Te hikutu whirinaki 1972 and b. William Trusted and his partner Pikare had an only child, Betsy or Peti, who married Kamariera Morunga of Whirinaki, and they had 17 children. The bats are rarely sighted. He karere atu tenei kia koutou katoa. All happening apopo whānau! We invite you to come and enjoy the day with the Whirinaki trust team as we plant 1500 trees along the banks of the Te Hiku ō Te Ika Iwi Development Trust (the Development Trust) is a Charitable Trust formed in 2013 by the Iwi Chairs of NgāiTakoto, Te Aupōuri and Te Rarawa. These reply submissions have a specified focus on parts of the Crown Submissions that have misrepresented or distorted the true position Te Hikutu envisaged a world where the two sovereigns could co-exist Te Hikutu Hapu-Whanau is on Facebook. . KURA KĀINGA # 2 2021 Whirinaki _____ Kura Kāinga is a series of wānanga for our people of Te Aug 20, 2023 · Ko Mātou tēnei Te Hikutu o Hokianga whakapou karakia. Vern’s Camp has a shelter, toilet and is The Pā to Plate team is working with marae communities from the Bay of Islands through to the Hokianga, including Waitangi, Oromāhoe, Tautoro, Whirinaki, North Hokianga, Kaikohe and Karetu. Interviewer(s) - Garry Hooker Accompanying material - Ngapuhi, Te Hikutu ki Whirinaki whakapapa, Ngati Ruanui, Tai Tokerau whakapapa, Ngapuhi, Ngati Korokoro hapu ki Pakanae whakapapa of Rev Harding Leaf are included with Sep 8, 2024 · Nia”) and Ben Morunga (D) for Te Komiti Māori o Whirinaki, for the Wai 700 claim. They had four children, Maria Amina, Hauraki Hereward, Mary and Susan. 2 marae. 1816 1816. Highway 12 runs thr Ngāpuhi: Te Hikutu; Pākehā. “Te Hikutu Hapū Whānau”, “Te Whakaminenga o Te Hikutu Hapū Whānau” or “Ngā Hapū o Te Ramaroa”. 0 on April 13, 2023 All reactions: 2. On my Te Hikutu side I am a direct descendant of Te Rangahau a “puhi” of Taku Terewhare a rangatira of Whirinaki. Kura Reo ki Whirinaki Sells Out in Minutes. Ko Moria te wharenui. . Whirinaki Te Pua-A-Tane highlights. Te Hikutu Whirinaki Hapu met at Pa Te Aroha marae on 1 May 2011 to discuss the issues outlined in the above-mentioned memorandum and directions and have agreed to the following: a. It is the most popular hut in the Whirinaki and has been extended to accommodate more people. Head left to reach a viewpoint of Whirinaki Falls. Book: Cultural Keystone Species. MORIA WORKING BEE: 18-20 November 2022: January: 7-14: Te Hikutu Outward Bound February: 12-14: Naomi Cussack Noho ora mai . — H. Take Poll / Te Hiku Radio / Te Kura Reo ki Whirinaki Tuarua. It. My Ngāi Tūpoto ki Motukaraka hapū also joined us alongside Coleader James Ko Te Ramaroa te Maunga Ko Tuwhatero te Rere Ko Whirinaki Te Awa me te Whenua Ko Hokianga-nui-a-Kupe 14/11/2022 . 8 Whirinaki Te Hikutu Whanau is on Facebook. Whirinaki is located some 40 kilometres west of Kaikohe. Ko Tuwhaterō-ā-Kupe te wairere; E kore Te wairua me te mana o Te Hikutū hails from 1,600 years of ancestral, cultural and historical relationships. Text taken from Wikipedia - Whirinaki, Northland under the CC-BY-SA-3. 8] In 1834 Te Hikutu rangatira with others participated in the choosing of Te Kara. write things down, or zoom in with the camera! I realised that with genetics I could learn a lot about whales and dolphins without getting seasick. In addition to highlighting the many challenges that the claimants face, Dr Lankshear’s evidence also emphasizes the strength and capacity of Te Hikutu arising from their tikanga, whakapapa, mana, tapu and whanaungatanga. Te Tai Tokerau Festival 2019. Support of the Memorandum of Counsel to be filed by Ms Tuwhare on behalf of Te Kotahitanga o Nga Hapu Ngapuhi (“Te Kotahitanga”) regarding preferences Similarly there is Wairau Leaf d. 1839 1839. Known as an athletic man who possessed a keen sense of humour, Captain Leaf first enlisted Ko Te Ramaroa-ā-Kupe te maunga whakahirahira, Te maunga whakaruruhau, Te maunga kōrero; He rama mo tō rae, hei māramatanga mo to huarahi, Ko Tuwhaterō-ā-Kupe te wairere; E kore te mimi e mimiti, Ko Te Hikutū focused the design of their framework on understanding the current state of their drinking water supply, tuna populations and swimming holes. Ko Mātai Ara Nui te wharenui, i hangaia i te tau 1876 e tētahi tangata Wīwī nō Whirinaki is a locality on the Whirinaki River in the south Hokianga, in Northland, New Zealand. We invite you to come and enjoy the day with the Whirinaki trust team as we plant 1500 trees along Te Whanake is a set of print and digital resources for learning and teaching the Māori language. He whakamahi tēnei pae i ngā pihikete mō ngā tātaritanga me ngā Te Hiku Radio Te Hiku TV Te Hiku Tech Te Reo Archives About Login. 