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Hodgdon lil gun 450 bushmaster. Re: Duplicating factory hornady with Lil' gun.

Hodgdon lil gun 450 bushmaster 5 gr. 260" 10. The optimal powder charge for reloading 450 Bushmaster can vary depending on the specific bullet and desired velocity, so it is important to refer to reliable reloading manuals for guidance. Accurate 5744. 2 1700 Remarks: COL: 2. Hodgdon Lil’Gun and Alliant 2400 are popular powder choices for handloading 450 Bushmaster cartridges. Top. Last year when powder was hard to come by I tried the Lil" Gun and was satisfied with the performance. I see the load data from Hodgdon and was wondering if anyone has any experience with . Bmt85 Posts: 701 Joined: Wed May Load Data for . 225', 40 gr of Lil'Gun is reeeally pushing it. Due to advanced technology in manufacturing, this powder is popular among people This is my go-to straight wall cartridge for 44 mag and 450 Base expansion ranged from . 2 grains of Lil' Gun powder gives a MV of 1700 fps. The 410 shotshell has long been difficult to load due to shortcomings in powder fit, You're working with a 230-grain bullet that is relatively light for the 450B. Hornady reloading data shows that, using Hornady cases, Winchester WSR small rifle primers and the 250 grain FTX bullet, a minimum charge of 25. M1 Garand Service Rifle Load Data. Loads would be used in a Mauser 93 with the Rhindland Barrel. Hodgdon Lil'Gun. Just wonder what loads you guys use. Feeds and chabers perfectly. Are there any specific powders to avoid when reloading Although they are more recently developed cartridges, lots of people love lil' gun in 460 Magnum and in the rifle cartridges 300 Blackout and 450 Bushmaster. 5 Accurate® 2460 BL-C(2)® 748 IMR 8208 N133 LEVERevolution® AR-Comp N135 450 Bushmaster Unprimed Rifle Brass 100 Count by STARLINE BRASS Product Overview: The Hodgdon Lil' Gun Smokeless Powder (4 lbs) $153. 63 2617 95. I've also used lil gun in my lever guns in 357 and 45 colt and my single shot 357max and have seen no appreciable wear. I used some Trailboss under some 405gr bullets I would recommend slowing the powder down a step. Hodgdon H4198. Re: develop load data 450 Bushmaster (Hornady Data) Reloading Data Notes: Rifle: Bushmaster XM15-E2S; barrel length: 16"; twist: 1 in 24" Primer: WSR Case: Hornady Approach maximum loads with extreme caution Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. 2 ft-lbs) Std Dev: 44. 4 grains of Hodgdon Lil’ Gun for about 2,100 fps out of a 20-inch barrel. BTW, the Bushmaster load makes great pork sausage. That powder has always given me some of the best results in the magnum pistol burn rate. L. 6 1,041 13,400 PSI 300 Blackout 208 GR HDY A-MAX Hodgdon H4198 . shootersreference. The Add to cart A gun dealer in Michigan went to Ruger to see if they would make rifles in 450 Bushmaster since it would legal to hunt with. 450 Bushmaster - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Hornady #1. The marketing folks at Hodgdon messed up in trying to sell Lil'Gun for reloading the 410. I've gone as high as 40. kilotanker22. Hodgdon Lil'Gun, H1110 or IMR 4227 are the recommended powders for this round. Ramshot Enforcer. What primers are needed for 450 Bushmaster? the 22 If consistency is what you look for, then the Lil’ Gun Powder could be the best powder that fits your needs. 450 Bushmaster (. I think Al in MI uses 300-MP with good results. 58" OAL, 15 gr. I can not speak for Wolf or Tula Magnum primers as I've never tried nor compared them to anything else. Accuracy was excellent at high charges. 5 grains of Hodgdon Lil'Gun and would like to try to fine tune my powder charge weights and when doing so for my bottle necked rifle cartridges with much slower burning rifle powders I usually used a 0. additionally the minimum bullet weight listed in Hodgdon and Accurate data are 225, Always use magnum primers. 450 My powder of choice for the . Hodgdon Tite Group. 5gr I'm personally wanting to get to 2150-2200 fps Groups are still good in my world. Although in some combinations, loading the wrong caliber into the gun can have dire consequences. Forum rules Please try and keep it safe! This information is the responsibility of the community, not the First off Hodgdon had the order shipped out way faster than expected! Wow Lil gun is my go to powder for loading 450 bushmaster. Max Powder: 34. 452 dia. 4 grains of Hodgdon Lil’ Gun for about 2,100 fps out Interpreting Lil Gun Date Code. I’m running Hornady brass, Lil’gun was the powder if choice in my 450 BM. 452" Powder: Lil'Gun (Hodgdon) Starting Powder: Max Powder: 16. 3. 2 2. 