I3 gaps rounded corners reddit. But don't ever use it on elementaryOS.

I3 gaps rounded corners reddit. 457K subscribers in the unixporn community.

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I3 gaps rounded corners reddit I don't know its name since i don't use it, but in many of those unixporn posts people post the name and the link to the fork. Hi everyone, as some packages of this repo were outdated and there were some screen tearing issues with the driver of NVIDIA, I decided to create a fork of Vista1niks his repo which can be found here i3-gaps-nord-nvidia. Install i3-gaps. Hey folks! Some awesome dude took the time to implement rounded corners in i3-gaps! You can see his breakthrough here… You’ll need to install a compositor that supports rounded corners. easy configuration with a bash-like syntax, lots of documentation, you decide where every window goes. *"] border pixel 4 gaps inner 10 gaps outer 10 #Rounded corners #border_radius 5 # Color Settings client. Hello, I'm looking for a maintained i3-gaps with rounded i3bar, windows etc. . This can be done by adding the following line to your config. I think that is not a fork if i3-gaps, as far as i know it's a fork of the picom compositor, which allows for rounded corners. The script part is here: corner-radius = 10 rounded-corners-exclude = [ "window_type = 'dock'"… 467K subscribers in the unixporn community. Hope this gets add or customised in next releases ๐Ÿ™‚ dottomato. 6. We are the unofficial FAQ subreddit for the i3 window manager. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment 1- sudo apt install i3 2- sudo apt install libxcb1-dev libxcb-keysyms1-dev libpango1. Recently i've installed i3-gaps-rounded to have a round corner. But when I add border_radius x to my config file i get errors upon reloading i3. 149 votes, 19 comments. I have Manjaro Linux with i3 gaps. Submit screenshots of all your *NIX desktops, themes, and nifty configurations, or submit anything else… Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now You can read all the differences in the README of i3-gaps. Note: In order to use gaps you need to disable window titlebars. Open a terminal in the bspwm-rounded-corners directory and run sudo make && sudo make install. Submit screenshots of all your *NIX desktops, themes, and nifty configurations, or… I think base picom has rounded corners now, god forbid you also use shadows with transparency tho unless you want weird triangles in your corner *edit wording Reply reply More replies Yeah there's def a fork around somewhere - depending on what wm you use you could also probably find a fork or patch with that. Welcome to the Ender 3 community, a specialized subreddit for all users of the Ender 3 3D printer. 457K subscribers in the unixporn community. yes, but to set special wm binds like focus up you have to set in i3 config or use some ipc of i3 in sxhkd later one is tough 4. While I can’t help you specifically atm as I’m on mobile, I can tell you where to look, use nix’s override system to replace the package used by i3gaps to the git repo Posted by u/Sentient__Cloud - 9 votes and 2 comments What does r/unixporn think of this?. com Rounded i3-gaps is a fork of i3-gaps that adds rounding to window corners. picom - in config add corner-radius = 20. It was originally made by resloved and this repo strives to keep it (hopefully) up to date. If you want proper nice looking rounded borders in i3, it's not possible. Submit screenshots of all your *NIX desktops, themes, and nifty configurations… Hmm, well the manpage states that the detection of rounded corners is not very accurate. I have tried nothing and am all out of ideas. I'm using i3-gaps and compton. u/seokku Reply reply Airblader is not going to merge the rounded corners in until a little bit later because he said he was going to w8 until i3-gaps gets merged with i3. Apollo was an award-winning free Reddit app for iOS with over 100K 5-star reviews The other thing you can do is use i3-radius and set border_radius=<int>The corners are a bit pixelated, but it's better than normal i3 or i3-gaps if you're using shadows. 04. Details: Distro: Ubuntu 18. Thanx. i3-gaps-rounded doesn't smooth them at all so the corners of your windows will be all jagged. At least this seems to be accurate :-/ I've found an issue on github where a person links to a fork of picom which is allegedly capable of drawing round shadows correctly. Sway's site says it's supposed to be a drop-in replacement for for i3 and X11, so you could supposedly move from one to the other in the future if need be. 3 LTS WM: i3-gaps Compositor: picom (with rounded corners and blur) Font: Fira Code Terminal Emulator: Alacritty and xfce4-terminal I believe it's basically i3 (or i3-gaps, many people here just assume you're running gaps) with some new features for Wayland. Or is there any alternative through a compositor that achieves that? Hi, I'm trying to get rounded corners on my windows using the default picom. Can somebody help me fix this. And that should be it! This solves the corner issue with polybar, but for other "special" applications like rofi this might not work. Sep 19, 2020 ยท Hi, The ISO comes with i3-gaps which is cool, but if you want to see the rounded