Horizontal line css without hr Style an <hr> line as wavy using CSS. 6 SVG image. The external look of the horizontal line defined by the tag depends on the type of the browser. With CSS properties, there are various things that you can regulate about the <hr> tag. . fancy-line { border: 0; height: 1px; Here we set the height 3 times to get support across email clients font-size:2px; line-height:2px; height:2px;, if the height is larger than the current font size we can leave the font-size off. Keep it simple: Less is more. In order to create a horizontal line, you need to put a new line between the paragraph Jun 29, 2013 · The gaps are caused by the default margin of 8px for the body element (which is a common browser default and described both in CSS 2. All I need is just horizontal line with zero top and bottom margin <p>This is header</p> < Jun 30, 2010 · There is a <hr> tag for horizontal line. I have somethink like this, but it's creating line on both sides but I want only on one side - left or right May 1, 2021 · The section sign with double horizontal rules (source: MDN (2021)) 3. Jan 26, 2022 · The <hr> tag is an empty element. It’s a self-closing tag, meaning you don’t need a Mar 2, 2023 · Horizontal rules are a classic styling element used to create a visual break in text and content. Adjust that 0. Try Teams for free Explore Teams Apr 13, 2020 · With CSS3, you can also make your lines more interesting. How to change the thickness of hr tag using CSS – FAQs Can I change the thickness of the <hr> tag without using CSS? No, adjusting the thickness of the <hr> tag requires CSS properties like height or border. You can also customize margin with spacing utilities: mt for margin top, mb for margin bottom and my for margin top and bottom. Jun 27, 2013 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Mar 14, 2017 · I'm using HTML/CSS in my Django templates and I would like to display an horizontal line after my Django template form. background-color works only if height is mentioned; border: none is recommended as hr comes with a default border of 1px; React Component Mar 7, 2020 · There are two possible solutions for this issue: Specify a width for the <hr> tag; Do not use FlexBox in this case; FlexBox is a powerful tool –and an amazing one, probably the best to come to CSS in a long time–, but as with any other tool, it is important to understand it and only use it when it is needed. How to Adjust the Thickness of an <hr>? The thickness of the horizontal line can be modified using the height property: hr { height: 5px; background-color: #2ecc71; border: none; } Explanation: Jun 15, 2013 · This is what happens with HR the first pixel is grey :/ (im using chrome btw dont have any other browsers): Tried both: hr { border-top: 1px solid #111111; border-bottom: 1px solid #292929; } Jan 11, 2025 · The border property sets the thickness and color of the line. My issue is the very large space above the horizontal line. html o Oct 16, 2017 · Explains how to make a section of hr transparent using CSS. Jun 17, 2022 · I have already successfully added 1 horizontal line, but when I try to add another one (by using multiple <hr> elements in the HTML), it doesn't seem to work. Just put a URL to it here and we'll apply it, in the order you have them, before the CSS in the Pen itself. Aug 24, 2018 · Learn how to make h3 and <hr> inline or design after the title in HTML. While it may still be displayed as a horizontal rule Apr 23, 2021 · How to style an line as wavy using pure CSS. If you wish to use a directive to solve this issue, you will have to write your own md-divider directive which takes the display text as a parameter. line_hcenter { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } . Feb 28, 2022 · From the above code, we're creating a new element with a height of 2px and width of 130px before the hr-lines element using the content property, then giving it an absolute position in order to move it around, we set the top to 50% to make it align with the text at the middle. horizontal-line{ border-top: 1px solid #9E9E9E; border-bottom: 1px solid #9E9E9E; } Although it works, I want this line to be thinner. In HTML5, the <hr> tag defines a thematic break. 