260" 8. I am an accuracy nut so like to see good accuracy with a proven After much research for all three of my 450 bushmaster‘s, I have found that 39. Can I reuse my brass casings when reloading . I did some reloading a few years ago and now that Ohio will let us use the 450 and I am not happy with Hornady's performance on Perfect choice in going with Lil Gun and 7 1/2's. 474-. For a long time, the . The Barnes TTSX no wind, lil gun, cci small rifle primer. It's pretty safe to use. 452 dia Flat Point. In stock. This was not my experience, nor the experience of most other folks that used both Lil' gun and H110/W296. 3 and 0. 7 gr. 300 AAC Blackout cartridge, and the powder is tailored to its needs. 450 Bushmaster loadings that you would be willing to share? 250 Hornady FTX Hodgdon Lil'Gun 25. H110 in the 450 bushmaster by Mdt1992 » Thu Aug 28, 2014 10:25 pm Just got off of work and decided to stop by the local gun shop on the way home and they happened to have a bunch of h110 and 296 amongst others but no lil gun so I left there with a 8lb jug of h110 mainly for 300 blackout supers. Handloading, Reloading, and Bullet Casting Hodgdon Lil'Gun Alliant Reloder- 7 Hodgdon H335 IMR 4198. © 2012 - 2025 Wilsons Hunting & Outdoors | Designed and hosted by Dynamite Design & HostingDynamite Design & Hosting Lil’ Gun is an advanced technology propellant designed for 410-bore shotshell reloaders. 450 using H110? 300 Blackout 190 GR HDY SUB-X Hodgdon Lil'Gun . W296 is Nov 19, 2016 · But according to Hodgdon(the distributor of both Lil'Gun and H110/W296), Lil' Gun has a faster burn rate than H110/W296. 215 (1000 ct) Hodgdon LIL’GUN Quick view $ 59. 5 grains with this bullet, With Lil'Gun, Hodgdon 2011 shows the following: K-Hornet, both rifle and pistol: Win SR standard primer; 357 Mag: Win SP Mag primers; I've been working with Lil'Gun in the 450 Bushmaster for a couple of years, and loading is sometimes tricky with that cartridge's small rifle primers. 451 XPB bullets. 452 Diameter 250 Grain Hollow Point XTP With Cannelure 100 Count $36. AD . 452, 160, CutEdge-HGHP 45 160 Useable Case Capaci Hodgdon Lil'Gun 100. 410 shotguns. Load Data for . A project I have been working on is developing a load for a 450 Bushmaster. I know with most pistol data, reducing the charge of H110/W296 is recommended NOT to do. This seemed odd, particularly when the manuals published by Hornady, Lyman, and Hodgdon, all  · With the 250 Grain FTX, I continued to have sooting all the way up to 40. I have a hog hunt coming and a bunch of H110. Never had as much as a deep imprint after chambering so I can't say what all that fuss is about. I am not really concerned about velocity. Improved Military Rifle IMR 4198. 9. I've got some Lil Gun and wondered if it's possible to use for 12 gauge loads. Hornady also found that it's superb in the 450 Bushmaster. 30 grain increment or even a 0. I cannot find it for this bullet. I also load it in my 450 Bushmaster. If you stick your nose near the bottle when you first open it, does it smell faintly like buttermilk or more of an alcohol / solvent smell? I have something like 15 kinds of powder and they all smell like alcohol / solvent when you open OVERVIEW: Hodgdon Lil’ Gun Smokeless Gun Powder. When I get a chance, I'll try some faster loads, but those speeds, like in the case of the FTX family, will cause over-expansion at close range. com/reloadingdata/450-bushmaster/ %xvkpdvwhu /rdg 'dwd &dvh 5hplqjwrq %duuho /hqjwk &dvh 7ulp /hqjwk 3ulphu 5hp 7zlvw 5dwh %xoohw :hljkw %xoohw 7\sh %xoohw 6. 01/73. Though Hodgdon will not own up to it, many (myself included) swear that Lil Gun has Find reloading data for various cartridges and powders, including IMR Improved Military Rifle, on the Hodgdon website. 5 H 110. although like many folks, in my bushmaster 20" upper - as well as two others i've helped friends do load developement on (another bushy 20" and a BCA 18") 38 grains is the sweet spot. Hornady reloading data shows that, using Hornady cases, What's everyone's go to handloads for 450 bushmaster. (the way I like it!). Original testing was with Hodgdon Lil’Gun. The start out load was so darn accurate, I didn't try anything The . 959 !Near Max! Hodgdon H110 Hodgdon notes in its reloading data if the subject charge is a compressed load. With this publication, Sierra is now part of the too-short list of reliable and reputable firms that have produced 450B reloading data based on tests using SAAMI procedures. 6 gr, and fired 1 round at each of these 5 While I'm a devoted fan of Remington 7 1/2 primers, they're even more hard to find than Lil Gun these days. by Warlord21 » Tue Jun 09, 2009 9:08 pm . 2 mm Powder : Hodgdon Lil'Gun Predicted data by increasing and decreasing the given charge, incremented in steps of 2. OCW Don't go there right out of the gate , but my rifle likes 40 grains. 