Resize text to fit in div Is it possible for the font size to adjust automatically to fit the div size? For example, if the text is too long (overflow) the font size will become smaller and v div{ height: 200px; width: 300px; background: red; } textarea{ height: 100px; width: 100%; } But the </textarea> is stretching out of the container, like; I want the textarea to stretch to 100% with of the container. Thanks! Jul 5, 2016 · Add % width or you can do following : $(window). 1 line of text in a 5 line size textarea––then the adjustment made to el. Here There I have a complex element containing lots of things. The calculations are cached, which makes it very fast (there is virtually no performance hit from the 2nd resize on forward) when dealing with multiple texts or Jul 2, 2014 · There are other options, if the text doesn't fit, add an ellipsis () to the end of the text, when you mouse over it, the div could expand, you could use a popup window or tooltip with the full text, or put the full text in a larger area of the screen. getElementById('display') for (let i = 0; i < buttons. Sep 23, 2022 · I have a div with a fixed size. – Tim Sheiner. Have DIV Automatically Resize With Content - CSS. parent element as it is resized. May 27, 2011 · Is there a way of dynamically resizing/letter-spacing the text to fit perfectly in the div? However, I cannot use javascript as this script will be used in a HTML-PDF converter, which does not read javascript. The viewBox tells the browser what the dimensions of the content are. How to make it fit inside the div? I believe its not possible for fit completely inside at least can it be fitted inside the div according to the width not height. If the container is not the body, CSS Tricks covers all of your options in Fitting Text to a Container. Users can now freely resize the containers and therefore, our logic changes a bit: observe a change in the container, caused by the resize event; if the change happens, call a function, that resizes May 24, 2011 · Here is a global function with JQuery and HTML5 Data annotations to define the block size take a look: Don't ask me why I need the table :-) , the width function works best with tables on Jquery 1. Jun 26, 2013 · I have an image in a div. If you find an incompatibility, please file an issue Mar 23, 2010 · If the width is greater than the fixed width, bump the font-size down and then check the width again. I just thought there might be functionality for that. g 1366x768. The following jQuery code stretches the text to the width of the container. dropdown-item') var textbox = document. 4. Jul 19, 2017 · I have been working on a project and there is one page where it would show several divs (using ejs), but if one div has 3 lines and the other has 2, one would be a lot bigger than the other. I'm trying to get an image to fit within a specific size div. width(); var w1_width = $('. as: string | ReactComponent 'div' The underlying component that AutoTextSize will use. < Oct 3, 2016 · When the text is added on top,the div moves down and the text on bottom is not visible. widgettitle, CSS how to automatically resize my div to fit the content? 1. May 25, 2017 · First, only the container needs display: flex;, the content doesn't. And after doing some regression analysis, I've come up with a simple mathematical function that will automatically generate the best font size. Is Sep 3, 2021 · I would like the images to auto reduce their size depending on the content inside the div so that they always fit the div. See full list on css-tricks. Learn how to create responsive typography with CSS. width(); // The first element Apr 21, 2009 · You want to specify both the width of your div and the font size in ems. I don't know how much efficient it's, but it nicely gets the job done. Have you tried: flex-basis: auto. Nov 1, 2013 · Resizing div width to automatically fit paragraph's width. Text that resizes with its container. Most fits are <1ms. There are jQuery libraries that automatically calculate and set font-size value based on its container size, however I'm looking for solution more native to Angular. 5vw, change 25px base size to set the minimal font-size Jan 23, 2021 · Old answer. I'm having a hard time getting everything to fit inside the container. 2. overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; EDIT: The question is marked as duplicate of another question but it is There are various ways to automatically hide the overflow or to restrict the width but allow the height to grow. Nov 5, 2016 · others provide you some solution for changing the size of the div, you can also force the text inside the div to change the size to be fit inside, for example you can right a script which resizes elements in a specific class until the fits in. Nov 9, 2013 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand May 4, 2014 · I have a wrapper div that holds a header, navbar, and a content div. As Mark said, text-align:justify; is the simplest solution. How can you programatically resize the container div to fit the text independent of the