Airspy hf preselector reddit. Setup: Software: SDR # x.
Airspy hf preselector reddit The test showed the RSP1a and RSP1b are really meant for large outdoor antennas or homebrew antennas. So, with a 12, 14 or especially a 16 bit SDR, a preselector can actually hurt performance. In your screenshot, there is a bar with the frequency and volume buttons. Jul 12, 2020 · 自分は今、受信機としてAirSpy HF+ Discoveryを使用しているが、あまりこの受信機の中身の話を聞かない。気になったので調べたことをまとめる。 Dec 11, 2018 · The World Radio TV Handbook (WRTH) is a directory book (or CD) of world radio stations on LW, MW, SW and FM. Most listening tests were conducted with the res-ident Wellbrook loop with various other wire antennas used as required. While originally dedicated to the… Assuming price is not a problem, should I go with an Airspy Mini and Spyverter combo or a Mini and an HF+? My goal with the Mini is to capture HRPT and AHRPT images, and the Spyverter or HF+ to listen to HF radio. May 1, 2018 · In the top video at the start of it you can see in the source box the options that are their for HF+ dongle use , HF threshold , HF preamp , and HF Att and they work . Does anyone know the difference in HF performance between the Airspy HF+ and the Airspy R2 with a Spyverter (or any other upconverter) connected? I've been using the Airspy R2 for a while and absolutely love it. Nov 26, 2024 · I received an April Fools Day email from Airspy a couple years ago showing a portable Airspy in a case with a display. The Airspy shows up in the Device manager and SDR# works great. It works great, but I have to use spyserver on an old acer netbook to listen because my more powerful desktop pc puts out too much noise. This is close to being among the best SW receivers out there. Theo designed and built his own homemade upconverter for this project as well. It's all strictly AGC and applying any attenuation on the input simply increases the noise floor, but doesn't solve the Review Summary For : Airspy HF+ SDR HF and VHF Receiver; Reviews: 11 MSRP: 199. I know that a preselector it has 93K subscribers in the RTLSDR community. I got a spyverter as I was getting more interested in HF bands since it was cheaper than getting the HF+. It is a joint effort between Airspy, and ST Microelectronics to build a state of the art SDR for HF and FM bands. El Airspy HF + Discovery estableix un nou estàndard en termes de rebre el rendiment amb els preselectors de banda addicionals i un nou nucli DSP per optimitzar la distribució de guany i en temps real els paràmetres de filtratge. HF weather FAX from Boston and New Orleans. While originally dedicated to the… sdrplay - 10 MHz bandwidth, 10 kHz - 2 GHz range aka VLF,HF,VHF,UHF Also: AirSpy HF does HF and VHF AirSpy R2/mini does VHF and UHF (24 MHz - 1. It is advertised as having extremely high dynamic range and sensitivity, comparable to high end (and much more expensive) SDRs. Hello, I'm running an SDR++ server on a machine connected to an AirSpy HF+ Discovery. I use a large VHF/UHF TV antenna up in my attic with the R2. The results are quoted below: [With the Airspy HF+] you indeed see a very few spurious signals, all well below -140 dBm/Hz. For the HF+ Dual Port, the add-on preselector was developed, which gave it a very good signal I have a RTL-SDR v3 and an Airspy HF+. ch Youssef Touil, owner of Airspy and developer of SDR receivers and their software, did not rest on the success, but developed the HF+ Discovery. wrth. From the looks of it, a lot of the airspy claims are just copied from the R820T2 datasheet. RF grade capacitors are used for So, with a 12, 14 or especially a 16 bit SDR, a preselector can actually hurt performance. 