Weird janky commanders. Or, Ojutai's Mystification .

Weird janky commanders And they must follow the 2 mono, dual and tri/5 color formula. Mainly because going from 7 lands, 7 mana, to 8 lands, and 64 mana (or more) on the next turn is a bit ridiculous. [[Unesh]] is actually pretty nuts when he gets going. I've been feeling most of the time that once a certain commander is chosen that their strategy somewhat becomes identified because of the set color identity that comes with it; it starts to become obvious what said player is trying to accomplish. If you went with Gauntlets of Dex+Warding Bond Spam, then move natural dex to wis/cha to get 16+ in both stats. I have an idea for the "True Commander Deck" where its a 5c commander, and all the creatures are just the most "work by themselves" commanders or commanders that work in any kind of deck. I’ve been searching for a commander for a long time, and I just want to find a really fun one, and I’ve heard the more funny commanders the better time you’ll have. its not a legendary CREATURE and it doesn't say it can be your commander like the legal planeswalker commanders say at the bottom of the card, thus its not a "legal" commander. Genju of the Realm no creatures only enchant lands is a weird example. You could ask the jank sub ( r/jankEDH) the same question and see what they suggest. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC. Hello there. 3) or color indicator (see rule 204). This commander incentivizes you to play cards that have three or more mana symbols, whether they’re different symbols like Thalia and The Gitrog Monster or the same color like in Nyxbloom Ancient or Phyrexian Obliterator. Coupled with a few hydras like [[Hydra Broodmaster]] and other mana sinks, it becomes a bit hectic. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Norin, Nekuzar, and Zedruu all make very weird plays and result in wacky game states. I use a small tutor package to tutor up library of leng which is perfect for turning Chromium's discard ability into a top deck fixer for manifesting. In Your Opinion, What Are the Best Commanders to play against? I am looking at building a new deck. Essentially legendary tribal but specializing in common commanders to play. Nov 9, 2017 · Welcome back to Weird Harvest, the column devoted to all things jank. It's VERY janky but it can potentially do INSANE amounts of AoE or Single Target DPS. m. I already have some that are super powerful and some that are janky. Personally I have the same habit so one of the decks I've built with this strategy is [[Kami of the Crescent Moon]] group draw / mass bounce / [[Iron Maiden]] deck. Shirei is my favorite Commander, so I have several lists. Thank you ️ I’m going to write the rest of this to fulfill the minimum character requirement for this subreddit, please ignore unless you care to hear about my intro to magic. [[Grismold]] is super fun and always turns heads when I declare I’m attacking for 30 commander damage with trample on turn 5. She may still be considered to be high power, but I think she's fallen quite a bit. The most important keyword for the deck to have is first strike to prevent Arni from dying. Five colour is okay. I saw someone had found an infinite rock / landfall combo with the two and i knew that this was the one. After all, this is the color with some of the best removal, planeswalkers, and stax pieces in the game. What i especially like about zedruu, and Mishra is that 1 - on the face of it, it seems bad or impossible to win with, but can do some good or fun things, and 2 - the I don't know that she does weird janky stuff herself, more so she just does everything else that allows you to be weird and janky. Roalesk is undoubtedly a more interesting deck, but while you durdle with bad energy cards atraxa can just win the game herself. EDHREC is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. What are some of the jankiest commanders you’ve ever built a deck around? Recently I saw someone using a no ability commander at my lgs(can’t remember the name of it for the life of me for some reason) but I thought it was hilarious and it got me thinking about janky commanders and what how well a deck would run with them. The rest of the deck is various lords (mostly merfolk), awesome tribal interaction cards like [[Whelming Wave]] and [[Griffin Canyon]], and equipments. What are some good or weird or unique mono black commanders? Edit: I think the weirdest thing I could dream of in black would be some kind of Pillowfort/group hug if that even exists. Gotta assemble a lot of different pieces to be able to win with her. Others are just a really crappy version of a more popular commander. You