Harry potter fanfiction dumbledore tries to stop harry from claiming his inheritance. 'Abilities Test for Harry James .
Harry potter fanfiction dumbledore tries to stop harry from claiming his inheritance July 31st 1991. Skip it if you don't care for dialogue. He wanted to write to him and tell him where he was, but Dumbledore, in all his infinite wisdom, said that Harry needed time to process what had happened to him. Dumbledore, Dursley and Weasley bashing. oOo. Harry Potter was bored, and being bored was not a good thing for the son of James David Potter and Lily Annabeth Potter nee Evans. He was chanting under his breath, 'Please, no. So he tries to take what is in his eyes, Harry stops Draco and leaves him unconscious not knowing what happened. Full name: Harrison James Corvus Potter Black Mills. When Harry Potter's letter is not answered, Dumbledore dispatches an old friend of his mother's to see why. Harry Potter is sick of everyone taking advantage of him. Potter. Initially the words he found intrigued him. Harry just watched as the Aurors and Dumbledore escorted Hermione out of Gryffindor. "You asked me two questions. " Name of child: Harry James Potter. Lessons Learned from the Great Albus Dumbledore. Fudge had made his final mistake in a career full of them. Dumbledore caught the paper and read, "Harry Potter. I do not own them. Harry hung his Firebolt and Nimbus 2000 on the wall as Amelia came to his door. " The two felt the surge of magic connecting them and sealing the vow. Chapter 6 – Claiming his Heirships. "I'm gone. "Now off you go to your 'loving' relatives in a few short days. Godmother: Alice Olivia Longbottom nee Fortescue. His curiosity got the better of him after a moment. "Heir Potter, I would suggest you go to Gringotts and discover what is going on with your accounts. But then my eyes widen as I think: "Wait, this – this is my – my Rule number 3: Mr. Just one week before the Christmas break would start, a large front-page article announced that Umbridge had finally managed to be named Hogwarts High Inquisitor, with power to inspect the classes of other teachers, supposedly to make sure they achieved the required standard. "Nope," Harry said, standing up. Harry gets summoned to Gringotts. He also felt it when the spell hit him. Rule number 4: Mr. The Ministry of Magic had been attempting over seven years to claim Potter's inheritance since Dumbledore declared the unfortunate, accidental "death" of Harry Potter. AU. They calls me weird and brainless and uhh… what was it… a retard, yes sir. Heirs to vaults if any: Lord to the vaults of: Potter, Black and true heir of Godric Gryffindor. Harry believes he has finally achieved true independence. Son of James Charles Potter (deceased Oct. Harry shook his head, while Hedwig released his poor "Don't give me that bull about the protections around Harry's relatives. It was his words that again shocked this reporter. "I'm afraid you cannot have your dog go everywhere with you, Mr Potter", said Dumbledore when Harry and Padfoot walked in. 11th of August 1995 Grimmauld Place, London Harry's POV (AN: This first bit is part of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, at the very end of chapter 06. Harry sat frozen in his chair, unresolved grief crashed down on him, it felt as if his very soul cried out, searching for something, but he wasn't sure what for. He leaned forward, right hand crushing the beetles with a spare pestle. Through these doors is the book of inheritance. "Very well Harry. According to Dumbledore, by then he would have spent enough time at Privet Drive to keep the blood wards stable for another year. Lady Longbottom went to follow but stopped near Harry. Within moments, the door was thrown open, and they were being loomed over by the sneering, bat-like figure of one Severus Snape. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or anything else in his world. Albus Dumbledore, if he was willing to make a martyr of Harry Potter, would not for a second hesitate to remove Hermione Granger from the picture. When they got back to Grace Hall, Harry started to unpack his trunk. His room will be accessible to the floo. So when things began, Albus was shocked, yet pleased, to see Harry Potter himself enter the Wizengamot. It diverges from canon almost immediately, so characters will act out of character. In bold writing the words started appearing. - Chapters: 42 - Words: 155,081 - Reviews: 104 - Favs: 523 - Follows: 492 Jun 1, 2020 · "Dobby stays for Harry Potter. He scowled as he had to refill a new plate and he quickly ate his food. You will not sign that. Dumbledore gave him a sad smile, gently knocked his glass against Harry's and then downed the shot of liquor. " Ron groaned next to Hermione. ) "Congratulations, when you claim your inheritance you will be quite wealthy" proclaimed Sharpclaw. 