7] During 1820-1821 Waikato a Te Hikutu rangatira of Te Puna accompanied Hongi Hika to London where both were granted an audience with the House of Lords and King George IV. Mōria marae is one of three marae in the Whirinaki area, the others being Matai Ara Nui and Pa Te Aroha. Showing 1 - 1 of 1 results. All happening apopo whānau! We invite you to come and enjoy the day with the Whirinaki trust team as we plant 1500 trees along the banks of the Sep 8, 2024 · MĒNĀ KA PAI KI TE RŌPŪ WHAKAMANA I TE TIRITI. The claimants have health concerns they wish to raise with the Tribunal which to date, have not been heard. The marae has a strong connection to the Catholic Church and was established by the descendants of Te Hikutu who were baptised by Catholic Bishop Pompallier in the Whirinaki River. Iwi, hapu, marae, rohe, RMA, MFA, Treaty of Waitangi, regional and local councils, iwi contact, iwi contacts, iwi contact details, contact details. View Ashleigh Sagar’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. Our Dad was Ratutonu Morunga Jan 1, 1997 · Te Roroa is a Māori iwi from the region between the Kaipara Harbour and the Hokianga Harbour in Northland, New Zealand. Ngāpuhi; Related Rohe. which was chosen by Whiu Waata, of the hapū Te Hikutu, had Nga Hikoi Onamata: Kura Reo ki Whirinaki. Like. The Whare Tupuna (ancestral house) is My name is Anania Wikaira I am Te Hikutu. 2] Te Hikutu is a prominent pre-Ngapuhi hapu located in Whirinaki south of the Hokianga with interests throughout Te Taitokerau. Hapū Te Hikutu. f) Counsel highlight that neither claimant nor Crown counsel Join the team for Whirinaki planting day Tuesday 22nd August for the kaupapa of restoring the awa! Whirinaki Water Board Tēnā koutou katoa, Notification for upcoming AGM, details are attached below: ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2020 Where: Whirinaki School Complex Date: Saturday 7th of November About 45 minutes north of Verns Camp, the track reaches another junction. 25 bunk Ko te marae o Moria tētahi o ngā marae e toru i te takiwā o Whirinaki, ko tētahi ko Mātai Ara Nui ko tētahi ko Pā Te Aroha. Pae tū, pae hinga, ko Watch. The team is also connecting with many The Hokianga tribes of Ngati-Korokoro, Ngati-Manu, and Te Hikutu, (of Whirinaki) formed part of the taua, no doubt anxious to avenge their losses at Waipuna. "When I was growing | business, career, mechanic Matai Aranui marae is one of three marae in the Whirinaki area, the others being Mōria and Pā Te Aroha. Skip to main content. Feel the breath of life, the song of Tāne, transcend time, walk in the footsteps of dinosaurs, in the Ngapuhi Te Rarawa Ngaliruanui Ngatimaaiapoto 569 228 5 1 496 168 454 132 377 140 1,896 668 5 1 Total Native Population in Hokianga 803 664 586 517 2,570 Wiiahoaeei, Maori Population. on 24/6/1897. However, for the hapu Te Hikutu (the tail of MauiÕs fish) of Whirinaki, Hokianga, it is a living truth to this day, for they count themselves William TrustedÕs descendants. By Jac Michael October 17, 2019 March 11, 2022 Updated on March 11, 2022. This was the home of Captain Harding. com: Map: Te Hikutu whanau and hapu application area map [PDF, 92 KB] Te Hikutu whanau and hapu application PCR area map [JPG, 60 KB] Whirinaki Lands and Waters (Hokianga) Claim (Wai 700) 2. As a child there were no big trees in the Whirinaki settlement blocking the skyline, only fruit trees. Nau mai, noho nei ki raro i te maunga taketake o Te Ko Mātai Ara Nui tētahi o ngā marae e toru kei Whirinaki, ko Moria tētahi, ā, ko Pā Te Aroha tētahi. Turn right at the crossroad on to Old Te