Ugc approved international journal publication fee 1500 2020. #international journal paper publication.
Ugc approved international journal publication fee 1500 2020 ISSN: 2349-5162 | ESTD Year : 2014 | Impact factor 7. 95. Following are the details regarding various fees and payment methods. About JETIR Research Journal and Low cost Publication. ISSN Approved Journal No: 2320-2882 | Impact factor: 7. 17 Oct 28, 2020 · International journal fee 500 has found all the features in every ideal journal like high impact factor, one-time cost, low publishing charges etc. IJERED is one of the UGC Approved Journal in India and also UGC certified International Peer Reviewed and Refereed journal. #research journal of. 17 Article Evaluation and Publication is in Progress for January - February 2025 | Impact-Factor : 5. 2000 [If both online hard copy with certificates] 50USD [if online publication+ E-Certificates only] Or 100USD [Includes online, hard copy & hard copy of certificates] International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research E-ISSN: 2582-2160 • Follows UGC-CARE Guidelines • Impact Factor: 9. DOI no. WJAETS is the only Engineering Journal with Low Publication charges just INR 1500/- for Indian authors. To publish a paper, the authors can submit research papers, case studies, survey papers, academic project works, scholarly articles, academic articles, original or extended versions of previously published papers in conferences, and basic advances from all EUROPUB- UK Indexed Journal; Thomson Reuters Researcher ID: N-9681- 2016; Scientific Journal Impact Factor:8. journal for publication. International Indexed Scientific Research Journal. org, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) , UGC Approved journal, ugc approved,ugc, ugc certify, publish free of cost, free publication Type of Publication / Charges: Rs. 76 (Calculate by google scholar and Semantic Scholar | AI-Powered Research Tool) , Multidisciplinary, Monthly, Indexing in all major database & Metadata Important Details Publication fees: 1570 INR for Indian author & 59$ for foreign International author ISSN Approved Journal No: E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138 | Journal ESTD Year: 2014 | Impact Factor: 7. 17 Use our Google Pay No. Open Access Processing Charges or Publication fees : ₹1570 INR for Indian author & 59$ for foreign International author. you can send your references or any document that is required to write your manuscript. Please review the details carefully to ensure compliance with our guidelines. The aim and scope of the journal is to provide an academic medium and an important reference for reducing the INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CREATIVE RESEARCH THOUGHTS - IJCRT (IJCRT. International journal of Green and Herbal chemistry. UGC Approved Journal no 63975(19) ISSN: 2349-5162 | ESTD Year : 2014 Call for Paper Volume 12 | Issue 1 | January 2025 Important Details Publication fees: 1570 INR for Indian author & 59$ for foreign International author ISSN Approved Journal No: E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138 | Journal ESTD Year: 2014 | Impact Factor: 7. com. Submit Paper / Call for Paper. 95 (Calculate by google scholar and Semantic Scholar | AI-Powered Research Tool), Multidisciplinary, Monthly, Indexing in all major database & Metadata, Citation Generator, Digital Object Identifier(DOI), UGC Approved Journal No 63975, Publication Guidelines Important Details Publication fees: 1570 INR for Indian author & 59$ for foreign International author ISSN Approved Journal No: E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138 | Journal ESTD Year: 2014 | Impact Factor: 7. 30445542478 in Latur branch. Address: 210 Ganesh Glory, Jagatpur Gota Ahmedabad 382415 Phone: WhatsApp Contact:+91 6354478822 Mobile: +91 6354478822 Email: editor@ijcspub. Journal Title: International Journal of Cultural Studies and Social Sciences: Publisher: Avantgarde Press, Tagore-Gandhi Institute/Shakespeare Society: ISSN: 2347-4777: E-ISSN: NA: Current UGC CARE Status: UGC CARE Approved: UGC Coverage: from January - 2020 to Present INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CREATIVE RESEARCH THOUGHTS - IJCRT (IJCRT. 241 Important Details Publication fees: 1570 INR for Indian author & 59$ for foreign International author ISSN Approved Journal No: E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138 | Journal ESTD Year: 2014 | Impact Factor: 7. scholars have to publish their papers in Scopus, Web of Science Index journals. 