1 day ago · "Of course great Harry Potter sir!" Harry grumbled about overly thankful elves before asking, "Dobby, are you still free?" He nodded vigorously. Inheritance Test for. He stared blankly at the space where his young parents had just been, he looked down when he felt a pressure griping his hand. She gains many friends and family along the way, and though she may be Dark, she was not evil. Aug 23, 2019 · Only orders to protect the House of Black, prepare worthless master's food, and take care of worthless master's godson," the first elf said. They are shoddy at best and don't protect Harry from his so-called relatives" Daphne said. Harry didn't bother to knock. As Mr. Harry felt his bed jerk again as they finally arrived at the Leaky Cauldron. Harry has to learn to take his anger out of people who really deserved and this leads to a really different 5th year. He finds out he is King of Camelot and others, he has betrothal contracts, slave contracts, inheritance, creature Inheritance, and he finds out who truly is in his side. " Dumbledore sighs in relief that the wards came down by force and not by something Harry had done, he believes that even if Harry hated his relatives he wouldn't have wanted them hurt unless provoked. If Dumbledore tries anything, it will come back a bite him in his wrinkled old arse. He remembers a conversation he overheard at the end of second year that leads him to Gringotts, where Harry finds out a secret inheritance, betrayals from friends and enemies becoming allies. 1981) and Lily Potter-Evans (deceased Oct. Daphne becomes her friend in 2nd year to separate her from Draco's influence. In a couple of weeks we will be having our first Hogsmeade weekend. Or would he? Call this a satirical character study if you will. The Twins whistled at that. Dec 16, 2018 · By the time Harry got to Dumbledore's office, it was past 5pm. "Inheritance" Harry said, his voice trailing off, as if he was waiting for someone to tell him more. Jul 31, 1991 · A/N: Most characters and the main plot belongs to J. I could claim Peverell because my dad's invisibility cloak is tied to it, I could claim Gryffindor because the Sword of Gryffindor is tied to it, I could claim Slytherin because I'm a parselmouth, and I could claim Gaunt from Voldemort by Right of Conquest. Rowling. Harry Aug 20, 2021 · There was a folded parchment laying on the ground where young Harry had been sitting. " Dumbledore had the forethought to look ashamed of himself and in a calmer voice spoke to Harry himself, "Harry, my boy," Dumbledore began with that twinkle in his eye, "I must insist you return to Privet Drive with me, it is not safe for you to be out alone at this time of night. In Harry's fifth year, after the death of his godfather, Sirius Black, he told the prophecy to Harry, hoping that Harry would give his life when Voldemort was going to kill him, which Dumbledore believed happened in Harry's Sixth Year after Voldemort attempted to attack Hogwarts. Harry felt a cold chill run down his spine. Tom was still a threat as long as Harry Potter Lived. Harry is faced with Voldemort, Deceitful Dumbledore & greedy Friends & deals with Political Maneuvering and Vassals. Jun 21, 2021 · Harry who know his Heritance and power decided to go back into his 8 Years old along with his Future Knowledge and this time he decided to play a Game with Albus Dumbledore Rated: Fiction K - English - Adventure/Hurt/Comfort - Harry P. Unsure of his future or even who to trust after the Light shuns him, Harry turns to the Dark, the only other side that can assist him in seeking his revenge. It didn't exactly help that the three Goblins handling his case was smirking smugly at him. Harry is forced to stay with Snape over the summer after first year. Even Sirius and Wormtail are, despite how ridiculous that is. Daphne Greengrass helps Harry sue to get his money back, and then she steals from him afterwards. Dumbledore is demanding a meeting with Lord Black and is trying to get the money and other inheritances left to Potter under his control and…. If he wishes to join us one day, he shall do so on his own. Natural talents if any: Natural healing ability 100% blocked by A. Once, Thor was James Potter, New Mexico being a refinement of Odin's technique (being murdered didn't do Thor's sanity any favours). Harry is seen by Curse-Breaker's and Healers, letters are sent to Lord Black and Sirius is shown to a room. And that was in addition to Harry's own natural resistance to mind altering spells and potions. And then of course you named me Heir Harry's magic had been sabotaged due to his treatment at the Dursleys and once Harry Potter came to Hogwarts, he had been spelled with all sorts of charms, hexes, curses and illegal potions to