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Does gripe water help reflux mumsnet. My 15 week old has pretty bad reflux.

Does gripe water help reflux mumsnet I do suffer bad anxiety to . First time last night my baby slept 10-2 then 3-6. Initially we thought it was d So my baby is 4 weeks tomorrow. Paediatrician said to try it and I found it helps push the wind either up or out earlier on. She got put on the milk free formula late so think needed time for belly to heal as well. While many parents swear by it, there’s a lot of dispute over its effectiveness, safety and even necessity. My 4 month old was the same, refusing boobs, screaming etc you could hear the reflux. Consider seeing a Lactation Consultant who specialises in fussy babies, you would have to go private, but you're looking at 100-200, so not astronomical. I know I al I used a syringe. 0. My 2 DC’s have been the same, DD just had reflux, DS has reflux & a dairy allergy Sounds very much so like silent reflux. We tried infacol in the early days but it seem Gripe water is one of the ways that some parents say you can get rid of baby gas fast. If I get acid reflux now I take a shot of apple cider vinegar and it knocks it dead. Anonymous. I tried it for the last couple of feeds and my dd seemed to settle down. But, there is no scientific backing for this claim. Another switch : To help. It was Enfamil AR (anti-reflux) and I am going back 14 years but we got it on Hi all, My DS is 3m (16w) old or 6w corrected as he was 10w early. In desperation and after reading about colic we bought some colief to try aswell. I am aiming to ebf my DS2 for 6months and then continue alongside food as I did my DS1. Could your son have silent reflux? We've Gripe water and infacol are for different things. In the end Dr Browns bottles and colief helped a lot. A mum at a baby group I go to used gripe water in mornings and evenings and infacol through the main part of the day [emoji4] just if you don’t feel comfortable giving the Infacol firstly, then gripe water, co lactose and colief. 3 - Time your feeds so you can time your burps. Gaviscon didn't help with reflux is just helps keep the milk down and made our DS constipated so we stopped it. I am also now drinking catnip tea with Mumsnet makes parents' lives easier by pooling knowledge, advice and support on everything from conception to childbirth, from babies to teenagers. At first thought it was colic as he w Sharing posts outside of Mumsnet does not disclose your username (for reflux) which may have been the reason. The The Food and Drug Administration monitors medications to ensure their safety, but due to the fact that gripe water is considered a supplement and not a drug, it does not fall under their purview. Colief was the only ones to work but v. I'm now His reflux is just as bad eczema as well and just like your wee one he's had just unhappy the whole day. You need to wait until the bubs are a month old before using though. Sending you a big virtual hug, it’s really tough but it will get I got on to NHS direct and cried to the midwife for an hour. That, and Sharing posts outside of Mumsnet does not disclose your username gripe water, infacol, anti-colic bottles if you’re using formula. I am really careful with my diet and only drink water, I don't drink or smoke and exercise but I have this issue all the time. He was diagnosed with reflux at about 3 or 4 weeks old and was put on Gaviscon Infant. There are meds the doctors can prescribe. Our DS has suffered with reflux since birth, and we were told that he has a cows milk protein allergy. Parent reviews of products like Mommy Bliss state that gripe water works better than gas drops to help babies pass gas and relieve stomach pain. Thanks for quick response. He seems to have bog standard reflux which is getting worse in that nights are very difficult. Cmpa or reflux? Feeding issues: Arching back, gulping, choking, clicking sounds. Round the houses of formulas, comfort, anti reflux (which worked for a short while reflux wise but the nappies were explosive), lactose free, different brands, prescription milk (watery mashed potato yuck!), stopped the prep machine, nothing worked and as a last resort we were Sharing posts outside of Mumsnet does not disclose your username Ranitidine! My 19 week old DD has CMPA and reflux, but going dairy free didn't help the reflux much. It's so good she sleeps at night well. My Gripe water is chiefly utilized in the treatment of infant colic, a condition where an infant cries frequently due to an upset stomach from acid-reflux related cramping and pain 1 2. Treatment for acid reflux: Gripe water contains baking soda, that is, sodium bicarbonate which is a well-known neutralizer of stomach acid. She brings it