Division 2 survivalist build reddit stats. Survivalist spec for the extra protection.
Division 2 survivalist build reddit stats Specialization should be something you tailor to your preferred build type rather than the thing you start with; once you decide how you want to play, look through the spec bonuses and find the one that best fits your build. so i was thinking "is there a build for pve and pvp that actually focuses on a more supportive style of play" Surpassing these builds IMO for solo play is this (and no armor regen rolls in sight): Punch drunk mask rolled to yellow, Alps (yellow) BP with vigilance and skill repair, FB chest with skill repair, FB gloves with skill repair, FB holster with skill repair and FB knees with skill repair. That being said, I also recommend checking other builds. Since you basically only need weapon damage on pestilence, you can reroll the gear for repairs, and have a high damage and high survivability build. (15% explosive damage) Survivalist spec and use the Mender seeker with the fixer drone. Members Online Skill DPS Build Suggestions Here is my Skill Damage/Skill Repair hybrid build that I use on legendary content. In PvE Survival, when you see other player in "unconscious" state, not on their knees, in state when they see this 5 mins timer, you can hold F to revive them, or hold Z TO KILL THEM AND TAKE THEIR LOOT. 45 APC (Mod for additional rounds, crit stats otherwise) W2) Lefty Mask) Coyote Gloves) Hunter's Fury (it's the gear piece I had with the best stats for crit I am sure there is a better option) Because I use an SMG, I rolled crit until I hit cap, then I rolled armor regen. But I agree, needs testing. 1 Alps, 2 murakami, 3 improvised (gloves, knees, holster) Empathetic Resolve / Opportunistic Repair Skill / Skill Haste attributes Ive heard with the bullet king, a really interesting build is to go 3 striker peices, this gives you 15% rate of fire, giving you 977. 64M Armor, 49231 Armor Regen, 80% PFE. making collecting gear of different stats more meaningful instead of going for the best options each time Hardcore is pretty much that. I charge tanks and dogs to get into the middle so their guns can't hit me and put them down with Scorpio shock and finish them off with the LMG. Otherwise, I have several DPS builds I use. As the only choice for SMG would be Demo etc etc Really hope we get more diversity in builds once the other three specs launch this year (or even more next year maybe for purchase) So my builds are designed to deal with elites up close. Members Online Ubisoft and devs, please, remove seasonal characters! I’ve decided to pair it with a tank build and so far it’s probably the best tank support build I’ve used so far. Low-salt Division 2 sub-reddit focused on informative posts and contributions to… Hunter furrry two piece armour rest red Memento Super 90 pummel 10% dmg to targets out of cover + scorpio or any 5 mag slow firing shotgun same as super 90 GS with indimidate Firewall spec. However, Technician gives you the ability to add a Tardigrade chest to your build without dropping a skill tier, and that alone is better than anything Survivalist offers. 4 pc FB, 2 dps pieces of your choice, roll 1 FB piece to weapon damage so it's 3 red3 blue. i can’t hit the broad side of a barn with an lmg so i’ve been running pretty much this same build but with st elmo’s. 6% Repair Skill (tried to get as close to 15% as I could find) 0 No KM, on Technician, No extra stats (essentially zero - our baseline) Low-salt Division 2 sub-reddit focused on informative posts and contributions to help improve the gameplay experience for those dedicated and enjoying the game. All mod slots are filled with 12% Protection from Elites. --Chest talent either use Kinetic Momentum or Glass Cannon. Also known as "setups" or "loadouts," builds are divided into multiple categories based on the purpose they are used for. com/channel/UC2Tm4OVrrd-2QDLX55hizhQ/joinMy Gaming Setup: https://amzn. Ok the so build has 2 versions. Already had high damage roll so I slapped headshot damage on those bad boys, grabbed a tak. edit 2: if the laser pointer mod can be looted and equipped on weapons across the board of Specialists, im think im going with Survivalist. I'll share the build and then I'll take about why people either hate it or love it. --1 piece Wyvern. Survivalist for the Skill Haste, Fire Grenades, and extra group damage on Status affected enemies (doesn't apply to you I don't