100K subscribers in the RTLSDR community. The two seem to communicate okay, as when I hit play on SDRSharp, the Linux terminal reads "Accepted client 192. And yeah, I read everything I can get my hands and eyeballs on. Building on the field-proven Airspy HF+ architecture, we designed the Most Refined HF/VHF SDR with world class performance in the smallest form factor. What I do is move the mouse cursor over the digits in the frequency and mouse wheel up or down with the mouse cursor over the frequency digits. The airspy is really nice, but starting out I would go with the RTL‐SDR v3, it will do the HF bands, just not as good as the airspy. (That and simple AM Shortwave are my only two uses) I have a 67-foot dipole on my roof and am easily pulling-in stations. I notice that there are a lot of spikes on the FM MPX spectrum when listening, and it's bad enough to make the sound quality unpleasant: That would be dependent on what you listen to. i'm doing some research on building a little airspy hf+pi rig to listen to shortwave. The Airspy HF+ claims a blocking dynamic range of 110 dB on HF. Jan 14, 2025 · The only one I could think was the Airspy HF+ Discovery. According to the Airspy website the HF+ Discovery supports operating systems including Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8. A subreddit for the low-cost software defined radio (SDR) community. I give a slight edge in reception in VHF/UHF to the Airspy as well. Jan 28, 2024 · HF Amateur Bands Preselector (Built & Tested PCB Module with aligned inductors) USE A BAND-DECODER AND INSTALL THE PRESELECTOR IN ANY RADIO The Module includes a high-quality ENIG FR4 PCB (180 x 50 mm) that comes with all components factory pre-soldered. 2. that I'm interested in. If there is a specific band where overload signals are present, a filter there can help. co m 15 REVIEWS Airspy HF+ Airspy HF+ US$320 £230 €260 Windows and GQRX for the MacOS and Linux. A fairly cheap dual band on my Airspy R2 to listen to my local repeaters and some local Public Safety departments I can get. 00; Description: Airspy HF+ is a state of the art SDR for HF and VHF bands. 211:59222 running SDR# v1. The doubt I have is: afaik the HF+ Discovery is much better than the RSP1B (and 1A), but, is the difference worth of losing the frequencies than the RSP1B can do? Jul 14, 2018 · The Airspy team have recently been working on a preselector retrofit product for their HF+. Use A Bloody Pigtail. The RSPdx is better than the RSP1A, but the Airspy is hands down the better choice for the shortwave bands and below. If that isn't an option look for a nooelec lana hf amp to get better reception with an 8 bit sdr. com Dec 30, 2020 · For an HF receiver, I wonder if a properly designed USB-RF (2GHz wireless dongle type connection with no pairing needed like Bluetooth) would keep PC isolated and give low enough latency and have enough bandwidth. The preselector covers the entire HF band. PERFORMANCE View community ranking In the Top 10% of largest communities on Reddit [WTB] AirSpy HF+ Discovery SDR Receiver Shoot me a message here if you have one you aren't using. I currently run 4 SDR's; 2 RTL-SDRv3's, a RadarBox24 ADS-B dongle and an Airspy HF+ along with 2 Raspberry Pi's and a dedicated Windows 10 server to network them all. Managed to get SDR# installed and working with it without too… On HF, the aliasing was a killer for my use case with the rtl-sdr dongles. Inspired by the question "Is the AirSpy really worth the increased cost", I decided to try to capture NOAA 15 simultaneously with two setups: (Please ignore the misconfiguration of the audio levels on the RTL-SDR capture, the primary focus of this post is the reception) Welcome to Reddit's own amateur (ham) radio club. 98K subscribers in the RTLSDR community. 7 GHz) AirSpy R2/mini with spyverter does HF/bottom of VHF For AirSpy going from HF to UHF would involve rewiring and/or multi-device. With an 8 bit sdr, however, it can help. The Tiny HF preselector looks interesting, as in using switches to connect in capacitors in binary 1 pf, 2 pf, 4 pf, 8 pf steps should give a rather continous tuning. If done right it might dominate the HF portable market. Nuevo SDR Airspy HF+ Discovery Por elradioescucha el 28/05/2019 • ( 0). "Airspy HF+ Discovery achieves excellent HF performance by means of a low-loss preselection filter, high linearity LNA, high linearity tunable RF filter, a polyphase harmonic rejection (HR) mixer that rejects up to the 21st harmonic and multi-stage analog and digital IF filtering. Posted by u/spoocs - 11 votes and no comments I just got an Airspy HF+ and am very impressed with its performance over various bands. The YouLoop requires either a low noise floor (it was designed for the AirSpy HF+ Discovery), or a pre-amp (which your active MLA-30+ is providing). 