2. Example of what I'd like to see: --- snip 8< --- Introduction Jun 27, 2012 · But whatever the cause of the problem might be, the CSS approach should avoid it, since at attaches the horizontal line to the form element. hr. I have been using the horizontal rule tag <hr> but I'm struggling to get most of the attributes to work at all. Is there an easy way to insert a horizontal line that is the length of the email? Thanks! Alex Aug 2, 2021 · This CSS fragment for custom. Use horizontal lines sparingly. patreon. The <hr /> naturally stretches across the screen and doesn't need width:100%, so remove it. To make the line more visible you can modify the CSS code by including the following in the ui part: Jul 2, 2024 · Historically, this has been presented as a horizontal rule or line. Sep 21, 2012 · I need to create a headline with equal length lines on both sides of the headline text, and a fixed size padding between the lines and the text. line_vcenter { margin Dec 22, 2022 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Also, the width (40% in this case) is very dependent of the width of the text inside. The hr tag in HTML uses to provide thematic breaks between content. Finally, you can create a fancy SVG image to be used in place of a horizontal rule. Sep 10, 2024 · Decorative & Minimal HR Designs. Jun 19, 2024 · Using <hr> for layout: It’s tempting, but horizontal lines are for decoration and separation, not layout. How can you position a horizontal line other than the align attribute? I want to specify the position like 100px from the left and 200px from the top. The text will vary so it must not set a width. This encompasses not only the width and color but also alignment and style. css does it for me. a horizontal rule) in Javascript, akin to the html <hr> tag? I want to be able to set its color and thickness, exa Nov 17, 2009 · Using hr created two lines for me, one solid and one dotted. In browsers, the <hr /> tag is displayed as a horizontal rule or line, like this: Attributes of <hr /> Tag There is a tutorial here on how to do this in photoshop: I am trying to do this with CSS only. # Horizontal line in HTML. This is the code: HTML: <!-- Glyph, by Harry Roberts --> CSS: Sep 26, 2024 · In this guide, we’ll explore two effective methods to add horizontal lines in HTML: using the <hr> tag and CSS properties. 6 new items. I want the <hr> line to be 0. This collection of 18 simple styles is for you. Even if the line-height is much smaller than the size of the rendered character, the character is still displayed full size, but the space it takes up is dictated by the line-height. Making a tittle between two lines. More often it is displayed with a border, which creates 3D effect. The rendered output of all three looks identical: Horizontal Rule Best Practices Bootstrap 4 define a CSS style for the HTML built-in horizontal divider <hr />, so just use it. c Dec 22, 2024 · This guide will walk you through various methods, from the basic <hr> tag to more advanced CSS styling techniques. An HR tag is what I would call legacy HTML and like old form attributes had a forced "3D" look due to its four colored borders. zip o Each image should have a hyperlink o For now, 4 news categories should link to list. a simple 1px black line without any margin. Default HR # Use this example to separate text content with a <hr> horizontal line. Oct 17, 2023 · Now with the CSS3, you can dress up the normal horizontal break-lines to how you want. To draw a horizontal line in React: Use the <hr /> tag and set the style prop on it. Mar 23, 2017 · The reason for this is that default value of align-items is stretch so hr will get the same height as largest element in flex-container or in this case h2. Other uses Jun 18, 2017 · I know this is old, but I would like to add one thing with markdown. Apr 7, 2024 · #Draw a horizontal line in React. e. In HTML, the`<hr>` tag is used for this purpose, creating a horizontal line across any page where it's placed. setMaximumSize(new Dimension(Integer. It is an empty or Dec 31, 2023 · When we need to divide two HTML components, the hr tag in HTML creates a horizontal line between them. 6. You can also link to another Pen here (use the . If you need to create a horizontal line from scratch which displays differently from HR. The lines that I currently have are very thin so that I can barely see them. Related Articles Feb 8, 2017 · You can try set display: inline-block; to your <hr> to render the horizontal line as an inline element with block properties. The appearance should be set in CSS, not in the HTML itself. Feb 14, 2017 · I am currently working on some html for a calendar (in html5), and I am trying to add in a coloured horizontal line. probably it's the border bottom for the span container the text. The Horizontal Rule tag (<hr>) is used to insert horizontal lines in the HTML document to separate sections of the document. Related. Dec 28, 2018 · I want to remove those horizontal lines using CSS like border-bottom but failed. This blog post explores how to style the HTML <hr> element using CSS, covering fundamental concepts, practical implementation, common pitfalls, and advanced usage. Then to compensate for the padding, just add the same negative margin to the <hr />. This is what I did for the horizontal one and it doesn't look nice am not sure how to do the vertical one even. The other way to create horizontal lines is using any tag with bottom border or top border only or use div tag with specific height. Jul 6, 2015 · I can increase the default margin of a hr tag. Aug 1, 2016 · HTML 5 is moving the markup towards a more semantic structure with more emphasis the layout being placed on CSS and media elements. Using <hr> Tag. 0. 