think?), when using a CC version of Eclipse. +Roll a blue core and use picaros holster on your build, the extra armor will help getting close to activate the bonus. Love it when Division redditors share great ideas! Survivalist is also great for using the crossbow on heavies. This article will discuss the best solo build in The Division 2 and how to optimize it for maximum efficiency and effectiveness. Also the the Specialisation applys burn which you can spread. My build: 2 Golan, 1 Belstone, 1 Sokolov, 1 Ceska, Ridgeway's Pride: 4 Red Cores, 2 Blue Cores Mask: Golan, Red Core, CHC and CHD, Elite Protection Mod Tank builds are only useful in IH raid, all other content they are weak and pfe builds are completely useless. Backpack Tech Support Talent. The Prot from Elites on the Tip set combines nicely with the innate Prot from Elites in the survivalist tree so if you think you're squishy based on a quick glance at your stats, I found myself quite resilient in Heroic and Raid content. Members Online Not that I expected more, but . Gunner, 2 Belstone Armory with Gunner provides 20% armor on kill, Fenris, Ceska, Grupo and Fox's Prayer. And once my expertise level goes up it will. . 1,6M armor,60% proba, 140% crit +50% crit with dark winter or vector with flatline for 15% weapon damage. --2 piece Hana-U (Force multiplier backpack is BiS). Members Online Ubisoft and devs, please, remove seasonal characters! No, it’s not. There you will find all my current builds, in a format that I feel works really well to convey all the stats of a build, so it is easy to copy from. I keep adjust these builds for the final boss room in legendary Tidal Basin. Not sure how I should move forward as a returning solo player. I’m missing a lot of DPS and armor to even think about it. I put together the same build but use Survivalist for the Specialization as I want the crossbow bolts that drop for heavies and dogs. 6% Repair Skill (tried to get as close to 15% as I could find) 0 No KM, on Technician, No extra stats (essentially zero - our baseline) High end back pack talent Creeping death. Yesterday I was doing some spring cleaning in my stash, came across a few pieces of tip of the spear. Actually playing solo and in 2 and 4 man groups I am usually able to survive each spawn and checkpoint without needing to be rezed, usually just the revive hive from time to time. Mask ceska,memento,the rest heartbreaker. This Crossbow comes with The unofficial home for discussing Tom Clancy's The Division, The Division 2 and The Division 3; online RPGs from Ubisoft and Massive Entertainment. AR/Scorpio - AR/Scorpio build is based off Hunter's Fury as I don't care constant in-close fighting or SMGs of my HF build. It doesn't 1 shot elites or anything crazy, but it almost 2 shots. So for now works. 4 blues 2 Reds. Are the ways to make it "spread". D50 with sadist also, Striker Drone and healing seeker. com/No The Survivalist is a Specialization that appears in Tom Clancy's The Division 2. I have several dps builds set up, such as a Heartbreaker, Strikers, and Negotiators, however they all need to be optimized. Congrats on getting ninja. Operative gear set farmed to have repair stats/skill haste and recalibrate to skill tier Paired with survivalist (incendiary grenades) and "Lefty" shotgun for perfect sledgehammer Do damage and cause status effects kill status effected enemies and give team hollow points Add empathetic resolve to chest to amplify damage of healed teammates Not only healing team but also amplifying their damage For your build: Grupo, Firewall. Note that the And your vector can quickly build up stack fast with 2-3 mags. It's that good. This is for character builds, NOT settlement builds and NOT for mods. Belstone and Golan give 2% regen from their set bonuses. If solo, run Eclipse Protocol. There are several ways to build this in order to maximize these stats, and if you have the time, crafting Improvised Gear allows for additional Elite Pro. Members Online Keep getting ready for TD airsoft game. I would like to build a good SMG build that I can run around with and have survivability. Build is 3 piece Murakami, 1 piece Wyvern, 1 piece Alps and BTSU gloves. All on the survivalist build for the Fire grenades and the crossbow. Sadly, the only choice at the moment for AR is Survivalist. Vile mask, one piece of Hanna U (skill haste/status effect) and 4 piece EP (chest/bag a must). My favorite is a bruiser build - hybrid dps/tank. That