0 1,058 32,900 PSI 308 Winchester 190 GR HDY SUB-X Hodgdon Lil' Gun Smokeless Powder (1 lb) $39. 1k psi (typical load used by members) 37gr Longshot (88% fill) = 115. Hodgdon max load for LIL'GUN 158 gr. 2 grains with a max of 37. Wt. There was plenty of room in the case after the charge to seat the bullet. I do know that I had A TON of unburnt powder everywhere in my rifle, and I mean Been using Lil Gun for several years in 22H, 17AH and 20VT. 40 mm Barrel Length : 18. after that it diminished. I am using the minimum load listed for Lil' Gun at 22. 450 Bushmaster rifle. 3 35000 3490 0. Reducing the size of the mandrel in the expander die seems to have solved my problem. NOT TO BE SHIPPED Powder Hodgdon Lil Gun 1LB/454g Can Lil’ Gun is an advanced technology propellant designed for 410-bore shotshell reloaders. It also produces excellent velocities when used the 7. You're also working with a plated bullet. According to Hodgdon/IMR as long as you don't compress Trailboss you can fill a rifle case right up to the base of the seated bullet and not over pressure a modern rifle cartridge. Bullet: 395 gr SUB-X (HDY) Diameter: 0. Cartridge overall length 2. 5 through 38. Anyone Loading 450 Bushmaster ? Data on the Hodgdon site and the Hornady 9th addition are a good bit apart. Lots of data for it from Hodgdon. Sent: Thu, Mar 10, 2016 2:44 pm Subject: RE: Lil Gun for Non Toxic shotgun shells Lil Gun powder would not be a temp stable powder. Bottom Line At the outset, the Lil' Powder was designed to NOT TO BE SHIPPED Powder Hodgdon Lil Gun 1LB/454g Can Lil’ Gun is an advanced technology propellant designed for 410-bore shotshell reloaders. 45 Caliber . The brass is Starline and the bullets are the Rainier 250 grain . Due to advanced technology in manufacturing, this powder is popular among people who enjoy reloading. 5 grains of Lil Gun is my sweet spot for most of the 250 grain pills from Speer deep curls to Hornady Shockwaves and the FTXs. 3 1900 Remarks: COL: 2. He had to place a huge order before they would start producing them. Hodgdon Lil'Gun ; Winchester 296 ; Accurate No. As a side note, if a silencer is attached to the gun it will only suppress the muzzle-blast noise. Re: Duplicating factory hornady with Lil' gun. Both of those powders are great in this rifle but my experience is mainly with Lil Gun. Shooters World AUTO PISTOL. 4 Accurate® 2230 H335® Reloader 10 IMR 3031 N130 Tactical Rifle D073. Location: North Central Well, I don’t have my Hornady manual near me, but looking at hodgdon’s load data online, Lil gun is going to be too fast for optimal results with a 300gr bullet, but should still work. Shooters World MAJOR PISTOL. 12. Charge weight works across a wide range, yielding several accuracy nodes. 260" 11. (Mods, is it still OK to use the "B" word?). --Bob The 460 S&W is compatible with . Primer Hornady’s load for the . I have been all over the web but is just makes for more confusion. there were no pressure signs, and one ragged cloverleafed group 4 shots at 100 yards. Loading some Starlinebrass with Hodgdon Lil'Gun and Barnes TSX bullets for some load development prior to the Mi Hodgdon Powder offers the largest selection of quality smokeless propellants for any reloading application. Bullet Powder Manufacturer Powder Charge Velocity (FPS) 250 Hornady FTX Hodgdon Hodgdon LIL'GUN Shotshell & Handgun Powder is made for the . 3 1,044 23,100 PSI 300 Blackout 208 GR HDY A-MAX Hodgdon CFE BLK . Using your theory, my guns should have gotten hotter, faster, using H110/W296 than when using Lil' Gun. A close second is CCI 450's. 5 grains of Lil Gun (1 grain increments). Great product HODGDON H 110 Work well with my MEC650, really loads nice in my 410. [Archive] 450 Bushmaster max Pressure and Bolt Thrust. 451-inch bullets) weighing from 200 to 300 grains and pushed to around 2,000 Hodgdon LIL'GUN Shotshell & Handgun Powder is made for the . 10. Life Member of I’m actually finding accuracy and velocity with H4198 in my new 450 Bushmaster. What little load data I've found thus far suggests that Lil Gun, 1680, and H-110/WW296 are the favored powders, anyone having success with something else? Midway has a I haven't personally tried it. 1:16 barrel using the above components. 450 BM is 35. 451" Powder: Lil'Gun (Hodgdon) Starting Powder: 30. 12 COL A real confidence builder! Hoot Just shot my first test loads of 450 Bushmaster from my Ranch I used the Hodgdon load data and went with 35. Has anyone tried 250 grain hard cast with lil gun or x-terminator? (hodgdon data) is 2030, so probably around 2000 fps, Commercial lead bullets for the 450 bm will be designated as handgun bullets and should be . 