Whaiti Te Rōpū Wāhine Māori Toko I Te Ora Ngā Pū Kōrero o Te Tai Tokerau 2019. Construction of a new $12 million school in a small Northland community has Ko Te Ramaroa te maunga Ko Tu Whatero te wairere Ko Whirinaki te awa me te whenua Ko Matawha te waka Ko Kupe te tangata Ko Moria te marae Ko Te Hikutu te hapu Ko Te Hikutu te iwi Ko Henry Wharerau raua ko Lena Cooper oku kaumatua Ko Lynette Wharerau raua ko Nathan Dick oku matua. if you View the profiles of people named Whirinaki Te Hikutu Whanau. Ngāti Te Pou; Te Hikutu; Related Iwi. Please help us out by taking our poll. Calling all whānau of “Te Hikutu” hapū (including Te Whanau Whero, Ngati-Kairewa, Te Kerewhiti, Ngai Tupango and Ngati Parenga), and with the Wai 700 claimants, to rise up, commit, communicate and continue with designing and developing our Te Hikutu path thinking strategically and sustainably for the benefit of future generations. The road can be accessed from State Highway 12, between The ability to be true to her identity has helped Teresa Tepania-Ashton to succeed in corporate and tribal leadership roles. Signed in 2013 between Te Hiku Iwi and Crown agencies, the aspirations of the Social Accord are to be achieved by working as a collaborative body, combining respective perspectives, Join Facebook to connect with Te Hikutu Hapu-Whanau and others you may know. Te Whāriki: He whāriki mātauranga mō ngā mokopuna o Aotearoa Early childhood curriculum and Te Whāriki a Te Kōhanga Reo. 5hr), Wai 700 Te Hikutu Lynette Wharerau I Dalton (timber extraction) That included harvesting and preparing the flax gathered from Whirinaki and Pehiaweri Marae in Glenbervie. The project will enable 19,400 stream side plantings and fencing to be installed along Te Hikutu Rugby Cup - This Weekend. He bought the land in September 1839 and soon after built a house that is still standing at Onoke. Ko Nukurangi Dick ahau Mōria (Whirinaki) Hapū Ngāti Te Pou Te Tai Tokerau Ngāti Te Hikutu; Ngāti Te Pou; Ngāti Tuapango; Ngāti Whanauwhereo; Ngāti Toro; Ngāti Hurihanga; Ngāti Tarahape; Ngāi Tawake ki te Moana; Te Ngahengahe; Te Hikutu; Te Māhurehure (Ngāpuhi) Te Kahu o The Hokianga tribes of Ngati-Korokoro, Ngati-Manu, and Te Hikutu, (of Whirinaki) formed part of the taua, no doubt anxious to avenge their losses at Waipuna. 26/10/2022 . Apr 13, 2022 · The project partners include Ngāti Manu – Karetu Marae, Te Hikutu Hapū, Whirinaki Toiora Trust and Patuharakeke Te Iwi Trust. Birth of Moengaroa. These are the sons of the above Kia ora this is a page set up for members of the Whirinaki Te Hikutu Netball club to keep up to date with events and club information. My home is in Waimā, in the rohe of Te Mahurehure hapu. Comment. Time: 5 hr Distance: 16 km From Central Whirinaki Hut continue on the Whirinaki Track north to Vern’s Camp. Mōria marae is located on Whirinaki School Road out of Whirinaki. The name means "to lean against a support". It also includes Te Aka Māori Dictionary. TK Online Program Testimonials Supplements Testimonials Supplements Te Hikutu Whirinaki - mountain range from Whirinaki to Waima in Hokianga, the Whirinaki river, and the Hokianga harbour, from Pakanae to Omanaia River Kotuku Chambers 2476 Wai 2476 Bryar Te Hira and whanau Wackrow, Williams and Davies Hearing Week 20 (Time TBC) 1531 Land Alienation and Ward of the State (Harris) Title: Official Information Act Request - Te Hikutu Cluster Hui Created Date: 2/5/2019 2:27:59 PM 3. 8, 2021 Kuaka Mārangaranga. Mrs Hilary Warren. Northland Poll We'd like to know how Northlanders will vote in the 2020 elections. Both are recorded as belonging to the Nga Puhi tribe and the RAWIRI, Te Wiki Tamaho Reverend. Waikato was presented with a gift of a helmet and body armour from the King. [1. 1. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. The fifteen (15) Hapū of Te Hikutu, Te Whakaminenga o Te Hikutu Matai Aranui Marae is the tupuna Marae of Te Hikutu Hapu. Extra honoured to have my other hapū from across the other side of the harbour also join us Pā te Aroha Marae are affiliated with Ngāti Kairewa, Ngāti Kerewheti, Ngāti Te Pou, Ngāti Tuapango, Te Hikutu and Te Whānau Whero. All happening apopo whānau! We invite you to come and enjoy the day with the Whirinaki trust team as we plant 1500 trees along the banks of the For six years now, 34-year-old Charlie Wikaira has run his own mechanical business from his papakāinga in Whirinaki, South Hokianga. Tahere Pa . 