Gerbs pyro for sale V. You can then tune the faster ones Shop and find deals from your local store in our Weekly Ad. ) Pyro Productions uses these devices in arenas, and other venues where typical fireworks are not an option because of limited space or the close proximity of the audience. 7m, 9. Note: These items require proper holders and controllers to operate. 16 (Inc VAT) Login For Discount Pricing Jan 5, 2011 · Products Pyrotechnics, smoke, haze, flames, snow, confetti, streamers and much more, including custom effects. 12" Brocade Crown to Red w/Silver Glittering to Green Inner Petal w/Silver Glittering Rising Tail 1/1 $356. Mar 6, 2012 · Ramming Gerbs - posted in General Chat & Discussion: Hi all, I'm relatively new to this forum but have been a avid follower of pyro forums for a number of years. Qty Part Number Item Description Pkg List Price; 10LD9101E: 10" Paper Shell Hemis (Makes 14 Shells) Stage pyro can really add impact to a performance, whether it is simple gerbs/fountains, star mines, tracer comets or a classy curtain of falling sparks known as a waterfall, we can do it all and more! Give us a call or get in touch via our contact form to discuss your requirements. North America T: 256-725-4224 E: [email protected] Europe T: +49 (0)151 42 41 8453 E: [email protected] Jan 7, 2017 · They answered a lot of questions I had about the hobby; where to start, what tools did I need, the basics about how things are done in the FW industry. There's so much information on pyrotechnics and fireworks. Precision Theatrical Effects Europe B. If you love firework shows and pyrotechnics fireworks, this may perfect for you! Check out our CPPGB30SECS · Gerb - 28-30 Sec Silver Droopy! Gerbs and Kool Fountains. The first number shows the burn time (in seconds) and the second number shows the height (in feet). Machined from 6061 aluminum for a lifetime of service, each set utilizes a universal spindle base for easy clamping, a removable aluminum spindle, stainless puller and two rammers. The below listed long duration effects include 2 second through 25 second gerbs. Each one of Woody’s Pyro Tools is a hand-machined work of Gerbs are usually measured in terms of time and height. I'll be demonstrating tho November 2017 ΠΥΡΟΤΕΧΝΗΜΑΤΑ ΚΥΠΡΟΣ 2/11 Olympic lagoon Pafos, wedding fireworks display. They also helped answer questions I didn't know to ask; how and why gerbs may be fused and linked together to ignite at the same time for example. Titanium Hydride TiH2 SDS Gerbs, Jets, Cascades, Waterfalls & Rockets 0589-T1-0186 CE Certificate: Gerbs 3x6 & 3x12 0589-T1-0183 CE Certificate: Gerbs 6ft & 8ft Jun 23, 2023 · Record of sale. If you are previously a Finale Pro user, you are eligible for a 10% discount on Finale 3D Pro. Founded in the year 1985, at Jaipur (India) Aman Fireworks is India's best fireworks display, stage pyrotechnics and special effects leading company. 40 10X10's Assorted Color Chrys. Always carry out a ‘test firing’ of each type of pyro you plan to use in the show, with all cast and crew present, so that they can see the effect under controlled conditions. These gerbs come with a match included, but not installed, standard lead length is 72". ) We have a comprehensive catalog of pyro hardware products including the durable, easy-to-use Gamon Sliding System, and a wide range of pyro holders, pyro clips and cables. Le Maitre pyro is famous for the 2-pin "cartridge" style effects (which are very popular for School/University installations) and offer many options for "plug & play" pyro. Our vast engineering skill set allows us to manufacture a large range of mounting options for pyrotechnics, enabling us to rig in almost every environment. 99 Regular price. Waterfalls and Twinkling Waterfalls; Waterfalls - Low Smoke; Airbursts and Starbursts. Pyrotechnic Displays for Your Special Day . Whether you are looking for an instant burst or longer duration effects, Great for grand exits near the doorway or down the driveway. Gerbs Type 3: This device is a durational gerb that projects a continuous plume of bright silver titanium sparks or pure gold How To Contact Us Manchester Fireworks 105 Cross Street Sale Manchester M33 7JN Tel: 0161 969 5500 P: 0161 969 5500 E: info@manchester-fireworks. Use a cartridge-based pyro system when possible. These are simulated glass products made from a special plastic resin. Does anyone know of a way I can use it up. Buy Organic& Non-GMO dried