corners that most people showcase in the r/unixp*rn sub-reddit then this patch is great i3-radius and the AUR package. If you give it too few pixels in i3 or set the border radius too lost corner border. Lockscreen widgets look way better on the "Always on display", but its the best what I could do and its fine for me Posted by u/person_esque - 7 votes and 4 comments 93 votes, 30 comments. I'm trying to get my i3-gaps windows to look like this unixporn post, but am getting stuck on the border corners. S. 0-dev libxcb-util0-dev libxcb-icccm4-dev libyajl-dev libstartup-notification0-dev libxcb-randr0-dev libev-dev libxcb-cursor-dev libxcb-xinerama0-dev libxcb-xkb-dev libxkbcommon-dev libxkbcommon-x11-dev autoconf xutils-dev libtool automake libxcb-xrm-dev 49 votes, 20 comments. Holy shit, I have been using i3-gaps-rounded corners myself, but I will definitely switch over to main fork after this. Thanks to Widgy, I could do what I really wanted to do, and here is my final result! Introducing i3-gaps on iPhone. The package is called 'i3-gaps-rounded-git'. Reply SkyyySi • Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now I was looking for an alternative to i3-gaps-rounded corners to get those corners without weird 3. Just have an explore around the i3 repos from i3, AirBlader and resloved and U will see there is quite a bit of discussion going on. But don't ever use it on elementaryOS. regular guide of i3. I also made some slight QOL changes to make it easier to work on a daily basis (as navigating between different windows is a Your tray on the right wrecks rounded corners. 65 votes, 16 comments. You can check it here. tiling is done using Hey, everyone, just wanted to share my current setup on my device. I haven't found a need or desire to test out Wayland yet. If you look at the cosmetic modules (begin/end) , there are the characters used (in a not patched font they will look like a "y" for the left one and a apple logo (fuck apple btw) for the right one. Many thanks! I'm trying to figure out how to make i3-gaps have rounded corners, but internet searches have solutions not working for me and I'm just wondering if… Hello! I'm using the Manjaro i3 distro and loving it this far. Jan 10, 2022 ยท Rounded i3-gaps # Resloved have an awesome fork to implement rounded corners. herbstluftwm -> really underrated wm imo. NOTE: I'll be checking if it runs on Ubuntu. 461K subscribers in the unixporn community. 5. Will like to hear some feedback :) P. 467K subscribers in the unixporn community. This subreddit has voted to protest reddit's… Hello everyone, I made a script that automatically installs i3-gaps window manager with rounded corners and polybar for everyone who uses Pop OS. focused_inactive #00C1FF #00C1FF #ffffff #2C2C2C client. # Dependencies sudo apt install git libxcb1-dev libxcb-keysyms1-dev libpango1. Thanks in advance 105 votes, 14 comments. You set corner radius in your picom. The Samsung Galaxy Fold community! News, Reviews, Tips, Discussions and more about the Galaxy Fold line, but also other foldables and related stuff. I added corner-radius = 15; to the file but it doesn't seem to work, even after relog and restart. Any answers or advice will be greatly appreciated. focused #FE2644 #FE2644 #000088 #00C1FF client. Picom must be in implementation with rounded corners as i3-gaps. This is how I handle a centered bar with round corners and transparent borders in i3, but no shadow, set in Picom of course. Edit: here’s an old copy of my picom config. I want rounded corners on all or some of my windows. conf and border size in your i3 config. uses a client-server architecture like BSPWM, so it can be configured in any language, most people use shell scripts though. Just add border_radius 4 to your config to apply rounded corners with a radius of 4. This has i3-gaps and border radius too. Reddit . Then you won't see your window getting cut. I have only tested it on my machine so if it fails on yours then leave a comment via the AUR or add an issue to any of my github repositories. Submit screenshots of all your *NIX desktops, themes, and nifty configurations… 57K subscribers in the i3wm community. unfocused #0310EA #0310EA #ffffff i meant the round corners of polybar. 0" Using picom's gaps option is much preferable to using i3-gaps-rounded (which I used to use), because it actually aliases your rounded corners so they're smooth. picom is what I use, install that and start it, then edit the rounded corners section of the config file to your liking. It would have to be offset or placed in the middle. Submit screenshots of all your *NIX desktops, themes, and nifty configurations, or… I'm on i3-gaps, using Picom, and I would like to put a nice blur on transparent windows AND rounded corners on every window, but it doesn't work on my machine : it's either the blur, or the rounded corners So I installed i3-gaps-rounded-git from the AUR, and it seems to be working fine except the corners aren't rounded. I try to use picom to have rounded corner too but the border's corner still gone. i find that round corners are usually blurred as well, leading to some artifacts. Can anyone suggest any package or something that makes rounded corners for windows in i3 gaps. But you can work around i3's limitations. i3-gaps is a fork of i3wm, a tiling window manager for X11. There's something I'm missing but I'm not sure what it is. Gaps are the namesake feature of i3-gaps and add spacing between windows/containers. Restart bspwm. The simple thing is you have to give it enough pixels to actually round. 