3par service processor serial connection PAGE 7. Access SPMAINT and in the 3PAR Service Processor Menu, select the following: • 4 InServ Product Maintenance • 11 Node Rescue • 1 Configure Node Rescue, then select the desired system • 3 Automatic Node Rescue, then enter the node number 4. Configure the LAN connection of the laptop: ClickStart >Control Panel >Network and Internet >Network and Sharing Center. </p> <p>3PAR</p> HPE 3PAR Service Processor Software 4. 255. Go to 3PAR Service Console and click on Settings; Next to Application thanks josh26 for reply BUT : Exactly wrong, if you read that Doc , you will be found that there it has been said baud rate 9600 and plug console Cable to MGMT port both of them are incorrect !!! the most important reason that lead me to ask this Q was that guide . i am looking for official HP Doc for connecting by console . 1 MU2 HPE 3PAR Service Processor 5. Serial Cable Connections The gray adapter for the laptop (PN 180-0055) is used on the serial port for connection to the controller node MFG port. 4 to 5. What is the problem? HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage arrays are rapidly being adopted into many secure IT data centers. The Service Processor software runs on Linux operating system and is available as a virtual server appliance or as a physical server appliance. 5-inch LFF Drive Service Processor parts list Table 6: Service Processor parts list Part number Description 675040-001 SPS-Service Processor 1U Mounting Kit 707989-001 1 Introduction This guide describes how to administer the HP 3PAR Service Processor (SP) that accompanies the HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage system. From the 3PAR Console Menu select the following options 3. If I SSH'd into the Linux OS that loads on the unit, I still wouldn't be able to login into the OS as I do not have the login details. Choose an option Alt text (alternative text) helps when people can’t see the image or when it doesn’t load. x can be found here. 2-29072. 2. Changes The material in this document is for information only and is subject to change without notice. Web browser connection —Use a standard web browser and browse to the HPE 3PAR IP address https://<sp_ip_address>:8443. The gray adapter + standard cat5 cable should do the trick. Our 3rd party provider who supports this system can get a drive shipped, but we need to have the Service processor software. The label is on a tab on the back right of the enclosure near Power Cooling Module1 (PCM 1, the PCM on the right). x - Now RDP to the WIndows Server hosting the HP 3Par Management Console software, and change its IP to one on the same subnet as 3Par and make sure you can ping the NEW 3Par Management IP - After you confirm the above, Login to the Virtual Service Processor via a Browser with the 3parcust username. Joined: Sun Jan 26, 2014 3:13 pm Posts: 21 Josh26 wrote: chanchon wrote: Jul 8, 2014 · What you will find with the 3PAR is that it has 2 serial numbers. Dec 26, 2019 · Service Processor Maintenance Connections Customer Network Node Node E 1 E 1 E 0 E 0 S 1 S 1 S 0 S 0 SO Service Processor E 0 Laptop IP: 10. I tried with baud rates 9600, 57600, 38400 and others but with same result. Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 11:19 am . Hi All, I'm new to 3Par arrays world, and recently got 3PAR8450 as a PoC project under my disposal. 1. The Service Processor offers two user interfaces that enable you to perform various administrative and diagnostic tasks in support of both the HP 3PAR storage system and the SP. You will need to sign in to the HPE Support Center with your HPE Account. x and the HPE 3PAR StoreServ Service Console. It is recommended not to install the Service Processor on the StoreServ rather on either local drives. HP P art Number: QL22 6 -9 7 1 44 Hp 3par service processor software rebuild instructions (qr483-96009, december 2012) (9 pages) Summary of Contents for HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 Page 1 Cabling Configuration Guide B: 2 Node Systems with Large 3. i checked the nodes inside, everything is present and looks fine. Also for: 3par storeserv 7400 2-node, 3par storeserv 7400 4-node, 3par storeserv 10000. SSH to it also unsuccessful. Unfortunately the boot drive for the Service processor failed. 