fruit, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, healthy snacks, dark chocolate, rice, grains & more to buy Pyro Tools, Seasonal Fireworks, Rocket Tools, Comet Pumps, Star Pumps, Ball Milling, Press Tools, Star Plates ACE Pyro Michigan MI . Thanks, Gary. ) The Bottom Line. 200 Shots Fan Crackling and Silver Chrys. If you would like additional information or you would like services at your upcoming event, please contact our office at 305-968-9497 Pyroflash is a simple, easy to use plug-in and play cartridge system for semi-professional users. Pyro Tools, Seasonal Fireworks, Rocket Tools, Comet Pumps, Star Pumps, Ball Milling, Press Tools, Star Plates On Sale Rocket Tooling Sets. Jump to Page ∨ Index Introduction: General Information Chapter 1: Rocket Propellants Chapter 2: Fountain, Gerb, & Bengal Fire Compositions Chapter 3: Colored Fire Compositions, Flares, & Torches Chapter 4: Sparkler Compositions Chapter 5: Smoke Compositions Chapter 6: Flash, Burst Charges, & Whistle Mix Chapter 7: Miscellaneous Compositions Chapter 8: Stars Chapter 9: Glossary Print CHAPTER The system is restarting Please wait a few seconds. 1/30/2025 - 2/10/2025. Choose from Le Maitre's catalouge of Pyroflash devices, including Flashes & Stars, Jets & Gerbs, Confetti & Streamer Pyro Cartridges, Mines, Comets, Flames & Smoke. Plus, earn Points on your purchase! How Fireworks Work. I've started on basic gerbs with very basic compositions and also got my self some titanium to If you would like to book RES Pyro for a show or buy our products, give us a call at 952-873-3113. " The best pyrotechnics products you can buy from the best producers. Ultratec incorporates the Ultratec’s Gerbs produce a fountain of sparks of either silver or gold in varying burn durations and heights. There are also companies manufacturing and selling "electric" pyro effects, like machines that shoot sparks in the air and are "completely safe. They kissed, and there were fireworks… Nothing says “celebration” like FIREWORKS! We provide the most breathtaking pyrotechnic displays you can imagine! Come find out why we are the most trusted fireworks company around. If you want pyro in a low roof venue then Stage Mines and Stage Comets are your best choice. The company offers high-quality services. Don’t know if your planned venue is large enough for display A stage gerb creates plumes of silver or gold sparks of varying height and duration, shoot up to create a glittering fountain effect. Please note that the red caps are no longer fitted or supplied with our Stage Gerbs. Fill prescriptions, order online and save with digital coupons on grocery pick-up & delivery. Find a grocery Pickup location near you. 71 $415. manufactures the Special Effects Show Control System and is a supplier of high quality products, equipment and services for indoor and outdoor fireworks displays as well as pyrotechnic special effects. Maybe I'm missing it, or most people are into shells more than gerbs. We design, develop and make over 1,500 state-of-the-art products for use in TV, film and theatre, concerts, tours and festivals, and sporting, corporate and charity events. I rammed one increment of this fuel before introducing any standard fuel, especially in gerbs where I was going to be drilling the nozzle aperture with a twist-drill. The record must be kept for 2 years after the sale. I get that, I'd like to make shell too, but right now gerbs are what I'm working with, and I have a few questions along that topic. You can use less compression when loading the gerb (~6500PSI), but the nozzle clay increment will need the full 9000P All heights listed are actual performance, not clearance heights. In other words, make sure the pyro tube will fit in the holder. Make sure it is firmly planted in the ground so it cant fall over and shoot great flaming balls of fire at the spectators, keep people 10m away, small fence, dont use anything metal (metal tubes ect). 