1. With CSS, you can customize this line in a variety of ways to make it stand out. 5px thick. Jan 2, 2012 · My CSS for HR Line Styling;. 0 since the bullet class and container used for the <HR> is the same as other bullets. The horizontal lines are used not only as breakers but also as part of modern web design. However when I ran the app, the color that is displayed is #D5E3DF Here is an image with the diference Nov 7, 2024 · Styling Horizontal Lines with CSS. From the W3C documentation: In HTML 4. Jul 16, 2016 · Edit: I used width to control the length of the horizontal line that will appear below my heading or text. Easy way to fix this is to use flex-wrap: wrap on parent element and flex: 0 0 100% on hr Sep 25, 2016 · This might be a basic question, but how does one make a horizontal line (a. 5px, but it didn't work. You can style horizontal lines with CSS. You can style the hr attribute with css. The HTML <hr> element represents a thematic break between paragraph-level elements (for example, a change of scene in a story, or a shift of topic with a section); historically, this has been presented as a horizontal rule or line. Horizontal line with HTML/CSS. As a longtime graphic slash sgml template designer and after years of work on madison ave creating ads and typefaces too, eruditely, the hr still has a place in web design, and not just to define two sections as elements. Jun 2, 2006 · I would like to have a thin horizontal line of one particular colour to put on top of a div and right below it. Best Practices. div will probably require the usage of css I believe and with hr t Apr 2, 2010 · And if you don't want "infinite" space between the button and label, assign the separator to a variable and call separator. Hot Network Questions To create a red horizontal line: hr { border: none; height: 3px; background-color: #e74c3c; } Adjusting Thickness. Jul 19, 2021 · How can I draw a thin horizontal line without using the <hr> tag ? I tried this:. The simplest way to create a horizontal line in HTML is using the <hr> tag. Share Improve this answer Putting Heading within 2 horizontal lines in CSS. border: 1px #f0f solid; it'll add a fuchsia border around the existing bevelled border. hr { width: 70%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; Apr 9, 2011 · Here are a few examples of css for hr-Elements and also as the eighth example the solution of how to write text in the middle of a line without a break before and after it. But I can't reduce the margin of hr to zero. Inconsistent Design: Keep your lines consistent with your overall design to avoid a cluttered look. css URL Extension) and we'll pull the CSS from that Pen and include it. Passing color from styles has no effect on <hr />. Dec 15, 2011 · The best way to add a horizontal line between rows is with a CSS borders. The HR element is traditionally a horizontal line, but with the CSS transform property, you can change how they look. I am using Firefox 3. Update of August 2018 collection. This means that it only has an opening tag, <hr>. However, I am a total noob when it comes to CSS, which I think is responsible for the different visualizations that you can achieve within Obisidian. While it may still be displayed as a horizontal rule in visual browsers, this element is now defined in semantic terms, rather than presentational terms, so if you wish to draw a horizontal line, you should do so using appropriate CSS. Nov 7, 2024 · The HTML <hr> element is a useful tool for creating horizontal rules or lines that separate content on a webpage. They are taken outside of the normal flow (sort of), so the divs end up being 0 height. It's almost the size of a full break <br> If I manually edit the signature in Outlook by setting the spacing after the text that is just before the horizontal line it's okay, but I can't do this manually for the # of them I need to edit. HTML Code: <hr/> CSS code: May 1, 2021 · See Cope (2011) for pseudo elements in detail. Further, there is a background image on the page so the background of the title needs to be transparent. While using W3Schools, you agree to have read and accepted our terms of use, cookie and privacy policy. The attributes that aren't supported in the HTML5 spec are all related to the tag's appearance. Extract from the generated HTML for the bullet in front of the HR … May 23, 2017 · The original code generates a radial gradient and covers the bottom half of it with a block colored the same as the background. – I am working on some CSS where the design calls for page titles (headings) to be centered with horizontal lines that are vertically centered on either side. Jan 9, 2021 · With CSS3, you can also make your lines more interesting. Change the width of the horizontal line by setting the width property and then center it using the margin property. However, there is a CSS-only solution to achieve the same visual effect. divider{ margin-left: 5px; margin-right: 5px; height: 100px; width: 1px Jun 23, 2015 · And how exactly you used this mixin? Mixins do not produce any CSS on their own. You can use letters, pseudo-elements, or animated hr lines to engage your web design and content to the audience. With this style, you will ensure that the lines will fit your design. You cannot use CSS to add HTML tags to a page. May 23, 2013 · Don't use <hr> for this, as it's chiefly a semantic element rather than presentational. 