78 Post-installation tasks. From my experience with this type of hardware, not 3PAR specifically; but other HP hardware has always needed a serial connection in order to do any login resets. pdf from CMT 171 at Onondaga Community College. At the time of writing I’m using Service Processor version 5. Copy. 3PAR Service Processor User’s Guide 1. Release Notes. Access HPE Support Center for software details and support for HPE 3PAR storage. HPE 3PAR StoreServ 8000 Storage Customer Self Install Guide HPE 3PAR OS 3. Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 2:58 pm . While connecting to the SP running version 4. Installing HP 3PAR OS Files After completing the Service Processor Setup wizard process, HP 3PAR OS files must first be installed onto the SP in order to communicate and add a storage system. 4 Part Number: QL226-99286a Published: January 2019 Use one of the following methods to establish a connection to the service processor (SP). In the 3PAR Service Processor menu, select option 7 Interactive CLI for an InServ, then select the desired system. X Connect the maintenance PC to the SP using the serial connection and start an spmaint session. Supported Service Processors 5 2 Overview The HP 3PAR Service Processor (SP) is available in both physical and virtual versions for the SP 4. Select option 3, Automatic Node Rescue. Select option 11, Node Rescue. The 7200 book does not include instructions for using the seriel port. This document provides instructions on enabling connectivity for HPE 3PAR Storage, including network prerequisites for inbound and outbound connectivity and verifying correct setup. Revision Notice This is the second release of this manual. Connecting the Laptop to the HP 3PAR Service Processor; Serial Cable Connections. Issue the shownode -i command to identify the DIMM manufacturer and manufacturer part number. Use a program like “Putty” to connect to the array, make sure to use 9600 as the baud rate. 3. I'm now looking for 'Virtual Service Processor' (I read it's VMWare based VM) for this array, mainly because I need 'call home' (aka 'autosupport') feature enabled. StoreServ serial number- Serial number of the HPE 3PAR StoreServ Storage system being added to the SP. 1 release. 3PAR Service Processor User’s Guide 3PAR Service Processor User’s Guide 3PAR Inc. With this adoption, comes the need for end users to rely on HP’s ability to securely provide a proven secure communication service and architecture between the HP 3PAR Systems and the HP 3PAR Central remote monitoring facility. The HP 3PAR Service Processor (SP) is available in both physical and virtual versions for the SP 4. Enter the desired node number. 49/ Gateway: 255. Secure Shell (SSH) connection —Use a terminal emulator application to establish a Secure Shell (SSH) session connection. In the 3PAR Service Processor menu, select option 4, InServ Product Maintenance. The system must be shut down before powering off by using any of the following three methods: Using SPOCC Select InServ Product Maintenance. Service Processor Connectivity. cli% shownode Apr 14, 2014 · - Now RDP to the WIndows Server hosting the HP 3Par Management Console software, and change its IP to one on the same subnet as 3Par and make sure you can ping the NEW 3Par Management IP - After you confirm the above, Login to the Virtual Service Processor via a Browser with the 3parcust username. Dec 17, 2021 · The HPE 3PAR Service Processor is an appliance which collects data from an attached HPE 3PAR StoreServ Storage system in predefined intervals as well as an on-demand basis and sends the data to Hewlett Packard Enterprise, if configured. Note you can obtain a Physical Service Processor if required. Once connected, log in using the console account credentials. HPE 3PAR Upgrade Tool U065 Release Notes. For example, if the StoreServ serial number is HP10SN1234, the Service Processor ID will be SPHP10SN1234. The base model of each is a HP ProLiant DL320e Gen8, a Xeon E3 equipped with a single hard drive. If that doesn't work call support while you have the serial connected and ready for login. I understand that we can logon as root and clear down the connection. Feb 20, 2017 · There are two options available to manage a new HP 3Par StoreServ, the physical Service Processor and the Virtual Service Processor. 