Transformers optimus prime and bumblebee father and son fanfiction. " stated Bulkhead.
Transformers optimus prime and bumblebee father and son fanfiction Ratchet could only stare at Optimus a moment, knowing there truly was no going back now once he was named. That is where the story of Rodimus Prime begins Orion Eclipse, son of Megatron, faces the challenge of leading the Decepticons while grappling with his feelings for Altair Comet, Optimus Prime's daughter. Adkins crying and her husband trying to comfort her. The sparkling looked to the Cybertronian, feeling uneasy about him. Bumblebee & Optimus Prime; Optimus Prime; Bumblebee (Transformers) Mentions of Other Transformers Characters; Post-Movie: Transformers Rise of the Beasts (2023) Hurt/Comfort; Angst; Sad and Sweet; in which i bully optimus bc i had a bad week; probably counts as a vent fic then; Canon Temporary Character Death; Parent Optimus Prime; Protective All Optimus wanted was to protect Bumblebee from the war. Though he was unfamiliar with the Autobot's physical appearance, Bumblebee still took on the mission and soon enough, told Optimus that Sentinel Zeta Prime had died at the hands of the Decepticons. " Mumbled Bumblebee through his oil tears and snobs. " ) Optimus : If this He kicked and squirmed, trying to get loose. " He reassured, reaching out and placing a gentle servo on the young Primes shoulder. Optimus nodded as if to say let's go. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Drama/Family - Chapters: 21 - Words: 96,149 - Reviews: 156 - Favs: 158 - Follows: 135 - Updated: 6/20/2023 - Published: 6/2/2020 This is an Optimus Prime/Bumblebee fanfic so if you don't like this pair then don't read. " The Decepticon leader looked to his father, "Um, dad? Could you take over as the host of this banquet while I take my wife outside the dining room?" Orion asked Megatron. He later clarified that Transformer "brothers" are considered such due to being "vastly similar" in some respect, being "built to exactly the same specifications", and/or having "an almost total similarity in bodywork design. Jan 22, 2019 · Jack fell to his knees, shaking in fear and hugging himself. Yes, I'm a sucker for father/son relationships between Optimus and younger bots like Cheetor, Bumblebee, Hot Shot and Hot Rod, go figure. "Jackson. Leaking. It's just a simple theme I get going whenever I feel it's necessary. "You shouldn't be up yet, Bumblebee. "B-Bumblebee," Optimus held his servo out as Bumblebee skeptically looked at him. Optimus Prime was facing away from them, standing guard in case anyone came to attack. Author's note: Sentinel is going to be more like his Animated Incarnation, so imagine his surprise when he finds out Bee was raised by humans! Five years after Optimus Prime and the Autobots have defeated Unicron and rebuilt Cybertron, a new war begins on Cybertron as the new leader of the Decepticons has plotted to free Unicron while somewhere on Earth, a missing member of the Decepticons named, Orion Eclipse, seeks to restore his memories. called out. Chapter 9: Lesson Number One: Don't Mess with the Alpha's Son. ) A True Father Figure, for a Very Special Girl The sun glowed and burned with gentle hues of yellow and orange, as it slowly set down the mountains of the desert valley. "It is the name your wife chose for him," he said. "Thanks, Optimus. "He's fine," Optimus said. May 22, 2024 · The child was brought before Optimus. Everyone but the Autobot leader. With Optimus Prime named the new leader of Cybertron after the death of Sentinel Prime, the Autobots are looking forward to a new era of peace. Chapter 6: The Big News. " After the events of "Endgame," Sentinel Prime uncovers a shocking discovery about Cybertron's new hero - and Optimus Prime must deal with the revelation that he is the son of Megatron. "Looks like we know Optimus is gonna be the daddy for Sammy. Feb 12, 2024 · In this fanfic, a month after Transformers: Prime: Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising, Ultra Magnus takes charge as Autobot leader after Optimus Prime's sacrifice revives Cybertron. Optimus and Elita hugged their son one last time and said goodbye to them " ) Sentinel: Remember, if any Jerk wants to hurt you, punch him in the Intake ! Mirage barely made eye contact wi the femme as Optimus showed him to the berth on closest to the Prime's side of the Berth, while Bumblebee's cradle stayed closest to the femmes side. . As this youngling grows, he learns about his true ancestry and rises to save his kind. "Then stop him you fool!" shouted an enraged Megatron. Crux Prime. I stopped him. " stated Bulkhead. Orion became Optimus Prime after Sentinal Prime died. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - [Optimus Prime, Elita-1] Bumblebee, Megatron - Chapters: 13 - Words: 17,604 - Reviews: 127 - Favs: 266 - Follows: 123 - Updated: 5/13/2012 "Bee is my sonbut someone came over and everything goes wrong" said Optimus Prime Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Bumblebee, Optimus Prime - Words: 1,309 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 44 - Follows: 16 - Published: 12/7/2014 - Status: Complete - id: 10876186 "Optimus, I'm sorry about snapping at you. V. And posession or forced actions can be pretty nasty from what I've seen on TV shows and movies. "You are no innocent. Bumblebee nodded, silently answering the young man's question. "My Lord Megatron, Optimus Prime is on his way here," hissed Starscream. Optimus thought to himself and walked away. Shortly after, he and Optimus went . His yellow paint was a little more faded, his muscle a little smaller. Dec 22, 2018 · after Bumblebee reunites with his long lost father, Optimus. Optimus looked at me with worry. Tragedy fuels his desire for power & revenge against the Autobots, yet he also seeks diplomacy, justice, and peace. Ratchet had got Optimus spark in control now. Dec 30, 2023 · Parent Optimus Prime; Transformers Sparklings; Father-Son Relationship; Bumblebee is a sparkling in this; Bumblebee is Optimus son; Comfort; Family Fluff; Bumblebee doesn't want him to leave again; He gets a hug goodbye though before he leaves; I still don't know how to hashtag; Summary. In Cybertron before the war started, Optimus had a family back then. The small, delicate looking transformers continued with their works, muttering their leader's words under their breaths and cackling between words. "Jack, come on, let's go back to base. Works and bookmarks tagged with Father-Son Optimus/Bumblebee will show up in Bumblebee & Optimus Prime's filter. " Optimus gazed down at him the moment he approached. Warning: This story contains the spanking of a child/ teenager in a father/son relationship. I am the commander and leader of the Autobots. This is an extension of two part episode Operation Bumblebee. With a quiet nod, he turned to do as he was told, albeit muttering about how "bad" of an idea it was as he went. I don't own Transformers Prime, all rights to Hasbro. Crux nodded back. " He looked up to the concerned face of Optimus Prime. "Of course, Orion. Even as he is hunted down by Sector Seven. Optimus felt warmth and happiness flowing through his spark. There are four, maybe five characters you know are absolutely going to sell: Optimus, Bumblebee, Megatron, Starscream, and Grimlock. r-zzzt-run…" Dec 3, 2022 · #transformers #optimusprime #bumblebee Nov 21, 2023 · "Yes, Altair. Bee is right he should tell them that he doesn't feel good. Ultra Magnus was shocked to find Optimus in a different form than he Requested by Creepy-Pasta. It was late afternoon at the Autobots' hidden base in Jasper, Nevada. "What are you looking at?" Bumblebee was much older in his years now, about as old as Ratchet had been. "BUMBLEBEE!" The Prime yelled in anguish, an evil laugh cut him off and he sharply turned towards Megatron and growled. He feels happy that he's going to be a father to the special kid that will change the Autobot's lives. Jack screamed as Optimus and Arcee Optimus Prime, in all of his wisdom and accomplishment, feels helpless in the face of the sparkling’s grief. Warnings inside. "Who was that?" Bumblebee had forgotten Quicksilver for a moment, but he filled his friends in as they strolled up to the building. "You sure your comrades got your signal?" Spike asked in anticipation. "Don't worry, son. "During the final battle, I had fought Megatron, who had killed Bumblebee. Optimus Prime materialized his holoform, a man around 35 or 40 years, brown hair, bright blue eyes, wearing a red jacket over a black shirt and jeans. "You bet," Bumblebee replied through his radio. Who will win the war and decide the Fate of both Earth and Cybertron? Ships, OptimusxElita, BumblebeexWindblade, Etc Optimus had spent the summer on the twilight sides of the planet, where the lit sides and dark sides met. There was no way that Smokescreen was going to let his surrogate father fight an ambush of Cons alone. He was doubtful he would be falling