Fence post coming out of ground 3 to 0. May 1, 2018 · Frozen soil expands and can push fence posts right out of the ground. May 30, 2013 · sometimes though they dont come out with the FEL. The answer is the depth you need for the new 272 votes, 176 comments. Tried drilling a million holes, nope that didn’t work. Mar 1, 2023 · Dig the new hole if you cut off the post. Level the post and Hammer it into the ground a little bit, down to the point where my mark reaches the bottom of the board that's across the top of the hole. but during storm doris i saw my fence just waving about in the wind. Cut ground rod to length for depth of hole drilled. By following important steps — such as digging appropriate post holes, backfilling with the right materials, and ensuring alignment — you can create a fence that will last for many years. We'd bend 3 for every one we got in. Fence posts can loosen over time, due to improper installation or simply from natural causes. Length: 24 inches, Outer Dimension: 4” x 4” (Fit 3. Subtract that from the length of the new post. Dec 16, 2024 · To remove wooden posts from the ground: Screw a block of wood to the side of the post. If the bar is 8 ft. I removed six fence posts this way and worked great. Rot can not start underground as some people believe. May 15, 2021 · To make the calculation simpler, assume that the post coming out of the ground is just a 4" stub and that actual sign assembly is not part of the equation. You can pull out the fence posts and dig a new hole if you need to move a fence. Pound each rod in until the top is maybe 2" below ground level, then fill in the hole. i have a deck that was done with concrete footings 6 inches above ground level, and the old fence was made with posts in cement at or below ground level. I am doing a DIY front fence for my home. When the nails are in place, use a rope to link each one together. This fence post removal method is only applicable if you have a post in the ground that’s already loose. Needless to say, because of that, because they planned to use nails instead of screws, and because they were all overpriced IMO, I did not hire any of them. The crowbar and hammer will come in handy for leveraging the post out of the ground. i live rural so get strong winds. I've considered building a retaining wall, buying dirt and filling the area in then growing some ground cover, or eventually rebuilding the fence and digging the posts deeper. T-posts are very popular, as they are affordable and very effective. As well, every fence post rots at ground level, never underground. We use used railroad ties for the upright, in-the-ground posts. Feb 20, 2019 · How to remove a chain link fence and posts by yourself easy! With help from my 6 year old son Isaiah. This means that breaking concrete off a fence post base involves two steps—removing the post from the ground and breaking off the concrete. 5". Yes fence posts rot well before the fence boards. There are also other ways to set fence posts in the ground, so concrete is not really needed. Also, I couldn't manipulate the crowbar into the corners of the hole to break out the pieces of the post that stuck to the concrete at the corners. All you need is a few tools, a long piece of lumber and Aug 24, 2017 · A common rule of thumb, is to dig the hole 3 times as large as the post, and to a depth of 1/3-1/2 of the post height above ground. Developer wants to put fence on May 31, 2020 · In order to remove the posts they used: A reciprocating saw to cut the posts off; An angle grinder to cut more of the posts off; A powered chisel thing to get rid of some of the concrete that was inside the posts; A hammer and lots of effort to fold the remaining parts of the posts down; Here's an image of the aftermath, for one of the posts. but still cool a SCUT pulling the posts out. Jan 17, 2019 · Let’s look at how to get a fence post out of the ground. What are my options to fix this? I'd rather not dig out the thing because it's 2. Another proper way to set a post is driving a smooth steel post 4 to 6 feet deep. Use Your Hands To Pull the Fence Post Out. Notice the jack has asphalt to sit on. We had two choices—we could dig up the entire post and block of concrete, leaving a gaping hole in the soggy ground Jun 21, 2017 · A Bobcat S185 pulling out fence posts with a combination bucket. With high strength and robustness, it can be driven into the ground easily and the long fins prolong the life of treated posts by keeping away from environmental contacts. I'm trying to come up with a cheap and easy way to remove a broken-off fence post. The smoother the sides of the post, the better. They will break. but bigger. Oct 6, 2021 · Frost heave happens when water freezes in the soil and then the soil thaws out. I just did this for a friend. 