0gr. My best 5-shot 100 yd group to date was the 225s and 38gr Lil Gun. SF42 Posts: 2 Joined: Mon Aug 17, 2020 2:24 am. 450 Bushmaster rifle cartridge is seeing a surge in popularity with new factory ammo and AR carbines like the Rock River Arms LAR-15M; Only a few As an example, Hodgdon says the heavier 275gr Barnes can be loaded all the way up to 35. I ask because I achieved IMO excellent accuracy between 38. Haven't used LG powder though I have some I got for . Common reloading powders for 450 Bushmaster include Accurate 5744, Lil’Gun, and H110. Bullet: 250 gr Tipped TSX (Barnes) Diameter: 0. 1 gr . 452 dia, 1. Using bullets from Hornady XTP/MAG, Hornady FTX. They struck a deal and the rest is history. OCW Don't go there right 450 Bushmaster 245 gr InterLock ® American Whitetail ® Item #82242 | 20/Box . Accurate No. Improved Military Rifle IMR 4227. 12" length) COAL 2. Can a 450 Bushmaster be used for target shooting or competition? Yes, some shooters use the 450 Bushmaster for target shooting and certain types of competition. Using my RCBS Chargemaster - each case was charged with 34g of Hodgdon's Lil' Gun. 225" 250 Hornady FTX Hodgdon Lil'Gun 27. 4 41. It is the most accurate and consistent powder in this cartridge. 450 Bushmaster? Yes, as long as they are in good condition, and you have properly cleaned and inspected them. Flip Top 50 Round Ammo Box For WSSM Calibers & 500 S&W Clear Blue $3. Sorry we Has Hodgdon changed any of the Lil Gun load data downward to adjust for the change? I have yet to see any evidence of that, but I haven't really been looking, either. Ruger runs a 1:16 twist, You're working with a 230-grain bullet that is relatively light for the 450B. 5 2. I never worried about hardness of primers in my AR platforms. I have Lil Gun and it works great with all but the heaviest bullets. What are some popular powders for reloading 450 Bushmaster? Popular powders for reloading 450 Bushmaster include Hodgdon Lil’Gun, IMR 4227, and Accurate 450 Bushmaster full length reloading video. No more spilled shot or bulged cases. 0 40. Flip Top 22 Round Ammo Box 338WSM 45-70 450 Marlin Green $3. 5gr 300MP with the Deepcurl / Gold Dots. Hornady Black 450 Bushmaster 250 Grain FTX 20 Rounds $39. What type of powder is best for reloading 450 Bushmaster rounds? Hodgdon Lil’Gun and H110 are popular powders for reloading 450 Bushmaster rounds. 11 FS. Lyman Bleacher Loading Blocks $6. If you're using Barnes, there is a fair amount. I have tired Shooter's World Blackout with the 275 TSX. 67 2575 85. 225" 250 Hornady FTX Hodgdon Lil'Gun 30. 200, Alliant Unique powder at 10-->11 grains. After much research for all three of my 450 bushmaster‘s, I have found that 39. I built AR-15 in 450 Hodgdon Lil'Gun; Hodgdon H110; IMR 4227; Accurate 1680; Curiously, Lyman treated Enforcer and AA4100 as different powders, when in fact they are the same. Just looking to see what the numbers are at around 1050 fps from a 16" barrel. Shooters World HEAVY PISTOL. 22 TCM: Accurate TCM. With Lil Gun, you can I am thinking about buying a 450 Bushmaster soon. By: Anonymous What type of powder is best for reloading 450 Bushmaster? The recommended powders for reloading 450 Bushmaster include Hodgdon Lil’ Gun, Hodgdon H110, and Accurate 1680. Several forum members have described some problems with these. Hodgdon Lil'Gun might edge out W296 as the possible powder of choice when using a 20 inch barrel since it gives 100% powder burnout by the time the bullet has exited the barrel. What are the best bullet options for 450 Bushmaster? Some popular bullet options for 450 Bushmaster include Hornady FTX, Remington AccuTip, and Speer Hot-Cor. The 410 shotshell has long been difficult to load due to shortcomings in powder fit, Perfect choice in going with Lil Gun and 7 1/2's. Hodgdon CFE BLK. Powders include Accurate, Hodgdon, Ramshot, Winchester, IMR, Vihtavuori In this thread are descrrbed some handloads for the 450 Bushmaster cartridge that produce pressures well above SAAMI maximum pressures for the cartridge. With a 325 gr bullet and 41 gr of 4198 it gave 1695 fps from a 10. For bullets 250gr and lighter I use Lil'gun stuff over 250gr I have been using H110.  · 21gr Lil Gun (48% fill) = 9. The differences in the data on the two powders is attributable to lot-to-lot and test-to-test variability. Primer: WIN WSR . April 9, 2021, 07:44 PM. 945 !Near Max! Winchester 296 98. 5gr Average: 2487fps (2746. 62x39mm. 450 Bushmaster Bullet : . Love Their powders and the consistency they give. Hodgdon lists a 300 gr A Frame in their data. 743" barrel. Lil Gun Powder is an advanced technology propellant designed for 410-bore shotshell reloaders. 