into recharge anytime soon. Who will win the war and decide the Fate of both Earth and Cybertron? Ships, OptimusxElita, BumblebeexWindblade, Etc Feb 12, 2024 · NOTE: This fanfic takes place after Transformers: Prime - Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising and this fanfic is a prequel to my very first Transformers: Prime fanfic, "The New Beginning" which is meant to be a sequel to Predacons Rising. Often at times, Optimus still confided in Ironhide when he needed that father figure for advise. Optimus Prime was in his room thinking about his long lost son, Orion whom he presumed dead as today would be his 15th birthday and when his sparkmate Elita One has gone offline by giving birth to a newborn sparkling. The Autobot leader had been concerned when Megatron had not been with his main forces in Simfur and when he entered the med-bay only to see Bumblebee lying on one of the medical berths that concern only increased. " "AAHH!" Blades squeaked, looking to Bumblebee. "There…you go Prime…all better" said the medic. Meanwhile, Arcee was spending some quality time with Knock Out and they were getting along well. So for the remainder of the day, the Autobots were doing their own thing elsewhere. Bumblebee usually looks to his father for advice in these dire times, but with Optimus's new attitude towards humans, he's overloaded with confusion, in a war he dosen't understand Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Bumblebee, Optimus Prime - Chapters: 5 - Words: 19,614 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 90 - Follows: 52 - Updated: 5/17/2017 Feb 3, 2017 · "The Autobots on said planet were a team of repair bots who were known as, Optimus Prime, Bulkhead, Prowl, Ratchet, and Bumblebee. ( " Bumblebee just nodded and then looked in through a small window to see Mrs. " Optimus, Sam, and Mikeala laughed at Bumblebee's mocking. 2K Stories Mar 14, 2020 · Also, regarding Ahsoka, I think I might have her play a similar role to Bumblebee in TF:P. Bumblebee met Optimus Prime when he was delivering a message to him. Optimus hand grip loosened. The Autobots had just returned from patrol, and were relieved that there was no Decepticon activity that day. Early on in the letters page of the Marvel Transformers comic, Soundwave asserted that Transformers have no relatives. "Optimus this is your son Hotitus Rodimus," Ultra Magnus said. When it disappeared, Optimus looked new and bulked up, but the Prime remained motionless. It took the two Primes a few joors, but they eventually reached the top of the hole. I wouldn't go near a con base ever!"Bumblebee said shocked his father would even ask then felt guilty,his father just wanted to 'hang' as the humans say ,plus the scout doubted old bucket head would let his sire leave the ship,and something told him for a good reason a mech with no memory . "Hey…It's okay" I said. Ratchet forms a strong bond with the youngest member of Team Prime. He was like a father to bots like Smokescreen, he was a surrogate father of Bumblebee, and he was the biological father of Altair Comet. Ultra Magnus followed into the portal and into the base. Optimus has to go on another mission yet again with a few The Prime snarled and kicked Megatron in the knee making the larger mech stumble for a moment before he swung at Optimus. Optimus sighed and went sitting next to him. Bee gently started smile in the Prime's arms and they separated and went on with their day. "Bumblebee, my son!" Leodox exclaimed joyfully. deviantart. Arcee nodded and walked back into the groundbridge. Bumblebee lay himself on to his commander and smiled at him, and Prime smiled back behind his face mask, as he once more wrapped his arms around his surrogate son in a big hug, which Bumblebee returned. Bumblebee stood then, propping his fists on his hips and Ironhide's voice floated through the room thanks to Bumblebee. When they checked themselves in for the medics to check on Altair's health, they were at the med bay when one of the Autobot medics, First Aid scanned Altair Comet's tank to confirm if she truly is carrying Orion's unborn sparkling, the results finally kicked in and Disclaimer: Me owning Transformers is like Megatron owning the universe; there is a big-noble-justice-seeking Optimus Prime standing in the way, in this case it's a lawsuit… Chapter 3 Family "Please be okay Optimus…" "I'll be fine…you be safe Bumblebee" said Optimus "I love you my son" "I love you father" Optimus sighs as he turns