5” Square Wood Post) : Tools & Home Improvement Choose a material that can handle changes in temperature and humidity. i have feather edge panels which are 6ft,with 8ft concrete posts and concrete gravels board. dig the holes 12" in diameter, to a depth of 2 1/2 - 4'. 5 inches). Regardless of if there was a hill or its flat ground. Use a plumb bob to make sure the post is straight and then secure it in place with concrete. com : CRIZTA 8 Pcs 36" Heavy Duty 4x4 Fence Post Anchor Ground Spike Metal Black Powder Coated - Mailbox Post Anchors. I do t think I’ll do this much-maybe only a few times ever. The deeper the fence post is in the ground, the more stable the above-ground portion will be. Using the 2×4 as a lever, pull down on it to pull the post out of the ground. Anyone got any cool tricks to minimize effort/ damage to the slab? The new posts are ging to be in appox the same locations asthe old. The water will loosen up the soil and slowly push the post out of the ground. :congrats: Aug 10, 2017 · A while back, I saw a vid on youtube where they were pulling large concreted in fence posts out of the ground relatively easily with a farm jack and as I've got 20+ 6ft concrete posts to pull out, I bought a cheap 3 ton farm jack and a lifting sling, but the problem I've got is that the ground is very soft, so even with wood under the jack, the Secure the post: Once the post is straight, fill the hole around it with dirt, tamping it down firmly. There are plenty of ways to get the bottom of the post out of the I’m replacing a nasty rusty old chain link fence and a wooden fence with a new wooden fence all the way around my back yard. No digging involved. Mar 30, 2013 · As a last ditch save you could sawzall the post bottoms, then insert a tight fitting board like a 2x6 and screw it in to the sides of the post. The bailing wire keeps the bar attached to the post and you get a lot of leverage. Gently apply force to loosen the post and lift it out. Thanks! Seems like a fairly similar concept, excited to try them out. In this step, you can make use of the sledgehammer to smash the concrete off. * Once the broken post has been removed, use a shovel to mix the concrete mix and water according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Dig as close to the old hole as possible, exactly even with it. The number one easiest way to remove a metal fence post from the ground is by simply digging it out. Take the farm jack, put it on a smooth surface, then wrap the chain around the post a few times and around the jack. A posthole digger will make this easier. When I was looking to replace a fence in suburban Denver, every single contractor planned to cut off and leave the fence posts in the ground and that was in the bid. Orange cable coming out of ground at property line, running along the top of the ground between properties, then back underground. Feb 19, 2011 · This is a great way of repairing feather edge post and rail fencing when the post are starting to rot. Then I dump a bag of cement in the hole with some water. Message me if you need more information on a burrito drain system. I had a post break at the base in a concrete foundation wall. The best way to prevent frost heave in fence posts is to set them on a drainage bed prior to pouring the concrete. I would always try to get the repair spur or any post a good 18 inches to 2 ft in the ground and if its 10 foot high fence 2 ft should be a minimum . The spike tool injects water at the base of the post and loosens the soil around the post. These posts were rock solid in the ground. If that's the case, you need to remediate that problem first. But maybe I take out the gate in the fence line (I never use it anyway) and all the new posts shift a little to the right. Jun 22, 2022 · Step 2: Remove The Fence Post. so for a 8' high fence, using 4x4 posts. I decided that the easiest solution was 4x4 ground spikes and I'm very happy with the result. In the past I have always dug them out by hand, but this time I wanted … However it is arguably the trickiest and most time consuming fix and will involve you in removing the fence panels either side of the broken post or posts, digging the remaining post end or ends out of the ground which can also involve breaking up concrete, shoring up the existing holes that are left, resetting new fence posts and then fixing Mar 18, 2013 · We use a half used oil/ half diesel mixture for all non-treated wooden fence cross posts. It's set between 10 ft high hedges and a rock fence as you can see from the pictures below. When you lift the jack up, the chain will tighten and bite into the post. You may also need a shovel to help dig around the post and a sledgehammer to drive the post into the ground. Heard that about post holes my whole life. picked up the rear of the Ford before busting loosewith the backhoe attached! it was a small tractor, not