know sometimes you just want to play something that isn’t the best but make it as best you can. What's your favourite Janky commander, and why? I'll start us off, [[Sasaya, Orochi Ascendant]]. Nov 25, 2024 · Commander is about having a blast—whether you’re smashing faces, politicking, or just trying to make everyone laugh, thanks to your janky combos. Rebbec is surprisingly good because protection is pretty nuts. What kind of weird, fun, and janky win cons do you know of, and what commanders would be good for this? Archived post. Skip to main content Dec 21, 2024 · Try to setup Haste beforehand somehow through any means you have. Rank 1 36138 decks. Updoot because Mazirek is super fun. Then 2 Warlock levels for Eldritch Blast+Agoning+Repelling+Hex+Command. Dec 26, 2024 · Let’s explore what white has to offer in Commander. Like don't even look at that commanders page (more on this later). Maze's End grabs lands, job done. Category. Or, Ojutai's Mystification Horde is the commander for that list to make elemental tribal a backup wincon, but any 5c commander would work. You play a bunch of slightly overcosted cards with weird mechanics that let you recast them from different zones, but you get a cantrip effect out of them. A meme, if you will, that wibbles and wobbles in games from terrible to maybe crazy genius? But I’m wondering what some of YOUR favorite janky commanders are. Jan 11, 2018 · I love it when we get a janky ability printed right on the commander. I was excited about the idea of building janky-ass decks utilizing old cards in weird ways. There are sooo many whacky and weird cards you run when having Isamaru as your commander. I use [[rebbec]] and [[ich-tekik]] as commanders. Commander (EDH) forum Posted on Aug. cEDH event - 2do Aniversario Torneo Commander @ Fantasy Tower Events @ mtgtop8. The catch is I need to find commanders I haven't had a chance to A) Play differently or B) Own. My favorite weird commander is probably [[Toluz, Clever Conductor]]. For example, deck:Roonmaster is pretty focused. I just love getting my stuff back and building a toolbox of answers and threats. He draws cards, ramps with lands and usually has mana open to hold up counters. But I enjoy it all the more for it. Oh, Goblin Bomb looks like a lot of fun, and I think I have all of the lands similar to Saprazzan Skerry from my old playing days. The Ur-Dragon. [[Florian]] is a super fun value commander in Rakdos. I spend most of my time in this sub looking for fun cards, but have never posted the question: what are your favorite cards that don't see much play? My favorite weird commanders are [[Atemsis, All-Seeing]] and [[Haktos, The Unscarred]]. Curious to know your thoughts if you get through this list. These commanders are all about the fun factor, so pick one that suits your vibe and go wild! Sep 24, 2024 · The way this genius deck from @janky_as_heck wins is less unique: turn some big green creatures sideways, fly over would-be blockers for big damage, and copy your best creature to dominate opposing creatures. I have created a list of Janky/Lesser Played/Odd ball cards in the format. Commander doesn’t have to be expensive! You can build fun and competitive decks for $100 and even less. However, because of how SPECIFIC it is this Build might break at any time depending on what Patch changes they EDHREC is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Mono black Voltron with a 9/3 commander, you suit him up and swing him, while your opponents take a gander. I would suggest you look over the rules of commander before you go to your LGS. It already costs WUBRG to cast and is a lot larger than your typical WUBRG 7/7. This isalittle weird because it depends on the interactions between afew FAIRLY specific item combinations. My [[Iname, Death Aspect]] deck is completely janky, first you hardcore ramp, play the commander and then mass reanimate like 30 sub par spirts with [[living death]] or [[Grimoire of the Dead]]. It’s a really fun deck, and I think it highlights my playstyle very well: janky commander in weird colors for the theme, not built around the commander, and wins through a combo, because I can’t seem to figure out how to win games otherwise anymore. by T e m u r _ F r o n t i e r. Hi all, I want to build my first commander deck, and I want to have a really unique/unusual/funny commander that makes games really fun for everyone and that people don’t hate. It was my first commander deck and I've been optimizing it steadily for a while. As I contemplated this thought for a bit it […] The height should be adjusted according to what kind of deck you are showing, decks without sideboard don't require much height while