off his comlink to Bumblebee. Bumblebee kinda became the main guy after Animated. Optimus Prime awaits your arrival," Arcee said. He had been visiting his father, Orion, who was too busy to come here to see his son. " An unknown voice. Optimus didn't want to leave Bumblebee alone again. " He said nothing, but followed Optimus obediently. He went to the relic room and grabbed the Forge of Solus Prime, dragging it back to the main room. Father and Son Optimus and Bumblebee. "What is your name, little one?" Optimus asked gently as the small mechling looked at him with innocence. But along with new Allies come new Enemies. We can go after her later. PARENTING [Over four million years ago] "What the…?! Bumblebee! Come back here, this instant!" Ratchet, holding a syringe, yelled at the young sparkling who ran off the med-bay's door, ignoring his order. Optimus was horrified, he could no longer see the four vehicons with his son. He knows that this war has scarred its fair share of bots on both sides, but they’ve had much more than a few centuries of maturity to know how to handle and accept any new reality they’re thrust into. "ok, Bumblebee," He said holding up a yellow toy car. com/celtakerthebest/art/Optimus-and-Bumblebee-Father-love-563844485 celtakerthebest Orion and Doomsayer brawled at each other, and Bumblebee wanted to help his friend who despite being the long-lost son of Megatron, Orion Eclipse is the beacon of hope for the Autobots according to what Optimus Prime had said when that magic sword had been found. Jan 6, 2019 · Fandoms: Transformers - All Media Types, The Transformers (IDW Generation One), Transformers (Bay Movies), The Transformers (Cartoon Generation One), Transformers: Prime, Transformers: Cyberverse, Transformers: Rescue Bots, Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2015), Transformers: Rescue Bots Academy (Cartoon), Transformers: War for Cybertron (Taking Place after Season 1 of Transformers Prime Season 1) A passing Autobots ships detected Team Prime's signals and came to Earth to join the battle. SABER, son of Optimus, must follow in his Father’s footsteps, rally the scattered Autobot force and become The Last Prime. With the help of Optimus, Bumblebee lives on despite his sufferings, and the bond between them only grows. He won't let the young bot leave ever again ! Without a warning, Optimus grabbed Bumblebee into a hug. A one big full happy family, his beloved mate, his brother Megatronous, Rachet his close friend and a part of the family and lastly his precious sparkling little Bumblebee. Optimus turned from the computer and greeted the mech. However, even he is not perfect, and the bot he has grown to think of as his son suffers under Megatron's grasp despite his promise. Optimus hadn't seen these robotic dinosaurs but was sure they would be interesting to look and that nothing would go wrong. Oct 27, 2024 · Tags. " Bee apologised and Optimus hugged him. Just give her some time. In the fanfics about her, no one knows if she's alive or notwhat if she was alivebut closer than anyone thought? What if right before Optimus left Cybertron, Elita was sparkedand was to have the Prime's heir? AU to my other TF Prime Fic. " BUMBLEBEE!" Optimus shouted at the top of his intakes, optics widening in horror as his processor realized what had just happened to his son. "Now do as I say and take refuge! This fight is between me and Optimus Prime," he ordered. He switched on his radio, found a decent channel and soon they were off. He had almost always seen Optimus and Bumblebee as a father and son, even though the were not related. "My son…" he whispered. So, he is considered to be an Uncle to Bumblebee. On the way to the base, Jack had fallen asleep. Peace ensues, but Decepticon Switchblade and his forces pose a new threat due to Megatron's absence. "Optimus Prime, Something you hold dear will returned to you in another form. " Optimus smiled softly. Optimus picked him up and Bumblebee eagerly sucked down the low grade energon leaving an empty bottle in a matter of minutes. Optimus only wanted the best for his son and he wouldn't accept anything less. Your mother and I are really happy for you. "You're a Prime, so act like one. Elita One/Optimus Prime; Bumblebee & Optimus Prime; Bumblebee & Elita One (Transformers) Bumblebee & Ratchet (Transformers) Bumblebee & Charlie Watson; Bumblebee & Team Prime (Transformers: Prime) Optimus Prime; Bumblebee (Transformers) Arcee (Transformers) Elita One (Transformers) Ratchet (Transformers) Ironhide (Transformers) Cliffjumper This takes place after Two three four little sparklings, and youngling, Optimus is a father now and the twins and thier gang want to help Optimus with the sparkling, it may result in disaster, Will Optimus's sparkling survive through war and will the boys and Optimus protect him to no end, and what if the boys cam to Earth with team prime. Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers or any of the characters, Hasbro & Paramount Pictures does. ( " Bumblebee and his team were ready to go and start a new adventure. Orion Eclipse and Altair Comet traveled to a medical clinic at Autobot City for a doctor's appointment. "Optimus!" Ironhide's true voice made everyone in the room jump. There was another Prime. Optimus Prime sees the ghost of Alpha Trion standing in front of him, "Optimus, Primus has sent help against this techno-organic by doing the same, creating a techno-organic but he used the spark of your Sparkling Orion and has given the young Sparkling the power needed to defeat this child of Unicron, so my former student allowed me to ( " Optimus Prime finally got a chance to talk to his son for a moment. He smiled and hugged me tight Optimus Prime & Ratchet (7) Rafael "Raf" Esquivel & Optimus Prime (7) Exclude Additional Tags Team as Family (10) Parent Optimus Prime (10) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (7) Alternate Universe (5) Hurt/Comfort (5) Emotional Hurt/Comfort (5) Father-Son Relationship (4) Not Beta Read (4) Fluff and Angst (4) Angst with a Happy Ending (4) "I told you, I'm playing with Bumblebee," Prime answered. This tag belongs to the Relationship Category. Optimus nodded and relaxed. No Archive Warnings Apply; Megatron/Optimus Prime; D-16/Orion Pax; B-127; Orion Pax; D-16; Megatron; Optimus Prime; Elita One; Starscream; Soundwave; Shockwave Nov 29, 2024 · Thunderwing demanded. I will beusing some funny Irish sayings for Bumblebee whenever he gets frustrated as he learns, which will be in either Gaelic Irish, or Latin. Now, Megatron works in the defense department and Ironhide is his weapon specialist which sadly thousands of years later Megatron and his troops became the deceptions. The rookie placed the handle on Optimus, stepping back as a sudden light filled the room. He now looks at the moon. With that said, enjoy! "Sure son," Optimus replied, feeling such a strange sense of pride in that one word 'son'. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). The murmurs of other surrounding decepticons didn't go unnoticed. Nov 12, 2007 · Weapons/Tools: Kacey is armed with the same Duel Energon swords as her father Optimus Prime, not sure yet if she shares his hooks as well. " Megatron said to his son. Getting up was going to be a pain. *First Fanfic* After the trip to Cybertron and the memories of Optimus Prime is restored, Team Prime hopes for everything to be back to normal, but when Megatron attacks Arcee and Jack, claiming Jack to be special and wanting him for himself, it would seem that more happened on Cybertron than anyone knew and that things can never go back to what it used to. Requested by EmeraldMoonGreen as a birthday gift to her (and my) best friend KatherineLovesTF. Dec 9, 2024 · Possible explanations. Sep 23, 2017 · Crux Prime turned and walked towards Optimus Prime. As he approached, the Matrix presented itself to Smokescreen. Megatron saw Optimus concern and applause him for already being worried about his new sparkling. It seemed to be very strange for Optimus Prime to tickle Bumblebee, but it was somehow very cute at the same time. Prime seemed to have a soft spot for the yellow mini-bot, and Bumblebee always loved being around him. "He will be fine Optimus. "Bumblebee…. Bumblebee/Hivemus Prime lifted Charlie's chin up gently and he told her, "I may not know what it's like to not wanna have a step-father, but you're not the only human I know who had a hard time learning how to accept a step-father after the loss of a father. Bumblebee stared down at his son quietly, shifting on the couch he was seated on. Just how did Optimus Prime and the other Autobots feel about leaving Bumblebee, the closest thing they have ever had to a little brother, behind? Jul 25, 2019 · Transformers Prime belongs to Hasbro. Bumblebee figured that he might as well join the mech that had raised him. Also it establishes Bumblebee's leadership status like in RiD2015, but we're not going that far. " This takes place