said it is hard to find a good build without dying all the time. Some ways to apply fire in a efficient manner: The exotic holster imperial dynasty, using the survivalist specialization grenade of which I would combine with the mad bomber chest talent. G36 with striker bonus makes a very good weapon 0-50m, vector with unwaving can also effectively deal with 0-30m foes as well. Your build could be improved significantly if you just dropped Ceska and used a third piece of Providence. Even on legendary: •4 pc future initiative rolled to skill damage including chest, or wyvern/alps with empathic resolve. All stats are skill damage and repair skills. Low-salt Division 2 sub-reddit focused on informative The unofficial home for discussing Tom Clancy's The Division, The Division 2 and The Division 3; online RPGs from Ubisoft and Massive Entertainment. Kinetic momentum on chest, combined arms on backpack, and go with turret and assault drone. I ran for a long time with Scorpio and a 4pc Hunter's Fury build. As the title says, is Survivalist used at all? I am returning after not playing since warlords dlc, lots been added and I am just absolutely lost. Banshee pulse is pretty good, but I think you'd get more value out of technician for the skill tier or survivalist for the teammate damage to status-ed targets. twitter. These are my three builds (also, these builds are easy to get, they will work even not maxed stats) 1. 3pc striker + braced. But finding turret/drone combo much more useful if I play a skill build. Not because of comparing to DPS but because they 1) didnt add enough value to devote that much armor, and 2) didn't actually function as a build more like a these 2 features add to survivalist's CC note, which is already PLENTY of CC. +Also try mad bomber on survivalist class, the incinerator grenade radius is huge and will activate the gloves. 1200 Mil damage per mission usually, Special ammo for days, shreds majors and named enemies. My striker build isn’t even fully optimized yet but I can do solo heroic content quite easily. Key stats: 1. the 4pc eclipse protocol gear set. The 1. If your build can actually elevate the team past their capability then you've ascended to build nirvana. My top builds these days in order of most used: Negotiator's Dilemma Skill Build (6 skill Tiers, 2 Weapon Cores, Glass Canon) Drone/Turret Build Hunters Furry w/Memento & Intimidate Future Initiative Skill damage build w/Opportunistic Eclipse with Glass Canon for answering the call in story mode. A list of builds I run or previously used can be found here and in this reply. 1 China Light Industry. Hello ! I'm looing at refreshing my builds (i was using some since the start of WoNY). Hi! I have reached day 10 playing Division 2 and I'm having some questions. I was taking a look through each ones perks and felt like a build with survivalist with high skill power wielding a sub machine gun and shotgun and utilizing the mender seeker and (insert offensive skill here) would be a really helpful build. Hi all, just slowly coming back to division 2 and saw there is now a native brand giving 10% status effect and a yellow core. Survivalist for team support and healing (200% armor over 5 seconds but heals nearby teammates) Firewall for high solo survivability (400% armor and health in pve over 10 seconds) I like seeing the types of builds people come up with. So far, I've never seen a great "balanced" build. With a skill build, you always want to aim for a stay in cover and let your skills do the work play style. I've chosen Survivalist because I like the little extra Protection from Elites, and as a side bonus, we can area-heal teammates with our armor plates, via Survivalist's Distributed Repair. You should get 30 CHC from attribute rolls, 10 CHC from Weapon (assume you use a Stability mod), 10 CHC from Providence, and 10 CHC from Watch for a total of 60 CHC (exact cap). I've used the mender seeker and personal prefer the Chem Launcher cuz i'm in control and can provide healing to whoever needs it. Honestly it's hard to recommend something without any info. on yt you mainly find "insane solo million dps build". 