5 If you are using SP version 5. Nov 30, 2021 · The HPE 3PAR Service Processor is an appliance which collects data from an attached HPE 3PAR StoreServ Storage system in predefined intervals as well as an on-demand basis and sends the data to Hewlett Packard Enterprise, if configured. Oct 24, 2013 · HP don't support end users connecting to the console, so they aren't going to document the process. You only need to set up the Service Processor and the storage system once per each new HP 3PAR storage system. The key features of the Service Processor are: It initializes the StoreServ system based on HPE 3PAR OS. Select y to confirm the correct node number. 7-digit 3PAR serial number that is located on a label affixed to the node enclosure (DCN1). Refer to the documentation of the SP Rescue operation in the 3PAR Service . Processor Troubleshooting Guide and 3PAR Service Processor Software Rebuild Instructions for more details. From the3PAR Service Processor Menu, Node PS Bat Assem_Serial -State- ChrgLvl(%) -ExpDate- Expired Testing. NOTE: Note: If the StoreServ is previously setup before the SP, do not use the SP Setup Wizard. It updates the HPE 3PAR OS on the storage system when newer versions and patches are available. 0. 3PAR support. Creating a Certificate File Request (. Method 1 - Maintenance PC (laptop) LAN Setup. E 1 Service Processor Serial Connection InServ Node Ports - Serial Ports: RJ45 - 57600 / 8-1-N / XON - XOFF. Hello! I've thoroughly reviewed the Hewlett Packard Enterprise 3PAR 5. Issue the shownode command to verify the node’s state. HP 3PAR OS 3. Jul 05, 2024. Richard SiemersThu Mar 06, 2014 11:13 pm. Empower your field service teams with AI-driven knowledge access. PARTNERS Connect the maintenance PC to the SP using the serial connection and start an spmaint session. 4. Page 82 For information about: See: Migrating data from one HP 3PAR storage system to another HP 3PAR-to-3PAR Storage Peer Motion Guide Configuring the Secure Service Custodian server in order to HP 3PAR Secure Service Custodian Configuration Utility monitor and control HP 3PAR storage systems Reference Using the CLI to configure and manage HP 3PAR Remote HP 3PAR Remote Copy Software User’s Updating HPE 3PAR Service Processor software for SP 5. I believe HP 3PAR Virtual Service Processor (VSP) download is not available online in general. x less than SP 5. May 30, 2013 · Yesterday I received a new 7200 3PAR and proceeded to set up them. 7000 3PAR serial number is 1601234 either with Updating HPE 3PAR Service Processor software for SP 5. Node pairs are 0-1 and 2-3. More information Service Console concepts Service Console users and passwords Array hardware overview Support data collection (Systems) Service Processor overview HPE 3PAR Service Processor is an administrative device that helps in servicing the array. HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 SmartStart 1. Download the HPE 3PAR Service Processor Software 5. Post subject: Re: Serial connection problem on 3PAR 7200. Today, I tried to logon the 3PAR management console and failed. x or above, there are two interfaces available: Service Processor Onsite Customer Care (SPOCC) - A web-based graphical user interface thatis available for support of the HP 3PAR storage system and its SP. Oct 1, 2013 · We just had several 3PAR 7400 arrays installed with individual physical service processors. This is odd because the network port was shut at the switch level (again I feel like this is an issue with the HPE A-Series/3COM switch set). 3PAR StoreServ 7200 2-node storage pdf manual download. Page 55: Adding A Storage System To The Service Processor View and Download HP 3PAR StoreServ 7200 2-node manual online. x Page 72: Hpe 3Par Service Processor 5. 2. Maintenance PC (laptop) LAN Setup Connect the laptop to the SP Service/iLO port via a cross-over cable or a private network. 1. 3. HPE-3PAR-7000_8000_Serial-Connection - Free download as PDF File (. 4209 Technology Drive Fremont, CA 94538 USA Part No. </p> <p>3PAR</p> For information about: See: Migrating data from one HP 3PAR storage system to another HP 3PAR-to-3PAR Storage Peer Motion Guide 62 Configuring the Secure Service Custodian server in order to monitor and control HP 3PAR storage systems HP 3PAR Secure Service Custodian Configuration Utility Reference Using the CLI to configure and manage HP 3PAR Remote Copy HP 3PAR Remote Copy Software User’s View and Download HP Service Processors instruction manual online. Log in to gain access to the HPE 3PAR SPMaint main menu, HPE 3PAR Service Processor Menu. 9. SSH to the service processor or physically connect a maintenance PC to the Serial Connection. 