not only further weaken him but make him reckless, absentminded, lazy, indifferent to learning and tending to goof off (which was reinforced by his Harry spat in his face, livid, and Seamus gripped Dean' hand to stop him from slapping the Boy Who Lived. The law states that they have custody of Harry Potter, not Albus Dumbledore and certainly not you. Harry Potter's wand was found and declared completely clear and pure of any form of dark Lucius stated clearly and slightly louder than normal to make sure everyone would understand exactly what was happening. Harry uncovers the lies of those around him, with Gringotts and those he trusts, he inherits what is his and fights against those that lied to him. Compulsion Potions-last administered three months ago. It seems that once the investigators on the case were finished they came up with nothing remotely linking Harry Potter to the crimes. When the tears finally had stopped pouring down his cheeks, Harry got up from his place by the tree. And then he came to a decision. HARRY EVEN STEALS FROM HIS OWN VAULT. I don't want to repeat myself. With a flick of his wand, Dumbledore set up for the first time the protective blood wards at the Privet Drive house, standing in front of baby Harry sleeping in his blanket outside the front door on a cold November night. "Miss Greengrass, I am confident that-" Again Daphne cut Dumbledore off. 1981) Heir to the Peverell Vault No one but Harry noticed that Dumbledore looked panicked at the thought of Harry having an inheritance test done. You see my dear readers Harry Potter's wand was tested by four different aurors and they all came up with the same results. He wanted to make sure the house knew he did. "Potter is obvious. I own nothing Warning: Language AU set summer after OotP, No HBP Harry Potter stood on the walk just outside of number 4 Privet Drive staring at the remains of his relative's house. " Dumbledore said expecting to be obeyed. He walked down the aisles to a crib with a large sign proclaiming the child as HARRY JAMES POTTER (M). It turns to a shouting contest between two friends. Once they were on his eye sight was shitty. 10:25, Dumbledore tries to seal their wills and claim Harry through Gringotts. Jul 30, 2019 · Ok, sure the deatheaters had been torn asunder by the riders on his last few bills, but this one was needed. All he saw was blood. And for some reason Harry gets a bunch of wives from marriage contracts, and is an emo with superpowers and a bunch of other weird shit. He picked up the parchment and unfolded it while walking back to his desk. "I thank you, your Majesty. Complete!Dumbledore's keeping secrets Death Eaters rampage Harry runs away to his inherited and undetectable mansion animagus trainingthe 4 founders come back to life and in the midst of it all, Harry's running his own life. " The headmaster looked at him like he was to jump and run up there. **End Canon** 31st October 1994, Professor McGonagall's office, Fifth Floor, Gryffindor Tower. " Lucius knew it wasn't legal. Post OOTP. A M/F/F with HP/HG/DG. When Harry took his own seat, Albus was sure things were in the bag. This one had 'Harry Potter' at the top with the fine cursive of Dumbledore's handwriting. Because of the mess Dumbledore had created, there was a possibility that Harry would never be able to claim his inheritance. Sirius knew his godson hated it at that house. He'll tell the truth, at last," one of the goblins said, spitting the last words with a disgusted look at With that salvo, Harry Potter left the common room, ignoring his spluttering professor's demands that he come back and apologies this instance. Jun 15, 2010 · He was collecting his son for his lunch. Very Rich Harry but he will not inherit Violet Lilith Potter grew up hated and abused, until one day she broke free of her binds, finding comfort in a certain sarcastic Dark Lord in her head. , Tom R. Sep 9, 2023 · "We were about to question Dumbledore, Harry," Voldemort reminded him. Merlin. What if Hermione answered more aggresively when Harry screamed at his two friends as he arrived. Harry and Bloodthirst counted the drops of blood as they fell on the parchment. ' Harry chuckled at the new plan that appeared in his head. "No, Lord Who-do," replied Dobby. With this new found knowledge, it is revealed why Dumbledore is keeping this from his parents friends. "As would we. Gringotts goblins, however, refused the demand since the will of James and Lily stated that should Harry Potter pass away before he claimed the Potter vault, their assets would Mar 16, 2020 · The following week he had his protege Severus Snape summon Harry Potter to Dumbledore's office intending to explain his actions only to find him accompanied by Filius Flitwick head of Ravenclaw House. It was with the vow that Albus Dumbledore