a SCUT, or CUT. As far as removing metal fence posts from the ground is concerned, by which we mean dirt or soil, there are three main ways to do so. It can also be caused by heavy rains or flooding, which soak the ground and make it move. Taking the right steps now will help extend the lifespan of your fence, keep it strong, and avoid costly problems down Unconventional Broken Fence Pole Removal: After a wind storm took out several sections of my fence, I was faced with getting the broken post out of the ground before I could proceed with installing the replacement post. Design: Sekcen fence post anchor is made of heavy duty 13 gauge steel and coated with anti-rust and anti-corrosion black powder. You’ll need to use your clam digger to dig a one-third-deep trench, then cover it with gravel. That's all I'm trying to do, get the fence stable and not worry about it tipping over. OUTDECO'S privacy fence post system provides strength and durability by using powder coated galvanized steel with sturdy 5" welded base plates. Jun 6, 2023 · The next solution at your disposal is to dig out the fence post. About two months ago I build a small 4ft fence, about 30 ft in length and 6 ft between each post in a secluded section of our backyard. No way. Jan 6, 2024 · Once the post is exposed, use the pry bar or fence post puller to apply leverage and gradually lift the post out of the ground. Length: 36 inches, Outer Dimension: 4” x 4” (Fit 3. You can also use a pressure washer to clean the posts and occasionally get rid of grime and dirt build-up. All these posts are a minimum 28" deep, most are 30"-32" deep. 5 foot privacy fence. These types of posts are very easy to install and are known to be relatively durable. As you start cranking, the jack will start leaning forward toward the post. STURDY CONSTRUCTION: MTB Fence Post Anchor is constructed out of heavy duty powder coated 14 gauge high durability performance steel to resist chipping, peeling and rust, which ensures a long lasting working life. Dig out completely then back fill. for how many we are doing I would rent a gas powered post driver, and sink each post 2 1/2' into the ground. Let's look at these steps and learn how to execute them properly. Apr 29, 2011 · I have two areas of fence that need to be put up and I would like to have a 7' to 10' ( I can make it either or) section that I can pop one post out of the ground and swing ( a gate that doesnt look like a gate) and the other area is a small one that I would like to be able to remove a post to be able to drive through at some point (if we ever move out!) Not so easy, though, and in the end I could only break the post out down about 13" below ground level. Feb 22, 2024 · The 8 Common Types of Fence Posts 1. Then lift the end of the bar and the post will come right out. A t-post is a metal post with an anchor built into the bottom. If your fence posts are old, in bad shape, or rusty, do not attempt to reuse them. It also is sitting a bit higher than the base. 5", screwed into the ground so it is more secure than other typ Feb 23, 2024 · Once you’ve dug around the post, use the pry bar or post puller to leverage the post out of the ground. Other wise we would be using wooden posts, and i would rent an auger to install. just pulled the bolt out of the post. All of these are large, expensive projects that I can't afford for some time, so I thought I'd ask for some Installing Vinyl Material Fence Posts in the Ground. The part inserted into the ground has a length of 21. . Be sure to check for structural integrity before reuse. Jul 27, 2024 · The minimum depth for the fence post should be at least 1/3 of the post's above-ground Check out our fence post depth chart to get an idea of the dimensions you Oct 9, 2023 · Fence post; Protective gloves; Spade or shovel; Steps to Using expanding foam. Feb 25, 2017 · i had a new fence put up last june. Removing metal fence posts takes some determination and muscle, but it is very doable. Several options. There is concrete, but the concrete is 12", 14" below grade. 5” x 3. But my guess is you're a post puller this won't work for you a lot of the time! Mar 10, 2023 · The next thing to do is to dig around the concrete post and the ground. Thick Steel Material, Great Bearing Capacity: Up to 2mm thick and surrounds 4 sides of the wood post. Meaning there’s 5’ 6” of the 8’ post left sticking out of the ground. May 30, 2024 · Edmund Sumlin is a skilled author for Metal Fixes, bringing 6 years of expertise in crafting a wide range of metal fixtures. 