be a problem with the RTE page in MSFS. I’ve tried using Simbrief and Jan 8, 2015 · airport. dat - fmc_ident. Boeing 787 FMC Preflight Boeing 787 Cold And Dark Jul 6, 2015 · 1 - Make a flight plan from real world flight routes By nicolas, July 6, 2015 16 replies; 50. , instead it's using the FMC. The reserve and stab tanks are not usable. tv/overkillproductionsDiscord Channel: https://discord. This topic will be updated when new/more tutorials/manuals will be available. . How To Setup The FMC In Boeing 747 Full Tutorial. This add-on provides a detailed step-by-step checklist for the Boeing 747, specifically designed for the Asobo 747-8i model. If you remain Oct 22, 2006 · The FMC's job is to get you to the vicinity of the airport, not to land. com/watch?v=nxsYwsnmmg0I made this tutorial for beginners who just want to fly without worrying about those extra detai Jan 8, 2009 · How to build a flight plan and programing FMC with FSBuild. probably not the first entry in your FMC. The POS INIT page of the FMC allows you to May 22, 2018 · A bit off-topic, but I heard that the early 747 Classics with the old Sperry SPZ-1 dual-channel autopilot had issues with controlling the aircraft, because the autopilot wasn't originally designed for the 747. This tutorial provides an overview of a simulated flight from Chicago O'Hare Airport to Washington Dulles Airport using a Boeing 747-8i aircraft in Microsoft Flight Simulator. Edited October 31, 2019 by May 22, 2023 · The way a tutorial is presented is important but the content needs to be correct Again i am not judging tutorial videos but i saw mistakes in the games of brains videos. In this Jun 29, 2023 · Boeing 747-8 Flight Management System Setup - AAU2 - LNAV/VNAV Autoland - CYYZ-KBOS FMS Tutorial Video by Laurie Doering The Aircraft and Avionics Update 2 (AAU2) by Working Title to the default Boeing 747 in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 brings this aircraft closer to a study level/immersion e Jun 28, 2023 · Boeing 747 got major update with the latest Avionics & Aircraft update. txt - wpNavRTE. Aug 5, 2023 · This is the first video in a series of videos covering the tutorial for Boeing 747-8 which is the default plane for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. Only a very small number of very late build 742s where shipped with FMCs and VNAV and even then, the VNAV wasn't used much or at all. This is what I do and how I learned the FMC. Known Issue: The fuel system is bugged. Some work with the MCP is covered as well as how to Programming the FMC iFMS simulates the workings of a typical “Boeing style” FMS. Anyway, I also would recommend you look for some Boeing FMC tutorials on Youtube, they really help a lot for a good start. You will have to review all the things you setup in World Map, so it would be better from time standpoint to either be at a gate or a Heavy Ramp Parking Area Mar 26, 2017 · A short video on how to use the offset feature within the FMC of the 747-400. Effects, Gauges, Aircraft I installed. May 22, 2018 · GPS 430-530 Tutorials Scenario Based Lessons Pro Flight Planning FMC Tutorials Series Helo Flight School Chuck's Overview Recent Posts and Files. jhccnmt otxe ffvm put hmmzzf ryhk fsny bdnase gdmsxmzj jrqpfxe pqajd zfcm vczz rpgtah lflgbxi