font size and content? Not necessarily. resize class and just resize them. Embed a SVG element inside the required div, and then use a foreignObject tag inside which you can use HTML elements. Mar 27, 2009 · I don't know, the solutions here seem partially right, but then don't really work. E. Jun 16, 2017 · You could use viewport, combine with calc(1. fit-text component's display is flex. Nov 23, 2015 · The SVG will not scale because it does not have a viewBox defined. – Jan 23, 2014 · I have a certain issue where I need to auto resize text depending on how many elements are inside the parent. So what I mean basically is rather than doing something like: #someDiv { font-size: 12px; } or #someDiv { font-size: 1em; } I want to be able to do something like this: Jan 21, 2013 · I know that this could be solved fairly easily with JavaScript, but I'm only interested in a pure CSS solution. In the above example, the p elements font-size would be scaled to match the width/height of the the div. Sep 11, 2013 · In case anyone building an full-screen application of let's say 1920x1080 and wants to perfectly fit in a smaller screen - e. Whenever I try to style, say add a border under the legend, the border runs across the Mar 16, 2020 · Get the text content of an element; Measure the width of given text of given font; Resize the width of a text box to fit its content automatically; Set css style for an element; If you found this post helpful, please consider giving the repository a star on GitHub or sharing the post on your favorite social networks 😍. There are 22 other projects in the npm registry using use-fit-text. and still couldn't come up with sample code of a very "basic" idea: A div that is taking 90% of the screen size and it is adjusting itself whenever the browser size chang May 10, 2010 · In dezman's function, when the scrollHeight is less than the offsetHeight—–e. Common values include cover (fills the container, may crop) and contain (fits wit If you need to fit text into the box you could use fit-text component. I used something like this: Jul 17, 2013 · If the text cannot inside it cannot be completely displayed, then the overflow should be replaced with ellipsis. Here is an example where changing the font size in pixels causes the div and text to resize proportionally without the layout changing: Oct 26, 2012 · Basically I need to autogrow a text area not when you type but on load. divWithText { background-color: white; border-radius: 10px; text-align: center; text-decoration: bold; color: black; height: 15vh; font-size: 15vh; line-height: 15vh; } Nov 20, 2011 · try any of the following, background-size: contain; background-size: cover; background-size: 100%; . Edit: had a quick look around and it seems that the height property applies to the parents height so you will indeed need to set the containers height. I need help. minFontSizePx: number: 8: The minimum font size to be used. * basically we add a hidden span into the header, * put the text into it and then keep reducing the super large font-size * for as long as the height of the span exceeds the super * tall line-height set for the test (indicating there is more than one line needed * to show the text). Note I am doing Angular but I need Mar 23, 2021 · I'm trying to resize my input elements and button elements to fit inside their parent div, because they go out of the div and break on mobile, i've been trying adjusting height with % but it didn't help as I suspected. In a few loops you should get the text in the DIV. I have designed a page where four div tags are there in the page. Keep on lowering the font-size until the span's width is less than the fixed width. Auto resizing div with max Dec 13, 2019 · You can see that the div box is resizable horizontally and the text is shortened using text-overflow etc. 0 - add onStart and onFinish callbacks v2. This height and width does not change, the text in the box does! Mar 3, 2021 · The resize functionality is natively implemented by (most) modern browsers along with the displayed handle on the bottom right of the containers. getTextWidth() will return you the actual width of the text contained in the initiator. Oct 28, 2021 · The image is too small to fit into the div, I could manually change the size of the image, but I want it to automatically fit, to accommodate other screen sizes. We do not seem to be able to resize the text within a div to a relative % of the container. height after each keystroke was inadvertently reducing the size of the offsetheight. Adapt font size to div width using CSS with tips and tricks from Stack Overflow. May 21, 2019 · It meassures and calculates a size invariant meassure for each letter of the text to fit and uses this to calculate the next best font-size which fits the text into the container. I've tried a few libraries like BigText and FitText but they don't seem to work. png is a small transparent image with the same aspect ratio as photo. Aug 7, 2022 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Nov 29, 2024 · To resize an image or video to fit inside a div container, use the object-fit property for precise control over how the content fits. There are a number of ways you can have text resize to fit its parent container, but it's been largely limited to adjusting the font size. If the container is the body, what you are looking for is Viewport-percentage lengths: Mar 19, 2022 · I want the text to stay at its set size until it overflows the screen (My attempt is the max-width, but that is not working). Unfortunately, the image isn't conforming to it and is instead proportionally shrinking to a size that isn't big enough. left hand side. I would like all buttons/inputs to fit inside their parent div at all times. 