30 ACE Pyro Michigan MI . Our online ordering system is automatically updated every 5 minutes to reflect our current inventory. Buy online or in-store from PA's largest wholesale & retail fireworks outlet. Machined from bronze and 6061 aluminum for a lifetime of service, each set utilizes a universal spindle base for easy clamping, a removable aluminum spindle, stainless puller and two rammers. They can be used as stand-alone fountains shooting sprays of sparks skyward, as drivers on wheels, as downward spraying tubes in a homemade waterfall, or as line rockets. Fireworks and Pyro worked on two major events for us recently, where they definitely raised the bar and showed us their amazing capabilities. Call RES Pyro at 952-873-3113. With ACE Pyro's online ordering system you can now order with confidence! Our inventory software continuously updates our web site every 5 minutes, and that's how you know exactly what we have in stock. Ginormous selection of consumer & professional fireworks for sale at Kellner's. Second I have some Magnalium -325 and Magnalium -10 + 30, and I can’t find any formulas to use it in. In addition to our classic gerbs, our line of AngelFire® Gerbs offers an unparalleled range of colors with such vivid saturation that they must be seen to be fully appreciated. Gerb Mines - 12ft-20ft-30ft-50ft-65ft; Waterfalls. We are a dedicated top 14 food allergen Free product line & facility; however if you or a loved one has an allergy(ies) to any Gerbs product, please email or call us (401-231-5181) first before ordering, so that we can answer any questions and talk about your options: sales@mygerbs. You will be redirected automatically. ACE Pyro estimates that once you learn how to use the software that it will take less than half the time to design a show verses any other show design software package. Colors include silver, gold, red, as well as color changing ones. Feb 16, 2018 · Gary Christ made this great looking pyrotechnic waterfall and sent us the instructions for making it. delay chains) 6/12 $309. I would expect more in the 5-7ft range. North America T: 256-725-4224 E: [email protected] Europe T: +49 (0)151 42 41 8453 E: [email protected] 4" Time Rain Ring w/Purple to Titanium Report Ring (Cylinder) 36/1 $311. A dense column of silver sparks with no bang and very little smoke. 6x8's Brocade Crown w/Green Mines Carpet Water Cake 2/1 $111. Learn how fireworks work, across the different aspects of pyrotechnics, everything from big fireworks at professional displays, to how happy face fireworks are made, to the little party snaps you can buy at your local grocery store. Grab the perfect gift! Add gift cards to your pickup order, send eGift cards or buy bulk gift cards for your employees. Because they are designed to perform within a defined set of parameters, (maximum heights, spreads, etc. This property has made Gerbs a very popular effect for live theatre, rock bands, and special events. 00 Regular price. 94: 16gun: 16" Fiberglass Tube (Length: 2032, Color: Green) NEW! The first company in Australia to offer the MAGICFX Sparxtar - A real breakthrough in the special effects industry. They supplied us with one shots, flames, gerbs, CO2, and confetti on the following events: Safe, non-pyro effect using titanium gerbs * No smoke, heat, or burning odors * 2-Channel DMX, Remote, or Manual Control * Effect height up to 10ft * Multiple built-in safety sensors * Easy සංගීත භාණ්ඩ හුවමාරුව හා විකිණීම - Music Instruments Exchange & Sale | Safe, non-pyro effect using A little #pyro action for the newlyweds. It is approximately 6ft wide, and is projected to a height of Jul 29, 2012 · I've been playing with red and green gerbs from the skylighter page recently and I don't think it is that the gerbs are burning too long. If required, these can be sent out at no additional charge AT THE TIME OF PLACING THE ORDER. Gerbs are also hugely popular with professional wrestlers, who use them to make their entrances to the ring more dramatic. However, should these red caps be needed without the Stage Gerbs, they are available to purchase. You must keep a record of every sale of special effect pyrotechnics. Ultratec AF Flares & Line Rockets: Ultratec Crosettes & Skybursts: Ultratec Gerbs, Waterfalls & Saxons The Old Gunsite, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME9 0QX T: 01795 830 383 M: 07930 100 167 E: info@illusionpyrotechnics. Just look for the Express icon at checkout, and save $5 with your digital coupon. You may want to try 65/25/10. We offer many special effect services such as blank firing weapons, confetti, streamers, propane flames, bonfires, lightning, rain, gerbs, low fog, and more. Small Starter Star Plates $104 We take pride in knowing we source only the best indoor Fireworks from the United States of America. They supplied us with one shots, flames, gerbs, CO2, and confetti on the following events: Pyro Tools, Seasonal Fireworks, Rocket Tools, Comet Pumps, Star Pumps, Ball Milling, Press Tools, Star Plates On Sale Tooling Sets Star Plates Accessories Comet 1. 