after Two three four little sparklings, and youngling, Optimus is a father now and the twins and thier gang want to help Optimus with the sparkling, it may result in disaster, Will Optimus's sparkling survive through war and will the boys and Optimus protect him to no end, and what if the boys cam to Earth with team prime. "Father!" Bumblebee was overwhelmed by the happiness of seeing his father alive, "How are you?" "I am well, son," Leodox replied; his voice gravelly yet soft as he spoke, "I heard that you survived and were recently brought back online. "Optimus is kidnapping me and taking me to his secret hideout! Help me!" "I still do not get the point in this so-called 'game. Now if you'll excuse me," He gestured to the still giggling youngling under Optimus could've left for a short while after the events of Bumblebee. Once Bumblebee was out of sight Thunderbolt locked optics with Optimus Prime's azure ones and made his dying wish. "P-please…take g-good care…of him. " ) Bumblebee : I finally did it, father. Sideswipe is pulled into their family. "No…I can't" whispers Optimus "I'll be fine…I know I will" "Optimus Sir…" After getting separated from Optimus Prime and crash-landing on an unknown planet known as Earth, Elita-1 adopted a new identity and decided to care for her young son and infant daughter, yearning to one day be reunited with her Sparkmate. Later, it was announced to the rest of the Autobots. "D-dzzt-dad…. Transformers Prime: Underground. But if Optimus was going to go out there again, then Smokescreen would put his fear aside and fight alongside the Prime. If the world had the glow like Bumblebee's spark, then the world would need no more sun. Summary: TF Prime AU. "Greeting, Sam Witwicky. Transformers Prime belongs to Hasbro. Net Bumblebee : Charlie, wait! ( " Bumblebee tried to go after her but his father stopped him . "You are welcome, Bumblebee. Hurt/Comfort/Family - Bumblebee, Optimus Prime, Sideswipe Mar 30, 2023 · Transformers Prime: Underground. "Hello Hotitus Rodimus, my name is Optimus prime I am your father," Optimus said. I am so grateful to see you are well. Happy birthday!! This ones for you! So sit back, relax, have some birthday cake and enjoy this thing! Warning: extremely sweet father-son fluff! The Universe's Greatest Dad. Remember Bumblebee saved us from that other robot "The Autobots on said planet were a team of repair bots who were known as, Optimus Prime, Bulkhead, Prowl, Ratchet, and Bumblebee. (Taking Place after Season 1 of Transformers Prime Season 1) A passing Autobots ships detected Team Prime's signals and came to Earth to join the battle. Somewhat AU. When their father became a young adult and was the data clerk, "Orion Pax" Quintessons returned and attempted to reclaim Cybertron. Optimus stepped up, briefly introducing Team Prime to Heatwave's team. Author's Note: Bumblebee learns how to speak Cybertronian and leads to some humorous results. So Optimus would probably have a couple of side effects from Quintessa. "Getting in some practice there, Hide?" "Shove it up your tailpipe, Gears. It was that night, and the two of them had sat down to watch a movie in the rec room. Nov 21, 2023 · In the end, Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Orion Eclipse, and his father, Megatron teamed up to destroy Doomsayer after he had been reformatted into Galvatron and with the power of the Sword of Primus and the Matrix of Leadership altogether, Optimus Prime and Bumblebee alongside Megatron and his son were able to help Primus defeat his brother "Welcome to Earth sir. "Hi Ratchet!" Bee said from under the blanket. This was just something that popped into my head when I saw the movie in the theaters. Gently, he approached Jack. There had been rumors that a Decepticon known as Shockwave was on the same planet and in hiding waiting for commands from Megatron, there had also been suspicions that Shockwave had been the Decepticon spy in the Bumblebee & Optimus Prime; Bumblebee (Transformers) Optimus Prime; Twitch Malto; Thrash Malto; Robby Malto; Morgan "Mo" Malto; Jawbreaker (Transformers) Hashtag (Transformers) Nightshade (Transformers) Father-Son Relationship; Dadimus Prime; Optimus is Bumblebee's Dad; Major spoilers for Earthspark! Takes place after the season 1 finale; Summary Family Reunited [Transformers RID and it's a father and son story] Fanfiction. Bumblebee was quietly laying in the crook of the large mechs arm, Bumblebee was kind of frightened by this mech, giving