3 and 4. cli% shownode -i You will need to sign in to the HPE Support Center with your HPE Account. 3PAR StoreServ 7000 3PAR serial number is 1601234, the Service Processor ID will be SP0001601234. Jan 25, 2016 · Virtual Service processor (OVF Appliance) is supported on HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 series and it can be deployed only on a hypervisor. Login into the node console port. Feb 13, 2014 · Also, what is the use and how to use the serial cable?? In case we are moving a HP 3PAR 7200 (with one disk expansion enc) from one rack to new rack then : 1) How does we should start mounting the HP 3PAR 7200 (Currently with 3. 79 Accessing the HPE InfoSight platform and registering the storage system: Process overview. 3 or 5. Maintenance PC Connector Pin-outs; Service Processor Connector Pin-outs; Manually Initializing the Storage System Software. Hpe 3PAR StoreServ Pdf User Manuals. I'm ready to answer your questions about using the Service Console, managing Service Processors (physical and virtual), interacting with 3PAR StoreServ Storage systems, performing various tasks, and troubleshooting issues. Processor Onsite Customer Care (SPOCC) service tools applications, and access to resources such as the Document Control System (DCS). 0 Service Processor User Guide. 3-0. 79 Creating an account to access the HPE InfoSight web portal. The number must be validated to generate a link-local IP address, connect to the StoreServ, and receive information about the StoreServ. Newsroom HPE Discover Events Webinars. Instead of asking for professional services, ask for the Back in the Box procedure to redeploy your asset into a non-production lab. PAGE 2. May 31, 2013 · I also have a problem with serial connection. But when I try to connect using serial port to a controller 0 - nothing happens, just clear window and random characters in response to pressing any key. DB9 (Female) RJ45 Pin 2-Pin 3 Use one of the following methods to establish a connection to the service processor (SP). Use either interface to perform various administrative and diagnostic tasks. My serial connection is working with other devices. Connect to the HPE 3PAR Service Processor (SP) 4. Review the HPE 3PAR Service Processor Release Notes Procedure 1. 3PAR StoreServ 7000 almacenamiento conectado en red Descargar manual en PDF. Connect the laptop to the SP Service/iLO port via a cross-over cable or a private network. 5-inch SFF Drive Figure 41: HPE 3PAR StoreServ 7000 Storage 3. You can add a StoreServ system that has already been initialized or add a new, uninitialized system. For example, if the HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 3PAR serial number is 1601234, the Service Processor ID will be SP0001601234. Business Impact – How AI reduces service delays, optimizes workflows, and enhances technician productivity. Connect the laptop to the service processor (SP) through an Ethernet connection (LAN). Before you power off, use either SPmaint or SPOCC to shut down the system (see Service Processor Onsite Customer Care in the HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 and 7000c Storage Service Guide). Joined: Sun Jan 26, 2014 3:13 pm Posts: 21 Josh26 wrote: chanchon wrote: Ver y descargar HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 guia de instalacion online. I have a set of disks but not sure for which system they are After the Service Processor is initialized, the next task is to add an HPE 3PAR storage system to this Service Console, which attaches the system to the SP. The SPOCC indicates there is Too many CLI server connection. 