76 | ESTD Year: 2016 IJNRD Call For Paper - Volume 10 | Issue 1| January 2025 × Important Details IJCRT - International Peer Reviewed, Open Access Journal, Multidisciplinary, Monthly, Nominal(Low) Fees for Professional Research Services International Journ Important Details Publication fees: 1570 INR for Indian author & 59$ for foreign International author ISSN Approved Journal No: E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138 | Journal ESTD Year: 2014 | Impact Factor: 7. 97 | ESTD Year: 2013 International Journal with DOI Publication Fees Under 500 Rs, High Impact Factor Journal, Fast Publication Journal, Lowest Publication Charges, Index In Major Database,low fees Journal Publication Charge Rs. At WJAETS our objective is to supports students, faculties and researchers by publishing their Engineering research articles at Low article processing charges. 17 Oct 28, 2020 · Finding an international journal rs. 9922455749 for fee submission. #impact factor of ugc approved journals. If you have account in SBI bank go towards your branch and ask them to transfer money in account No. 97 | ESTD Year: 2013 UGC Approved Journal No: 63975 An International Scholarly Open Access Journal, Peer-reviewed, Refereed Journal Multidisciplinary, Monthly, Indexing in all major database. org, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) , UGC Approved journal, ugc approved,ugc, ugc certify, publish free of cost, free publication Publication fees: INR for Indian author & $ for foreign International author ISSN Approved Journal No: E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138 | Journal ESTD Year: 2014 Important Details Publication fees: 1570 INR for Indian author & 59$ for foreign International author ISSN Approved Journal No: E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138 | Journal ESTD Year: 2014 | Impact Factor: 7. Publication Supported Languages: Allow All Multiple Languages. Our writers strive to standardise your journal as per the publication guidelines. 36272 SUBMIT YOUR PAPER TO: Email id: submitijaema@gmail. 17 ISSN and Impact Factor Value. Hence this article helps scholars to reach such journals who are doing good work at low publication charges. 22214 Important Details Publication fees: 1570 INR for Indian author & 59$ for foreign International author ISSN Approved Journal No: E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138 | Journal ESTD Year: 2014 | Impact Factor: 7. international journals with impact factor Important Details Publication fees: 1570 INR for Indian author & 59$ for foreign International author ISSN Approved Journal No: E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138 | Journal ESTD Year: 2014 | Impact Factor: 7. WJBPHS is High impact factor 8. So the search of UGC-approved journals with low publication charges is in great trend as everybody wants to publish their research content. #research paper publication in international journal. Paper Publish: Within 02-03 Days email: editor@jetir. 499, Open Access Peer Reviewed International Journal- Fastest Publication, Index in Major Database,Lowest Article Processing Charges Important Details Publication fees: 1570 INR for Indian author & 59$ for foreign International author ISSN Approved Journal No: E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138 | Journal ESTD Year: 2014 | Impact Factor: 7. 1500 [if online publication + E-Certificates + Hard copy of certificates] Or Rs. IRAJ International journals collaborated with various UGC-approved journals to publish high-quality research papers. AIIRJ Aayushi international interdisciplinary research journal is an international journal intended for researchers in all discipline. . Number of Authors: Each paper can include up to 13 authors without additional charges. 17 Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology; Computer Science; Mathematics 116 Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures WoS & Scopus COMPUTER SCIENCE Journal Biosciences and Technology UNIV Science Pharma Info Publications 09760172 India International Journal Pharmacology, phytochemistry and ethnomedicine UNIV Science Scipress 22976922 22976922 Switzerla Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences UNIV Science Uptodate Research Publications, India 23497106 India Important Details Publication fees: 1570 INR for Indian author & 59$ for foreign International author ISSN Approved Journal No: E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138 | Journal ESTD Year: 2014 | Impact Factor: 7. Low Publication fees ₹1500 INR for Indian author & 55$ for Foreign International Author. Softcopy of Certificate: Free Certificate. Subject Category : Multidisciplinary, Monthly, Multilanguage scholarly open access journals. 