8 grains of Lil' gun but I do not have Lil' gun. com/reloadingdata/450-bushmaster/ Jul 15, 2019 · 4) The above list of powders does not include Hodgdon's Lil'Gun. My powder of choice for the . Feb 17, 2024 · The optimal powder charge for reloading 450 Bushmaster can vary depending on the specific bullet and desired velocity, so it is important to refer to reliable reloading manuals for guidance. By: Wow Lil gun is my go to powder for loading 450 bushmaster. What type of powder should I use for reloading . When I do start reloading for the BM, I will likely work out some loads with Lil' Gun. 0035" at 40gr Lil Gun. It works very well. Opening day of deer season comes only once a year. 050" 8. 450 bushmaster. -----First load: Bullet: Barnes 275gr TSX Powder: Hodgdon Lil'gun Charge 1: 37. Senior Member . I am updated 5744 accurate has load data for bushmaster using similar bullet, I am going to try it at the low end. The factory load is 16. After a long search found a 450 Bushmaster upper that will probably got on my R15 lower as they were made by BM. 95 (5-shots) Also, use magnum small rifle primers like Remington 7 1/2 or CCI 450. By: Anonymous Hodgdon CFEPISTOL Quick view $ 69. papajohn Posts: 34 Joined: Tue Jan 12, 2016 10:10 pm. 450 Bushmaster cartridge, such as Hodgdon Lil’ Gun or IMR May 15, 2017 · "The technicians at Hornady reported that excellent results were obtained with Hodgdon Lil' Gun powder. 22 Hornet and other magnum pistol options. Hoot. I see everything in Powders listed from Unique, Lilgun, H110, Imr 4227, Imr 4198 listed. [case full], CCI450 small rifle mag primers, fired hundreds, kicks like a 44 mag Printed from Shooter's Reference on 12/02/2024: https://www. Can I use 450 Bushmaster for deer hunting? Yes, the 450 Bushmaster is a popular choice for deer hunting due to its powerful and accurate performance. 20 grain increment. 260" 9. It's suppose to be a good powder between Lil Gun, win296/H110 and A1680, SWB, CFE BLK. I continued to work up to 39. 8lbs of Lil'Gun Hodgdon claims that their line of Extreme powders show decreased temp sensitivity, but Lil'Gun is not one of these powders. 2400 is a lot more volatile than Lil Gun in how it behaves as you're working upward. I am shooting 300 grain and up only with my gun. 22 hornet Powder Size 4 lb. I have been getting pretty consistent 3 shot groups of 1" or less using these bullets and 37. My Chrono is an old Shooting Chony Alpha Master set about 12ft in front of the muzzle. It includes four pages of reloading data for the 450 Bushmaster. 450 Bushmaster ammo, given its price, can prove a challenge. Lil gun and Win 296/H110 seem to do good for 300gr. 5 1500 Remarks: COL: 2. 7 1800 Remarks: COL: 2. Bullet Weight : ALL. Posted by John Young on May 7th 2022 H 110 is my go to powder for 44 mag, Staying flush in . How old or new as the case may be, is your lot of Lil Gun? The bottle or jug should have a date code on it. The barrel I used to assemble the upper is a Bear Creek Arsenal 16 inch that has a 1 in 24 inch twist. I was shooting my 20-inch Bushmaster upper kit. Using LG with these is like installing a set of goat glands in the cartridges. If it was suitable Hodgdon would have published recipes for it. com/reloadingdata/450-bushmaster/ The straight-wall . 0gr, and a Maximum of 25. - For 410-bore reloading - Also great for . The 410 shotshell has long been difficult to load due to shortcomings in powder fit, metering, and burning characteristics, but no longer. 450 Bushmaster? You should use a slow-burning rifle powder suitable for the . The data is based on a 24" barrel and the Ruger 16" bolt guns are getting about the same velocity with factory ammo as a 20" Bushmaster AR with a 1:24 twist. Shooters World ULTIMATE PISTOL. Trim Length: 1. 577 grain H2O = 3. 7 gr . 410 shotshell has 300 Blackout 230 GR BER TACT Hodgdon Lil'Gun . Hoot Feb 17, 2024 · 2. I loaded all three Hornady FTX bullets but don't anymore. I worked up to the Max of 38. 8 %xoohw 6 ' %xoohw * % & &duwulgjh 2 $ / 76; )% &kdujh 9horflw\ &kdujh 9horflw\ I loaded up some 450 Bm Handloads with a 250gr Horn. 8 1,062 27,900 PSI 300 Blackout 230 GR BER TACT IMR IMR 4227 . Printed from Shooter's Reference on 08/10/2024: https://www. Hodgdon LIL'GUN is an advanced We use cookies to give you the best possible experience. 220 Swift: Hodgdon H4895 Hodgdon Varget VihtaVuori N140: Accurate 2700 Accurate 4064 Hodgdon H380 Improved Military Rifle IMR 4064 Reloading 450 Bushmaster Handloading, Reloading, and Bullet Casting The Firing Line Forums > Looking at both Hodgdon and Quickload for the HNDY 245 SP_BshMstr at 2. If you don't already have the H110, keep an eye out for Lil Gun. L6: 2. Another 5 round string results are with 34gr lil gun all other specs from previous posts are the same average fps 2332 I'm going to do two more 5 round strings one with 33gr and one at 33. 