3lb Gerb Pyro Direct. Gerb & Driver sets are designed to allow the pyrotechnician to produce consistent devices time and time again. One of the best known and the best companies, which made flares, are Jorge, Surex and Triplex. They come in many colors including gold, silver, red, green, blue, yellow and orange. Buy a gerb. Upright Gerbs Downward Gerbs -Cascade Stage Mines and Comets( Low High) – Indoor or Outdoor. Or check out our other fireworks, pyrotechnics and special effects for sale. Re: Need advice on gerbs/pyro « Reply #1 on: June 14, 2008, 12:04:46 PM » Actually, if you are doing something like that, with such a close proximity to your performers face, you may want to consider doing it as a video effect, after filming, for the safety and well being of your performers. The SPARXTAR (pronounced as SPARK-STAR) is the perfect and safe alternative for real fireworks fountains! In pyro-fireworks terms people speak about ‘gerbs’ when they speak about fountains. Eric Newby's book The Last Grain Race (chapter two: "Mountstewart") contains a 1938 reference to what appears to be the original gerb—in effect a mortar bomb fired from a mortar. Get last-minute items delivered fast with the same prices as in-store. Doing 365 Pyro effects plus Propane Flames , Confetti and LSG's Smoke. Fireworks Packages for Weddings Traditional Sparkler Fountains (Gerbs) We use theater grade gerbs (sparkler fountains) to create stunning effects. 25 Sale price $169. contact@pyrodirect. 2" Single Shot Brocade Crown Comet w/Brocade Crown Mine 40/1 $177. 39 Wedding Pyro. Gerbs with a burn duration of less than 2 seconds. North America T: 256-725-4224 E: [email protected] Europe T: +49 (0)151 42 41 8453 E: [email protected] Qty Part Number Item Description List Price; 12gun: 12" Fiberglass Tube (Length: 1500mm, Color: White) $99. Thanks Feb 2, 2009 · Aerospace alloy that consists of: 90% Titanium, 6% Vanadium, 4% Aluminum. 88 Dec 3, 2010 · Hi Kevin, I prefer to use ~9000 PSI on the comp (similar to making a BP-fuel motor), and increments of powder that are less than one full tube diameter once compressed (~1/2 tube diameter is perfect). Pyro Tools, Seasonal Fireworks, Rocket Tools, Comet Pumps, Star Pumps, Ball Milling, Press Tools, Star Plates On Sale Star Rollers and Sorting Screens. Bright white sparks. Phone: +1 800-388-0617 Fax: +1 519-659-7713 Email: [email protected] SDS Gerbs, Jets, Cascades, Waterfalls & Rockets 0589-T1-0180 CE Certificate: Silver Jet & Silver Jet RH Jan 30, 2025 · EXTENDED - 20% ALL Discs. contact@pyrodirect 13 Shot Blue Mine Split Blue Pistil to Color Falling Leaves 5/1 $75. 30 $148. Couples have used gerbs to highlight their wedding ceremony or while entering the reception hall as newlyweds. 61 On Sale New England Paper Tube Co is pleased to announce that Modern Homestead, LLC dba Woody's will be the exclusive distributor of specific high burst paper tubes used in the Pyrotechnic Fabrication Industry. If you want to become a licensed pyrotechnic operator, you need to volunteer on different crews for a minimum of two years. They come in a variety of hights including 6m, 7. Item Code: 609-3019. This prevents sparks during that drilling. The red seems to be burning through the tube, because there is not enough fuel. If you take all of your color comps ( press or ram a #4 spolette 1" ) for each color/effect. 3" Chained Assorted Red, White, Blue ( 2 sec. . 4 pro fireworks Ricasa no debris close proximate fireworks for shows , stadium shows,shows for a close proximate audience, Single shots for football games,intros, scores, wins, utilizing comets, mines,tourbillions, serpents and more,special effects pyro Gerbs are pyrotechnic fountains that can have durations from one-second to thirty seconds. On the Kiss Tour of duty 1998-99 we performed 64 concerts in 17 countries, see at the concert above if the air burst and gerbs from the KISS sign Ultratec Mini Pyro Controllers Affordable 1-channel and 4-channel controllers for bare-wire pyro. Our curbside grocery Pickup service makes shopping fast and easy. An excellent form of the metal which works well in Salutes, Fountains, Gerbs, Comets and Stars. com Contact Us May 2, 2007 · hmm a few ground fountains (gerbs), roman candle's and a few colored smoke grenades should do it nicely. Rocket Tooling Sets Le Maitre pyro is famous for the 2-pin "cartridge" style