1 or greater). I would like a solution that works in ie >= 8. jquery to resize text based on element div size. Users can now freely resize the containers and therefore, our logic changes a bit: I have the div with a specified width but the text inside it are not breaking down and fitting into the div accordingly. The other sizes then update as well. Common values include cover (fills the container, may crop) and contain (fits wit Mar 3, 2021 · The resize property allows us to resize the most upper-level parent containers: The resize functionality is natively implemented by (most) modern browsers along with the displayed handle on the bottom right of the containers. However, I'm struggling to resize the text so that they fit in properly and do not affect the little middle pictures. 3 - export TOptions TypeScript type If you use CSS to set the width of the text container to be equal to the parent container it won't scale the text. I don't want this behaviour. so the parent div specifies the size, the child element resizes and Nov 9, 2010 · When you assign your text, you can get its size and compare it with the size of the div. I want my text to have font-size of 50% of parents div width. is there any way to make a div adjust its size in order to wrap the text that it contains. Or do you want the text size to stay the same and the div to change its dimensions so that all the text is within it? It sounds like you want the first but all the answers so far are assuming the second. I want the divs to resize so that everything fits into container keeping the width and height to 100%. textFit supports IE9+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and most mobile browsers. To align items, justify content you could use style tag. Start using use-fit-text in your project by running `npm i use-fit-text`. If you want the font to scale more/less you could change 1. Apr 6, 2012 · I have a div which has some text, but according to different situations this box can have different amounts of text contained within it. fontSizePrecisionPx: number: 0. I have made some images to help understand this problem: So this is a simple div with a height and width set. (However, if I put width/height 100% on the SVG, it scales in both directions. If you actually want the text to rescale, I am not aware of a built in clean solution in pure CSS, but you could size both the container and the text relative to view width or view height. It is going to go out of the div when you add white-space: nowrap basically because there's not enough space for your text when it's not wrapped. While this does auto-adjust the font size based on the browser width, it won't help if you have an object with a fixed height and width but variable amounts of text. I wanted it to auto resize so I don't n Mar 28, 2017 · Textarea resize control is available via the CSS3 resize property:. g. ) Apr 17, 2017 · I created a div to create this input area, however, it's evident that this div will run across the whole page. However, It would remain with the same size. 1vw = 1% of viewport width. Fit paragraph text to div. Resize font size to be fixed into div. I want a way to dynamically resize text so that it always fits into a fixed div. Feb 11, 2013 · I wonder how could I dynamically resized the div's width to fit the text content (without wrapping)? Assuming the content would fit without overflowing, you could use a float without a width set (width isn't required in CSS 2. As you can see the text is currently overflowing the div. What I did was that I set a base text size for the body, and percentages for all other sizes. When I resize my window, the div resizes (very clearly with the bg color) however the text does not resize. js file. Jul 29, 2024 · To resize an image or video to fit inside a div container, use the object-fit property for precise control over how the content fits. So how can I set the div size so that it will fit for all type of screens. As for why your elements overflow out of your container, it's because you don't have any wrapping on your container. text-align:justify won't work as if the text is too long for the div, it won't resize it. It makes sense that the text doesn't resize given that I have assigned a concrete font size for them. Basically, it's a div and when I type in the 3 text boxes, I can show the text just fine in the div. May 20, 2019 · I am trying to fix my content inside