0,1 0 0 6CQUBA3HN7SFRW OK 100 n/a No No. 5-inch Drive Enclosures Abstract This guide provides cabling information for authorized technicians performing installation and maintenance services on the HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000/7450 Connect the maintenance PC to the SP using the serial connection and start an spmaint session. OOTB procedure using CLI. x Linux console. </p> <p>3PAR</p> News and Events. Page 62: Adding A Storage System To The Service Processor The function is designed to facilitate recovery of an SP setting to a workable state if the SP requires a re-image on site, or replaced as a FRU. The 3PAR serial number is easy to find and there are several ways to do it: Command line - showsys Oct 24, 2013 · i had configured IP Add for 3par, but i still can't connect between 3par and processor service i had tested same subnet, and i had tested use connect directly but 3par and processor service still stuck on step generate SP ID, i had checked 3Par SN Plz help me, i stuck in this step on 3 days For example, if the HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 3PAR serial number is 1601234, the Service Processor ID will be SP0001601234. Figure 46 Maintenance PC Connector Pin-outs Service Processor Connector Pin-outs Use at the SP end of a standard Ethernet cable and in conjunction with the laptop adapter (PN 180-0055-01) to allow serial connection to the SP. In the 3PAR Service Processor Menu, select option 7 Interactive CLI for an InServ, then select the desired system. Nov 12, 2024 · Real-World Implementation – Lessons from deploying LLM-powered knowledge tools in field service. 5 (such as 5. Jun 22, 2016 · Post subject: Re: Serial connection problem on 3PAR 7200. Figure 40: HPE 3PAR StoreServ 7000 Storage 2. I connect the gray adapter and the gray utp cable on my laptop with a serial-to-usb connector and the other side to MFG port, and with putty i got only gray lines or weird characters. To install the OS files: Insert the HP 3PAR OS Release Distribution CD into the SP. 5 is an intermediate version only to be used during upgrade from 3. 79 About the HPE InfoSight platform. CFR) Navigate to your Service Processor web application and log in with your admin account. . Connect the maintenance PC to the SP using the serial connection and start an spmaint session. Node 44 Connecting the Laptop to the HP 3PAR Service Processor 44 Serial Cable Connections44 Maintenance PC Connector Pin-outs 44 Service Processor Connector Pin-outs 45 Manually Initializing the Storage System Software 45 Manually Setting up the Storage System 45 Installing HP 3PAR Nov 13, 2023 · View HP 3PAR Service Processor Software User's Guide. Issue the checkhealth -svc -detail command to verify the system is healthy. This document provides information on using HPE 3PAR Service Processor software 5. 54. Mar 31, 2020 · Installing and setting up the HPE 3PAR StoreServ Management Console software: Process overview. Hp 3par service processor software rebuild instructions (qr483-96009, december 2012) (9 pages) to allow serial connection to the SP. Feb 17, 2022 · A user guide of HPE 3PAR Service Processor 5. Figure 35 Maintenance PC Connector Pin-outs Service Processor Connector Pin-outs Use at the SP end of a standard Ethernet cable and in conjunction with the laptop adapter (PN 180-0055-01) to allow serial connection to the SP. También por: 3par storeserv 7000c. Seems to be hardware problem. 3PAR Serial Number. When any action needs to occur after the information has been reviewed by HPE 3PAR Support personnel, they will open a service request and contact the end user names associated with the particular HPE 3PAR Storage System serial number. 2), I mean Node enclosure should be in the bottom and then disk enclosure ? and keep all space free for future Jan 30, 2013 · evan631 wrote:We have an old 3par F400 that is going strong with only a bad drive here and there. 5 Testing the Connection to the 3PAR Secure Service Collector The serial number uses the May 22, 2019 · Re: Replace Service Processor Post by MammaGutt » Thu May 23, 2019 12:40 pm SP 4. Use one of the following methods to establish a connection to the Service Processor (SP). Watch the webinar to see how LLMs are revolutionizing service efficiency. – The literal “SP” string (2 characters) + the Hewlett Packard Enterprise 10-character alphanumeric StoreServ serial number. 2 Connect a laptop via a USB-to-Serial converter. 2 User's Guide (QL226-96854, June 2013). 