22-6mm: VihtaVuori N165. Fantastic for both. Hodgdon says the 250gr FTX (same weight but not all copper bullet like the Barnes) can be loaded all the way up to 38. It didn't go very well. 2 1600 Remarks: COL: 2. 08 D073. Lil’ Gun was Very Fast Rifle Powder: Hodgdon CFE BLK. From the reloading manuals Lil Gun looks like it would be the best powder in regards to pressure and velocity for the 350 A quick look at Hodgdon’s data shows the same powders listed for 350 legend It also did well in 454 casull for heavy hunting loads I have seen some experimanet with it in 450 bushmaster with Sounds like a good group, and a lot of powder. What type of powder produces the best accuracy for 450 Bushmaster? The best "The technicians at Hornady reported that excellent results were obtained with Hodgdon Lil' Gun powder. Using Hodgdon load data as a guide, starting loads are 35 gr and max load of 38. When I started laoding for my 450 Bushmaster that was the first powder I tried. 5 grains of Lil Gun is my sweet spot for most of the 250 grain pills from Speer deep curls to To achieve maximum velocity in 450 Bushmaster, powders like Hodgdon Lil’Gun and IMR 4227 are popular choices. Book data for 225 gr says max load is Hodgdon Extreme™ Rifle Powders. The BLK naming is in reference to the . BL-C has a slower burn rate than needed to reload 450 Bushmaster. 22 PPC-USA: Hodgdon H322: Hodgdon Benchmark Hodgdon BL-C(2). 225" Hodgdon Lil'Gun vs W296. It tends to be the Hodgdon Lil'Gun might edge out W296 as the possible powder of choice when using a 20 inch barrel since it gives 100% powder burnout by the time the bullet has exited the barrel. 2 1,068 30,000 PSI 300 Blackout 230 GR BER TACT IMR IMR 4198 . Hodgdon CFE BLK is a fast-burning spherical powder and is relatively new to the market. Cartridge : . 450 Bushmaster is descended from the "Thumper" concept popularized by Jeff Cooper. 410 Bore. In Theory, there Hodgdon Lil'Gun Improved Military Rifle IMR 4227 VihtaVuori N110. I have no idea what kind of chamber pressure or kinetic energy it has but it left that beautiful big bore hole on my bushmaster paper target for all to see. Hodgdon Longshot. I started with lil' gun. I shoot the 200 grain Hornady XTPs, but Hodgdon also has info for the 240s. I normally use CCI #400 small rifle primer, but I have also had good luck with OVERVIEW: Hodgdon Lil’ Gun Powder.  · While I can't speak for the 16" Bear Creek barrel and what it likes, generally speaking, 38gr Lil Gun, Rem 7 1/2 or CCI 450 primer with the bullet seated to yield a COL of 2. according to hornady's 10th min charge for lil gun is 25. There is lots of "stuff" going around about Hodgdon LIL’GUN is an advanced technology propellant design just for the 410 Bore. . 690" Cartridge Overall Length: 2. What is the recoil like for a 450 Bushmaster? That moves into the sweet zone for Lil Gun. It's one thing to shoot during hunting season with heavy clothes on, but in the summer, I'm most likely found at the range with just a tee shirt on. Hodgdon H110. 9 ; Ramshot Enforcer ; The useful Lil'Gun powder has a case capacity of about 49. I use Hodgdon Lil-Gun with Barnes 200gr . Winchester Autocomp Quick view $ 71. 260 inch = 57. VihtaVuori 3N38. I haven't tried them on deer yet. Quantity 1 Model I have also used Hodgdon Lil' Gun with good results. Recipe Type: Rifle . Start with 36gr of Lil Gun and work up in half grain increments until you get Hodgdon® Lil' Gun Smokeless Shotshell Powder is a propellant designed for use with 410-bore Shotshell reloaders and utilizes and perform specifically in the 410-bore. 5k psi (hardly even getting going) To put that into a more realistic perspective lets look at a recommended charge of Lil Gun vs LongShot: 37gr Lil Gun (85% fill) = 35. What are some popular powders for reloading 450 Bushmaster? Popular powders for reloading 450 Bushmaster include Hodgdon Lil’Gun, IMR 4227, and Accurate May 1, 2011 · With Lil'Gun, Hodgdon 2011 shows the following: K-Hornet, both rifle and pistol: Win SR standard primer; 357 Mag: Win SP Mag primers; I've been working with Lil'Gun in the 450 Bushmaster for a couple of years, and loading is sometimes tricky with that cartridge's small rifle primers. . XTP 357 mag, 1. 450 BM out of my Ruger American, but the state of current supplies has it that I can't find any Lil Gun and I'm out of ammo. LBT/CG in the 454 Casull. Join Date: October 14, 2012. I have a 20 inch Bushmaster upper and a Ruger American Ranch. 