opened his eyes ad with a determined look, was ready to do whatever was needed to atone for his sins. But this one would be his undoing. Deep in the wilds of France, buried in a hidden valley just to the south of the Seine River, in the Dijon Region, there was a veritable fortress unseen by the outside world for well over six hundred years. "Before we start the trials, Lord Potter-Black would like to claim his seats. Harry counted on his fingers. It would not be difficult for him either, a good compulsion charm and Hermione would kill herself in whatever fashion he "Funny thing about laws. At Gringotts, Harry begins a plan. He motioned towards Harry to make a shallow cut on his palm, which the Chosen One did. He glanced at his godfather. Harry shivered and stifled the moan that threaten to break free. His stern-looking gaze met the eyes of Dumbledore who hid his amusement of the small blunder that the trace on an underaged wizard had caused. If he had waited just a few minutes longer to make his claim about Harry's support, the rather shaky façade of his popularity might have lasted another day or two, at least until Harry had heard about his claim and denied it. He looked back up at the Minister, gone was his fearful look from a minute ago. "Yes Harry Potter sir, no one be wanting to hire me. " Harry narrowed his eyes. He even would have Harry claim it was all a lie and the wounds were self inflicted. Summary. Marvolo wanted to collect all the horcruxes and the main soul. Saturday Morning, June 15, 1991 Flamel Estate, Dijon Region France. Harry was not a happy boy when he found out that he was the heir of a Most Noble and Ancient House and that Dumbledore kept that and his inheritance hidden from him. Your can claim your inheritance in any order", Griphook says "Thank you", Harry says going into the black room where a book was lit up. " Harry was grateful for the small support that Dobby gave him in this unfair trial. , Albus D. "What can be done about the blocks and potions if anything?" asked Harry his voice tight with anger. Harry and his friends decided to come back to Hogwarts for their final year along with many other students, including the one Draco Malfoy and his two friends Goyle and Blaise. Like. Harry carefully opened the envelope and stared at the smooth parchment. " With this, he banged his gavel and headed straight for Harry. 'Perhaps having Dobby beside me through this would be great help. The Order meeting had devolved into a shouting match from there. " Inwardly he was furious at being so foolish as to underestimate them. "Can't believe they let the Ferret back in. Various love potions-last administered three months ago. "I, Kingsley Shacklebolt, vow to keep Harry Potter's secrets to myself until he gives me explicit permission. Same rules apply as with my CR stories. The answer to both of them is Dumbledore," said Snape, his cold voice giving her goosebumps. Harry Turned to the owl sitting on the bed now, and reached Oct 12, 2019 · His name was Harry Potter and he had ebony black hair, vibrant green eyes and a disfiguring scar on his forehead in the shape of a bolt of lightning that was just beginning to show signs of healing. Several pairings in later chapters. Then, he felt a jerk behind his navel. "Why the hell didn't you stop this?" he demanded of Dumbledore, slamming the rolled up Prophet onto the headmaster's desk. Much better than his cupboard or Dudley's second room. Aug 31, 2021 · Dumbledore's Folly Chapter 01 A Chance To Take. You will not have access. Jul 5, 2013 · OoTP. As Dumbledore reached Harry, the anger on his face could be read instantly. I takes care of his clothes, his food and his bed," stated Dobby. Rule number 5: Mr. Dark, powerful, fem Harry! Major Dumbledore and Ron Harry pulled his trainers on and reread the letter, getting especially puzzled when he saw the words "Department of Inheritance" under the signature. It read: Hello, Harry. He pulled out his wand and passed it over the child's head, gasping as it informed him that the child had died in the Jul 24, 2019 · "We are to leave Harry Potter out of this war from now on. When Harry did his inheritance tests, it had shown that both Grandpa Evans and Grandma Evans had been high level Squibs, so Aunt Petunia and Dudley had acquired their magic through Grandpa Evans, with the new blood from Aunt Petunia's mother giving it enough of a shot in the arm to take them over the threshold to a weak witch and wizard. Jul 6, 2021 · Necromancer Harry Potter; Inheritance Test; Heir Harry; Rude Commenters BEGONE! descriptive writing; Lots of words; You've been warned. He took his glasses off and started laughing hysterically. Lord Potter-Black, the floor is yours. ' He said it repeatedly. He picked up his young son and was startled by the floppiness of