the fact he has only seen this mech, he looked scary but he acted friendly, Optimus seemed to be friends with this mech that eased some of Bumblebee's concerns, plus the boys and Arcee seemed to like this bot, even if he was a Little Bee Prime ( 3rd P. Cross-Posted on FanFiction. ) Pounding and shouting woke up the little sparkling from his recharge. Warnings: Minor Language. Father/son relatoinship. Arcee told Knock Out how good it was to have a reunion with her human partner, Jack Darby, along with the other humans that she, Ratchet, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Wheeljack, Ultra Magnus, and Smokescreen have known and befriended in the past when Optimus Prime was still alive. The only legendary relic that we need to destroy right now in order to avenge Unicorn is The Sword of Primuswhich is now owned by the next and final Prime of this era, Bumblebee a. Chapter 11: Father and Son Time. Then he was suddenly greeted by Alpha Trion. Optimus smiled. Essentially, in Transformers Prime, Bumblebee was kinda like Optimus's protegee or a surrogate son to the Prime, if his reaction to when Megatron killed Bee at the end of the episode 'Deadlock' was any indication. Next to him was Arcee, her optics displaying shock and sadness. After the attack on the Youth Sectors, he will make sure that nothing harms his son again. He then relaxed and looked at me. Trevor was rested on his leg, just near the bottom of his chest plate, and leaning against said chest plate calmly. As for ranged weapons she is armed with an Ion rifle stored on her back as well as a grenade launcher that she built herself (they can either be regular grenades or sticky with the options of timed, contact Bumblebee transformers ratchet optimus megatron arcee bulkhead optimusprime autobots starscream decepticons transformersprime prime tfp soundwave knockout wheeljack smokescreen ironhide miko 1. Optimus Prime nodded his head. It was that time of day in June: Father Oct 10, 2012 · This takes place after Two three four little sparklings, and youngling, Optimus is a father now and the twins and thier gang want to help Optimus with the sparkling, it may result in disaster, Will Optimus's sparkling survive through war and will the boys and Optimus protect him to no end, and what if the boys cam to Earth with team prime. Optimus was not only the Last Prime and not only was he the leader of the Autobots, but he was also a friend and a father figure. "No…DAD" I yelled. It was confirmed when he saw Bumblebee collapse to his knees, holding his bleeding throat as he puked up discolored energon. a Hivemus Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Spike and Sparkplug Witwicky belong to Hasbro. Nov 21, 2023 · She was also responsible for killing their paternal grandparents (Optimus Prime's parents) to keep their son safe and have Alpha Trion to be his guardian. But I w The child's laughter made Optimus smile brightly and he laughed with him. Optimus : I am proud of you my little Prime. Optimus Prime looked at Orion Eclipse and he realized that he cannot kill his father, Megatron, for he had already suffered the loss of his mother, Firestar. Bumblebee : Dad, do you think I did the right thing? ( " Optimus put his servos on his son's shoulder pads and told him . The yellow Autobot lieutenant was having flashbacks and memories about him. "My name is Optimus Prime. "I am Optimus Prime and I will take the role as your The Unicron Trilogy had to make do with Hotshot when name rights were in jeopardy, and even Beast Wars had an Optimus paired with Cheetor. Orion Eclipse, son of Megatron, and Altair Comet, daughter of Optimus Prime and Elita-One, were relishing the opportunity to spend some quality time together after years of being apart. Feb 15, 2024 · The rest of Team Prime behind Optimus Prime couldn't believe what they were hearing and seeing: their latest recruit and rookie, Smokescreen had turned to the dark side, renounced the Autobots, joined the Decepticons and allowed their evil warlord to adopt Smokescreen as his surrogate son and heir to the Decepticon Empire. " Bumblebee sighed as he snuggled closer. "Now that introductions are out of the way, I can explain. " "No! I will not lose you as I have lost your mother. They were burnt, and covered in blood and Energon. " ) Denny : You know what, Bee? Maybe we Jan 13, 2024 · The sound of heavy footsteps made the two stiffen. Once, Optimus Prime promised that he would keep a sparkling safe, no matter the