up herself already at 3 months. I found infacol definitely helped with wind and also gripe water is great, so worth trying those. I suggest you go dairy free. Yes that sounds like reflux but can also be signs of an allergy. He was much happier and not crying so much. 5 weeks now and is starving but screams at every feed, can't bring wind up and gets so distressed that For the reflux she needed 3mg/kg omperazole to have any effect at all, as much gaviscon as we could get in her and domperidone. I’ve been on antibiotics for nearly a week due to my stitches from birth getting infected. (Buy from any chemist, a plastic kind for dispensing medicine to babies, not the kind with a needle, for injecting things!) Put about 1ml or 2ml in at a time, put the syringe right down the side of baby's cheek and release the liquid very slowly, letting them swallow before releasing more. We are using colief and did see some improvement but still quite bad. So far have been using tt anti colic bottles with cow and gate milk but feels like crying as my son doesn't feel satisfied rather full of wind so going to to boots now and buy MAM. If you have been on neocate for more than 4 weeks and have explored reflux I would ask to try alfamino. What helped and still does help is not limiting stomach acid but making more of it. We tried infacol and gripe water, which have not massively helped, my friend also Dd2 had silent reflux but was put on a special formula quite early as she had other issues from birth and wasn't gaining weight. Did you find the user instructions easy to understand? Yes, extremely simple and easy to find on the product. My four week baby is on aptamil first milk and for the past week has been really struggling bringing up wind. Gripe water did help settle him 80% of the time but we've just started weaning him and he's like a different baby. Spits up milk frequently. Sharing posts outside of Mumsnet does not disclose your username Boots Gripe water - NOTHING else has helped clear his wind/colic/what ever it is like this and I've tried infacol, gripe water and colief since he was born We weaned him early to help the reflux and we still keep him upright after feeds. I found the boots gripe water the best. It was silent reflux that meant our little boy got gaviscon. It doesn’t really help gas but it MIGHT help reflux. My fairly old midwife told me gripe water was no use since they took the alcohol out of it though. Sharing posts outside of Mumsnet does not disclose your username We had some success helping the stomach symptoms with infacol and gripe water but both seemed to stop helping much after a few days. They're also quite blocked up nasally but hate the nasal spray. I've tried loads infacol didn't work, gripe water he spat out, colief was so much faffing about it didn't work half the time and For just over 10 years I’ve suffered with acid reflux/ indigestion symptoms. I give the gripe water slowly, with a For reflux - I keep drinking water at regular intervals. In actual fact colic does stop on it’s own. I have changed all bottles to help minimise air intake, at 10 weeks we went private who confirmed he was tongue tied and had that sorted, we have paid for a chiropractor, we do tummy massages about 6 times a day, we have given him gripe water, infacol, colic drops, he has probiotics daily all to no avail or improvement. She is ok at night, generally going down about 7. He was on it until around 6 weeks ago. DD hasn't needed any help with wind. On ranitidine but does anyone know whether 7 months old can take liquid gaviscon? He has sachets for bot Infant care has come a long way since the 19th century, yet some parents still swear by a homeopathic remedy developed in the 1850s to help soothe fussy babies: gripe water. My daughter had issues from week 1 but was it 4 months long months later when the dots joined up to cmpa, severe silent reflux and moderate reflux. 14/06/2012 at 1:32 pm. Anyway, he’s throwing up a lot Does Gripe Water help address silent acid reflux? Anecdotal evidence suggests that Gripe Water might reduce stomach acid, thus relieving symptoms of silent acid reflux. Sharing posts outside of Mumsnet does not disclose your username Thanks Oak, we have a 'stretches' routine that we do before bed each night and it does help somewhat. She cries and seems to cry more when she is tired. Boots apple flavour gripe water is the one to get; Gripe water worked for DS, but I think he just liked the taste and it was distraction enough to calm him down a bit. Gripe water is believed to relieve tummy troubles and gas in babies, and is even touted as a remedy for colic. I should add that he also often arches his back when feeding (exceptions are if he is very sleepy or has white noise) which seemed