Commander decks take up a lot of vertical space. All these underrated cEDH commanders were chosen based on their lower popularity as commanders, not necessarily a low power ceiling. I like building strange decks with weird commanders that raise 1-3 eyebrows when you put them on the table. The draw of Vega is being able to play cool weird janky cards like Knowledge Pool; don’t ruin that by turning it into a boring wincon! Reply reply [deleted] What about a Sultai Sidisi or Muldrotha self value mill strat with Gitrog, Splendid Reclamation, and Living End effects to fuel and find Lich’s Mastery and Regrowth/Eternal Witness to get it in hand. In general I like playing janky fun decks with either fun themes or win conditions that most people wouldn’t play. I play athreos( the old one) as my zombie commander and he is super fun. true. The NEW [[Zur, Eternal Schemer]] on the otherhand, is lots of fun, few people play it, and it’s a weird janky deck that takes some beating into shape. It becomes unstoppable relatively quickly. It’s also got plenty of creature-based strategies to play to the board with. So, I'm really not trying to hear about your Atraxa superfriends, Yarok landfall, or pretty much any OG Kaalia build. At the beginning of each player’s upkeep they will untap Karona, False God and gain control of it. It snowballs surprisingly fast with card advantage and recycling spells, but since the cards themselves aren’t the best, you really gotta play the control game to keep more efficient decks However, you will want to start with a janky commander and only a few of the premier pieces. This week we have our sights set on an Esper commander that tries to do something on its color identity. I have a thread about obscure commanders that deserve more love that can do what more popular ones do, but there are a lot of commanders who are just powerful in a really generic kind of way. They're mostly low-mid power for use against precons and upgraded precons, but they can be tuned up fairly cheaply. We have collected the top Tameshi, Reality Architect Commander decks from the latest tournaments. Meren definitely has a higher ceiling than most other Golgari commanders, in case you're ever looking to upgrade. I really enjoy running janky cards like [[oath of lieges]] , [[illicit auction]] and [[noble benefactor]]. First strike and those abilities means safe swings without needing So either it's not that weird or people already forgot how to bargle, the best voltron commander is clearly [[Yargle]]. I've found that the most unique commanders are ones that let you fundamentally "break" the game by avoiding drawbacks on other cards. Mythic Frames Kickstarter:https://www. Use the radio buttons to adjust the embedding code. Typically the deck ramps hard early, starts to slowly build a tall mutate creature, and can explode into weird janky threats for the end game! Notable interactions and cards Our commander synergizes really well with evasive or death touching creatures Baleful Strix fits the bill for both! The old Zur is just gross. I was just trying to find some fun commanders that are build around a or really janky. I have some weird jank decks but my favorite right now must be this list, [[Othelm]] is just a lil guy playing necromancer on the backyard, and it plays so different from your usual selesnya deck, ramps like crazy, has no infinites and is pretty cheap try playing some partner commanders by themselves, it can be pretty fun and balanced After trying to find a more janky commander they announced Toggo and Kodama Of The East Tree. They also get a pretty sweet tribal bonus in the way of a +3/+3 boost to a creature type of their choosing. Essentially mine is a "power matters" deck with damage doublers to turn Ghalta into a one-hit KO, draw cards equal to power (typically draw 12), and creatures that have greater power than CMC. Rank 2 28619 decks. So, my decks tend to be pretty straightforward, somewhat tuned with fairly clear strategies in mind. You ever crash Skyrim by spawning in 2 billion cheese wheels and thought, "Man, I wish I could win a game of Commander like this"? You're in luck. Really I just need some personal recommendations of what some consider here to be weird, wacky or bizarre commanders/deck types that play well and I can do the rest. Have fun doing things that should cost you a lot more. In addition to giving your a nice 4-life tax to prevent opponents from targeting you or your stuff, it allows opponents to copy a spell whenever you copy one. Mar 21, 2024 · With that idea in mind, let’s explore the jankiest commanders you can sleeve up in EDH! What Are Jank Commanders? Atemsis, All-Seeing | Illustration by Ryan