01, the <hr> tag represented a horizontal rule. The hr tag in HTML uses to draw horizontal line breaks Learn how to create horizontal and straight lines within CSS using the <hr> tag and the border-bottom property 👩💻 Technical question Asked almost 2 years ago in CSS by Melanie Nayeli The HR component can be used to separate content using a horizontal line by adding space between elements based on multiple styles, variants, and layouts. I found that using a div works quite well: div { border-top: 1px dotted #cccccc; color: #ffffff; background-color: #ffffff; height: 1px; width: 95%; } React Horizontal Line (HR) - Flowbite. Jan 19, 2018 · Semantically, <hr> element is for thematic breaks. First, you want to collapse all the borders of the table so that there is no space between the cells (this might help your solution as well, but I don't recommend using hr for this purpose). It defines the <hr> as: hr { margin: 1rem 0; color: inherit; background-color: currentColor; border: 0; opacity: 0. And we add role="separator" to add the semantic meaning of an <hr> if this is suitable. ; Set the height of the line and optionally set backGroundColor and color. Oct 9, 2017 · Note: If there is more than one hr inside the same parent, you can use #page > hr:nth-of-type(x) {display:none;}, with x being the count for the hr inside the parent Share Improve this answer Mar 1, 2015 · You can make it work by adjusting the width property in your css. It would be a design flaw to use <hr /> across a site as a design, but in this post, for instance, it would be correct to use both <br /> and <hr />, since this section of text would still have to be a section of text, even if the site layout changed. I was able to get it working on fiddle using before and after psuedo tags ( with help from Stack overflow). Using a DIV can give the least effort to create the needed result. Feb 8, 2021 · Yes it does. Margin-left and margin-right :auto, automatically placed the line in the center where as normally the line would begin at one end of the page and end in another. The <hr> element is styled with CSS rules instead of attributes. hr { margin: 0. css. HTML5 tag for horizontal line break. I want to change the thickness of my horizontal rule (<hr>)in CSS. Nov 10, 2015 · I am wondering which is a best practice to use if I have to draw vertical line using HTML <hr> tag or using <div> tag. If you set . Aug 9, 2014 · If you don’t want to use <hr> in your markup for whatever reason (for example it isn’t “semantic”) but you still want a horizontal line between two elements, this simple little trick achieves the desired result: Learn how to style an hr element with CSS. line_width { width:100%; } . use padding for the span to adjust the line-width. Basic Horizontal Line Example in HTML and CSS. Jan 21, 2009 · <br /> is meant to do the same thing, but without the horizontal line. CSS. Currently, I just add dashes until I get to what I hope is the other sides of the email, but sometimes this doesn't work and the line appears to be an akward length in the actual email. I tried to reduce 1px to 0. margin-left and margin-right should also be relative to the width when you adjust the margin in the left, the width is still 100% in the page and so, the right overflows I love using three dashes that then turn into a horizontal line to mark that I am done with a session or a chapter. You can use the border property to style a hr element: The HTML hr tag. By default Bootstrap uses minimal hr from common normalize goody and it does not invoke any mixins. And default value for justify-content is flex-start so width of hr is 0. Starting in HTML5, we now need to attach a slash to the tag of an empty element. So use the <hr> tag without attributes, then style it in CSS to appear the way you want. It can be used with CSS to make horizontal line also:. Just create a div with about a 3px height and apply the following CSS (change the colors as needed): Mar 10, 2017 · CSS Solution. Blog Projects About. Jan 20, 2012 · The problem is with the floating spans. Feb 7, 2022 · The color I’ve chosen for the horizontal lines is #53917E. The effects are well-executed without going over the top with flashy features. Aug 23, 2018 · Collection of free HTML and CSS <hr> code examples. Using line-height: 1px achieves the vertical centering. 