61K subscribers in the Division2 community. It's not that hard to make 2 builds that compliment each other so I'd focus on finding a build that you and your friend would enjoy. Also Eclipse CC build is my most favorite and using it as often as possible (Heroic of course). Low-salt Division 2 sub-reddit focused on informative I´m personally using Survivalist for spec, as it has additional bonus of healing all teammates around me, when i´m using armor kit. 2 million armor with Adrenaline rush is typically enough to always have Intimidate up, but I do have a shield if my bonus armor seems it’s getting too low. My EP build in a group is Pyromaniac/Scorpio with Foam chem launcher and fire sticky bomb. Bleed everything. 2 No KM and , and same relevant stats (Repair Skill) on Survivalist (15% Outgoing Heal) 3 No KM, on Technician with an extra 15. Jan 25, 2021 路 The Mender is one of the most useful Drones in The Division 2, particularly due to its auto-heal nature. Why would you even consider Gunner over Firewall? Firewall gives you the superior shield, superior shield attachments, a special best Crit DMG weapon attachment, and is literally about close range (in line with Hunter's Fury) where you gain special ammo from close range kills and you get a special weapon that thrives in close range and can be used with the Low-salt Division 2 sub-reddit focused on informative posts and contributions to help improve the gameplay experience for those dedicated and enjoying the game. The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. These kind of builds are useful in situations like those where you can't rely on Armor on Kill at all. There is no overheal in Division 2, so having a ridiculous amount of repair skills with no other utility doesn’t actually contribute much. 115 votes, 61 comments. I use Tip, pestilence and survivalist. Apr 12, 2019 路 There is a way to create a Survivalist build that will generate as much DPS as any other specilization in the game. Please see r/Fallout4Mods r/Fallout4ModsXB1 r/Fallout4Settlements or r/Fallout4ModSettlement for mods or settlement build posting. Members Online Finally I have hunted down all of DC hunters, thanks to all the clan members that helped. 84 votes, 36 comments. This. 4pc eclipse with scorpio shotgun as my main weapon, or I switch to a 4pc ogd with bluescreen for the 20% weapon damage for my party. Survivalist is great with status effects builds because of the perk that increases your team damage against status affected enemies and the haste in cover. Members Online maa0618 The 2 best ways, in my opinion to build around merciless is. So no need to farm the perfect Golan piece I suppose? But then what would be the perfect status effect build ? Still vile mask + eclipse ? Creeping death ? Is the new exotic ninja BP bring new status effect builds ? Tip of the Spear (TotS) gearset + Survivalist feel like the right combo (for my non-main specs/builds, I like getting a little "off the beaten path" / running with an idea). Wyvern does give skill damage and is not at all a typical piece in a healer build. The gold armor regen gold is probably the best out of the lot, Gila Perfect vanguard, bell stone, 2 or 3 golom (if you dont use exotic mask), Emperors guard. st elmo’s has that nice big clip and eventually you get shock rounds to keep the ball rolling. Drone and turret skills Technician Specialization *3pc Empress *2pc Hana U *Waveform exotic hoster (or 1 wyvern if you don't have it) *Overwatch chest talent (12% skill & weapon damage) or Glass Cannon if you're up to it *Tech Support back pack talent (27% skill damage) All pieces rolled to skill damage & skill haste *Capacitor exotic AR or Test Subject AR *Harmony Rifle or The Mop shotgun You can try some of the builds listed in the link in this comment, as well as the HE Status/Damage config in the second reply there (not added to main list yet). Both sets are ran with survivalist talent, creeping death for backpack, and ridgeway's pride for chest since I don't have the vile mask yet. The second status one I mentioned is really good for an all-purpose setup for doing CC but with option for damage and even using the Turret if needed. Outside of party, yes. The key is to make your own! Specialization: Survivalist Survivalist gives this build amazing sustain, and great damage. Survivalist spec for the extra protection. And almost all rolled to CHD/ CHC (2 Stats are Skill damage) 58% crit hit chance 132% crit hit damage Artillery build. Best Survivalist Skills Playing Division 2 since release, but solo. There's lots of variations that use Hunter's Fury chest and/or backpack but there's also variations that rely on Intimidate (or Perfect Intimidate) on the chest paired with something that gives bonus armor like the Exotic Memento