9 [5. Photo/Supplied . 1 C60 cassette(s). Comments o Whirinaki for Te Hikutu (“the claimants”). Mati Aranui Marae - Ngāpuhi + Ngāti Te Hikutu + 🍃In January 2023 I went to my Mothers Homeland in Whirinaki for the first time. Arohaki Lagoon. Te Hikutu hapū is located in Whirinaki in South Hokianga, and is a ten minute drive from Opononi and Rawene. In 1832 my great, great grandfather John Henry Leaf arrived in Hokianga from Plymouth England. The bank of the Wairoa River near the Leef / Fergusson Whanau invites you to join in commemorating the 190 year anniversary of John Leef crossing the Hokianga Bar. Livestream of the 44th Te Tai Tokerau Festival. 120 registrations were full within 5 minutes of Whakarongo mai ki a Anaru Rieper e kōrero ana mō tēnei wānanga-ā-ipurangi kua whakaritea mō ngā uri maha o Te Taitokerau Te Hikutū o Hokianga. Below is my whakapapa, which connects me to my whenua and my whānau, te whānau whanui o Ngāpuhi: 3 2. For Hiking in an Enchanted Forest: Whirinaki Te Pua-a-Tāne Conservation Park. This memorandum responds to Memorandum Te Kura Reo ki Whirinaki Koeke Tuarua. 6. In my memorandum-directions of 22 November 2017 (#2. Highway 12 runs through it. Anei Toku pepeha mai I te taha o toku whaea, Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua me Kurahaupo ōku waka, Ko Te Ramaroa me Hinerake ōku maunga, Ko Whirinaki me Rotokakahi ōku awa, Ko Ngā Puhi me Te Rarawa ōku iwi, Ko Te Hikutu me Te Uri o Tai ōku Hapu, Ko Pa Te Aroha me Ohaki o Pawarenga ōku marae, Ko Kupe te tupuna, Ko Gerard Jull tōku ingoa Ko Te Ramaroa te maunga Ko Tūwhatero te wairere Ko Waitemata te awa Ko Whirinaki te whenua Ko Moria te marae Ko Te Hikutu te hapū Ko Hokianga-nui-a-Kupe te moana Ko Matawha te Waka Ko Kupe te tangata Ko Kamireira te tupuna Ka puta ko Tiapākeke te tuputupu whenua Ka puta ko Te Ākinihi Ka puta ko Ani Ka puta ko Henare On his return to Hokianga in March 1839 he settled at Onoke, at the mouth of the Whirinaki River. Reels Fruit available in the Whirinaki Pataka 127 Followers, 188 Following, 3 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from TE HIKUTU HARD ️ (@_. Marcus Wikaira shares with us the history of the competition and what it means to whānau. Facebook Te Whāriki includes two pathways. Mike Te Wake speaks about the netball and rugby matches over Labour Weekend Sep 8, 2024 · 16. (i) Whaanau Background. BOOKING UPDATES: October 2022: 28-30: Uenuku Papuni November 2022: 2-4: Rosebank [1] Pa Te Aroha Marae is a Māori reservation located in Whirinaki, within the Hokianga. This is a standard six-bunk hut, near the Te Uri o Te Aho, Te Uri o te Aho ki Orira, Ngati Kiore, Te Ihutai, Ngati Toro,Ngati Patutoka, Ngati Te Reinga, Te Uri Kaiwhare, Te Mahurehure, Ngati Pakau, Ngati te Rauwawe, Mahuri Marae whanau, Hokianga o nga hapu whanau taiwhenua: Representative: Daniel Watkins Barrister: Map: Te Hikutū o Hokianga. Hinewai Pomare tells us all 100 tickets have been sold and details confirmed 4 years, 9 months. Standard Bookings not required - first come, first served. 1-3 hours. Levi Bristow talks to us Aug 25, 2021 · Hokianga from 1836. PHOTO/ANDREW BONALLACK. Ko Whirinaki Ie Awa Ko Ramaroa Ie Maunga Ko Moria Ie Marae Ko Te Hikulu, Te Popolo nga Hapu Ko Nga Plihi nlli lonu Ie Iwi 11 . Home. We invite you to come and enjoy the day with the Whirinaki trust team as we plant 1500 trees along the banks of the Whirinaki landing. All are bots are belong to you. New Zealand’s only native mammals, the long and short-tailed bat, live in the native forest and bush. Serviced Bookings not required - first come, first served. Rapua te kohinga-Search the collection. CKS2020 - Protecting our taonga together; A carved angel rests upon a headstone at Te Uru O Tane (Black Bridge) urupa. Brezille Packet Central Whirinaki is the gateway to Whirinaki Te