3. Support me on Patreon:https://www. Change your CSS to this:. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and learning. You can override the horizontal margins of body rather simply: You can apply CSS to your Pen from any stylesheet on the web. HR is an HTML tag that enables us to add a horizontal rule or a thematic break to an HTML page. 11 on Ubuntu Jan 7, 2013 · The vertical space consumed by a line of text is determined by line-height. single-article hr { margin: 30px -20px 20px; border: 0; border-top: 1px solid #c9c7c7; } See working jsFiddle demo Jun 12, 2014 · Can I achieve this without using <hr>?I want the horizontal and vertical lines with the dots. Apr 9, 2011 · Here are a few examples of css for hr-Elements and also as the eighth example the solution of how to write text in the middle of a line without a break before and after it. This method allows for more styling flexibility, like dashed or dotted lines. With DIV, it may only need one style: border-top:1px solid #000. how to create the horizontal line with dash length as shown in image using CSS. So, instead of having just <hr>, you should make it <hr />. Sep 28, 2012 · If you intend to use border:0px;, then set height:1px; and set background:#FFFF00; (OR) border:1px solid #FFFF00; and height:0px; That might do the trick! Either stick with border color to show a horizontal line or go with the background color for <HR> tag Requirements are: • Include all sections from the design o Header, Content, and Footer o Dotted line indicate page boundaries and is not required • Use hyperlinks for navigation links with the 5 provided images o Images can be found in resources. See the Pen 18 Simple Styles for Horizontal Rules (hr CSS Design) by Ibrahim Jabbari Sep 14, 2013 · So the problem is that IE does not consider <hr> borders as "borders". For adjusting vertical spacing, use padding-top and padding-bottom for the <hr> element, not for the pseudo element. You can apply CSS to your Pen from any stylesheet on the web. Let's define the element: About External Resources. Although, it has been pointed in comments that, if you change the size of your line, border will still be as wide as you specified in styles, and line will be filled with the default color (which is not a desired effect most of the time). Different Approaches to Add Horizontal Lines in HTML 1. I have centered the title and I can use pseudo class to create the line. Learn how to customize the appearance of the <hr> element with color, width, height, gradients, shadows, and Jun 19, 2019 · In this video I'll be demonstrating how to add style to your horizontal rule (hr) tags using some very simple CSS. Also make sure that your markup and CSS is valid! Dec 23, 2013 · I know this is an older question, but considering there aren't yet any correct CSS-only answers (although Bobby was close), I'll add my two cents. Dec 22, 2013 · A better idea though would be to mimic the HR's old way of doing things by way of CSS without the use of the HR. Apr 9, 2020 · Key points I noticed after working with the <hr /> tag. Jul 5, 2016 · I want to create horizontal line on left side of my text. Feb 25, 2012 · In order to reproduce that horizontal rule, you can use a CSS3 linear-gradient. The HTML <hr> tag is a block-level element transferring all the elements after it to another line. How to create a line in HTML. 8em; } I guess it is not possible to CSS style the bullet away in Logseq v0. WITHOUT CSS Sep 26, 2024 · In this guide, we’ll explore two effective methods to add horizontal lines in HTML: using the <hr> tag and CSS properties. In order to overcome you will need to set its borders, preferably to zero, set a height and background. The above code will render the hr element as height-less and the *** will be overlapped with the following paragraph. Horizontal lines in HTML are simple to create using the hr tag, border, or custom CSS styles. It also supports the CSS border , margin and padding properties; likely the position and associated properties though I'd highly recommend considering how off the consideration for using that property is 90% of the time for most elements. The closer I could get is in this fiddle. If you don't need an extra element, or you don't want a jQuery solution(As you want) Using hr element as a direct child to ul element is not a valid markup, instead, you can use a border-bottom for each li which will behave same as hr does, still if you want an explicit way to do so, say for controlling the width of the separator without changing the width of li than you can do I think you should use border-color instead of color, if your intention is to change the color of the line produced by <hr> tag. 25; } Also, Bootstrap 5 has moved a lot of its UI control over to utility classes that gives you a far richer control of your UI. The :before and :after elements are positioned absolutely so we can pull one to the left and one to the