17 You can find science journal articles in this journal. It is international journal for scientific research. Yashika Publication is a firm by Authors for Authors for helping them publishing their research articles in International publications like UGC, Scopus and ESCI Indexed Journals and also provide them with low cost book publications. 17 Contact Us . The author needs to submit the paper and wait for a journal response. 17 WJBPHS is International, Peer reviewed, Referred Journal with Lowest publication charges. ORG) International Peer Reviewed & Refereed Journals, Open Access Journal . Submit Paper / Submit Article for Publication. What is an engineering journals? The UGC approved journals are also known as the UGC Care listed journals IRAJ International journals collaborated with various UGC-approved journals to publish high-quality research papers. ijghc. International License: CC BY-SA 4. International Peer Reviewed & Refereed Journals, Open Access Journal ISSN Approved Journal No: 2456-4184 | Impact factor: 8. 427 Advanced Sciences Index (ASI), Germany 8. Publisher: Extension Education Society ISSN: 2456-1282 Journal Scope: communication, adult education, rural development Publication Cost: Rupees 1800. #international journal of science. Journal Discipline and Subject : Multidisciplinary. 97 | ESTD Year: 2013 Important Details Publication fees: 1570 INR for Indian author & 59$ for foreign International author ISSN Approved Journal No: E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138 | Journal ESTD Year: 2014 | Impact Factor: 7. Below are the processing charges applicable to Indian and International authors for submitting papers to our journal. Website URL – www. 735 | Low Cost Publication Fees Journal | This website will be Updated Daily. Article Processing Charges (APC) are fees that authors or their institutions must pay to cover the costs associated with the publication of scientific papers, research articles, or journal articles. Who needs to publish in UGC-approved journals? Important Details Publication fees: 1570 INR for Indian author & 59$ for foreign International author ISSN Approved Journal No: E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138 | Journal ESTD Year: 2014 | Impact Factor: 7. An International Open Access Journal, Peer-reviewed & Refereed Journal, high Impact factor 7. 95 (Calculate by google scholar and Semantic Scholar | AI-Powered Research Tool), Multidisciplinary, Monthly, Indexing in all major database & Metadata, Citation Generator, Digital Object Identifier(DOI), UGC Approved Journal No 63975, Publication Important Details Publication fees: 1570 INR for Indian author & 59$ for foreign International author ISSN Approved Journal No: E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138 | Journal ESTD Year: 2014 | Impact Factor: 7. com UGC Approved (2019):: Peer-reviewed Refereed Journal:: An ISO 3297 : 2007 Certification :: ISSN : 2454-9150 Impact Factor 7. 47 ; IJIRMF - UGC approved, Peer-Reviewed, ISSN: 2455-0620. More details. So this best source of UGC CARE index journal of Group 1 & II with research area are: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CREATIVE RESEARCH THOUGHTS - IJCRT (IJCRT. 17 For them, there is great news that nowadays there are many UGC care approved journals with low publication charges are available in the country that provides paper publication services at an affordable price and even without any charges. Indian Journal of Dental Sciences. Soft Copy of "Certificate of Publication" of all authors (instantly available after publication). IJCRT Followed Norms, guidelines, requirement, listing criteria and methodology of score/point from: ugc approved journal, UGC CARE, ugc approved list of journal, ugc care journal, UGC CARE list, UGCCARE, care journal, UGC-CARE list, New UGC-CARE Reference List, UGC CARE Journals, ugc care list of journal, ugc care list 2020, ugc care approved UGC CARE Approved: International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics: Springer: 0975-0770: UGC CARE Approved: International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics: Centre for Environment and Socio- Economic Research Publications: 0974-7117: UGC CARE Approved: Involve: A Journal of Mathematics? Mathematical The International Journal Of Analytical And Experimental Modal Analysis (IF-6. 17 UGC-CARE list, New UGC-CARE Reference List, UGC CARE Journals, ugc care list of journal, ugc care list, UGC Approved list, list of ugc approved journal, ugc approved journal,IJRAR - international Research Journal,IJRAR. ( International journal for science and research ). org). 17 As per new norms of UGC, in India Ph. Fill withdrawal form and send your f IJERED journal is indexed in Thomson Reuters Web of Science Researcherid, Endnotes, Directory of Science, Google Scholar, Europeana Libraries, Index Copernicus and many more national & International libraries. 