0 I am talking about SDR Sharp software . 5. With the full resolution images, it is possible to see the PCB traces in internal planes, the windings on the electrolytic capacitor, inductors, USB choke and direct sampling matching transformer, as well as the bond wires on the RTL2832U and R820T2 silicon chips that And yeah, I read everything I can get my hands and eyeballs on. While originally dedicated to the… In protest of reddit's recent decision to eliminate apps like Apollo, RIF, Sync, Boost, etc. The SDRplay RSPdx, assuming 14 effective number of bits (it will be less than this, but I'll give them the benefit of my doubts) would have a dynamic range of approximately 84 dB. 1. No mention of Windows 11, so I'm playing it Airspy HF+ Discovery with YouLoop: Questions re: Additional Filters (What do I not need anymore?) I'm upgrading from an RTL-SDR v3 to an AirSpy HF+ Discovery to see if I can push my YouLoop harder. From my experience the Airspy was noticeably better than the RTL-SDR with and without LNA on both. They actually tune to the HF bands, 8 bit Sdrs use q sampling to process HF signals. HF+VHF software defined radio receiver - development libairspyhf1/jammy 1. Along with the directory, the WRTH authors often review the latest shortwave listening hardware including SDRs and give out awards to the best units. Last night I heard HF aircraft comms from Hawaii both sides of the conversation. A preselector is We also provide a high performance extension for weak-signal wide band reception on HF – something other competing solutions fail to address efficiently. The HF Discovery is very good but very limited, with very narrow bandwidth and a small frequency range. And not various HF bands/blocks. KX3 is easier and faster to use, whereas the HF+ takes a lot of tweaking to get noise reduction to the right levels. 6. Is the mini even good enough for HRPT and AHRPT? should I consider the R2? Thank you for your time! Airspy is developing a LNA for it, but it is not available yet. I have a Windows 10 machine. I have an AirSpy Mini and the first version of the SpyVerter. Logged FT8 comms with 40 different countries. You could build or buy high pass/low pass/bandstop filters to improve everything but by the time you do all that, you could spend the $50 and get an upconverter to eliminate all those problems. Unfortunately, while Youssef (AirSpy and YouLoop creator) is working on a HF pre-amp, its not available for sale yet AFAIK. A preselector is Hi there, I'm looking for an overall good SDR that covers wide range of frequencies while being somewhat as good as an Airspy for general radio reception (Not specifically interested in HF). In addition to the directory they also do reviews of radios/SDRs, and recently they reviewed the Airspy HF+ (pdf). CFG Mike. The Airspy HF+ preselector needs to be soldered directly onto the HF+'s PCB, and once installed it automatically switches bands using GPIO expansion ports controlled Welcome to Reddit's own amateur (ham) radio club. There is even an android port of it and the Airspy HF+ is one of the few SDRs that currently have android drivers. CFG top line like shown above, with a space in between them If you just have one Airspy, then add it's single serial number at the top of FMPA. What the title says. What do you seek? Aug 26, 2019 · The Airspy HF+ Discovery is a new US$169 software defined radio that recently began shipping. Like most high-end HF receivers, the HF+ uses very high dynamic range ADC’s and front-ends. Hi I have been thinking of upgrading the RTL SDR V4 (before on hf and other bands saturated quickly and I have to turn down the gain too low), I was deciding between the airspy hf+ Discovery, the new RSP1B and the RSPDX. I am using an AirSpy HF+ Discovery, and I'm experiencing low gain on HF. The cheapest way is to get an upconverter like the Spyverter or buy an sdr dedicated for HF like the Airspy HF+ or SDRplay. See full list on rtl-sdr. The antenna is a 5-band HyEnd End Fed Half Wave , run directly over my ridge of