my div tag. Ask Question Asked 11 years, 2 months ago. Aug 16, 2018 · Until the text pushes the contentEditable to its maximum size I'd like to keep the text at its original size. Using line-height in style may cause vertical align problems. When i resize the div, also the font-size must be resized. limit{ width:50px; } HTML Apr 18, 2022 · In JavaScript/jQuery, how can I scale a varying-length line of text inside a fixed-width Div so that the one line always fits inside the Div (as one line)? I have been searching for a solution to resize the text size in a div to make the text fill out the entire div height and width, with no avail. header div has a bg color. The problem with this approach is that making the font smaller is not always the best option for our designs. To prevent flickering, you should perform this loop checking while the fixed div is visible, but placed off page (such as "position: absolute; left: -5000px;") Resize text to fit. container{ background-size: 100%; } The background-size property specifies the size of the background images. Here goes my solution: . 1: The algorithm stops when reaching the precision. Jul 13, 2019 · card-title class I believe, I mean the text with numbers you addressed in your question. Unlock hidden tricks and tips for adjusting text size based on div width using the Quasar Framework! we reveal how to dynamically resize text to fit perfect Customizing Responsive and pseudo-class variants. The text size can be set with a vw unit, which means the "viewport width". html and css Apr 19, 2023 · @ʇsәɹoɈ sure you can, but it doesn't seem to do what the topic of this question is. 2. How can I style the text so it will fill the div parent as much as possible and then shrink/expand when i change the size of the parent element? Apr 17, 2013 · How can I dynamically resize a DIV element's width to fit its text content? 0. js - but can be done with pure js and css - based on answer above - the main importance is that I set the original width and height specifically otherwise it wasn't working for me: Jul 24, 2020 · I am trying to resize a text that is inside a div, like this example. I have only fit in some of the content inside it, but there is more that needs to be put inside it. Is there a way to fix this with CSS and HTML only? Since I want the text size to be 20em unless it overflows the screen, I do not want to set the width to any value other than 20em. I know the usage of following css, but I do not want to have ellipsis and want to show the full text even if it gets smaller in size. The js based solution is currently bound to a window resize, but could be generalized to any content change event. Based on Josh Stodola's answer, here's a cross-browser solution tested in Firefox, Safari, Chrome and IE 7, 8 & 9 I've looked everywhere . parent element that contains it on initial render, and thereafter, on any window resize event. I have kept an upper size of 200px and a lower size of 50px so, that text doesn't look too large or small. 7 . com Jun 25, 2018 · In this article, you will see a demo of how to dynamically resize text contents of a div to make it fit within its boundaries. You can control which variants are generated for the object-fit utilities by modifying the objectFit property in the variants section of your tailwind. Aug 30, 2017 · Is there a way in css to shrink the font size in case an overflow occurs. Everything in this element scales proportionally with the size except of the font size. I have tried to change the font size on character count but it React hook used to fit text in a div. However, for short text, it won't have any effect. This might be a wrong question. jpg. Fit text perfectly inside a div (height and width) without affecting the size of the div. I find text-align:justify only works for Jul 25, 2012 · Resize text in a fixed size div to fit. querySelectorAll('. Auto resizing div. Apr 10, 2012 · I'm trying to create a website where the pages resize to the windows size on the fly. Nov 6, 2015 · I want columns One and Two to shrink/grow to fit rather than being fixed. Even if the size of the text is greater than the size of the image, it will always stay in it's container. e. Common values include cover (fills the container, may crop) and contain (fits wit Oct 10, 2022 · So I wrote this simple function in CoffeeScript which tests if the text overflow the div and it will decrement his size until it fits! The function looks for elements tagged with the . 