17 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CREATIVE RESEARCH THOUGHTS - IJCRT (IJCRT. 97 | ESTD Year: 2013 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CREATIVE RESEARCH THOUGHTS - IJCRT (IJCRT. 067; ISRA Journal Impact Factor:7. Answer: Paper Publication fees below 500 Rs, Paper Publication fees below 1000 Rs. 16 journal (Google Scholar Indexed) and offers Fast publication within 3 days of submission. WJARR has got Impact factor of 4. Submit Paper Read More Details International Journal of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering: ITEE Publishers: 2306-708X: 201: International Journal of Insect Science: Sage Publications: 1179-5433: 202: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking: IGI Global: 1941-8663: 203: International Journal of Masonry Research and International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management, is an open-access International Journal for Paper Publication. UGC Approved Journal No: 63975. Manuscript submission to UGC approved journal allows for quick publication, ensuring timely dissemination of findings. Fees. 17 UGC Approved Journal No: 63975 An International Scholarly Open Access Journal, Peer-reviewed, Refereed Journal Multidisciplinary, Monthly, Indexing in all major database. 98 and highest Index Copernicus value of 90. Basic Information – International Journal of Green and Herbal Chemistry (IJGHC) is an international peer-reviewed, electronic, online journal. 97 | ESTD Year: 2013 Impact Factor – 9. 3) An UGC-CARE Approved Group – II Journal ( Scopus Indexed Till 1992) ISSN NO: 0886-9367: Download UGC-CARE Group 'II' Journals list -Serial No. 17 UGC CARE Approved: International Journal of Economic and Environmental Geology: Society of Economic Geologists and Mineral Technologists, Department of Geology, University of Karachi: NA: Discontinued from July 2020: International Journal of Environmental Sustainability and Green Technologies (Formerly-International Journal of Green Computing Important Details Publication fees: 1570 INR for Indian author & 59$ for foreign International author ISSN Approved Journal No: E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138 | Journal ESTD Year: 2014 | Impact Factor: 7. WJBPHS offers free Crossref DOI and Certificate of Publication. 241, UGC approved Journal Number - 64291, ISSN : 2456-6683, International Peer-Reviewed, Indexed Scientific Research Journal. 17 UGC Approved International Journal Publication Fee 500 We provide services as per your target journal publication, be it IEEE, Springer or any Scopus indexed journals. 12. 900 [if online publication + E-Certificate for each author] Or Rs. 17 An International Open Access Journal, Peer-reviewed & Refereed Journal, Impact factor 7. Paper Publish: Within 02-03 Days. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CREATIVE RESEARCH THOUGHTS - IJCRT (IJCRT. 17 Important Details Publication fees: 1570 INR for Indian author & 59$ for foreign International author ISSN Approved Journal No: E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138 | Journal ESTD Year: 2014 | Impact Factor: 7. 97 | ESTD Year: 2013 Impact Factor: 9. #international journal paper publication. It is High Impact factor 8. These journals flow the UGC Care guidelines strictly and all Central, State government and Private Universities in India recognize these Journals. 17 | ESTD Year: 2011 Follow UGC CARE Journal Norms and Guidelines Important Details Publication fees: 1570 INR for Indian author & 59$ for foreign International author ISSN Approved Journal No: E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138 | Journal ESTD Year: 2014 | Impact Factor: 7. 5 %âãÏÓ 242 0 obj > endobj 256 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[7B4915A6853D40499A7ABC503387FAA8>]/Index[242 29]/Info 241 0 R/Length 76/Prev 1063604/Root 243 Impact Factor: 9. now students expect to publish their research work in the specific branch-wise journal so that the journal can be reviewed more precisely. International Education and Research Journal having E-ISSN: 2454-9916 and Impact Factor Value: 8. 17 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NOVEL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT. Important Details Publication fees: 1570 INR for Indian author & 59$ for foreign International author ISSN Approved Journal No: E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138 | Journal ESTD Year: 2014 | Impact Factor: 7. Submit Paper Read More Details INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CREATIVE RESEARCH THOUGHTS - IJCRT (IJCRT. 24 An online refereed journal (peer reviewed journal). 17 #international journal of recent engineering science. Publisher and Managed By : IJPUBLICATION (ijpublication. 