my house (about 10 feet about the roofline) SDR# and the Frequency Scanner program with an Airspy are hands down a better option for VHF/UHF. 0-3 amd64 Airspy device support for SoapySDR (default version) Welcome to Reddit's own amateur (ham) radio club. 8 MHz. 5 kHz to 31 MHz, and on VHF from 60 to 260 MHz. Posted by u/mamolian - 1 vote and no comments Nov 6, 2023 · The Airspy HF + Discovery sets a new standard in terms of receive performance with additional belt preselectors and a new Core DSP to optimize gain distribution and real-time filtering parameters The signal path includes very high dynamic range data converters along with high-performance passive mixers with an excellent polyphase harmonic Welcome to Reddit's own amateur (ham) radio club. However, I've noticed noise on every FM station I've tuned to that makes it unusable for what I'm trying to do, which is FM DX. We appreciate your understanding and hope to be back eventually! Airspy HF+ is a paradigm shift in high performance HF radio design. Jul 14, 2018 · The Airspy team have recently been working on a preselector retrofit product for their HF+. While originally dedicated to the… 100K subscribers in the RTLSDR community. Why a new development after such a short time? A conversation with Youssef brought clarity. This is the entire 40m band, as visualized from my QTH near Dallas, TX, from an Airspy HF+ Discovery SDR, running into my Macbook Pro. Anyone know how to install the update from a Macbook? How does one address the device to look at its version number etc? Most of what I have used it for is getting NOAA and Meteor images but these are close to FM stations so I figuered the airspy hf would be perfect as it has good filters. SDR Receiver will stream data from a server that runs the rtl_tcp server utility or equivalent, is reachable by TCP/IP and that can sustain the streaming bandwidth. Jan 4, 2025 · I have downloaded a file airspy-hf-flash from Airspy that appears to have been released on 11 December 2024. Post navigation ← FTIOM & UBMP, August 18-24 Huntsville Hamfest this weekend! → Apr 25, 2014 · Over on YouTube user Theo Faber has uploaded a video showing his adjustable multiband HF preselector project for his RTL-SDR dongle. The Airspy HF+ Discovery sets a new standard in terms of reception performance with extra pre-selectors for all the supported bands and a New DSP Core to optimize the gain distribution and the filtering parameters in real-time and dig deeper I'm using SDRsharp on a windows pc and have the Airspy plugged into the Raspberry Pi. I am pulling stations out of the noise like crazy now. 4 LTS, 64-bit edition) SDRdaemon Utility to send I/Q samples read from a SDR device over the network via UDP; GNU Radio Win64 binaries with airspy support see also build scripts on github; SDR-J DAB, WFM and SDR programs with airspy support Apr 25, 2014 · Over on YouTube user Theo Faber has uploaded a video showing his adjustable multiband HF preselector project for his RTL-SDR dongle. i have a couple of unused pi's - was wondering if any of you… I just got an Airspy HF+ and am very impressed with its performance over various bands. This was all last night with a mag loop in my attic. Mar 12, 2024 · Airspy HF plus Discovery page lists Firmware Updates Change log Latest Stable R4. My computer is a multipurpose desktop that is not devoted to the SDR alone. That "limited coupon" thing is really irritating. The price is $56. Additionally I received HFDL data transmissions from Ireland, and NY. While originally dedicated to the… Airspy HF+ FEATURES 14 www. The Airspy Mini is overall a better SDR than the RTL-SDR, save for the ability to tune below 24mhz, which the Airspy does not have as you can not enable direct sampling in the same way that you can on the RTL-SDR. It is a joint effort between Airspy, Itead Studio and a top-tier semiconductor company to build a state of the art SDR for HF and VHF bands. 0. 95 GBP, which right now is about $72 USD. The Airspy team have recently been working on a preselector retrofit product for their HF+. 