Pancoast. I think the commander who fits your description best would be [[Thrasios, Triton Hero]]. Give me your most janky commanders / janky combos that you love pulling out of absolutely nowhere. If you want a weird commander, [[Melek, Izzet Paragon]] is the way to go! It was janky but fun. I guess looking at builds and commanders myself I struggle to understand when commanders are built for super high competitive and when they are built for casual and such. Then you sacrifice Toluz later and wheel with like 25 cards in hand with something like a Feast of Sanity or Queza out. Was wondering what are some decks that people enjoy playing against. Jan 3, 2023 · This way, Arni's boast makes you benefit from the power-boost twice, once for himsrlf and once for his buddy he wants to be stronger then. kickstarter. You can use Paladins Upcast Command or Upcast Hold or use a Scroll of Hypno/Fear/Gylh of Sleep. Atraxa, Praetors' Voice. Or a mix of all of the above if you want a kind of janky build like mine! Turns out your commander is fairly easy to protect with blue permission and janky tribal cards like [[Swarmyard]] and the illusion lord (forgot the name). Members Online Thanks. Other than that, I put in minor protection with Teferi's Protection, but didn't bother with much else. A janky deck is one that’s probably bad but that has a chance for occasional awesomeness. Another way of winning is to eat the piles of surplus food in your city's food bank and use the extreme caloric generation to explode your opponents from within with [[Aetherflux Reservoir]]. Also, if you have the mana, you can do this all at instant speed thanks to emergence zone. Those are the most fun commanders from the precons imo, the ones that are open-ended and allow players to express their creativity as a deckbuilder. It's a great janky and weird combo that doesn't require lots of conditions to be met to work, you just need your commanders out and a bounce land 75 votes, 114 comments. He rewards you for furthering the game via the reduction of life, and constantly gets out of hand quickly. Commander Deck Help forum Posted on April 7, 2019, 4:14 a. Mortal Combat needs the Hermit Druid combo, plus your commander in the graveyard. Just last week, I dropped my life to 1 and cast Repay in Kind before killing all three of my opponents. Ashnod's Alter is to dump any creatures on the battlefield. Janky unique cards that cause exchanging of permanents, phasing in and out permanents on every other turn, changing turn order. As a strictly anti-blue player for ages I've ended up building 3 mono blue commanders. I am aiming for some fun and casual ones. Instead of looking for a hidden gem commander, for your particular request I'd recommend trying to look at more popular commanders from a different angle to try Flanking knights with 25 in Mardu colors and unfortunately only three good commanders to run it plus support of and100+ choices for knights to put in,but no Knight commander of appropriate colors so my recommendation for the leader of the tribe would be[[Alesha, Who Smiles at Death]] or [[ Zurgo Helmsmasher]] promoted to Knight by any means Though that isn't so obscure in itself, I made a contingent commander for if/when I play with people that don't like planeswalkers as commanders which is chromium, the mutable. So far the only really odd cards I know for it are [[Illusionary Mask ]], [[Mirror Universe]], and [[Sword of the Ages]] Any more would be vastly appreciated. Live, Die, Repeat (Aristocrats) is my main list. Definitely has some synergy with skeletons (fodder tribal) and can be quite high powered if that's what you're into [[Cauldron of souls]] and any free sac outlet does infinite sacrifices and [[Scurry oak]] can lead to some shenanigans. Obviously he'd be paired best with partners outside of simic but [[Kydele, Chosen of Kruphix]] would do well too, especially since she can be podded, neoformed or evolutioned I designed Aine to provide an option for spider tribal, or another token generator in Jund lands, or some weird janky reach matters commander. Playing a card and seeing every player around the table pause to look at it with sheer confusion will always be satisfying. and just play some other grave recursion effects so you get your zombies Some commanders literally will not function. [[Llawan, Cephalid Empress]] is a really janky mono blue control deck with a heavy emphasis on tribal cephalids to attack with. Once you have chosen your commander; stop using edhrec. What are some weird/rarely seen old Enchantments that can be fun/janky? The problem with this card is that it requires a 5 color commander because it uses mana Since I love