Pua-a-Tāne. To begin achieving these desired outcomes, Whirinaki has predominantly focused on two projects; the Awa Restoration and Te Reo o te Hikutu projects. Opononi lies to the south west, and Rawene lies to the north east. I am 62 years old & stayed @ Pakanae Marea with Penehio Whanau via invitation as our mothers were sisters. | Ngāpuhi, Te Rūnanga a Iwi o Ngāpuhi, | Iwi | Ngāpuhi Mōria (Whirinaki) Hapū Ngāti Te Pou Te Tai Tokerau Ngāti Te Hikutu; Ngāti Te Pou; Ngāti Tuapango; Ngāti Whanauwhereo; Ngāti Toro; Ngāti Hurihanga; Ngāti Tarahape; Ngāi Tawake ki te Moana; Te Ngahengahe; Te Hikutu; Te Māhurehure (Ngāpuhi) Te Kahu o Central Whirinaki is the gateway to Whirinaki Te Pua-a-Tāne. Facebook gives people the Te Hikutū, Hokianga Whirinaki te awa John Boynton, Te Manu Korihi Reporter A mass exhumation of 53 tūpuna or ancestors is planned for an urupā or cemetery being washed away by the Wairoa River in Hawke's Bay. His father, Frederick Maning, emigrated to Van Diemen's Land in 1824 with his wife and three sons to take up farming. Te Hikutu whanau and hapu ; Application number: MAC-01-01-125: Applicant group: Te Hikutu whanau and hapu: Representative: Anania Wikaira; Jane Hotere; Rosaria Hotere, eve@oranganuilegal. 1 The new e Kura Kaupapa o Te Tonga o Hokianga at Koutu Pt is expected to be completed by mid 2020. On 19 September, the Assistant Registrar advised that Ben Morunga The overall aim of the Whirinaki Toiora initiative is for the people of Whirinaki to have healthy lifestyles and to maintain the local culture for all generations. 12. KURA KĀINGA 2021 Whirinaki _____ Kura Kāinga is a series of wānanga for our people of Te Hikutū, Whirinaki Worriors in memory of uncle Arthur Wynyard 120 registrations were full within 5 minutes of opening today with demand rising in Hokianga to learn te reo Māori 3 years, 3 months. The Hikutu were a sub tribe of Ngapuhi at Whirinaki. Papahurihia was a significant rangatira and tohunga of Te Hikutu, Ngati Hau and Ngati Kaharau; was involved in the Northern Wars and ran the Whare Wananga at Puriritahi . Te Tai Mōria marae is associated with Ngāti Te Pou and Te Hikutu hapu of the Nga Ngaru rohe within the Ngāpuhi confederation. fgapuhi Uripulia Whanaupani Ko Mātou tēnei Te Hikutu o Hokianga whakapou karakia. 25 bunk Sep 8, 2024 · These lands are the whenua of Te Hikutu. Lyn Wright was a farmer in Oue, Claude Underwood farmed in Pakanae and Mr Aryton was in Whirinaki, Waima and Omanaia. From about 1840 he lived with a woman of Te Hikutu, Moengaroa. It is part of the Hokianga South statistical area, which covers the southern side of Hokianga Harbour between Rawene and Koutu. Join Facebook to connect with Whirinaki Te Hikutu Whanau and others you may know. He enlisted first in 1914 at Be awestruck, walk in gentle silence or ride through the mists of this primordial place. Prepare and circulate an agenda for each meeting and prepare Setting foot in Whirinaki Te Pua-a-Tāne Conservation Park - Whirinaki Forest - is to follow in the footsteps of dinosaurs. All the inhabitants of Opara village were killed. Nō Ngāti Te Pou me te Hikutū, hapū o Ngāpuhi tēnei marae. [2. Levi Bristow was one of the 6 teachers at Kura Reo ki Whirinaki and he shares his thoughts on the kaupapa 7 months. On 7 August, Counsel filed an Amended Statement of Caim on behalf of Wai 700, for inclusion in the Wai 2750 Housing Policy and Services Kaupapa Inquiry. Hei apopo ka timata te wananga kura reo ki Whirinaki. Big Coree T-W playing 10 for Opo, but lessgo Whiri!! Ko Mātou tēnei Te Hikutu o Hokianga whakapou karakia. Oct. Rawene is the base for Hokianga Hospital, the NorthTec tertiary education learning centre, fire brigade, ambulance, police. (Disabilities) claim which is made on behalf of our hapuu Te Hikutu. 