right. It should look something like in this picture, where I have added the missing elements in red. css & Bootstrap. This is the code: This is the code: Jan 13, 2014 · What is the right way to create a horizontal line with HTML and CSS? 4. You can use the ::after pseudo-element to do this. May 29, 2013 · This Stack Overflow post explains how to create a dotted <hr> tag in HTML. Use background-color to change hr color with styles. In CSS I tried using height:1px but it does not change the thickness. hr { box-sizing: border-box; border: 0 none transparent; border-top: 1px solid #333333; } Nov 7, 2016 · @media (max-width:767px) { hr { visibility: none; } //This will make the hr hidden if the screen size is under 767px Or you can just use JavaScript to check the width and see if you should deliver the hr to the page. Create a horizontal line using the HR tag to separate content such as paragraphs, blockquotes, and other elements using the utility classes from Tailwind CSS Jan 21, 2017 · The hr element supports the CSS background-color property. 3. Using the <hr> tag, we can divide document sections. MAX_VALUE, 20)) on it (adjust for how much space you need and whether the separator is horizontal or vertical) It seems that is not the hr tag. To create a horizontal rule, use three or more asterisks (***), dashes (---), or underscores (___) on a line by themselves. W3Schools is optimized for learning and training. I know it can be done in HTML like so - <hr size="10"> But I hear that this is deprecated as mentioned on MDN here. 1 and in HTML5 CR). Well, the second one does, the first one is still a few px high because of the hr. You can rotate your HR element so that it's just slightly diagonal: CSS technique for a horizontal line with words in any element into a divider without set background and the widths to get different sizes of hr lines. Part of the Reboot, and is present in both Bootstrap-reboot. Aug 29, 2013 · The line help to break up content and make clearer sections. so the width of the span will define the line width. g. If you put a horizontal line with no new line right after a paragraph like this: This is text! <!--No new line after paragraph--> --- The output will be: This is text! with the text bolded. hr{ border-bottom: 1px dotted grey; } but i am unable get the same stroke length as shown in the image. Adjusting it to your requirements is just a matter of moving the covering piece from the bottom to the top. The <hr> Tag: Your Go-To for Horizontal Lines. This is what i've tried. Perhaps you’d like your dividers to look nice without distracting from the rest of your content. <!-- it is an empty tag and self closed --> <hr /> We can also apply css to decorate our horizontal line. Let’s see how to style the <hr> element with CSS below. have to think about a solution for that. How to make a horizontal line without using <hr> tag? 1. A favorite transformation on the HR element is to change the rotation. Here is an example of my issue: About External Resources. i have just added psuedo code this is how actually my table looks like i want to remove those horiazontal line from cloth,shirt,pants straight away to the bottom for all the columns as well Oct 13, 2024 · Styling the <hr> Tag With CSS Border Property; HTML Horizontal Line – What is an HTML hr tag? In HTML, <hr> tag stands for horizontal rule. Knocking out the borders May 28, 2019 · How to make hr element be inline like I do it in snippet, but without absolute positioning and without hr crossing text? div { position: relative; } hr { position: absolute; top Nov 30, 2014 · In HTML5 it defines a thematic break in content, without making any promises about how it is displayed. Oct 21, 2014 · I am trying to draw a line with a small arrow pointing down as in the image attached. of all content. Nov 14, 2015 · Horizontal line. Sep 24, 2018 · Between the horizontal lines (which are in line with the circles), I would need to have additional line(s) rotated for 90 degrees and to have some text in front of it. From MDN. Jul 1, 2014 · I am trying to place a 100% horizontal line (rule) automatically beneath every instance of an <h1> header tag using CSS. line_height { height:4px; } . 8 figure if necessary. Apr 23, 2021 · 0 min · null views. The md-divider directive isn't meant to be used this way, so there is no reason to try and force it. The l Apr 24, 2017 · In general the line is visible, but with very low contrast to the background. I'm getting a problem because my line doesn't apply CSS style : <div cla Nov 22, 2011 · That is, the. k. Nov 26, 2013 · This solution will give you a horizontal rule without the shade and also arbitrary thickness (within the limits of border). Add a line next to a header with CSS. More over it has the zero height (so even if you set background-image for hr it stays invisible). acbf ivvs wafv ynfywm ebaey kchooq eccutrm qnizxf zrgsq ebdmerh eghvz gmygvq fxieuv aeikg fqcqoe