to suggest reflux. Doctor has given omeprazole have been on it for a week and Sharing posts outside of Mumsnet does not disclose your username I used to drink fizzy water, it helped with reflux. However, are you thinking of gripe water or coleif which both help with wind? Gaviscon didn't make my child constipated but it only eased symptoms for a couple of weeks. People will often say it can't be if they sleep through the night but ime that's simply not true. Anyway, he’s throwing up a lot I gave gripe water before a feed because I'm BF, but I heard that's a good idea even with bottle feeding as otherwise the medicine affects the taste of the milk use a syringe as the spoon was a disaster and my LO ended up with sticky gripe water all over his face. Biggest issue is what seemed to be reflux. Quote React Add post Share Report Bookmark Mine was like this, turned out to be silent reflux. Sharing posts outside of Mumsnet does not disclose your username Sorry I'm no help just wanted to let you know I've the same problem - sympathies I shall watch the thread and see if any advice comes along too! Sorry also meant to say I gave him gripe water from 31/2 months, after trying all other remidies and the wind problem stopped after two weeks of Sharing posts outside of Mumsnet does not disclose your username round the park in her pram, she screams and cries. Don't eat anything close to bedtime, I try not to eat after 6pm and nothing fizzy even water. I tried infacol and gripe water (thinking it was excess gas) then infant ga is on was prescribed (which had no effect at all). Readily available over Hi all I have a 9 week old baby who is suffering with acid reflux, I took him to the dr's and was prescribed infant gaviscon, I stopped giving it t dont know what my LO has but today been in tears all afternoon seeing him in pain after feed. We have had an absolute nightmare with regards to his food/constipation/wind. We've come to the last idea which is a product called Colief although it says it's for temporary lactose intolerance, I don't know if that could be the problem causing the terrible wind. Its black and stains though absolute pain in the ass thats why I put it in the feeds (half doses) dont think its recommended though. The last couple of days she has also been suffering with trapped wind, I have seen that colic remedies such as infacol can make reflux worse. He was windy r Hi everyone, so my 5mo is a catnapper during the day and at night, wakes up every 1/2 hours wriggling, grunting, arching and bringing legs up. He has been on them for almost two weeks and we have seen a slight improvement, especially with the trapped wind. Maybe worth a try Hun. His weight gain is brilliant too Mumsnet makes parents' lives easier by pooling knowledge, advice and support on everything from conception to childbirth, from babies to teenagers. He still does reflux but no where near as much and it doesn't Mumsnet makes parents' lives easier by pooling knowledge, advice and support on everything from conception to childbirth, from babies to teenagers. We also went to a cranial osteopath. He certainly suffers with trapped wind and writhes and screams in discomfort. She also said everyone with a colicky baby would tell you X worked a charm. he was screaming and has resorted to tiny hourly feeds - Hi there does anyone suffer a feeling of like a puddle of water in the back of their throat constantly because of reflux? Also burning itchy ears and nose. Heartburn type sensation in my chest, acid coming into my throat, shortness of breath, really bad bloating, nausea. Register or Sign in. She suggested trying colief (it's an enzyme that breaks down the lactose in the milk) before the feed and gripe water after. If this happens to you, make sure that you give the gripe water earlier on in the feed or even before a feed. He is growing well and reaching all his milestones but I'd love to be able to help him. The omperozole is helping the silent reflux but the consultant wants to do allergy testing and coeliac testing but not til he is 15 months. Congratulations on your new baby Hi I'm wondering if I could plead get some advice. But the past couple of weeks I've noticed my baby takes out alot of milk after some feeds. @Battlingongraciously fabulous, thank you - all the little tips really do help - perimenopause is such a vast topic of DD is ten weeks old and for the last seven weeks has been suffering from reflux (reflux has only been confirmed when I took her for her 8- week inject Gripe water is not known to cause diarrhoea - and actual diarrhoea in a very young baby is something to be concerned about. Ds was 15 weeks and I was bottle feeding but doing mixed feeds (expressing, breastfeeding went out the window) We were very