backpack, or a backpack with Adrenaline Rush Nov 30, 2023 路 The Division 2 is a game that can be enjoyed in many ways, and solo play is a popular option for those looking to challenge themselves or enjoy the game at their own pace. Mods all Skill Haste. Just run with a Ridgeway's Chest and Anarchist's Cookbook backpack, Firm Handshake Gloves, two more pieces of Sokolov, and Fox's Prayer Knees. Speaking of Survivalist, using an armor kit will also heal others within a few meters so get close to maximize the benefit. If your new to skill builds, best bet is go for 3 piece empress, all skill damage skill haste rolls, 1 piece Wyvern, waveform exotic holster, 1 piece either murakami or Hana U. The most obvious brand is of course Alps and if you need a second one because you can't use BTSU gloves without an FI vest, the second piece is most commonly Hana-U for some skill haste, or Murakami for skill duration which will boost chem duration on the floor, healing the agents inside for longer. Its my rusherbuild and ONLY real rusherbuild for the game. Tank builds worked but I don’t like running with the shield. 2 Brazos de Arcabuz, 1 of them being the Picaro's Holster. It really depends on your build more than anything This is the real answer, although I'm sure it isn't the one OP is looking for. If anybody would take the time to explain/assist, I would greatly appreciate it. Survivalist spec. Members Online cbas1083 Survivalist is better in theory - more healing, more skill haste, more survivability, better medkit, grenade, group damage bonus, spec weapon, and spec ammo generation. Given Survivalist’s armor kit delay, the chems will repair you faster and perhaps fully depending on your stats. Version number 1. Low-salt Division 2 sub-reddit focused on informative posts and contributions to help improve the gameplay experience for those dedicated and enjoying the game. There are a lot of chest talents (about 25). use a gun that has ignited for even more power. ) Technician Turret/Drone - 3 Empress, 1 Wyvern and/or 1-2 Hana, 1 Waveform (Exotic). Pestilence is quite fun but I die after a few shots and as you know dying just once is frustrating in heroic since you start all over again. And if you spec into technician, you're losing out dmg bonus from other specialization like Gunner with reload faster/RoF or Firewall shield and so on. This gives a full heal in a ridiculous 7 secs, equivalent to 100k/s heal on a full red build. F'ing nuts. Future Initiative is a starter pack for noobs, so a 4 FI build is very straight forward. Vest Kinetic Momentum. When agents have this specialization equipped, they have access to the Crossbow Signature Weapon, Incendiary Grenades, and the Mender Seeker Mine. I got hands on End game build with "sniper" specialisation on it At the end i was having spotting / scout drone (pulse alternative - new pulse tho) Turret for flank defense and me with 2 sniper rifle at the Back to cover progres and focusing to shoot enemies cartriges or ammo packs to slow them down and stun them Good experience 馃憤 :) and that was only beta so looking forward also to try I use Survivalist Specialization / Revive hive / Chem Launcher for my healer build. TP is a bit overshadowed but one idea is a support build with 4 TP piece with Perfectly Opportunistic backpack and Perfectly Efficient Chest Piece with Survivalist specialization. The Chem Launchers has 7 shots and i think 10 secs cool down. 3 piece Empress International (currently murakami but I'm updating right now). A standard FI build with opportunistic does more because it gives damage buffs (this is the standard setup for raids/incursion) while the healing capacity is more than enough, as you said. The unofficial home for discussing Tom Clancy's The Division, The Division 2 and The Division 3; online RPGs from Ubisoft and Massive Entertainment. Tweaking those builds to your liking would be much easier than trying to come up with 2 builds. I've updated a few builds and managed to get something that pleases me for most specializations (A&8 for Sharpshooter, a seeker explosive build Demolitionist, Eclipse for Survivalist, Tank for Technician and Hunter's Fury with Firewall), but i'm struggling at finding something nice for the Gunner. the first Manhunt objective That's better than asking everyone to run meta builds. Jan 17, 2025 路 What is a Division 2 Build? In Division 2, builds represent a specific arrangement of weapons, gear, skills, and stats selected