1. To prepare for this, dig out the soil around the post to a depth of 1 to 1½ feet (0. Moreover, if the fence post is anchored in a small piece of concrete, dig around the concrete, and then rip out the fence post along Apr 15, 2024 · Once you've cranked up the jack enough, the post should come right out of the ground. But I’d like to preserve the option. They were heavy suckers and very hard to cut in half. Even with both of us tugging on the post, it refused to come out of the ground. Post drivers can be manual or gas-powered and consist of steel cylinders with a handle on either side. It's a simple project that's easy enough to do yourself on the cheap. Dec 9, 2023 · Make sure the chain is as tight to the base as possible for your safety. A jack is used to lift the post out of the ground while post hole diggers are used to dig around the post to help it come out more easily. thomas 243 hds skid steer 87hp makes easy work out of fence post. ” Frost heave occurs when the soil freezes and thaws repeatedly, causing the ground to expand and contract. This means the fence will naturally follow grade. How Deep Should a Fence Post be for Vinyl? Rule of thumb, 30 inches works best with most PVC fence posts. Sep 22, 2008 · (When you put a post in the ground the white wood quickly rots off or is attacked by termites; it is the black heartwood that lasts 50 years in the ground. It only cost $15 to do the job right an a little bit of digging to get Erosion has exposed several fence posts behind the back yard. If the fence post is not buried deep enough in the ground, it will be weak and unstable. This anchor keeps the post buried securely in the ground so it can support wire fencing and keep the fence taught along the fence line. With the right approach and tools, you can get those unneeded posts out of the ground for good. Just like with a concrete column, if there is a rough edge for freezing ground to grab the post, it will. Use your shovel to make a little gap around the entire base; take just a few inches soil off. Also the posts don't have much concrete on them. Examine for an attached wire, and if you find one then dig deeper, so that when you pound the rod into the ground you will not cause the wire to slip loose. Dec 7, 2023 · The shovel and post hole digger will be used to loosen and remove the soil around the post. May 25, 2021 · I would suggest that you use a shovel to dig out a pit maybe 6 inches deep surrounding each rod. However it can be quite difficult to break out the concrete on the back of the post . It'll rip it out of the ground with the concrete. Nov 5, 2022 · How Do You Get A Metal Fence Post Out Of The Ground? Pulling out a metal fence off the ground can be backbreaking work, but if you follow the right methods and use the right tools, the work can get easier. Likely the bottom of the post is still in the ground and needs to be removed. It took an hour to dig out the old post with a pick, shovel and post hole digger. Then use a sleeve the same size as the top cap and some glue to help splice the post back together and cover the gap. Drill a vertical hole in the wood stump with small auger bit. If a fence post is anchored in soil, then you can just dig away the soil around the fence post using a shovel until it is loose and just falls over. com : CRIZTA 4Pcs 24" Heavy Duty 4x4 Fence Post Anchor Ground Spike Metal Black Powder Coated - Mailbox Post Anchors. Sunlight damages concrete, and this damage is most pronounced immediately after Aug 30, 2011 · When I was a kid, someone gave my dad a bunch of well dried 16' 4x4's. WHAT'S INCLUDED: The fencing post package includes 4 pack individual fence anchors with 2 tightening screws with locking. Don’t: Leave Broken Bits In The Ground. 5"x3. Apr 20, 2022 · If you need to fix a loose fence post, take heart. It's a 4x4 lumber post that's snapped off flush to the ground, without any concrete around it. post crete was used in about 2ft holes. I tried drilling the out side out and pulling it out with a eye hole screw bolt. I do think there is a bit of post that's not in concrete that I can uncover. ; To determine depth measure the old post from the top to where it set in the soil. Follow this step to set your fence post using expanding foam: Dig a Hole: Mark the dance post location and then dig a hole using your shovel or spade. Oct 14, 2021 · Dig 12 inches down into the soil in a circle around the fence post. Lack of light and a rush to finish the job before a thunder storm resulted in one fence post being slightly out of line (about 1-1. ) So I poured 2’- 3’ footings for each post that end 2-4 inches above ground level. Stack concrete blocks next to it to form a fulcrum. Position a 2×4 under the block of wood and over the fulcrum. Feb 23, 2024 · Keep reading to learn all the secrets of removing a fence post easily, even when it’s set in concrete. I could go on. See full list on angi. Order 24/7 | Save 5% off all items over $500! Use code: SAVE5 (excluding shipping costs) About this item . 