fortunate that the formula made a massive difference. But giving him gripe water after every feed straight away really soothed his tummy. Gripe water, Mothers Milk seem to help a bit. However, some infants may refuse gripe water, Hello all! Baby has been diagnosed with cmpa and started on nutramigen yesterday. Sharing posts outside of Mumsnet does not disclose your username My GP thinks reflux but it has to be investigated further. Quote React Add post Have you tried raising up the head end of the cot to help with sleep (google wedgehog reflux )? DD lived If it's reflux proper (and not cow's milk allergy) domperidone and ranitidine may not be sufficient. I'll set the scene. Ds has always had c&g since birth with no problems. Good luck and don't worry it will stop xx The gripe water does help slightly but it's a bit hit and miss, we are not sure whether he would have brought the burp up without it anyway as that sometimes happens when we don't use it. He has never slept Silent reflux does not show intense signs like GERD, but it still causes discomfort. My DD has Hi all, looking for experience of using gripe water? Got a 5 week old collicy daughter who has really bad trapped wind (bum end not burps) and looking to relieve pain. Tried gripe water (because both sets of grandparents swore by it) but didn't seem to make any difference, infacol seemed go help a bit. He's now 7 months and I think it's fair to say by 5 months he'd stopped having reflux. Gripe water is an over-the-counter liquid supplement made of sodium bicarbonate and herbs. My eldest slept like clockwork and was a dream, my middle was a nightmare for sleeping as a baby but from around 10yo started sleeping like a teenager. He goes red, draws up his knees and holds his breath. Sharing posts outside of Mumsnet does not disclose your username wind, so he would have infacol (started that from the first week) and gripe water (can be used from 1 month old). Think painful heartburn and that's basically what it is. Have you tried winding more after feeds, infacol and or gripe water, different feeding position, maybe reassessing if your latch is causing them to take more air in, etc? I honestly think this is much more likely to be the problem. Some children just dont need much sleep. I ate a great many! The other thing is she didn't get teeth until nearly 1 year old and I think that affected her digestion on solids, so we actually gave gripe water every night until nearly 15 months when she had all her central incisors and a couple of molars. Sharing posts outside of Mumsnet does not disclose your username SMA little steps and it’s the best one I’ve tried which has made her colic a little bit better but no difference to reflux. Quote Thanks Add post Mumsnet makes parents' lives easier by pooling knowledge, advice and support on everything from conception to childbirth, from babies to teenagers. Gaviscon improved my LO reflux, she fed better we were on 3 sachets a day which was just about OK re constipation but she still had reflux. We were giving her infacol but she was really sick on it so we tried gripe water. You have my sympathies, it's Sharing posts outside of Mumsnet does not disclose your username pain where he’s wriggling around in discomfort but we’ve tried every ‘colic’ product on the market, Infacol, gripe water, dentinox etc and none of them make the slightest bit of difference. I question now whether it was even wind or just over tiredness/over stimulation. We have switched to omperazole, it has improved the reflux but its still there and causing discomfort. Gaviscon made her scream, so the GP prescribed ranitidine, and it has made such a difference! She still upchucks, but it doesn't bother her, and the reflux screaming stopped within a few Sharing posts outside of Mumsnet does not disclose your username Silent reflux? 1 reply purpledelicious · 05/04/2024 08:37 My baby is 4 weeks old, had their tongue tie snipped one week ago, latches on fine, breastfeeds and puts on weight and wees and poos often. We suspect DD2 either has colic, acid reflux or is just out of sorts with a cold. Quote If it is that lactose formula won't help. Help! My 4 week old is constantly sick after feeds, grunts, strains, goes red in the face. Sharing posts outside of Mumsnet does not disclose your username Does this sound like reflux? If so any tips? I give him anti reflux formula and have tried gripe water but it doesn’t seem to workI was wondering if there’s anything I can try to see whether it is reflux or whether he is just hungry? It absolutely doesn’t sound like reflux, what it does sound like is Sharing posts outside of Mumsnet does not disclose your username and also silent reflux. Hello, my baby is 6 weeks old and I am breast feeding, from about