9, H110, ENFORCER, I used a center charge of 16. I have read that Tula magnum primers are good also. 5-41. (and yes Have been looking for some loads for the Lee 255gr and the Lee 300gr in the 450 Bushmaster. Unusually, a crowd favorite for the cartridge is Hodgdon’s Lil Gun, a specialty powder developed for . Yes, there are lots of successful trials reported with that weight on this forum, but they are all with Lil'Gun or a similar faster powder. 450 BM) consists of a 250-grain FTX bullet leaving the muzzle at around 2,200 feet-per-second My powder of choice for the . Federal Federal Large Rifle Magnum Primers No. --Bob Re: Lil gun primer recommendation With the 250 Grain FTX, I continued to have sooting all the way up to 40. Here's a copy of the Email response on LIl Gun and temperature sensitivity I got from MIke at Hodgdon in March of 2016. kermit hunter Posts: 30 Joined: Sun Jan 19, 2020 4:04 am. A. I have not used it in any revolvers and stick to 110/296 for magnum handguns. 210" Starting Velocity: Starting Pressure: Max Does anyone have any . Nitroglycerin has been a component of smokeless powders for I loaded up some 450 Bushmaster cases the other day with the same 250g Flex Tip projectile used in the factory loads. 9 under the 250 ftx. The Hodgdon data I used to make the loads listed Lil' Gun at a minimum of 22. It cannot suppress the supersonic crack. 065" 300 Hornady XTP/MAG Hodgdon Lil'Gun 27. 0 grains of LilGun. 90. This should be your second pistol, after the 22 Rim Fire. H110 / W296 / 300MP are a better match but Lil Gun will get it done also. Rem 7 1/2 are my favorite but CCI 450 are just as good. 065" I finally got a chrony and have been using the 200 gr FTX for a while. I have taken the time to chrony any loads, but by the book the velocity is only slightly less than 2400. 200 Accurate 4100. 450 Bushmaster Hornady brass New primed . 34. Magnum primers ensure optimal burn for most powders - especially ball powders that perform well in . They were seated short to catch the taper crimp in the cannelure. LSWC 26 gr. 452-caliber bullets (like the 45 Colt and 450 Bushmaster; the 45 Auto using . 452, 300, Hornady XTP MAG 45235 Useable Case Capaci: 49. I live and hunt in MN and have used Lil Gun with deer season opener temps as low as -7F!!! My favorite getting to know you recipe is Hornady 225 FTX over 38gr Lil Gun at 2. The brass is manufactured by Hornady and primed by XCaliber using CCI Small Rifle Magnum Primers (#450). Whitetail and black bear is all that it will hunt. It and most powders match well with a 250- to 260-grain bullet, according to hornady's 10th min charge for lil gun is 25. Definitely worth a try. WSR aren't too shabby despite not carrying "Magnum" in the name. I'm not looking for every bit of velocity I could get. About 10k loaded this year. Try Trailboss. In a bolt gun, that really helps with enjoying the caliber, especially if you enjoy long range sessions, testing different load recipes. The 410 shotshell has long been difficult to load due to shortcomings in powder fit, metering, and burning characteristics. 0 inch = 457. Lil Gun is a ball powder so there will be some temperature impact. From 200gr to 300gr bullets, its near impossible to do better than Lil Gun powder if you can LIL’GUN was designed to fit, meter and perform flawlessly in the 410 BORE. 003" at 35gr Lil Gun to . 38 Special Comments on: Hodgdon Lil’Gun® Great for use with 320 gr. I have been thinking about trying some Hodgdon LiL'Gun in a rifle round I'm going to be reloading and according to Hodgdon it Been using it for several years now and really like it. Handloading, Reloading, and Bullet Casting The Firing Line Forums > The Skunkworks > Hodgdon Lil'Gun Alliant Reloder- 7 Hodgdon H335 IMR 4198 April 9, 2021, 07:44 PM #13: kilotanker22. 5 grs. Other powders Hornady currently recommends are Accurate No. 7 gr, (as recommended by Hodgdon to get 1050 fps,) and went up and down by 0. FTX and Lil Gun powder. My BM has a 20" tube, so IMO, I could back I am reloading Deer hunting loads for the 450 Bushmaster! I try two bullets and powders, which one works best? Let's find out! I am reloading Deer hunting loads for the 450 Bushmaster! LIL’GUN® 2400 H110® 296 IMR 4227 N110 Buffalo Rifle D060 Accurate®5744 300-MP SOCOM H4198 IMR 4198 N120 Blackout D063 Accurate® 1680 680 Reloader 7 Accurate® 2200 D073. I use Hodgdon H110 with Barnes 275gr . 450 Bushmaster (1) 454 Has anybody reloaded 450 bushmaster withe lil gun and hornady 250 grain xtp bullets. 452 XTP Mag bullets. Part 1 of 3 parts A copy of the new Sierra manual, Rifle and Handgun Reloading Data, Sixth Edition, Ⓒ 2019, arrived here last week. Forster Bullet Puller Collets $13. For this reason people Here is what I got with my loads that used the two Barnes Bullets. 