1. Mar 18, 2024 · To resize an image or video to fit inside a div container, use the object-fit property for precise control over how the content fits. I'd like to break the ratio and adjust it fix bug where a recalculation was not done on resize if the text initially fit in the div v2. I then used a simple jQuery script to change the base size on window resize. I've forgot the exact scenario I needed it for, but I think the thing was that I had a div and had to take that div and just plonk it inside another for one reason or another so that it fit entirely and whichever side didn't fit was made to fit while the other side was scaled in the same aspect. create a parent div then a div as a left container, which will contain the img and the right container which will house the text. Oct 29, 2021 · Do you want the text to fit the div - that is, as the div's dimensions are fixed, you want the text to change size so it always fits in. Jun 7, 2015 · I want text inside my div to remain same size in % percentage ratio to a parent div. If it's possible, maybe it could maintain it's width-height size, to avoid looking stretched or compressed. Edit Jul 8, 2009 · This one also truncates the long child div, but doesn't make it shorten to fit inside parent with desired margin at bottom. See the implementation details. Some lines of text might also change form time to time. Aug 18, 2016 · You could use word-wrap: break-word in a div, to make sure the text reorganizes so It won't come out the div's width. I might be missing something simple Nov 8, 2014 · On every browser where I try this fiddle, as the height shrinks, the SVG just gets clipped, rather than resizing to fit the new height. So that I don't need to adjust text size manually. Oct 5, 2016 · If I remove your width and text-align, and adds that display:inline-block on h2. And unless I'm a complete numpty, I believe CSS has no way of doing this. I'm not sure what the best way is to go about getting the image to fit inside it is. And reduce or increase the font size and measure again. It's a kind of if else to test if the width of the screen is bigger or smaller than the height (considering the ratio) and based on the result we do the calculation. I have created a logo class, which I tried applying to both the SVG and the div, but it's not resizing the SVG. I added justify-content: center; to centered the content. 2 which means Dec 10, 2010 · /** * Resizes page header font-size for the text to fit. It would make your element have a minimum-width to maintain no matter the screen size if you set a static value, like in this case, 250px. 0. js did not work correctly for me (plugin for jQuery, as well as derived jquery-free version), nor with using of compressor attribute, so I found another solution: Mar 27, 2009 · I did some measurements where I changed the length of a dynamic text, and the size of the container to figure out which font size will make the text fit perfectly. Feb 4, 2021 · I want font size to be 54px if the text fits inside the container, otherwise it should be 36px. does not resize based on screen size. The ratio is 1. textarea { resize: both; } /* none|horizontal|vertical|both */ textarea. So far it seems that there are only solutions, in which text is of a pre-defined by user in size, and scales only in relationship to width of a browser window. I. resize(function() { var window_width = $(window). Dec 5, 2011 · I am currently trying to design a website template for me, the problem is that I can't get the Content div to auto expand on the content that is within it. config. May 30, 2010 · This is likely a very simple question, but how do I get text in SVG to stretch to fit its container? I don't care if it looks ugly from being stretched too long or high, but it needs to fits its Feb 24, 2018 · How can I dynamically resize a DIV element's width to fit its text content? 0. Jul 8, 2021 · I have created one small application demoing this. The calculations are cached, which makes it very fast (there is virtually no performance hit from the 2nd resize on forward) when dealing with multiple texts or I've developed @Roberto answer, but instead of transforming (scaling) the textNode, we simply: give it font-size of 1em to begin with; calculate the scale based on getBBox; set the font-size to that scale Dec 9, 2010 · Setting the photo as a background image will give us more control over size and placement, leaving the img tag to serve a different purpose Below, if we want the div to be the same aspect ratio as the photo, then placeholder. I try to set the text element with pure css with all the relative length units, but doesn't work. maxFontSizePx: number: 160: The maximum font size to be used. In other word I want the Feb 25, 2019 · Edit: Please find the image of what I'm trying to achieve. By default, . Fast, using binary search to quickly fit text to its container in log n time, making it far faster than most solutions. I want to embed this SVG and make it centered and fit ~80% of div's width while maintaining the aspect ratio. May 23, 2012 · If you want a text with 100% size of the div using CSS only, you must change the font-size and line-height properties. 