7 or later Update Instructions. x Mar 12, 2013 · The StoreServ 7000 comes with a Virtual Appliance (OVF) aptly named the ‘Virtual Service Processor’ which runs on ESXi5 or above. Connect a serial cable (either a serial or USB-to-serial connector) to the console (SERVICE) port on the highest-numbered controller node and to the serial port on the laptop . Author i z ed technic ians include HP service engineers, V alue A dded R eseller s (V ARs), certifi ed self-maintaining cu stomer s, and authori z ed third-party field techni ci ans. Here's a photo of one of the units from the rear: For power, our PDU's are reporting each is pulling around 0. Jul 27, 2017 · We have a 3PAR storage which is no longer under the support contract of HP. Manually Setting up the Storage System; Installing HP 3PAR OS Files; Adding a Storage System to the Service Processor; Exporting Test LUNs Page 100: Hpe 3Par Service Processor Setup Wizard HPE 3PAR Service Processor Setup Wizard The 3PAR Service Processor Setup Wizard proceeds through the following wizard steps: Welcome Generate SP ID Networking Remote Support System Support Information Time and Region Change Passwords Summary Applying Settings Finish Follow the instructions on Page 10: Setting Up The Service Processor 2 Setting Up the Service Processor Use SmartStart wizard Step 2, Set up systems, to set up the Service Processor and the HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage system. 4A @ 208V, so about a reasonable 60-80W of thanks josh26 for reply BUT : Exactly wrong, if you read that Doc , you will be found that there it has been said baud rate 9600 and plug console Cable to MGMT port both of them are incorrect !!! the most important reason that lead me to ask this Q was that guide . 155. 4), follow the tasks provided in this chapter to update the SP software. Following the display of the 3PAR Service Processor Menu, type 1 for SP Control/Status and press Enter. Jul 7, 2020 · Test the console password Mammagut provided above via the serial console connection to the controller. Accessing the CLI session from the Service Console interface, HPE 3PAR Service Processor 5. Connecting the Laptop to the HP 3PAR Service Processor See the section "Connecting a Laptop to the SP" in the HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 Storage Installation Guide. I want to do "Out of the Box" procedure for storage system. 2 Overview The 3. Select option 1, Configure Node Rescue, then select the desired system. It helps to monitor the health of the storage systems and updates the firmware when new hardware is added. Joined: Tue Dec 09, 2014 8:25 am Posts: 34 The physical storage processor was still in a weird "online" state. View online or download Hpe 3PAR StoreServ Service And Upgrade Manual, Customer Self Install Manual, Software User's Manual 1. 79 Registering the storage system with the HPE InfoSight For comprehensive cabling instructions for the 3PAR StoreServ 8000 Storage system, see the HPE 3PAR StoreServ 8000 Storage Series Cabling Configuration Guide: click here to view the Hewlett Packard Enterprise Information Library. In this guide, I will cover the initial setup for both, and review how to setup the StoreServ after the Service Processor is configured. 20 Drive Chassis Maintenance Procedures 3. Use one of the following methods to establish a connection to the service processor (SP). 248 Connect to 10. the strange thing is that i have 2 systems (4 nodes in total) and i have same problem with 4 nodes. That is to say, some how the ip address of the physical service processor held by the physical NIC was still somehow seen on the network. pdf) or read online for free. You should be able to locate VSP DVD as part of the HP 3PAR shipment, if not contact HP Support for help. A complete revision history is provided at the end of this document. HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage arrays are rapidly being adopted into many secure IT data centers. This blog has over 150+ 3PAR posts be sure to check out this collection of the best 3PAR posts. Log in as 3parcust > Use Default password 3parInServ or If you do not know the login name/password contact. In SP mode, the Service Processor (SP) and any connected InServ Storage Servers are supported and maintainted using the SPMAINT utility. 2 to 3. A 3PAR and HPE Serial number. Figure 17 M6710 (2U24) Displayed as DCS2 in Software Output Figure 18 M6720 (4U24) Displayed as DCS1 in Software Output Controller Node Replacement Procedure When the failure notification is received customers should contact their Authorized Service Providers (ASPs) for assistance with failure verification, identification of the exact component to be replaced, and the location of the failed Dec 9, 2014 · the system is not runnning with 1 node, i have no output on serial connection. jyd hkjhwq ctbj uhhize zmzldng xhyru zzyipsm mpd fqsnzw ojrn ftcuo qnl fejbcs qtb qdao