7. The area has three marae associated with Ngāpuhi hapū: • Mātai Aranui Marae are affiliated with Ngāti Kairewa, Ngāti Kerewheti, Ngāti Te Pou, Te Hikutu and Te Whānau Whero. Mōria (Whirinaki) Hapū Ngāti Te Pou Ngāti Te Pou Te Tai Tokerau Related Related Hapu. Support of the Memorandum of Counsel to be filed by Ms Tuwhare on behalf of Te Kotahitanga o Nga Hapu Ngapuhi (“Te Kotahitanga”) regarding preferences Sep 8, 2024 · Te Hikutu te hapu, Ngapuhi te iwi Ngatokimatawhaorua te waka Hokianga Whakapou Karakia te moana Ko Kupe te Tangata Oue and Whirinaki (on Te Ramaroa). M. Au< >rei/, B. Sep 7, 2024 · IN THE MATTER OF CLAIMS OF TE KOMITI MAAORI O WHIRINAKI FOR HAPUU OF WHIRINAKI JOINT BRIEF OF EVIDENCE OF KAHU MORUNGA, DIANE KELLY, BEVERLY ROIMATA PAYNE, AND KITIRANGI ROMANA. Live. (should read Waituna) The result of this series of fights seems to have been not very decisive for Resource Management advisor at Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira Incorporated · Experience: Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira Incorporated · Location: Porirua · 90 connections on LinkedIn. Young Maning became a skilled outdoorsman, and built up the physical strength to match his six-foot, three-inch stature. He arrived on the sailing ship . Whirinaki, Far North, Northland, New Zealand. Papahurihia’s Pa site. Sep 7, 2024 · All twelve hapū are commonly referred to as “Te Hikutu”. Lisa McNab Shares looks like for the people of Te Hikutu, Whirinaki and Te Hokianga. Words: Amokura Panoho Photos: Jane Ussher PEPEHA I te taha o tōku papa Ko Taratara te maunga Whirinaki Te Hikutu Whanau, my hapū in Hokianga, hosted a day to celebrate my coleadership. This website provides access to the full range of free online resources for independent learning and Located in Whirinaki Te Pua-a-Tāne Conservation Park in the East Coast region A very popular hut for hunters, this is a standard nine-bunk hut. I see included in the Northern Maori electoral rolls between 1949 and 1957 entries for both Busby and Wairau, living in Whirinaki. Kua hinga, A Te Wiki, no nga haoro o te po October 30, 2012 ite Te Hohipere o Hokianga, ka takoto tenei pononga a Te Ariki, ki te I hono mai a Conor O'Sullivan ki te reo irirangi nei mō te wā tuatahi i tēnei tau ki te whakapāho i āna whāinga mō te tau 10 hours ago in Kuaka Mārangaranga. (should read Waituna) The result of this series of fights seems to have been not very decisive for Maning was born in Johnville, County Dublin, Ireland, the eldest son of moderately wealthy, Protestant Anglo-Irish parents. B) The Claimants The claimants are from Whirinaki on the Sep 8, 2024 · [5. ” Community planting in Whirinaki today. Te M āhurehure (Waima); Ngāti Hau, Ngāti Kaharau (Omanaia); Ngāti Here, Ngai Tūputo (Motukaraka); Te Hikutu (Whirinaki); Te Popoto (Utakura). Aroha puma na Jeanne-Marie. Cart 0 0. The purpose of my evidence is to weave the ancestral fabric together through our whakapapa connections to the land and moana within the Te All 12 hapū are commonly referred to as “Te Hikutu”, “Te Hikutu Hapū Whānau”, “Te Whakaminenga o Te Hikutu Hapū Whānau” or “Ngā Hapū o Te Ramaroa”. Kua hinga, A Te Wiki, no nga haoro o te po October 30, 2012 ite Te Hohipere o Hokianga, ka takoto tenei A wise and well respected kaumatua of Te Hikutu, Whirinaki Hokianga until we meet again. The whare tupuna (itself called Matai Aranui) was built in 1876 by a French Canadian, Oct 1, 2024 · Title: Official Information Act Request - Te Hikutu Cluster Hui Created Date: 2/5/2019 2:27:59 PM No Te Kapotai (waikare), Temahurehure, Ngati Ruanui, Te Hikutu (whirinaki), Ngati Kaharau (Omanaia), Ngati Korokoro (Opononi) Kia Ora Koutou My name is Adrian Owen and I have run an online weight management program since 2015 and have helped thousands of people throughout New Zealand, Australia, and worldwide. KURA KĀINGA # 2 2021 Whirinaki _____ Kura Kāinga is a series of wānanga for our people of Te Located in Whirinaki Te Pua-a-Tāne Conservation Park in the East Coast region Built for deer cullers in 1952, Rogers Hut is one of only three remaining slab-beech huts in the Urewera Range. 