by the player to prepare the character with the best equipment for certain PvE or PvP encounters. All stats rolled to Skill Damage and Skill Haste. Spec) Survivalist (I'm building points in here still, might not stick around with this one but for now it serves its purpose) W1) Vector SBR . Auto heal dps support build 5reds 1yellow, using fixer drone and mender mine, talents are companion and perfect efficient (from belstone body) If built correctly, you will have near max CHC, at least 100% CHD and both healing skills will heal 70,000 per second Scorpio shotgun and the Negeyev LMG with Sadist talent. Reply reply TeknicallyChallenged I run a True Patriot hybrid healer/status effects build purely for support on invaded and legendary missions: 4 pc TP, backpack is key as it increases buffs/debuffs for you and the team. Scorpio 50chc 117chd, Vector 60chc 132 chd. 4pc hunter's fury, all armor cores, and all hazpro Hollowman mask, hazpro Momento bag 3x pfe mods Scorpio shotgun as primary Police m4 with preservation and handling mods for any ranged engagement Orbit pistol You can use whatever skills you want. I had maxed survivalist as I was playing some sort of support build. I have a skill damage/Repair hybrid build that I use in Legendaries that can be tweaked to use Sniper. Sure you don't have the constantly draining bars and three hours and you die timer that survival had, but between the threat of losing your agent on death & living on while seeing your fellow agents get wiped out next to you, it has its own appeal. For group setup, 1 Eclipse and the rest will be running the Oxi build above. When I posted that build people would either love it or absolutely hate it. These are builds based on my style of play, 0-25m combat with survivability. Unbreakable is nothing special (meaning the chance to get that talent is 1 divided by the number of all talents). Then you can roll crit chance and damage everywhere. The Signature Weapon for the Survivalist is the Crossbow. They seem like the hardest build to make unless you get yourself to a level in the game where you have the best attributes for recal, the best gear unlocked for crafting, tons of creds and components to spend, etc. It is just so satisfyin most fun build is my backfire build its nothing unique theres a video with build from 'i am fox' it has 4% regen and 20% armor on kill with 99. Members Online These disconnects have to be fixed immediately!!! As you can see, I've formatted the build to be as generally helpful as we can manage @ 6 Blues. scorpio also works well as it shoots status but i’d pair it with an ar cause this build is kind of about speed. Running into lots of drones, dogs & multiple heavies lately so turret helps there if I were to use the build. For the meta builds: Striker drone / assault turret:--3 piece empress. As you can see, I've formatted the build to be as generally helpful as we can manage @ 6 Blues. It’s not usually better than a brand option for a specific task, but it does create fun builds. once you start getting hollow points it’s pretty hard to Low-salt Division 2 sub-reddit focused on informative posts and contributions to help improve the gameplay experience for those dedicated and enjoying the game. I use Scorpio on almost all my builds. to/3821IdDTwitter: https://www. Striker won’t survive if you play it like heartbreaker, its a flanking dps role, you got 1 purpose, kill fast, gain stack, kill faster. Plus group get 10% damage on status affect targets and you get 10% skill haste to go with haste mods in the 3 yellow mod slots. youtube. I also run gunner instead of survivalist on this build but you can do Survivalist for the extra PFE if you feel you need it. Obliterate and Vigilance. I recommend using Firewall for the extra burn duration when using an eclipse build with firestarter. I hope this helps, I just threw information at you while I'm cooking for my wife. I’ve heard a little about how skill builds are currently not viable but I just hit 30 and grabbed my survivalist specialization. At the same time, you will have all the perks of the survival gameplan. true. You can average 30 to 40 SHD levels per hour easily. Not free because you're trading the laser pointer technician with another long barrel rail gadget that adds crit rate or crit damage. That piece I have aren’t very good for it. A place to share your character builds or get help building your perks and stats for your sole survivor in Fallout 4. having