deckbuilding, but am running out of weird ideas to build around, I've chosen to look to the sub for some idea for casual, silly, janky decks that revolve around obscure/strange cards to win. It’s just a clever way to start a janky build. If you're well under what their decks can do, it's easy to take the Stax core (which is chock full of colorless cards capable of going in anything) and plug it into a stronger commander's shell, while as downshifting if you guess too high is a little This is a mixture of idea and help cause I actually want to make this. I know, the notion shocked me as well when it initially occurred to me. But I found that Commander has been around long enough that it has matured into its own thing, with WotC fully supporting and creating tons of cards specifically for Kinda miss these old really weird and janky commanders where you could do weird tricks to exploit their design flaws for busted effects! Ah, the old days! What are some truly wild commanders you know? I'm getting back into magic and I need some inspiration :) so far I'm looking into "Arcades, the Strategist" for wall tribal or maybe a Crab tribal deck, hopefully with the amazing Crab Rave combo (Horseshoe Crab + Cryptolith Rite + something like Leylines of Abundance), but I don't even really know what's out there! I’m just starting to get back into commander and I’m trying to build a new deck with some of the new sets. Sliver Hivelord just because indestructible commanders are fun, Cromat because it's a walking charm, Child of Alara plus some recursion because the deck is mostly nonpermanents anyway. Think [[Mishra, Artificer Prodigy]], or [[Zedruu the Greathearted]]. The current price average is around 2552$. The color identity of a card is the color or colors of any mana symbols in that card’s mana cost or rules text, plus any colors defined by its characteristic-defining abilities (see rule 604. Jan 17, 2025 · Commander is my favorite format, and if you’re here then you’re at least interested in it. Big in the shoulders, small in the butt, if you don't take him serious, you'll be the one that's fucked. Reply reply Scroll right down the list and start from the bottom (for uniqueness). What I mean though is that the strong "wacky" commanders quickly cease to seem so wacky. Sort by. This is for goofy wins, not serious play (the mana base is a dream I'm feeling a lot of samey-ness in a lot of pods lately, so I just wanted to see what kind of unique, off-the-beaten-path commanders and/or decks that people are proud of. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I play in quiet a high powered meta and play with proxies so apologies for the high budget decks. Like Xillzin said, change it to Nicol Bolas, the Ravager if you want a legal deck. In the monocolored commander thread someone mentioned [[Endrek Sahr]] which could be a lot of fun, but I am curious if there are other options. Default Filters Card Filters. I like commanders that feel mis colored or play against the grain or just ones that when you play them people need to stop and figure out what just happened. I like literally every commander in the 2015 precons except for the BG pair, and this card does the same things. [[Orvar, The All Form]] is for me a token generator, and theft deck. Thanks! [[Neheb, dreadhorde champion]] its a madness wheel deck where I pitch my hand and cast them for the madness cost thanks to my commanders ability. Im a real big fan of making janky weirder tribes and trying to make them strong. Basically the opposite of salt. I thought the deck would be horrible but it turns out my playgroup doesn't play enough graveyard removal. I do have other colors like white and green and plenty of orzhov colored removal. It is a really weird to play voltron with unusual, but really fun lines of play. Janky/weird commanders DISCUSSION I've made a lot of decks (at this point i just build decks for the fun of it) and I'm getting bored with all the typical themes and commanders. Golgari fights dirty. We may not use the best turbo list but I’ll be damned if my turn 2 6/6 flying commander that draws me cards and kills your creatures isn’t turbo. 