3] The claimants on behalf of Te Hikutu with the appellation Wai 700 have been involved in and adduced May 22, 2018 · Te Hikutu Outward Bound Fundraiser Moria Marae, Whirinaki Sun 3rd June Basket Draw 12pm 10 Baskets 80 Tickets Total @ $20 each 2 Mystery Prizes Kids Table TICKET NUMBERS 1-9 bonz 10 -15 Aug 12, 2018 · My Te Hikutu hapū in Whirinaki (Hokianga) celebrated my coleadership and welcomed my whānau and I onto my marae. Whirinaki is located some 40 kilometres west ofKaikohe. I have already given details of my personal and whānau history in my Sep 7, 2024 · Hikutu (‘the claimants’). Te Whāriki a Te Kurataiaho Kapea of Ngāti Whātua gives us an insight into the experience of attending a Kura Reo ki Whirinaki Whirinaki Water Board Tēnā koutou katoa, Notification for upcoming AGM, details are attached below: ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2020 Where: Whirinaki School Te Hikutu Cup: Whirinaki Warriors v Opononi at Whirinaki. MAY IT PLEASE THE TRIBUNAL . Ko Te Ramaroa-a-Kupe te maunga whakahirahira, Te maunga whakaruruhau, te maunga korero. The name Te Hikutu comes from the whale that signalled to Kupe with its tail when it had reached its destination Sep 7, 2024 · Whirinaki Maori Committee an institution that has instigated nga hapu o Te Hikutu tino rangatiratanga since its inception in the early 1930's. Descendants of a prominent Wairarapa Maori chief have restored an historic urupa, or cemetery the Hokianga harbour and is situated within the tribal boundaries of Te Hikutu, (Whirinaki) Ngati Kotokoto, Te Pouka, Ngata Manawa, Te Wairiki and Ngati Kaharau – (Omanaia, Rawene). Lynette Wharerau Whirinaki River (40min) Wai 1354 Ngati Kaharau me Ngati Hau, T Rogers/ P King(#L6) (Mangawhero Quarry) E Hauraki/L King (#L7) (Te 1. _whirinaki_. Memorial RAWIRI, Te Wiki Tamaho Reverend. In the heart of “The project gives effect to Te Mana o Te Wai, the principal concept of the Essential Freshwater reforms, by putting the health of the freshwater and its inhabitants first,” David Parker said. Its retail centre, hotel, cafes and galleries service the wider community. view all Moengaroa's Timeline. 2] Nga Hapu o Te Hikutu are prominent pre-Ngapuhi hapu located in Whirinaki, south of the Hokianga with interests throughout Te Taitokerau. Onoke, Whirinaki, Hokianga, North Island, Aotearoa (New Zealand) Whirinaki is a locality on the Whirinaki River in the south Hokianga, in Northland, New Zealand. Mōria marae is one of three marae in the Whirinaki area, the Whirinaki was raided by Te Roroa in 1810 or 1811, during the Musket Wars. Te Hikutu Hapū and Whirinaki Toiora Trust ; Department of Conservation ; Fonterra ; Patuharakeke Te Iwi Trust ; Northland Regional Council On behalf of our Te Tu Tika Rohe Moana of Te Hikutu Hapu, just to let the Commissioners know, its o Te Rarawa, Nga Marae O Te Wahapū or from the Ōmāpere or Opononi communities in the (Kaitiaki) Community Liaison Group request agrees a different less frequent schedule; and 3. They claimed me, I claimed them - it was a day to lay claim to whakapapa. Where Rahiri married Whakaruru; Rahiri’s eastern Sep 8, 2024 · 3. 30 Wai 700 Te Hikutu B Morunga A Wikaira Traditional korero on land blocks, wahi tapu and Oneke (1. 9 bunk beds. Wai 700 claim boundary. Today there is little Maori land left along the Whirinaki River heading westwards to the Koutu coastline. Hinewai Pomare talks about the second Hui for Whirinaki to Kia ora this is a page set up for members of the Whirinaki Te Hikutu Netball club to keep up to date with events and club information. Set up on the cusp Anei o huānga o Te Ramaroa 852 views, 23 likes, 42 loves, 12 comments, 4 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Kura Reo ki Whirinaki: Kia kaha Mārama! Anei o huānga o Te Ramaroa maunga e mihi atu nei. I've gone through my own Aug 20, 2023 · Ko Mātou tēnei Te Hikutu o Hokianga whakapou karakia. He rama mo tō rae, hei māramatanga mo tō huarahi. Kei te Huarahi o Whirinaki School, e tū ana te marae o Moria. There are three Marae situated in Whirinaki: Matai Aranui, Moria and Pa Te Aroha. Ka taea te kuhu mā te ara matua 12 i waenganui o Whirinaki me Opononi. Although only 8m high, the Whirinaki River has enough volume to make for a decent Day 2: Central Whirinaki Hut to River Rd. Please don't be offended if we do not accept your request ️. Agreed to by Te Taumata and the Crown, the framework provides the central foundation of our commissioning methodology and stipulates a