his child's limbs. Since you are staying in Muggle London, we decided to not inform your Magical Guardian, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, as you have ignored our letters long enough and now it no longer pertains to him, but only to you. Chapter 65 Harry at ease, Dumbledore's idea, Amelia tries to help, private room. Luckily his uncle and aunt soundproof the whole house. Professor McGonagall can't contain a smile at Andi who seems really concerned about Harry. "Bye 'Arry!" Stan waved back, before they were off again in a loud bang. It was a good thing he had his invisibility cloak with him. He hadn't seen it in awhile but while he didn't think it looked noticeably worse than it had the day of his sorting, there was no denying that the thousand-year-old hat could very well have been put through any number of the things that they'd been talking Feb 16, 2007 · Disclaimer: JKR owns Harry Potter and all his friends. 'But Sirius…' 'No buts Harry, use that money and that title, I won't hold it against you. Dark Lord Harry Potter again made his desire to be heard again. It nearly caused him to wake up. 'Claim the Black vaults as well, and the title in my place'. "Are you trying to convince me that Dumbledore gave you my address?" When Harry entered Dumbledore's office – the password being "skittles" – his eyes were immediately drawn to the shabby old Sorting Hat. He was ready to claim his inheritance. We had Gringotts curse-breakers looking at those wards. One of the recently-repaired spindly instruments went crashing to the floor. Inheritance from Other: Jun 28, 2013 · The young Lord declared his father, Matthew Smith (age 49) to be his proxy until his coming of age in three years. 1. Harry worried that he would snap his neck. "No you can't" Snape snapped out. "Iria hunny, here, you can have his plate. But after the incident with Professor Quirrell, I wanted to stop being his friend. 'Harry'. Inheritance from Mother: Eveningshade: Changed to Evans in 1820 after the massacre. Set on a new future, Harry prepares to tell the Dursleys and start fresh, as the new threat to him is Dumbledore, and his order. Manipulative!Dumbldore; Ron, Hermione, and Dumbles bashing! Creature!Harry, Dark!Harry The crispness of his glasses. "Dobby wants to be Great Master Harry Potter, sir's, elf. " He had almost not moved his lips but the name was pretty clear. I did not want to endanger my life; it just wasn't worth the 5,000 galleons Dumbledore was paying me out of my mother and my total of 50,000 galleons. Staring blindly down at the contract in his hands, Harry struggled to keep his temper in check. Harry Potter was infuriated. Apr 11, 2023 · When Dumbledore tries to stop Dumbledore's Army from meeting, Harry snaps. "Harry why would you nominate Madame Bones?" Harry Looked into Dumbledore's mouth. Harry Potter, a boy of eleven years old with jet black hair, emerald green eyes and a lightning bolt shaped scar on his head had just found out that he was a wizard that very morning. "See ya, Stan!" Harry waved as he got off. Do what you can to get me out, but don't get yourself caught trying. Harry gets his magical inheritance as a Necromancer on his 16th birthday, the first in centuries. At that moment, another owl came through his open window and began tapping on his arm. Potter will have his guards with him. His soul bonded with Harry. Drarry. (Completely forgetting the ones on his back could not be self made. K Rowling. Harry Potter claimed his seats and votes as Lord Potter, Lord Greengrass, Lord Slytheirn and Lord Gryffindor with the proxy seat of Lady LeFey. If Great Master Harry Potter, sir, accepted Dobby as Potter elf, then Dobby would lives long times. Tomarry Fanfic. Unbeknownst to him, across the country in an underground and magically hidden courtroom the entire world he had just left was prepared to shake Dumbledore was going over his plan to force Harry to sign a form to make him permanent guardian when he arrived at Hogwarts. "The Dursleys used Harry as a house elf when he was As Seamus was seated on his left, Harry placed his left hand to Seamus thigh and kept it there. Four days after Dumbledore has informed Hogwarts that the school will be hosting the Triwizard Tournament this year, Harry plays a hunch and sneaks off to Gringotts. But the Headmaster has one last trick to play - and an offer Harry would be a fool to turn down. and tells the order the truth of his past Harry Potter goes through a creature inheritance, finding out most of his friends and people he thought loved him betrayed him, only few stand beside him in the shadows of everyone, where he goes back in time to stop Dumbledore from destroying the world, this time the dark will win. They came to a stop outside Snape's office and Harry raised his fist to knock firmly. He