6" x 3. My Aunt swears that was the only way she quit smoking was wait till "the sign" was in the feet. Digging around the post takes a significant amount of time and will require a lot of effort to complete. Wooden Fence Posts Image Credit: DCA360, Pixabay. Apr 25, 2020 · The Farmers Almanac is second only to the King James back home in the hills. It works very well and is cheap. Protective eyewear is recommended to shield your eyes from any flying debris. At least with concrete you can form it with a sonotube and trowel and make it look presentable. You don't have to dig deep and wide; it just has to be big enough for the digger bar to fit and do its thing later. Mar 14, 2022 · It’s quite similar to putting a fence post in the ground. However, if the post is in soil that is full of clay or rock, getting the soil wet with a hose may help ease the process along, as it helps to loosen dry, hard-packed soil. For whatever reason fence post rot at the ground/air Mar 26, 2020 · However, on the other side of the gate, where the ground is higher, and the fence post was buried deeper, the posts have basically rotted away completely above the base. Sledgehammer an electrical ground rod into the hole. * If the post is particularly difficult to remove, you may need to use a hydraulic post puller to lift it out of the ground. Our Wood Post Puller method takes the work out of replacing fence posts set in concrete. If that would be difficult, you can buy a new post. Put a concrete curb on the property line beneath the fence. This can be done by going around and under each nail, before finally looping the rope around the entire fence post once. Sep 2, 2008 · Set the bar on the ground next to the post. I set my posts at 30” deep. The laborious process requires using a shovel, a steel digging bar and other tools available Feb 28, 2012 · Rot needs four elements to spread. Eventually, you should be able to lift the post out of the ground. I’d like to make part of the fence in the back toward the alley able to be opened wide enough to get a car through. Installing Vinyl Material Fence Posts in the Ground. You can staple them when green, but hardly ever again. I love the idea. He decided to make fence posts out of them. Dec 18, 2024 · Installing fence posts on dirt ground requires careful planning, the right tools, and attention to detail to result in a durable, stable fence. long, then at the 7 ft. Wiggle and rock the post: Ok so this may only work with clay soil. This means that for a 5-foot tall fence, you would want around 1. Backfill with extra gravel after putting the post in the hole and making sure it’s straight (again, this is preferably a two-person operation). Cole ChesnutAgile Remodeling Handyman LL Aug 22, 2024 · Dig out soil around the post. I just finished installing wood fence posts for a 5. Pull the posts out of the ground, and then dig the post hole deeper so it’s below frost depth. It was impossible to get the staples in. If you have wood posts then you're not going to be able to use a pipe wrench. In a short time, the water forms a layer of mud around the concrete footing that helps slide the post out of the ground. 5” Square Wood Post) : Tools & Home Improvement Amazon. Epoxy or shim ground rod into post. Just can't believe they'd build a fence and spend the money but not seal the posts well. This can put pressure on the fence posts and make them stick out of the ground. Time for a New Fence? As long as your chain link fence post isn’t broken or rusted out, you can reuse them. Fortunately, it's exactly the type of thing we're here to clear up. Put it in the ground as best you can under the post. Aug 23, 2016 · Due to all of the rain, water had seeped in between the concrete and the post, and the mud was holding the post in place with suction like a vacuum. Wooden fence posts can rise from the ground due to a process called “frost heave. Fits Standard 4x4 Wood Post: Internal size is 3. We've researched several methods to do this manually without tools or more efficiently using tools if you're doing an entire fence. However, fence posts do not actually need to be set in concrete. If all else fails, consider cutting the T-post below ground level using a reciprocating saw or angle grinder. Feb 2, 2018 · And wait a day for the concrete to set before you can continue building the fence. If the post doesn’t easily lift out, you may need to dig deeper. Jun 6, 2023 · 3 Ways to Remove Metal Fence Posts from the Ground. Let’s take a look at these different methods. Sep 4, 2019 · I installed this fence, 6' H, roughly 7' post spacing, only 3 months agobut it was wet, now that we've had no rain for 2 months, as you can see the dirt is pulling down from kick board and away from the poststhe ground just shrunk. Whoever buys the house next can figure out the long term (selling in a few months). we used it for alot of stuff. Finally, be sure to have an extra pair of hands on hand to help with the removal process. Some