the equivalent of self-repairing armor can be a godsend, especially in prolonged Nov 30, 2024 路 馃憤 BECOME A MEMBER馃憤 https://www. The everlasting gaze will serve you better than the GR9. The build is hilarious, especially on the higher levels of Summit where everything is elite. Basically I kept 3 builds, my first one which is Hunter Fury I originally prepared because I thought that this is close to the Nomad build of Division 1. Welcome to Fallout 4 Builds. In fact, the non-ninja version of the build hits 25% harder, but the skills are a tier below and has less much survivability. I run a rifle build, Bakers Dozen maxed, M1 CQB maxed as secondary for ROF or Scorpio ( handy for close encounters :) )coyote mask maxed, providence 4 piece 15% WD max CHC and Woking on CHD, 1 piece of Overlord for the rifle damage max red stats ( a god rolled piece dropped, first lotto I’ve ever won :) ) so running near 180% CHD, 60% CHC The unofficial home for discussing Tom Clancy's The Division, The Division 2 and The Division 3; online RPGs from Ubisoft and Massive Entertainment. From there you can also just copy and paste the URL on a builds page to lead people to that build. I'm running the attached screenshot, but it still doesn't feel like I have the right gear / skills to do Survivalist justice (I feel like it needs more status to take Every build, or rather every build that's planning on killing stuff with guns You don't need anything special the cracked weapon mods allow St elmos to deal almost as much dps as the "top ars" like famas/m4 with strained/fast hands while having the added utility of insanely good handling, 70 round mag and occasional shock ammo for cc Yours is good too, maybe with future perfect you could change 1 or 2 yellow cores to red. (IMO) Eclipse build looks like this: Survivalist for status effect buffs for teammates Vile mask for status effect debuff on enemies The Setup backpack for debuff on enemies Once upon a time, a new gearset was released, it was much stronger than the rest of the gear, it could build up 100% damage and 200% armor where required headshot, but the requirement could be bypassed by link laser mod. 8% bleed resistance, at full stacks i get 589k crit if i remember right, i use it with 2 x belstone, 2 x cesca, 1 x yaahl, memento, obliterate and gunner spec. I do no use it any longer because the HF talent/buff increases the unrealistic gameplay further. Also, the bolt from the crossbow is the highest single-shot damage weapon in the game and it's useful because it will break the armor plates of heavies/robot dogs. However, having the right build is crucial to succeed in playing solo. Ideally fill it out with 1 ceska, 1 grupo, and fox prayer. They can upgrade their abilities and gain new abilities through their perk tree. Demo spec for 20% burn resist and explosion ignore every 1 min. PvP Medic. Using perfect Vanguard and Perfect Galvanize in tandem with almost 100% uptime giving the team 2mil Armor and with the added status effect of the weapon itself and being able to stun multiple targets at once it doubles as a Depends where you are planning to use it, here is a few Medic build examples. 5 RPM gun, which is sick really at that kind of damage, and 15% weapon handling, which makes the bullet king a lot easier to handle, after that im really not sure where to go, but i think its a good start. To see what this specialization is capable of, follow our guide for the best Survivalist skills and talents in The Division 2. On a 4-man heroic, I recommend having one player run a Future Initiative Oxi build and equipping specs with group buffs (Firewall, Demolitionist and Survivalist). 50 and a nemesis. You get the 15% Protection from elites, 15% outgoing healing, Armor kits heal over time (with this it heals past full, so with the bonus healing you can be getting shot from 100% armor to zero, and the kit will still heal on top of that). I almost never go down in countdown. Following thing: i started the division 2 in a 4 man group and im generally the supportive player. Its all around great. Lately been running a survivalist build with tons of sustain and high DTE for more challenging PvE content. This build works very well as a skill damage build, and more importantly, a team buff build. Just play a regular SMG build, don't try to mix-and match, Ridgeway's is not a set that can carry by itself. dhtvjl ymj ekferq uci nsfrynv tnvp rreipm jxdza zuunwklt pgwkj zpfx hzyxf wgd xqdvj diqkk