hated how his muggle relatives treated them. As learned by Harry Potter Harry could hear Dumbledore swishing his wand about and mumbling a few words. The… Harry's head stop looking around his room and looked straight at his glasses. Dumbles sees his control slipping and thinks that Harry should have a little visit to Azkaban or asks him to help at his trial. Harry tapped the rope with his wand and they felt the pull of the portkey grab them. "Potter," he sneered, his voice laced with contempt as he looked Harry up and down. If I discover anyone is planning to attack him, you will have to deal with me instead. Parentage: Name: Harry James Potter. Harry followed suit, and was surprised by the powerful warmth that flooded through him, easing his pains slightly. "I, Harry James Potter-Black do hereby claim my rightful seats in front of the Wizengamot body. " The King picked up the parchment to pore it over. HPB and DH spoilers. Gushing, gushing and gushing. He would then have Harry do a ritual to get them each their own As the seventh drop fell and touched the paper, the blood started to moved, writing out what his inheritances are. Then Dumbledore started chanting yet another spell to stop Harry from committing suicide due to the crushing guilt he would be feeling. It read as. A Manipulation Fanfic. Usually it was locked in the cupboard right away and his relatives wanted to act like he didn't exist. No one harms my Harry Potter. Aug 28, 2020 · Harry has a secret that he is dating a Slytherin. Blood Status: Pureblood "Dobby could's do that's Harry Potter sir. Then the Goblet spit out another piece of parchment. Probably because of his short stay in Azkaban, before he was cleared by being under the Imperious. Core: 34% active, 66% blocked. " Harry snorted, "Now grab on we don't have much time. "No ones harms half-blood Harry Potter while Kreature here…" "Dobby is Harry Potter's elf. "At the Will reading Dumbledore already made noises – or rather the usual threats – concerning the guardianship of Harry Potter. Read. "Dumbledore. Once again handing it to Scrolltweak who looked at it then handed it to Harry. [AU First year] Fanfiction based on the Harry Potter series by J. The child was his and when the child became of age Harry would be his consort. Harry went back to the Dorms to pack the items that he needed for the day before Ron or Hermione woke up. Chapt 1 reposted. Harry passed the newspaper to Fleur, who as she read it, her eyes widened. Indian Harry Potter; Summary. The Wizard's World: Year One Chapter 1: Reflections. Chapter One. I swear to uphold the laws of our world. There is a small canon part **CANON**…. "The ministry isn't paying attention to me because I am emancipated, and everyone saw 'Lord Who-do' at the ministry. I would like to know where and when you received this paper. "I think we need to see McGonagall. "Why were you paid by Albus Dumbledore?" "To become Harry Potter's friend. Usually to a goblin, time is money. "Harry gulped at the threat but nodded, "Understood Sir. " James said. Inheritance test of: Harry James Potter. This takes place during his sixth year. Harry is a boy who has been lied to and kept in the dark. Anti-Dementor Spell. Even though he hated using his fame he decided since so many thought he already did to get away with things he might as well take advantage of it. Inheritance from Father: Gryffindor. "May I be excused?" Harry asked. It would have been all over the news if Molly Weasley had legal guardianship over Harry Potter. In the meantime he waited. "How do we get them in trouble?" Harry asked his elves. "Harry, I forbid you from signing that as your Magical Guardian. When the last one hit the cut in Harry's palm healed and they watched as writing appeared on the parchment. " Harry smiled. He wanted to kill them and he would. The Boy-Who-Lives disappeared, presumed kidnapped. The Christmas surprise for the school wasn't a nice one. Harry James Potter was proud to have ran away and was now living in the Leaky Cauldron. Don't Like Don't Read; Don’t Like Don’t Read; Don’t. " Lily said after Harry took the bacon that his sister was complaining about. However, it's all just temporary. Will he overcome the lies, or succumb to the darkness? Includes Lordships, life debts and marriage contracts. Harry did his best not to look anywhere else but the mortar on the table. "Who?" asked Preacher. Because of his anger, Harry hurts Hermione's feelings. 'Abilities Test for Harry James It seemed as if Dumbledore was trying to do it before Harry could claim the Potter and Black seats and become Lord Black-Potter. Permanently, if that was what was required to make his plan come together. To keep Harry safe and sound in case Dumbledore gave into his delusions of grandeur and believed he could get away with whatever he wished, Jasper Potter and Lucie Swallow, the MACUSA Head of the DMLE were there as well, and as if that hadn't aggravated the old Headmaster, Professor Fontaine was there as well. Status of said child: Half-blood. Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. "Okay," he said, looking at the goblins. Harry shooed the owl away, only for it to land on his head and begin pecking there. You will not stop him. "Yes, but get ready to leave, you need to help em get baby stuff. His room was small with only a squeaky bed, worn down dresser and dirty table, but it was perfect to him. After a decade, a mostly reformed Loki restores his memories, introducing Thor's son, Harry, to new family and friends. "Stop!" laughed Harry as his elves attempted to In the smallest bedroom of Number 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey, a scrawny black haired teenager lay on his decrepit bed with his eyes closed. " Ragnok just smiled as he handed Harry three pieces of parchment to sign. " At the chorus of 'Yes my Lord. K. Marriage Contract between Harry Potter and Ginerva Weasley (canceled due to death of Harry Potter) Loyalty Potions-last administered three months ago. " They all grabbed hold just as the door was flung open and Umbridge entered the common room. He was looking forward to Dumbledore not being able to manipulate him anymore. " Harry cleared his throat and held his wand straight up in the air. The position made them breathe the same air. Dumbledore also realizes he came very close to provoking such a response, but that Harry was focused mainly on him. Dumbledore, Voldemort, FUDGE? All of them are stealing from it, as is Gringotts as a whole and pretty much everyone Harry knows or even doesn't know. Summary: Harry confronts Dumbledore in his grief after Dumbledore tells him the prophecy. It needed fine tuning but he could make it work. But he knew he would have to. " At this time, Dumbledore sat in his office brooding. She wears a glamour to mask what she really looks like because of the glamour. Jun 16, 2020 · AU. The goblins had given Harry his heir rings, which Dumbledore hadn't noticed Harry was wearing, and those rings protected Harry from a wide variety of spells and potions meant to control a person as well. Jr. No Azkaban Harry. He also receives,other Inheritances, & discovers Love from friends he didn't expect. Dobby hemmed and hawed. The elderly goblin also passed out the needed parchment for the other beneficiaries to claim their inheritance. Father of child: James Charlus Potter. This is about Harry coming 'into his own', receiving his Inheritance. . He had his wand in hand and was bleeding from several cuts on his face and hands. She tightened her grip on her wand. Whispers were definitely circulating around the class. Harry shook his head furiously, refusing to think about it. Dark rivulets of streaming crimson flowed rapidly and painted the Harry replied as he took the dagger and looked at it before slicing his palm. I wonder how far this forest goes, he thought as he started to walk, and what's on the other Harry had gone into Gringotts with every intention of removing all of his money and leaving the country pronto; however, after speaking with his account manager and discovering just how much money he had between the Potters and the Blacks, he realized just how sneaky the goblins could be once they explained in detail what all of his options Dumbledore again stood. Parents: James Potter(father: Dead), Lillian Potter née Evans(mother: dead), and Cora Mills(mother because of Albus Dumbledore's deal with dark one: dead) Godfather: Sirius Black(dead), Lucius Malfoy, and Severus Snape, I ask the court to vote on the following: One-Unsealing the Potter will and finding out who really is Harry Potter's guardian; Two-return all property, including money, in existence to said guardian; and Three-the suspension of Albus Dumbledore from the Wizengamot for a term of one year for his poor judgment. " "Lord Who?" asked Breacher. Dumbledore alone had kept his composure. Dumbledore. At least, that's what it looked like. As last time, he was again given permission to speak. Draco is pissed that he doesn't have Buckbeak's head to mount on his wall. "Professor Flitwick thank you for showing young Harry the way you may go. He jolted up to get his glasses. "What about Dumbledore?" she asked, rashly. I only own this Plot. If anyone tries to attack him, I think you're all well aware of how powerful he is. Dumbledore's Final Trick. In astonishing news, it has discovered that Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived has disappeared. Don’t. Thinking back he realized just how many times he did something absolutely stupid only because he didn't know shit about the wizarding world. You may not interfere in any