4 days ago · The best thing Omnath, Locus of All brings to the table is that it gives you an extra card each turn, and three extra mana depending on what you draw. The deck is esentially just a bunch of wheels that you do to tuck cards under Toluz. Everyone becomes what they hate eventually I guess. We share deck lists and discuss lesser-known cards with the goal of saving you money. Also, plus points for Isamaru having the best possible color-identity for commander. I use EDHREC sometimes and with a plethora of Info I look at their High Synergy and saw that being used a hell of a lot. Mar 17, 2024 · The Fire Gale Origin Eldritch Knight. But it’s also super unfun. Specific themes for certain commanders can also work. I've been playing Commander for over 31 years, and there is no effect printed on a card that comes even close to all the weird and fun interactions Isamaru allows you to have. Sep 25, 2023 · Wins with weird Commanders just feel better. . Clone decks are weird janky fun. He gives you removal, tech, and draw just by virtue of existing and seemingly goes ape with half the weird janky black cards ever printed. Could be used for Commander doesn’t have to be expensive! You can build fun and competitive decks for $100 and even less. Atemsis is basically like trying to play Exodia. Githyanki was the best in my experience for profiency and extra free spells but it's ultimately up to you for RP. What legends made you scratch your head at first, but inspired you to get creative and make them work? As a side note, my next project (and probably most difficult yet) is going to be [ [Tivadar of Thorn]]. Some of my current favorite commanders are Karona, False God; Rune-Tail; Gadrak, the Crown Scourge; and Traxos, Scourge of Kroog. Haktos is a pretty typical turn my commander sideways boros deck, but his protection forces the need for anthems rather than typical voltron. Most importantly, you can find cards that seem to have been heaven-sent for your strange little deck that are so oddly specific to your commander they cost literal pennies to Sphinx, if you can class that as Janky. Pirates are kinda Janky, but if we're talking really Janky, then golems are a hilarious tribe. Ich is very mediocre but they make for a Gimme some weird janky tech for this dude It's not a combat oriented deck, but when you combine an Unleash Fury with a [[Repeated Reverberation]] or [[Increasing Vengeance]] cast from the grave, 3 power turns to 6 to 12 to 24 flying commander damage at instant speed, which has definitely caught opponents by surprise (while being a unique solution to life-gain decks). Looking for weird janky colorless cards I am looking to build an Emrakul edh deck and I am trying to to fit as many odd and janky cards into it as possible. and he is a nice boardwipe protection because nobody wants to pay so much life to get them zombois in the grave. Looking to build a commander with the vast amount of the messed up black cards I've collected over the years. com/projects/altersleeves/mythic-frames/Limited Edition Playmat Kickstarter: https://www. 1st level Sorcerer for Con Prof or Fighter for HA Prof. You should still win in terms of action economy even with 1 turn of command. [[Chisei]] is the epitome of this. Here are some unique commanders in EDH that change the norm on what you can usually expect from certain decks. • Thanks to more partners coming back in Ikoria and Commander Legends soon, recently I’ve been thinking about trying to build an all partners deck with something like [[Sisay, Weatherlight Captain]]. The Commander variant uses color identity to determine what cards can be in a deck with a certain commander. Build-around-me's that are janky interactions are usually the most fun I have when deck building, that or finding cards that work with your general in weird ways without necessarily building around it 100%. What i want the deck to do is more or less to be packed full of random triggers, enchantments and artifacts that change the game, or add steps to the game. I'd also support adding suicide to the themes. Eutropia the Twice-Favored: There are a few commanders who are sort of "Everything you want in one little package" and Yawgmoth is one of them. Let’s talk about 10 of the most underrated cEDH commanders in Magic! I’m looking for a commander that doesn’t care about winning, but making the game weird/fun/funny for the rest of the players. I wanna see your weird stuff. com Pauper Commander (PDH) is a fun, inexpensive sub-format of Commander! You can use any uncommon creature as your commander at the helm of a deck of 99 common cards. So I think there's tons of commanders that make use of weird cards, but the more they lean that direction and reward a niche playstyle the more of a gimmicky feel they're going to have. The deck doesn't fully rely on the commander. Apr 7, 2019 · Looking for a fun, new janky commander + tips on building fun, janky decks. It’s a format about choice and promotes self-expression through your deck and commander like no other format in Magic. Now you have your commander get some of your favourite cards (pet cards maybe or/and 'good stuff') and put them in. com/pr Top Commanders (Past 2 Years) Group by. Most of the other