a week old has been so unsettled, in pain and unhappy. There are other drugs - PPIs like omeprazole - that are more effective but they do have potential side-effects so you do really need to exclude the possible cow's milk issue first. back arching is a 1 - Gripe water before a feed. The symptoms he would show is s Does he seem uncomfortable due to constipation? Babies can poop several times a day or poop once every 3-4 days, so there is a wide range of normal. I think the colief just helps digest the milk easier for them. Someti Mumsnet doesn't verify the qualifications of users. My poor baby has colic and it's awful. Babies (birth - 12 months) Gripe water -does it work?? Babies (birth - 12 months) Infacol or Gripe water? Babies (birth - 12 months) Infacol or gripe water !? Babies Gripe water is incredible. He has Infacol, to little effect. I sit her up right when feeding, burp her every 2 ounces, keep her upright 30 minutes after eating and nothing maybe part of the gripe water needs to be given in the middle of the feed and part at the end? (not really sure) but I usually find if the wind/bubbles has gathered near the start of the feed, then all of the feed which has been eaten after the bubble was made, comes up, so I tend to wind a few times during a feed (especially at night) not just the end, to avoid windy vomit. Hi there. expensive! Were you aware of this product before trialling it? No, I hadn’t heard of it until the mumsnet thread. The baking soda helps with reflux, but giving it regularly twice a day would just redux your baby’s stomach acid over time, leaving him Gripe water is just water plus baking soda and some natural extracts (ginger, fennel, etc). Is it not more likely she has a tummy bug which led to both the apparent discomfort and the diarrhoea? **be aware LONG post but please read! I'm Trying to include as much info as I can and background info so I'm not drip feeding** Hi everyone I'm curre Sharing posts outside of Mumsnet does not disclose your username Acid reflux help 7 replies GelatoPistacchio · 27/10/2024 09:21 I've always been prone to acid reflux but usually sorted with a healthy diet or a short course of omeprazole. Try gripe water for now. Two nights ago he was very hard to settle at night, he usually wakes every 2 hours and has 120 m I have 22 month old and 5 week twins, all have been diagnosed with milk allergy and silent reflux. Talk Maybe try gripe water see if it helps with the whining. This means that this product, which is positively advertised as vegan, non-GMO, organic, allergen, and gluten-free, and void of chemicals, dyes, and artificial flavors , is Sharing posts outside of Mumsnet does not disclose your username Baby gaviscon and gripe water together? 5 replies Cherry85 · 02/03/2020 20:58 Does anyone know if you can give both gaviscon for reflux and gripe for wind? OP posts: See next See all Quote React Add post Share Report Advertisement Mizydoscape · 02/03/2020 20:59 My LO is 10 weeks old and ever since birth has struggled with constipation and gas. or silent reflux. . Been home 10w now. I think this has made the biggest difference. I finished a course of antibiotics 7 weeks ago for h pylori but the reflux continues. He’d previously been on reflux milk. Sharing posts outside of Mumsnet does not disclose your username We find gripe water the best for colic. After a couple of days she was much more settled (we haven’t used gripe water since), so she is now on 3ml of omeprazole (10mg tablet dissolved in 10ml of water), infacol and colief. The infacol contains simeticone to also help with trapped wind. Chances are, it’s mostly a placebo for parents. DS2 was born in June - now 6 w Sharing posts outside of Mumsnet does not disclose your username It didnt work for my dd either- I just had to wait until she got bigger and could bring up the wind herself with our help. He has always suffered from wind, lots of it, hard to shift. However we are star Sharing posts outside of Mumsnet does not disclose your username she wasn't sick only couple times but in pain with her tummy my lg is on gaviscon infant,gripe water and also uses a reflux pillow and they all have worked wonders. ds started with this at 4 weeks and I think (fingers crossed) has now grown out of it, he is now 13 weeks. 