effects (which are very popular for School/University installations) and offer many options for "plug & play" pyro. I've started on basic gerbs with very basic compositions and also got my self some titanium to Stage pyro can really add impact to a performance, whether it is simple gerbs/fountains, star mines, tracer comets or a classy curtain of falling sparks known as a waterfall, we can do it all and more! Give us a call or get in touch via our contact form to discuss your requirements. Pyro Tools, Seasonal Fireworks, Rocket Tools, Comet Pumps, Star Pumps, Ball Milling, Press Tools, Star Plates On Sale Star Plates . Gary Christ's Waterfall Gary writes: "I guess I'll fess-up! When it comes to the firework tubes, I took a hint from Dan Williams' page. 66 $412. Titanium, Sponge Ti . Most of the formulas I have use Magnalium -200 or -100. Air Bursts - Gerbs Fired Off Truss on the KISS Tour. You can also fill out our contact form and we’ll get back to you. Congratulations! #wynwood #specialeffects #gerbs #sparkone #sparkular #sparkularmachine #smokegrenade Be sure to pay attention to the tube diameter of the pyrotechnic expendable you are using when choosing the type of holder you would like to use, making sure the pre-packaged tube is of equal or slightly smaller size than the holder you ultimately select. For example: a 3 x 20 is a gerb of 3 seconds duration that reaches a height of StageCable 3A Pyro Cable + Plug to Plug - 20m. # We Make Your Dreams Come True . They are typically used in stage and film productions where the script calls for a bottle or glass to be broken. com Order groceries online and Pickup at your local store. com. The height is defined as the top of the main plume, some sparks will go higher. Creates a flash of fire followed by a mushroom cloud of smoke. We have a comprehensive catalog of pyro hardware products including the durable, easy-to-use Gamon Sliding System, and a wide range of pyro holders, pyro clips and cables. Then burn and time them. Proudly manufactured in the UK, purchase quality built devices through Just FX. This section includes gerbs 2 seconds or longer in duration. If you would like to book RES Pyro for a show or buy our products, give us a call at 952-873-3113. Gerbs Allergy Statement. Mini Gerbs - Shimmer & Flitter Mini Gerb - 3 Second Silver The company offers high-quality services. Shop fresh groceries at low prices at a Gerbes Super Markets near you. ACE Pyro Michigan MI . 54 SDS Gerbs, Jets, Cascades, Waterfalls & Rockets 0589-T1-0185 CE Certificate: Mini Gerbs Video Gallery. Bucket Gerbs produce a fountain of sparks of either silver or gold in varying burn durations and heights. 41 $100. Part Number: 3 in stock Price: £54. Code: DISC20 at Checkout **I, Sarah, made a mistake in the back-end on the previous sale and only 10% came off - I will fix those for everyone who ordered - SORRY! The company offers high-quality services. 2/11 Guy Fawkes fireworks display, Heritage school, Limassol The company offers high-quality services. We Guarantee It! Gerbs are pre-made effects contained in small tubes that shoot a silver or gold jet of sparks out of one end, to heights of up to 35 feet, with durations of up to 20 seconds. Nov 30, 2024 · To me 3ft sounds low for a 3/4" gerb. Dynamit Shop offers you flares for sale from all those producers! Football flares for Address: 1960 Blue Heron Drive London, Ontario N6H 5L9. 2m and 18m Mar 13, 2014 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Gerbs offers allergy friendly foods. These product lines are perfectly suited for both indoor and large outdoor stage effects, being used in countless applications from the smallest of musicals to tours and Please note that the red caps are no longer fitted or supplied with our Stage Gerbs. Gerbs - less than 2sec; Gerbs - more than 2sec; Gerbs - Specialty; Gerbs - Angel Fire; Kool Fountains; Gerbs - less than 2sec; Gerb Mines. Join pyrotechnics expert Mike Tockstein as he takes you through the science behind fireworks in a fun, understandable way. 98 $237. Gerbs Type 2: This device is a short duration gerb that produces a very quick dense plume of bright titanium silver or ferrotitanium gold sparks. I've finally taken the plunge and am taking my early steps into some basic pyro experiments and I'm having a great time learning the ropes. Jets & Gerbs Silver Jets. 10 boxes available (total of 97 gerbs, 3 gerbs were used for testing). The Spindle removal tool Feb 14, 2018 · Introduction Homemade fountains, called gerbs by pyro-folks-in-the-know, are very versatile devices. FALL Clearance SALE A few odds & ends priced to move! Including: 1/8" discs, plastic hemis & cores. Available in various sizes. […] The fallout from most Gerbs is "clean", which means that they can safely be used in the vicinity of actors and scenery. 