Golgari Commanders are imo too one-dimensional. Absolutely a powerhouse. A good example of this is Surrak Dragonclaw + Ice Cave/Planar Chaos. Please feel free to review, and if you have a crazy card you don't see on the list, please feel free to post below. Jul 5, 2024 · Parnesse, the Subtle Brush, from New Capenna Commander, is an interesting Grixis commander, to say the least. I saw a question posted earlier about a Battle of Wits EDH deck, and that got me thinking. You know, your [[aesi, tyrant of the gyre strait]] s and your [[The Ur-Dragon]]'s or [[Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain]] s. It's somewhat janky in progression unfortunately, but this is how it goes. They're dedicated to stuff like this. Aug 27, 2021 · Unique Commanders. I play a lot of power creeping decks and i want to surprise my friends with a weird deck that works and wins out of nowhere, in other formats i love building janky decks with underrated cards but i find it a bit difficult in edh I like commanders that are high-impact but interact on normal axes. As I like to have at least one possible commander option for every color pairing which boros commander might someone suggest. Lately I've found myself on the hunt for commanders that aren't necessarily the most OP commanders of the format. Now I need to find a commander that at least has access to red and blue to make a janky proliferate deck that uses obscure counters and not just +1/+1 or -1/-1 counters. You'll either run away cloning something powerful or faff around cloning things that don't synergize but it'll always be different. [[Ertai, the corrupted]] curses/control [[Oviya pashiri, sage lifecrafter]] a lost in the woods deck I run 3 cards in the whole deck with the rest forests. Some communities dislike the speed and efficiency commander has to offer but not us. Feb 20, 2024 · Playing an underrated cEDH commander means trying to win in fun ways that other players have potentially never even considered. Some are just dull and linear. So how about you all, what weird decks are on your EDH dream boards? I've been playing kitchen table magic since '94 but only recently got into Commander. You can load in a bunch of tribal effects to really double down on the wizard tribal element, give it a bit of a spell slinger vibe with wizards that care about instants and sorceries, or even make it a low-key tokens deck by focusing on the wizards that make tokens. 27, I'm super janky so anything goes. I'm not really convinced it needs indestructible. Command your budget! The Commander’s Quarters is your source for everything budget Commander! Today Mitch talks about some blue instants that are janky and a I play partner commanders [[Reyhan, Last of the Abzan]] and [[Ishai, Ojutai Dragonspeaker]]. Perhaps my favorite commander — if my flair doesn’t give me away — is [[Darien, King of Kjeldor]], which seems janky (as a 6-CMC commander in mono-white) but can also be surprisingly strong if you build it mindfully. I’ve become known at my table for becoming super annoying whenever Ishai hits the board (or whenever I have something like [[Forgotten Ancient]] or [[Sunscorch Regent]] in play). Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. I only have one deck but mazzy is really fun if you want to play smashy sacrifice. i badly need em. I am always looking for more janky cards to add to my list. Darien is kind of an edgelord, so he likes pain. If you do not define enough length, a scrollbar will be automatically added. Over the last year through playing games, watching youtube creators, reading reddit posts, etc. go beat face with your zombies, sacrifice them for value and you get them back because you swarm the board and everybody is low on life. Some players may consider these commanders "ja I like playing less common commanders with either weird mechanics or synergies in pretty much any power level (I like building anywhere from janky nothingness to high power/CEDH). Otrimi, nothing is more janky than mutate, flickering, undying, any effect that returns something after death, mutate with any hexproof base creature and these interactions starts of as one massive creature that you just suddenly make into an army of different creatures, or just play [[auspicious starrix]] and play every permanent in your deck. Selenia suicide life-swap is rather unique compared to other themes and plays a high risk, high reward game. I saw a weird janky deck on MTG top 8 but it might have just been a weird metagame. But knowing how to express yourself and what commander or colors to play is half the battle. was vsab odqzbj ihq xxxodb dqqxr tojkvx fpgjt bdkrtgeo eait nqqeqi nljyw dazztyvu xvvsaw gstqcup