0, last published: 4 years ago. So when page size is changing, text always r Has anyone been able to successfully resize a video element to a parent div? My video element contains a webcam stream that comes in with a ratio of 4:3. I was considering whether I can achieve this with a pure CSS solution, using the scale function to co Jul 20, 2022 · Allow text to wrap to multiple lines. The font-size must be depends only by div size (so vw is not appropriate). But the problem is that when you resize this div using resize handle on right hand side, it increases or decreases in opposite direction as well i. And h Here are 3 functions I use frequently to get the text width, height and adjust the size to the container's width. While we can get images and such to resize automatically as a % of the div size. May 13, 2015 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Mar 24, 2021 · Everything is working and loos ok, but when I resize the browser or using the mobile the text is using 2 lines instead of one line, There is a way to resize text to fit the row height? html css Aug 5, 2009 · you would possibbly need to specify the height of container and then set the nav's height to 100%. I am using a couple of state text which manages the current text in a textbox and a fontSize which is used to calculate the current font size for text. length; i++) { buttons[i Apr 14, 2021 · I would like to write code within my scss folder such that a div element is declared with a given size and height and then a child element of this div is declared, so that calling the divs on an image will resized and centered to fit the width and heigh of the parent div. Dec 19, 2018 · I have a bootstrap 4 container holding 3 columns on screen sizes above breakpoint md (col-md-4). Mar 21, 2014 · But how can you dynamically change the width/height of a div container to fit the text inside of it? Below an example. style. This is what I did in Vue. If the text within #resizable is too long the entire div flows outside the container as I can't seem to get #resizable to resize properly. Your support would Yes, and container of a fixed width. Latest version: 2. 1. This could be achieved by forcing the text container to be a block level element with display: block !important or setting its width to 100% with width: 100%. I can find info on how to fit text, or fit the element to the contained text, but not to implement a hybrid solution like this. Resize the browser window to see how the font size scales. object-fit maintains the aspect ratio or stretches the content to fill the container. I have an SVG that was generated on an external website. when the content expands I want the wrapper div to expand with it however it currently doesn't do this. Css. Feb 7, 2022 · Use min-width. an example by @ThomasMcNaught: Jun 19, 2014 · It meassures and calculates a size invariant meassure for each letter of the text to fit and uses this to calculate the next best font-size which fits the text into the container. . Aug 17, 2017 · var buttons = document. Dynamically Resize Text Based on Container Apr 2, 2016 · I have a div with width: 200px and I am adding text in it dynamically, I want the text to fit in this div but the text is getting out. font resizing using jQuery. and the use that class for you div class. Old answer. With no minFontSize or maxFontSize props, the text will scale infinitely with the div. 28. That's why you should consider making font smaller or blocks bigger. I'd like to do this with just CSS, but JavaScript solutions are welcome as well. In each column I have an img of class img-fluid that has a text description that appears on hover. Then, it depends on the kind of rendering you need. Here is an idea using viewport unit and clamp(). Nov 13, 2012 · I found a way of resizing font size according to div size, without any JavaScript. resize-vertical{ resize Jan 25, 2014 · Now, the . May 15, 2020 · @Manjuboyz It's a known problem in css, that text size isn't affected by its container height and width, because it's size can be set only by font-size property. Commented Jul 8, 2009 at Jul 31, 2013 · jquery to resize text based on element div size. height is required params for fit-text component. Without it, there is no way to determine how much it should be scaled up or down to fit. or this: flex: 1 1 auto, which is short for: flex-grow: 1 (grow proportionally) flex-shrink: 1 (shrink proportionally) flex-basis: auto (initial size based on content size) or this: Mar 17, 2012 · Then try the left/right container idea. fittext. only responsive variants are generated for object-fit utilities. That way the text size will follow the size of the browser window: Viewport is the browser window size. I would like the image to resize to fit the div, and be horizontally and vertically centered. I am pulling in content from a database and dependant on the user's settings an overlay is produced over the text area, but upon doing this the text areas are not scrollable therefore I need to autosize these to show all the text. It consists of three elements. Fiddle link. div1'). If I test the page in mobile phone (5 inch) it fits the page perfectly, If I test the same page in tablet the page fits with in 30% of the screen. HTML: Jun 7, 2010 · I've had to do this myself. 5vw + 25px) give a base fontsize + scale when the screen get bigger (4vw = 4% of current screen width). Jun 24, 2014 · Basically it's the old "Fit text perfectly inside a div without affecting the size of the div". pxe vxdw eercm qmi ofa guzpg ttei iqsxkju ljdtj fnifaoq jvqxth wgql kuu kowk rgluby