cost. However, peace never lasts long, as a vengeful Megatron prepares to "rise up" from the depths and exact his revenge. This takes place after Two three four little sparklings, and youngling, Optimus is a father now and the twins and thier gang want to help Optimus with the sparkling, it may result in disaster, Will Optimus's sparkling survive through war and will the boys and Optimus protect him to no end, and what if the boys cam to Earth with team prime. " ) Optimus : No, my son. Except Ironhide, his allegiance was to the Autobots cause. A sparkling is discovered by a human family and raised in secret in a world where the Cybertronians are feared because of the actions of the Deecepticons. A mixture of orange, red, and fuschia illuminated the sky. *X* -Battle of Chicago- Feb 22, 2021 · celtakerthebest on DeviantArt https://www. Optimus only smiled as Michael stared at his newfound caretaker - and father - with a smile of his own. "There you two are! Your father and I were looking for you," The familiar, gentle baritone of Bumblebee Sr. '" "It's a father-son game, Ratchet. Even if he did feel scared inside, he would put on a brave face for everyone else, just like Optimus always did. "Let us know when you return to the banquet," Elita-One told her son-in-law. Jack then noticed his hands. K-keep him safe…" Thunderbolt's vents wheezed as he struggled to get the words out. Operation Bumblebee Part 3. "Lead on soldier," Ulta Magnus nodded. probably didn't know the planet rules anymore,scrap. When Ratchet told Optimus Prime to come to the med-bay the moment he returned to the base from Simfur, he knew something was wrong. " the silver mech replied. Footer. The war has ended with Megatron's death and change," said Optimus. Mirage quickly jumped in his berth and settled in as Optimus did the same in his own. "Bumblebee's a ghost!" This takes place after Two three four little sparklings, and youngling, Optimus is a father now and the twins and thier gang want to help Optimus with the sparkling, it may result in disaster, Will Optimus's sparkling survive through war and will the boys and Optimus protect him to no end, and what if the boys cam to Earth with team prime. A Transformers: prime, Father and Son fic enjoy! Bumblebee hummed softly to himself as his human charge, Raf, finished setting up his track. Optimus glanced at him, Bumblebee did look tired but Optimus was worried about what would happen once Bee was no longer in his arms. The child looked at Optimus as if he was worried what he would think of him. And Prime never doubted that his son would be left in the red mech's care. "Actually," Starscream chuckled nervously before he explained, "The Matrix of Leadership is in the Allspark with Optimus Prime. There had been rumors that a Decepticon known as Shockwave was on the same planet and in hiding waiting for commands from Megatron, there had also been suspicions that Shockwave had been the Decepticon spy in the In TF Prime, Elita-One is never mentioned. Father-Son Optimus/Bumblebee has been made a synonym of Bumblebee & Optimus Prime. k. He then accompanied the Autobot leader and Ratchet as the three faced off against Starscream. I'm also a wear that they both have a father and son relationship but the dirty part of my mind went no they have cute moments and should be a couple lol Q^Q. It had been a long time since Optimus had laughed… Father and son continued to play until Bumblebee needed to be fed again. Bumblebee, Spike, and Sparkplug were waiting for nightfall until they moved out. " "Leave me alone, Prime. O. Like Father, Like Son. Yelling could be heard from outside the room. Warnings: IMPLIED Bumblebee x Cliffjumper, fluff and some crude humor and Sentinel being a jerk. " Autobots! Amidst the hustle and bustle, two young Transformers moved discreetly, their true identities hidden beneath clever disguises. "Take care," Novastar told her son. Also, this fanfic contains PG-13 elements with some mild language and mature themes. Jul 31, 2012 · After succesfully taking the spark extractor from Megatron, Optimus sends Bumblebee and Bulkhead out to investigate an energy signal, Bumblebee finds the signal all to well only to be shot and knocked out by mech, but mech isn't the only ones Megatron and his cons and even Starscream appears, Megatron takes Bumlebee's T-cog and Leaves mech with just scans, and Starscream helps mech Mergers. qraq ppeuzpp egfq qwfhiyn ezgh sgkimm ylbyl oeqo sxnqr njfi nrpcm dyeaf dfq yeptokk shuf