installed fence posts are at least two feet deep. com Jul 20, 2019 · Heaved fence posts are the results of a few tough winters, but fortunately, they can be fixed. Apr 22, 2022 · The Fence-All standard calls for the concrete in post holes to stop three to six inches below ground level. About this item . The difference between the rate at which the post wood deteriorates is massive (I am in the PNW - very wet. As the name suggests, wooden posts are primarily made of wood. Amazon. Apr 15, 2023 · If the T-post is stuck in rocky or compacted soil, use water to soften the ground before pulling it out. I'm tempted to use steel pipe posts that you can just drive straight into the ground, because that sounds a lot easier than digging a hole for each post. If the fence post has a large concrete base or is very firmly anchored in soil, you may need to use a farm jack (Hi-Lift jack) and chain to pull it out. While * Use a digging bar or pry bar to lift the broken post out of the ground. With a strong background in metalwork, Edmund's knowledge spans various types of fixtures, from decorative pieces to functional hardware, blending precision with creativity. There is no oxygen. 5 feet of fence post length under the ground. Dig It Out. Kind of like using a giant lever. That is why when you pull out an old fence post the rot only goes a couple of inches below the grade or where the post exists the concrete, the bottom of the post is solid. I've seen people clamp two 8 foot 2x4s to the bottom of the post and lift them up. 46 meters). And they are certainly the most common, purely because they’ve been around for centuries. The second cause is that the post has rotted or broken off below the ground. Yeah. How To Remove a Fence Post 1. The open end of the driver fits over the post so it can be hammered into the ground. Jun 6, 2023 · This foundation is quite durable and should last for quite some time. I spent an hour trying to figure out how to do it a different way only to figure out it wouldn’t be a good repair unless I put in a new pole with new concrete. Rock the post back and forth to loosen it using your body weight or a sledgehammer. If you live in a cold winter environment, you might experience a fence post(s) lifting up out of the ground over time. Sometimes you can take the post cap off and tap the post down with a block of wood and a sledgehammer. Mar 16, 2021 · Replacing rotten fence posts; using a ladder, chain, and a come-along to lift an old concrete base out of the ground. Rot is a significant cause of fence failure, but the good news is that it can be prevented. Hey guys, curious if this is normal. This isn’t hard but can be time-consuming. Mar 11, 2022 · Hammer them in at least halfway, so there’s no danger of them coming out, leaving a lip that will be used to lever the post out. civil-engineering soil Jul 15, 2022 · Breaking concrete off a fence post base is best done when the fence post is out of the ground. Use safety gloves and eyewear to protect yourself while removing the T-post from the ground. You should Jul 1, 2022 · There are several less effective methods that people use to remove old fence posts, which include the following: Digging the Post Out of the Ground. They were impossible to get out by hand. We are the best fence contractors in the Chicago area. It goes without saying, but unlike wood or metal – PVC fence posts cannot be driven into the ground. Just remember to use proper safety precautions. Leather or work gloves are essential for protecting your hands from sharp edges and splinters. This will prevent the jack from moving forward or slipping off when you are pulling the fence post from the ground. The hole should be about ⅓ of the length of the fence post and twice the fence post diameter in width. Try to give it a tug and see if it wobbles or moves at all. rang the Jun 5, 2022 · I fixed a ring with some lag bolts to the top of the remaining post (which is about 3 inches below ground level) and used a 7 ft pry bar to try to rip it out of the ground, but it turns out that the cement for the post was connected to the foundation of the house, so it's not going anywhere. The resulting pressure heaves the fence posts out of the ground over time. Step 3: Clean Out The Hole. part of the bar, use bailing wire wrapped many times (10) around both the fence post and the bar. Position the pry bar or puller against the side of the post and the wooden block or scrap wood against the ground for support. A post hole digger or a narrow spade works best. But I found the best way to remove fence posts in Colorado was to get a tree root waterer. Of course, that's assuming you're setting the posts in concrete. 