441K subscribers in the unixporn community. Proper rounded border support is present in some alternate branches, such as i3-resolved but i haven't seen it in recent times. Nextly configure it with rounded corners and enable in i3 configuration file on system startup. Hello, So I was wondering if I can give my windows rounded corners. ๐Ÿ‘ [i3-gaps] Rounded corners all the way! (details in comments) Welcome to the TickTick Reddit! This community is devoted to the discussion of TicTick, regarding I'm migrating from Arch Linux to Debian due to some problems with virtualization when migrating I ended up realizing that the i3-gaps is not in the official repository In the future if anyone needs support related to rounded corners DM me on reddit All of these 3 don't work, but when I install i3-gaps-rounded-git, Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 4 votes and 6 comments Posted by u/kadim11 - 6 votes and 11 comments 79 votes, 12 comments. Posted by u/NikIsHere_ - 2 votes and 3 comments ive tried i3-radius and it just doesnt build, i run arch and im wondering if there is an aur package that can give me rounded corners. config. conf in . i3(-gaps) -> generally the one recommended to newbies. taking a second look, it could just be that the background is already pretty much solid in the first place. How do I install i3-gaps? i3-rounded is a fork of i3-gaps that adds rounding to window corners. i3-gaps - glint: highlighting focused windows since I use round corners. Just make the border thicker than the corner radius. This is super exiting development, and I’m so grateful that i3 still sees such radical updates while being committed to stability and backwards compatibility. For support & all other kinds of questions, you can ask your question on the official subreddit /r/i3wm. At the end of my i3 config I added: border_radius 10. It is kept up to date with upstream, adding a few additional features such as gaps between windows (see below for a complete list). Spoiler alert, the main difference is the Posted by u/hatfulofmadness - 15 votes and 5 comments The rounded corner fork of i3 has garbage looking corners too ugly to stare at all day and picom with rounded borders look great. I've googled for quite a bit but couldn't find… I am using i3-gaps with picom and this is how my windows look like, how can I achieve that the corners on top are not rounded? the only thing that I have in my picom config file right now is "corner-radius = 15. I fork it again to keep it up-to-date with the upstream i3-gaps. ! I was wondering if there is any fork of i3, that implements this correctly. Lines 165-180 are the rounded corner settings I use. Submit screenshots of all your *NIX desktops, themes, and nifty configurations, or… didnt work so i just used rounded corner i3 gaps + kawase compton Reply ap29600 Reddit . And i don't know why the border at the corner has gone. And I've been playing with the value but with no luck. Probably you can disable your actual compositor (i3 config file, section with autostart), uninstall it and install new one with support for rounded corners. I use i3 w/ gaps and rounded corners cause picom kinda blows lol # Window borders #new_window 1pixel smart_borders on #hide_edge_borders both for_window [class="^. Actually, my hacky way to archive this was using a semicircle icon character from the nerd patched roboto font. 464K subscribers in the unixporn community. 473K subscribers in the unixporn community. There was a recent pull request that allows you to change the corner radius via the i3 config file. I'm currently using the ibhagwan/picom fork for blur and rounded corners, but the border is being cut instead of rounding out (see image below). Rounded corners should be picom not i3 afaik, don't know about the i3 version you're mentioning tho. i3-gaps-rounded doesn't have aliasing so you'll have ugly jagged corners, and rounded corners has been merged into main picom for a long time now so there's no need to use a fork. Any help will be appreciated. 7. But feel free to take a look at my config, I have rounded corners working with plain i3-gaps and picom Picom rounding corners isnt working for me. It would look pretty cool. Submit screenshots of all your *NIX desktops, themes, and nifty configurations, or… Install bspwm again (using the modified rounded corners fork). Here, enthusiasts, hobbyists, and professionals gather to discuss, troubleshoot, and explore everything related to 3D printing with the Ender 3. Since the i3-gaps-rounded only rounds the corners but cuts the border, and the corner does not have any border. Hi, i have just made the aur package for i3-gaps with rounded corners and thought that you guys might like to know. See full list on terminalroot. . reReddit: Top posts of October 19, 2019. 130 votes, 53 comments. If that doesn't work I'll need more information. dwqv fzmh nwc tunyt biok zyz cybob qai buvq iyxv jshk iczqwh aevxb lcsxgxd vevgnv