168. , and the hostile behavior of reddit's CEO, /r/DJs is locked until further notice. It's hard to say accurately since I haven't directly compared that between the two, but my feeling is the crossover point in sensitivity between them is somewhere in the bottom half of the MW band. It was a joke, of course, but it would be nice if they actually offered one of those. 7. Without preselection, noise and strong images of other nearby stations can The Airspy HF+ Discovery is a new US$169 software defined radio that recently began shipping. true. Posted by u/mamolian - 1 vote and no comments Over on Reddit user u/isysopi201 has put up a fun post showing what an RTL-SDR Blog V3 looks like under an X-Ray machine. Look for a SDR with 12bit ADC. The YouLoop is a pretty good antenna, when fully functional. EDIT: This post is referring specifically to the AirSpy HF+ Discovery, not the AirSpy HF+! Hello! As a troubleshooting step for my AirSpy HF+ Discovery, I decided to try flashing older firmware versions. I would be curious to see the results with a HF pre-amp on the YouLoop line. At least that wouldn't allow USB to become antenna for garbage inside PC so easily. well if you aren't smart enough to figure out that the rsp1a is newer than the rsp2 and that the airspy (without HF) is a completely different device than the HF+ Discovery you will probably be just fine with either device and you won't notice any limitations anyway. Hands down the Airspy HF+ is superior at eliminating noise, but this is highly dependent on the Airspy desktop software. With airspy, you would need 2 devices for HF & VHF+UHF. The Airspy HF+ is high dynamic range HF/VHF receiver designed for DXing. Dec 31, 2020 · I'd be interested in the HF+ preselector also, if it ever became available, as I have both HF+ and Discovery. El nuevo receptor Airspy SDR ha llegado al mercado: AirspyHF + Discovery a un precio de $ 169, una cifra asequible que diría que es en realidad el hermano pequeño (por así decirlo) del famoso AirspyHF +. 1702 (same configuration) Antenna: Vertical 10. Aug 30, 2019 · In Nils' first test he uses a very high end Winradio W65DDC SDR to detect the spurs coming from an Airspy HF+, Airspy HF+ with preselector retrofit, and the Airspy HF+ Discovery. CFG B58069DC390E2022 26A464DC28442021 ; Airspy serial number list - mini I have two Airspys, I add them in FMPA. It's not perfect, but it gets a lot of the ham repeaters, airport communications, public safety, etc. I've also dabbled in ADSB a lot and do enjoy decoding some of the data at frequencies higher then 260Mhz which is the maximum the hf+ can provide. ", so I know the sdrsharp software is communicating with spyserver. . A preselector is airspy is r820t2 tuner + a microcontroller with fast ADC. The main receiver used for comparison was a Racal RA3791. Apr 13, 2017 · A new reasonably priced 5-band HF preselector has been released by the company Cross Country Wireless, and it looks perfect for use with SDRs. 1 and 10. Hello guys, i'm looking to add the preselector inside my Airspy HF+. I'm still learning the HF+ and SDR++, and I'm not entirely sure what settings I should be using for best results with APRS (or at least, the best results my YouLoop can deliver inside on the 9th floor of an ancient high rise made of thicc concrete). Welcome to Reddit's own amateur (ham) radio club. For HF frequencies, nope. A airband antenna on my SDRPlay DX since it scans the whole band, and I'm fairly close to an airport. jdow #37981 . But once you dial in the right settings, my gosh it's listening like never heard before! 98K subscribers in the RTLSDR community. Discovery HF + R2/mini (seperate) Spyverter + R2/mini (combined for HF, R2mini alone for VHF/UHF) You can also check rtl-sdr blog v4 for a cheaper alternartive HF+VHF+UHF. My AirSpy HF+ arrived just about half an hour ago as an upgrade to my AirSpy Mini. Airspy HF+ preselector #airspyhfplus. It's pretty light on CPU usage, so it should run smoothly on the tablet. Preselectors on the RTL-SDR can vastly improve reception quality. I have been using my Airspy as it came out of the box from Itead two years ago, running very well on SDR++ for Mac. 3 2024-03-12 Facebook Twitter Reddit Pinterest Tumblr WhatsApp Email Share Link. It's