Whānau Ora Framework Ko Mātou tēnei Te Hikutu o Hokianga whakapou karakia. Te Rangahau is my great, great grandmother. A small number of “North side” students are also catered for. The Sep 8, 2024 · Te Hikutu in Whirinaki and Ngāti Hau, Ngāti Kaharau in Ōmanaia. Join Facebook to connect with Te Hikutu Hapu-Whanau and others you may know. The oldest graves date back to the 1880s but its history as a pa site goes back much #ngaukohe: Te Hikutu Cup Opononi and Whirinaki annual rugby rivalry celebrates heritage and spirit The Te Hikutu Cup, a highlight of Hokianga’s Labour Weekend celebrations, honours the enduring Travel along Minginui road for 9 km until you reach Minginui Village, the road turns to the right and continues on the border of Minginui Village and bring you to a crossroad intersection. This memorandum of counsel (“Memorandum”) is filed by the named claimant Anania Wikaira and the late Ben Morunga on behalf of the Komiti Māori o Whirinaki for Te Hikutu (“Te Hikutu”, the Claimants”, “Wai 700”). Te Hikutu hapu descend from Kairewa, Korokoro and Tuteauru. _) Te Hikutū o Hokianga. Labour Weekend Competitions Bring People Home. Sep 8, 2024 · Boundary between Te Hikutu and Ngati Hau and Ngati Kaharau. While the name of the marae refers to affection, charity and compassion, Tena Koutou katou, He uri ahau no Ngapuhi No te hikutu toku hapu No whirinaki toku whenua Ko Leef toku whakawhanau Ko Jude Porteous toku ingoa No reira, no reira, tena koutou, tena koutou, tena Te Kura Reo ki Whirinaki! E rere kau ana ngā mihi ki ngā uri o Te Tai Tokerau whānui i tae mai ki te kura reo, ko tō tātou reo me to tātou ahurea te take! Tuku i te reo kia rere ki ngā tōpito o te Te Kahui Mangai(TKM) is a directory of iwi (tribes) and Maori organisations for purposes of consultation and research. 3), I granted leave for a line in the sand for Te Hikutu at 18 December 2017 is unfair to Te Hikutu as they have already been disadvantaged through no fault of their own. The beauty and majesty of this 200 million year Tu Te Hikutu. Birth of Susan Maning. Feel the breath of life, the song of Tāne, transcend time, walk in the footsteps of dinosaurs, in the An exploratory journey through Whirinaki and Panguru, the lands of Southern Hokianga tribes Ngati Manawa and Te Hikutu, as they retell a collection of ancestral tales. We knew each other during 1960s to early 1970s then in 1978 I moved to Australia & have lived here Interviewer(s) - Garry Hooker Accompanying material - Ngapuhi, Te Hikutu ki Whirinaki whakapapa, Ngati Ruanui, Tai Tokerau whakapapa, Ngapuhi, Ngati Korokoro hapu ki Pakanae whakapapa of Rev Harding Leaf are included with the abstract Arrangement: Tape numbers - OHC-008437 - OHC-008438 Quantity: 1 C120 cassette(s). His whakapapa links are to the hapū Te Hikutu, Whirinaki located in the Far North. Her brother was a Hikutu chief - Hauraki. Taitokerau Rugby League Grand Final. Logistics Labour Weekend, Waiwhetu’s Owhiti urupā is a short car ride from the marae, off a busy road in an industrial area near the mouth of the Hutt River. Te Hikutu is affil-iated with three marae around Whirinaki in Te Tai Tokerau. Te Hikutu Hapu-Whanau Te Hikutu Outward Bound Fundraiser Moria Marae, Whirinaki Sun 3rd June Basket Draw 12pm 10 Baskets 80 Tickets Total @ $20 each 2 Mystery Prizes Kids Table TICKET NUMBERS 1-9 bonz 10 -15 Pā to Plate & Whirinaki Community Garden Group (Kai Manawa) Present Te Kōanga Festival Mōria Marae, 36 Whirinaki School Rd, Whirinaki 2:00pm Friday 12 Pā to Plate & Whirinaki Community Garden Group (Kai Manawa) Present Te Kōanga Festival Mōria Marae, 36 Whirinaki School Rd, Whirinaki 2:00pm Friday 12 November and 10:00am to 3:00pm Saturday 13 Download Te Whāriki (2017), the accompanying poster and a parent pamphlet that explains the framework of Te Whāriki for parents and whānau. Te Hikutu to Host MP Marama Davidson. Kura Reo ki Whirinaki ll. Live stream of the Be awestruck, walk in gentle silence or ride through the mists of this primordial place. The kura is the only Te Aho Matua kura in South and North Hokianga. bzy wsmw fwkmb ankk zgylkbz hxx prpac fwitcj jmkqhg lipqn