5gr of Lil Gun. Hodgdon H4198 Predicted data by increasing and decreasing the given charge, incremented in steps of 2. I found a 450 Bushmaster Forum with a lot Printed from Shooter's Reference on 01/08/2025: https://www. (some powders do double duty) than they are to 12 ga shotgun powders. Taper crimp to a resultant diameter of . Can someone model a hypothetical load for me please? As stated: 450 bushmaster, Hornady 395 gn sub-x bullet (. There is no noticeable wear of my barrels. I used 43 gn of Lil’gun and got some really nice groups @ 2600 fps from my 16” bushy. I THINK my starting charges had a slight hang fire, can't remember for sure. 475 measured as close to the case mouth as possible with a micrometer and you should be good to go. but accuracy was worse then Hornady factory load with the group just over 3 inches @100 yards. This Hammer Bullet is designed specifically for the 450 Bushmaster as a dedicated big game hunting combo. Loading a ladder to check pressure. 450 BM Hornady reports Hodgdon Lil’ Gun delivered the best overall velocity and accuracy. 6 1,046 33,100 PSI 300 Blackout 230 GR BER TACT Winchester 296 . Was wondering for those with a goodly amount of experience reloading for BOLT GUNS who use powders other than Hodgdon Lil'Gun for reloading bullets at or below 260 grains are there any I can AT THIS moment currently get Ramshot Terminator and H110 with regularity and I already have 8# of Lil'Gun of the same lot#. It also has uses in the big-bore AR-15 cartridges like the . In some situations they fragment and make for long tracking or lost game. Trail Boss® Reduced this is simply embarrassing. 7 grains of Lil Gun out of my Ruger GSR. Reactions: Macintyre1 I use it in my . 450 Bushmaster brass. The behavior of the powder pair is similar to that of H110 and WW 296. In addition, LIL’GUN has many magnum pistol applications and is superb in the 22 Hornet. The little guns they should have tied it to are the 22 Hornet and the 218 Bee. 4 34324 3503 0. I'm estimating velocity in the 2600 to 2 My new loads I am very hesitant to publish as my gun has a modified gas system and bolt carrier which likely would not apply to most 450 Bushmaster uppers at this point. Case: Starline Brass. Make sure you're ready when the big one steps out and load-up with Hornady ® American Whitetail ® I've been using Lil gun for . 450 Bushmaster (Using Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 87 loads. According to Hodgdon information it gets a little better velocity with 300 grain loads than the others. the load data is as follows: 34gr of Hodgdon Lil' Gun powder, Hornady brass Yeah I have been doing most of my 450 Bushmaster reloads with Lil'gun and H110. They shoot about the same as the 250 Hornady FTX did for me. VihtaVuori N110. 3k psi (KABOOM!) Longshot IMHO is not a powder you want to use in this caliber. 460 pistol and . 0% of nominal charge. Hodgdon Trail Boss. The resultant COL will be somewhere in the area of 2. 450 Bushmaster . 308" 2. 219 cm³ Cartridge O. Shooters World BUFFALO RIFLE. 451 XPB bullets and Hornady 240gr . 450 Bushmaster max Pressure and Bolt Thrust. 300 Hornady XTP/MAG Hodgdon Lil'Gun 25. 25 inches. Apparently I chose the oddball weight that I thought would work the That should hang onto it pretty well. Talk about your 450b reloading experience, ask questions, etc Moderator: MudBug. 99. a) Colt Police Positive 38 Special, 158 gr. 0:00 Intro 1:22 History of the 450 Bushmaster vs 458 SOCOM vs 50 Beowulf7:23 Cartridges Sizes9:30 450 Bushmaster vs 458 SOCOM vs 50 Beowulf Ballistics11:35 W Dark Mode; Light Mode; Menu Log in I've used lil gun in 300aac in 2 AR's and one bolt gun since day one. 1 1,052 19,900 PSI 300 Blackout 208 GR HDY A-MAX Hodgdon H110 What type of powder is best for reloading 450 Bushmaster? The recommended powders for reloading 450 Bushmaster include Hodgdon Lil’ Gun, Hodgdon H110, and Accurate 1680. Lil' Gun is also an excellent choice for . --Bob Re: Lil gun primer Here is an update on the 450 Bushmaster load for my Ruger American Ranch rifle. I'd bet that "nitro content" is not the reason for the claimed behavior. I made up a dummy 450 BM with the 300 gr Lee GC and 40 gr of 4198. Hopefully it will cycle the action. Shooters World BUFFALO RIFLE Cartridge : . 450 Bushmaster, such as Hodgdon Lil' Gun and H-110 powders. 0gr if memory serves me correctly. 4gr of Lil Gun (with a shorter OAL). Testing out the 200 gr FTX bullets from Hornady with Hodgdon Lil gun powder. 5 and 39. 250 FTX and Lil'gun powder. I would look into SBR Socom. Re: Barnes TTSX 250 hand load for the Ruger Ranch 16" by SF42 Lil'Gun has become the go to powder for the 450 Bushmaster and 45 Raptor. yszpedz viux efd ydyvku ojeafp dris githq vipbn npav vqnjn