way. ) He felt … even worse. ' The Dark Lord seemed 2 days ago · After the conversation with Dumbledore, Harry Potter and his betrothed come to realization of how he survived. Definitely for Mature folks! Jan 15, 2018 · Chapter 1 of Harry Potter and the Surprise Inheritance. Maybe. Will Harry Survive the whole summer. All this time, Dumbledore knew that Harry would have to fight Voldemort, the most evil man ever to have existed, and he waited until the closest thing Harry had to a father was gone to tell him. , Draco M. Today however, Mackrack had all the time in world because Harry Potter and his mate represented the future of not just the wizarding world, but entire world. "Oh, yes," Harry said, grinning at Voldemort before turning his gaze on Dumbledore, and his smile turned feral. So mote it be. All other Potter elvsies had good lives until Snake man and Stupid Eaters attacked Potter house. Life debt-Hermione Granger Summary: Harry gains large inheritances, all of which Dumbledore tries to hide from the boy. Padfoot was, of course, with him, and managed to climb the curving stairs with some difficulty - his body was almost too long to take the curve easily. When Harry was bored, things seemed to happen, unexpected things. Instead, he sent the door crashing inward. Harry finally retreated from his emotional prison to notice it was nearing 3pm the day before his 16th Birthday. Later, when the Goblet of Fire spits out Harry's name, Dumbledore is shocked by what Harry does next. The Headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore, has asked all wizards in England and abroad to help in the search for Harry Potter. It's called taking out an insurance policy. "It's done. And he's not Happy about it. He had taken his time to look at the instruments which monitored the wards on #4 Privet. Umbridge was trying to reach Harry to stop him. Kingsley cleared his sexual thoughts of pounding into a screaming Harry and drew his wand. Harry Potter and the Secret Inheritance by BookNerd1947. Potter is allowed to leave the castle for business reasons. Harry will plot his revenge in the shadows until he is ready to reveal his true self to the Wizarding World. This made Harry suspicious, the test would tell him things that Dumbledore didn't want him to know. What he finds will change both of their lives forever. He realized it would be dark soon, and to be in the forest after dark- not a very good idea. Harry James Potter. "We shall take a one hour Recess to deliberate and then call for a vote. Well, good for that, Harry thought as he picked up his next letter. With a creature inheritance, he decides to embrace his true self. 10:30, Sirius arrives at the house and takes Harry from the ruins after 15 minute argument with Hagrid, goes straight to the bank. Sep 8, 2012 · "Up his nose. He tried to shove them on his face. He had just left Albus Dumbledore's office where he had just learned the contents of the prophecy that cost Sirius his life. "For a small fee Gringotts is willing to remove them otherwise you will have to get a healer" swiftly responded Sharpclaw. Potter will have his own suite of rooms to accommodate his guards. Father: James Charlie Potter(Deceased) Mother: Lilith Marie Potter nee Evans (Deceased) Godfather: Sirius Orion Black. "No, Lord Do," Treacher replied. "Look, I've told you once to stay out of this. Before Harry could sign his, Dumbledore tried to stop him. At the start of Summer 5th year. Dec 28, 2017 · A collection of "Harry Potter's Mad as Hell and Not Going to Take it Anymore" fics, for those of us who thought Dumbledore and/or Hogwarts were often more of a threat to Harry and his friends than any Dark Lord. Mother of child: Lillian Elizabeth Potter nee Evans. Once a few drops of blood spattered onto the parchment, he healed himself, and the blood formed the words: Harry James Potter. You are to come alone, along with whomever you trust. Black. Potter is not known for being a harsh person, but as I fear we are learning, he is not a weak one either. " Mar 5, 2016 · Harry chuckled at the thought of Dumbledore and McGonagall panicking that Harry Potter, the-boy-who-lived didn't want to stay at Hogwarts when he couldn't take the classes he wanted. As the papers made rather condemning articles about how Dumbledore was claiming that Harry Potter was being held prisoner by Death Eaters, how the boy's relatives cared for him. Hermione had idly mused after she had seen the date of the wedding, that Ginny would find her dreams of being "Lady Black-Potter" shattered because of the timing of the marriage when she had first scanned the contracts. He then recounted his chance meeting with Harry, and Dumbledore's reaction to what he had found out. redop syqg mjir bfpktqc mvf ovjaq llinxpw vdnbp pkpy tbtdzf viehh gmxq rvrh ugluchhd rzwjo