570-646-9029. KISS Psycho Circus Concert Tour in 1998-1999. com Ultratec™ Pyro Le Maitre™ Pyro. About AMAN Fireworks. Designed for indoor use, it is an ideal system for venues such as theatres and nightclubs. As my wife is a schoolteacher, we have an Aug 21, 2016 · I'm really starting to love this forum. Ultratec Pre-packaged Pyro Holders Required hardware for safe and effective detonation of professional pyrotechnics. They can be various heights from 2 ft to 20 ft. These effects consist of pre-made flash pots, gerbs, maroons, flame projectors, air bursts, concussions, comets, and mines just to name a few. These gerbs include the 1/4 second, 1/2 second, and 1 second gerbs and have a match installed with a standard lead length of 72". I'm not seeing a whole lot about gerbs. w/Tail, Assorted Crackling Crossette & Golden 1/1 $114. Rammers are marked with no-pass and swap lines to match one length of tube. These new items have "cool" names like Ice Gerbs or Kool Fountains. pyro sale; By Feb 15, 2018 · In the Making Gerbs article I described a Starting Fuel composition. You can be sure of good quality of these flares, their execution and amazing lighting effects. They supplied us with one shots, flames, gerbs, CO2, and confetti on the following events: ACE Pyro Michigan MI . Try this comp below instead, it burns for ages with no tube burn through, and no orange flame after the comp has been consumed. If you’re looking to make a profit or a 9-5 job, this is not the place for you. Blakeslee, PA, US, 18610. The record must include: the buyer’s name and address; if applicable, the number and expiry date of the buyer’s licence and, if applicable, the number and expiry date of the buyer’s fireworks operator Many companies have come up with pyrotechnic products that utilize new ideas and technologies to create beautiful special effects. Glow-Plugs & Igniters Surefire Igniters Glow Plugs Electric Matches: Fire Retardants: Pyro Controllers: Flame FX Machines: Welcome to Bavaria Fireworks PYROTECHNICS "MADE IN GERMANY" We develop and produce pyrotechnics for stage, fireworks and technical applications. w/Red Dahlia and White Blink Willow and Crackling Silver Spinnng Tail w/Brocade King and Ti-Chrys bouquet w/Super Crackling (43secs. Give at least 12 business days notice and get the special "Minimum Advanced Notice Price" shown below. * We can offer gerbs, mines, comets, waterfalls, line rockets, flashes, maroons, air bursts, robotics, and fuel lifts/explosions all with varying sizes and duration. Mar 26, 2014 · Hi everyone, I'm looking to on sell 20sec x 3m silver stage gerbs from Weco. Slightly brighter white sparks than the pure Ti. Ultratec's Gerbs produce very little smoke create virtually no fallout. Gerbs and Drivers Filter and sort Sale price $159. Required hardware for safe and effective detonation of professional pyrotechnics. For example, a 4×4 burns for 4 seconds at a height of 4 feet. Standard pyrotechnic product for theatrical special effects. We can say that we have always been satisfied with their work. Contact our sales team today. Updated each week, find sales on grocery, meat and seafood, produce, cleaning supplies, beauty, baby products and more. Gerb & Driver sets are designed to allow the pyrotechnician to produce consistent devices time and time again. Categories Fuse Paper Tubes Consumer Mortars and Racks Pyro Direct. Works well in Salutes, Fountains, Gerbs, and Comets. Airbursts; Coliseum and High Altitude Gold Jan 7, 2007 · Page 1 of 3 - Magnalium - posted in Pyrotechnic Formula: First thanks to all the posters for helping me out along my way. If in any doubt, seek advice from local fire authorities or the supplier of your pyrotechnic devices. Buy mines. This Starting Fuel is perfect for priming the gerbs as John describes. Our team are highly trained in executing close proximity Pyrotechnics and we look forward to making your dream a reality. We call this "Real-Time Inventory!" No guesses or surprise substitutions. tde tvlgri wosmqk yhwv bpmfwsrfe npbuhd vzcbsle ghckuo mkjewe xcqb nbvf nmvi elmpg tbnxn hff