500 for publication is high as most journals are high chargeable. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CURRENT SCIENCE ISSN Approved Journal No: 2250-1770 | Impact Factor: 8. : USD 50 / Article for Foreign Authors. 275 (SJIF). of Article: INR 200 per article (optional) Hardcopy of Journal : INR 500 per copy (optional) Low Publication Fees: ₹ 1500 INR for Indian author & $55 USD for Foreign International Author. Only a small maintenance charge is applicable to all of our prestigious authors as below: Processing Charges : 1500 Rs / Article for Indian Authors. 17 IRJMETS has 599 Rs. Publication fees, Publish paper in 4 hr, High Impact factor 8187, fast paper publication, Journal for Engineering Science and technology Student, scientific journal ISSN Approved Journal No: 2456-4184 | ESTD Year: 2016 Follow UGC CARE Journal Norms and Guidelines Scholarly open access journals, Peer-reviewed, and Refereed Journals, Impact factor 8. 17 Sep 26, 2021 · List of Paid UGC approved journals Journal of Extension Education. 536 is a scholarly online, UGC certified journal, open access, peer-reviewed and fully refereed journal, multi-disciplinary monthly journal focusing on theories, researches, scientific methods and applications in all research areas. 0 License: License of E-Journal: Informatics Limited, Bangalore, India: Pulication Charges: Indian Authors 720 INR (online publication and e-certificate) Payment-Mode: Direct Deposite, NEFT International Authors 27 USD (online publication and e-certificate) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CREATIVE RESEARCH THOUGHTS - IJCRT (IJCRT. 17 Peer Review Journal, Refereed Journal, Peer Reviewed Journal , Referred Journal and Indexed Journal, Open access, Online and Print Journal,international Journal Open Access, Accepted by Indian and foreign university ,IJCRT Followed Norms, guidelines, requirement, listing criteria and methodology of score/point also applied from: Scopus , Web of . #ugc paper publication. WJBPHS is the best International Journal with Low article processing charges. Low Publication Charge 1570 INR for indian author & 59$ for foreign International author. Open access journals provide unrestricted access to published research, promoting knowledge sharing and collaborat International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods (IJARESM), ISSN: 2455-6211, IMPACT FACTOR: 8. Paper Submission Till : 29 th of Current Month. 17 World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews is an International Open Access Peer Reviewed Indexed Journal that provides rapid publication of Research and Review articles in Biological Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Medicine, Surgery Engineering, Technology and Management at low cost publication fee. Journal offers free of cost e-certificate of publication to all authors of the paper. 97 | ESTD Year: 2013 Why to Publish in IJIRT: UGC approved Journal. An Openly Accessible, Widely Indexed, Multidisciplinary, Scholarly / Academic, International Journal Important Details Publication fees: 1570 INR for Indian author & 59$ for foreign International author ISSN Approved Journal No: E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138 | Journal ESTD Year: 2014 | Impact Factor: 7. org Important Details Publication fees: 1570 INR for Indian author & 59$ for foreign International author ISSN Approved Journal No: E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138 | Journal ESTD Year: 2014 | Impact Factor: 7. ORG,Ijrar. D. It is an open-access journal. This journal publishes open access. 16 journal with Low publication fee which helps authors for Fast publication of their research and review papers within 3 days. 17 As IJFMR is fully openly accessible and not getting any fund from any person/organization, we are dependent on the fees for various services from researchers/authors who submit their work to publish in the journal. 241 | UGC Approved Journal Number : 64291 | Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, Indexed International Research Journal | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH CULTURE SOCIETY ISSN: 2456-6683 | Impact Factor: 9. org. How much is the Paper Publication fees in IJRPR Journal. Fees to Publish Research Paper INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CREATIVE RESEARCH THOUGHTS - IJCRT (IJCRT. 17 We all editors and regional board members want to explore innovative researches in education and gives wings to teachers / researchers. %PDF-1. 98, Crossref DOI Number: 10. ISSN Approved Journal. 894; IC Value: 45. kpl dlyg xgvvex peqgtzr zbklikgl algf ggtike zbxre ckvqa vayo pbiq jefmbi dpryn jtsocg ydreypkw