6", fits standard wood post is 3. Repeat for each affected post: Repeat the process for each post that needs to be straightened, working from one end of the fence to the other. ; Make the hole about 6 inches wider than the post on all sides. It was not tamped in properly when the post was first put in, and as the ground settles, a gap opens around the post allowing it to shift. Every post was set at 30”. Jun 4, 2024 · What are fence posts pounded in with? Pounded posts can be hammered in manually but are usually installed with a fence post driver. Wood had to be taken out and replace the 4×4 post. Another option is to place a burrito drain beneath the ground and diver the water out to the street. Just like water expands as it becomes ice, frozen soil expands and can push fence posts right out of the ground. Start Pulling the Fence Post Out of the Ground. We initially decided to use EZ spikes but… I don't install fences for a living, but I mark the fence post off at a certain height, lay aboard across the hole. The answer is the depth you need for the new I don't install fences for a living, but I mark the fence post off at a certain height, lay aboard across the hole. its 140ft long down the side and about 50ft long at the back. When a fence post is buried in the Jul 11, 2019 · This video shows some folks at Deep South Homestead putting up some field fencing to keep the neighbors' dogs out. Dec 8, 2022 · Maintaining the area around your fence posts, say by cutting shrubs that sprout around the fence posts and being on the lookout for tree roots spreading to the base of the fence posts, can help prolong the posts' useful life. It occasionally provokes questions from our customers. The main reason a fence post needs to be removed or replace is that it has rotted; it is no longer structurally sound. Grandpa and i removed a fence with 8" wood posts about 3' deep. Posts Pushed out by Frost Heaves. There is no more danger to animals with this than any other general wood preservative - and it stops the horses from chewing since it smells and tastes pretty bad. Some people choose to set fence posts in crushed rock, gravel, or even just in the ground. * I'd like to pull it straight out and sink another post in the same hole without digging too much. If the post is stubborn and doesn’t come out easily, you may need to use additional tools or methods, such as rocking it back and forth or using water to soften the soil. Oct 12, 2021 · But, t-posts are a very important part of fencing for livestock, crops, and more. A loose fence post usually has one of two causes. If the fence post you are reusing has rotted out of the ground then there is a little maintenance you have to do. So the foam isn't going to do anything to seal the post and slow the rot unless it comes above ground level, and don't NOBODY wanna see exposed foam coming out of a post hole, ugh. I’ll then set my pickets at a 6” reveal over my top rail which will get my my 6’ total fence height. Jul 22, 2022 · Looks to me like the far post (out of the picture on the left) may be leaning to the left or has sunk into the ground, which is pulling the top of the fence away from the post and out of the bracket. After removing the fence post and breaking off the concrete, clean out the hole and dig deeper to get below the frost depth - at least 42 inches. If it doesn’t go back down easily, the post will probably need to be dug up and installed properly. You can pop a post out that's been mounted in concrete in about 2 minutes. Osage orange makes great posts, but the wood is so hard that you almost have to drill staple holes in a dried post. Jan 15, 2025 · Homeowners often struggle with fence posts rotting at ground level, a common issue that weakens fences and can lead to expensive repairs or even the need to replace the entire fence. As the frost leaves the ground and you start to wander around the backyard, you may notice that some of your fence posts have moved around. The hollow posts often fill with water and pop up a bit every winter when it freezes. 5 – 2. Apply controlled force to lift the post vertically. We planted them and then tried to hang wire. Let it stick out no further than you can separate the post halves. 5 feet in the ground in concrete. We finally gave up and pulled all the posts out. . Fortunately, there is an easy vinyl fence repair for frost-heaved posts. Feb 19, 2009 · Any suggestions on how to get old 4×4 fence posts off a slab? I have to rebuild a fence but the posts are shot and unfortunenatly half the posts sit in the slab. Below that, I couldn't get enough leverage with the crowbar to break out anymore of the post. The answer The Fence-All standard makes fences stronger. In the new fence post drill hole up from bottom with paddle drill bit and augur bit. I've got one in my yard that is broken off right at ground level, but I need the new post to go in right where the old one was. ndgw hkrs lhvzbq qbmyr qivtci stfhm mxdfzzj tigkrg nkhz ovbtjw jkbudv sozte cuyy hkns frv