hyperspecialised for weak low-frequency signals, and it does very well at this, with a 16bit sampler and very very low noise. When I try and run these little standalone apps like ADSBSpy, SpectrumSpy, AstroSpy, they just say Cannot open AirSpy device when I try and run them. Nov 12, 2024 · And you will have to add your airspy serial number in FMPA. GNU Radio Live DVD (AirSpy support based on Ubuntu Linux 14. Without preselection, noise and strong images of other nearby stations can Aug 15, 2019 · This entry was posted in Ham Radio, New Products, News, Shortwave Radio, Software Defined Radio and tagged Airspy, Airspy HF+, Airspy HF+ Discovery, HF+ Discovery, Ivan Cholakov (NO2CW) on August 15, 2019 by Thomas. While originally dedicated to the… 47 votes, 12 comments. I've read about how strong signals in the AM and FM bands can overload the front end of wideband receivers, suppressing overall gain. Relatively good on HF, so all signal across the band should rise when you attach the SMA lead-in wire to the HF+. According to the review, WRTH give the Airspy HF+ the award of being the best value HF SDR for 2019 In SDR# quadrature sampling is NOT for HF listening or frequencies below 25Mhz, and it has two direct sampling options (Q branch and I branch) that ARE for HF listening or for frequencies below 25Mhz I. That's my default plan if I don't hear from anyone using Windows 11 successfully with the Airspy and SDR#. The firmware is R1. Recently I bought a unit of an AirSpy HF (Dual Port), compared it side by side with my AirSpy HF Discovery and found significant differences in absolute signals. The HF+ uses very high dynamic range ADC’s and front-ends. An important thing to note is that the AirSpy HF+ Discovery does not have any kind of manual gain control for VHF. If you want to listen to HF, get a cheap magnetic loop like the MLA-30+. The Airspy HF+ already has excellent dynamic range and sensitivity, but by adding a preselector they seek to improve performance enough to claim that the HF+ is as good as or even better than much more pricey SDRs like the Perseus by achieving dynamic range figures of more than 105 dBm. While it does have an attenuation slider, it only affects the HF band and does not adjust any VHF settings. If you are wondering what Amateur Radio is about, it's basically a two way radio service where licensed operators throughout the world experiment and communicate with each other on frequencies reserved for license holders. Well when I got my Airspy HF+ about two months ago I down loaded the SDRshrap software from Airspy’s website . The Airspy HF+ Discovery sets a new standard in terms of reception performance with extra pre-selectors for all the supported bands and a New DSP Core to optimize the gain distribution and the filtering parameters in real-time and dig deeper I have both. They write: This can be used to provide additional front end selectivity for HF and medium wave receivers protecting the receiver from strong out of band transmissions, wideband noise and other Welcome to Reddit's own amateur (ham) radio club. Setup: Software: SDR # x. The HF+ is capable from 1kHz-31MHz and 60-260MHz. 1732 on Microsoft windows etc. SDR++ is a good, open source SDR program that will work with the Airspy. 04. Managed to get SDR# installed and working with it without too… Hello, I'm running an SDR++ server on a machine connected to an AirSpy HF+ Discovery. The RSP's did well with the MLA 30+ and my home brew center fed 18 foot wire with Nooelec Balun 9:1 by far. It also provides great frequency agility by using high performance passive mixers with an excellent polyphase harmonic rejection I have had both the RSPdx and Airspy Discovery. At this point, I'm still learning a lot of the more technical language, especially re: filters and amps, and I'm not exactly sure if the HF+ The antenna connector on the Airspy devices is called an SMA connector, and you can get adaptors for other connectors. 5m long Splitter: -6dB in each of the 4 outputs Coaxial: Same type and length Radios with a natural high dynamic range design like the Airspy HF+ are less affected by this problem, but for the strongest of signals use of a preselector can still help. I'm seeing AirSpy SDR dongles advertised for HF-listening that are 5-10x the price of the RTL SDR. 0-1 all Pairwise test combinations generator (Python3 version) soapysdr-module-airspy/jammy 0. High dynamic range means that extremely strong powerhouse stations will not block weaker stations Posted by u/Martin5791 - 5 votes and 4 comments Building on the field-proven Airspy HF+ architecture, we designed the Most Refined HF/VHF SDR with world class performance in the smallest form factor. I use a MLA 30+ On my Airspy HF for below 50Mhz. I went for SpyVerter because like you said the price point is close, the spyverter is more compact, and from what i've read has a better signal and lower noise. What are some good options out there in 2022? Aug 7, 2019 · Bron: fenu-radion. Using the spyverter there no comparison for me with my five samples between the two types, with the mini winning out on any metric except value for money. But if you're looking for a good all-in-one device for HF through microwave and don't specifically care as much about scanning capabilities, go with the RSP1A. Yes, I think your analysis is correct: the balun is broken. Airspy HF+ is a paradigm shift in high performance HF radio design. Right now I have a RTL SDR V4 and tbh is impressive in HF but I want to try others (the V4 overloads frequently). valerio spagnolo #37931 . The Discovery is a much better receiver with dynamic range rivaling receivers that cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars more. 8-3 amd64 HF+VHF software defined radio receiver - library python3-allpairspy/jammy 2. May 28, 2019 · Inicio › Receptores › Nuevo SDR Airspy HF+ Discovery. Jan 10, 2020 · The World Radio TV Handbook (WRTH) is a directory book (or CD) of world radio stations on LW, MW, SW and VHF broadcast FM which is released yearly. And if you can properly tighten a (badly misnamed) UHF type connector so that it does not Airspy HF+ preselector #airspyhfplus. I bought the Youloop because i'm trying to get the most noise free signal as possible especially on the lower bands like longwave, mediumwave and 160 Meter band. co m www. I wouldn't recommend it, because the RSPdx essentially does what it can do plus the Airspy R2's broader range I recently bought the airspy HF+ discovery and strung up a long copper antenna wire in my yard attached to a nooelec balun. rtl-sdr is r820t2 tuner + a TV reciever chip, the HF deal is extra circuits to route lower frequency into a unused input of the TV chip. On HF it can tune from 0. Performance-wise, at least at HF, I'd give the edge to the Airspy HF+; on the flip side, the RSPdx is noticeably better at LW. I was disappointed to learn that not only is the firmware closed-source, but older firmware releases aren't easily available. I went there to order one but got pissed at not being able to use the coupon, guess I'll wait a while and pick up a used one, not in a big hurry. I love the Discovery, but HF+ seems much sturdier, and with the pre-selector and dual antennas (one for VHF) would be super convenient. Last year the Airspy HF+ won the WRTH 2019 award for best value HF SDR, and this year the Airspy Jul 14, 2018 · The Airspy team have recently been working on a preselector retrofit product for their HF+. rtl-sdr blog v4 is the closest to what you ask for, but the filtered bands are HF, VHF, UHF with combined MW/FM/DAB notch. The overall setup works great so far, but when I use spy server, I lose access to a lot of the AGC se To be honest I don't really see the appeal of that many HF receivers unless you are testing your signal, HF especailly on the lower frequencies as we know is largely propogation based so you don't get a local view of signals as you would on VHF/UHF, Perhaps it is just me that holds the view that it's more exciting to see coverage of VHF/UHF in I currently own the $35 RTL SDR and use it to listen to phone/voice comms on HF Ham bands. x. E: Feature 1: Direct Sampling HF Mode This feature allows you to listen to HF signals between about 500 kHz to 28. ewbwf qzuftjgb tjsso awwenz dhyj pfdo gqbntx wqms svttc hmca pkt jislc wulbnul mtsz ging