30 - 8 waking up about 2 then back to sleep till 6-7am. And beyond that thry just s ream for the hell of it. Hi, I’m a first time mum to a boy and he’s 18 days old. Almost immediately a massive burp came out after using the gripe water! My plan is to stick to Infacol before a feed and gripe water after! We tried gripe water twice. Hi, did anyone experience baby having bad reflux when baby was using gripe water? We started using gripe water to help with wind/burps and it does. So Gripe water has baking soda in it and fennel. Also try different burping Right now they're asleep curtesy of gripe water but they hate the taste and get really upset for a few minutes afterwards. his wind I do use gripe water aswell. It's not always a symptom of allergies it can be a problem in its own right. Posted 02-01-13. Gripe water is generally considered safe for babies, but check with your pediatrician to be sure. Gripe water worked brilliantly for my dd and bizarrely she loved the taste! Soon had her belching like a trooper! i was a bit too out of it with tiredness to remember to give the colic drops. Firstly get some gripe water and give before a feed, this will help with the wind. And also thinking to buy HIPP organic rather than cow and gate. If you have medical concerns, please consult a healthcare professional. However, you should keep in mind that these reviews showing that gripe water is effective for infant gas are purely anecdotal, with Hi, My second son is almost 8 weeks now. May have been coincidence but i used it 30 mins after a feed after having spent the 30 mins winding thinking non left. The youngest still needs minimal sleep, she would happily cope on 4 hours a night. I feel sick on pretty much a daily basis. Quote Thanks Add post Share Report Bookmark Advertisement DelilahBucket · 19/02/2024 21:07 Love Hearts really do help. DS is nearly 3 weeks old, and for around the past week has been screaming intermittently and bringing his knees up, often passing wind as he does so. There's no real evidence that gripe water actually works, but it seems Ds was diagnosed as having reflux by the hospital at 10 days old (we took him down after he stopped breathing before being sick - was terrifying). Try to keep her upright as much as possible after a feed. I found that reflux much under control after post nasal drip stopped. Sharing posts outside of Mumsnet does not disclose your username I try Gripe Water but it only works sometimes. Baby massage for wind and constipation works as well as anything! Omeprazole - my DS was prescribed this at 10w, it made a huge difference, it totally took the reflux pain away. me to postnatal depression at 3m and I Sharing posts outside of Mumsnet does not disclose your username *Just to clarify, we thought he had reflux but are not so sure now. As others have said it's been suggested as something to suggest. Throws head back. I’ve tried, water, gaviscon, gripe water and infacol and nothings worked. Got a 4 month old with silent reflux here, Reflux Does gripe water make reflux worse? DawnW86. Can take up to 6 weeks to be fully out . His was silent so he still put in weight and rarely threw up. Hi, Our 4 week old dd has reflux diagnosed a couple of weeks ago. Try gripe water, which is a combination of water, spices, herbs and seeds (cinnamon, fennel, ginger, chamomile) and can help with digestive problems and colic. And my baby has mild reflux too and that sleep was on no gaviscon! Gripe water is also really good at getting wind up. I have no experience with gripe water to share. Sharing posts outside of Mumsnet does not disclose your username The consultant I saw recommended that the following things can help: prop your baby up after a feed; make sure you burp baby regularly through the feed; if she'll take a dummy, this will help as she'll be swallowing more which exercises the relevant muscle in the tummy and generally helps to When my 6 week old is feeding, occasionally he pulls his legs to his tummy and groans like he's in pain. I also found that as he had trouble burping, the infacol made him cry harder as it coalesced the bubbles into one big one that still went downwards but hurt more. Prior to this she had no issues. Did gripe water work for anyone else? 8 week old has a lot of wind so I've been giving gripe water, as he crys and gets upset in the evening with it. About 4 months ago I started suffering terrible anxiety i stopped eating nearly and lost over a stone in weight and was put on valium then 4 weeks after that I started having terrible stomach issues symptoms are acid reflux, burping, grumbling stomach, pain at top of stomach, burning throat. Does gripe water make him any better, as if it is CMP intolerance then it may help the stomach pains? Also second the cranial osteopath recommendation. Would love to hear other people's experiences. You don't need to make your own, as gripe water is widely I had the same experience with omeprazole and reflux, but once we figured out all the allergies he didn't need medication. My baby was breastfed so she Not sure whether this is the right place to post this, bearing in mind it was basically the ^opposite^ of breastfeeding but anyway DD is four weeks Gripe water can make a few babies very sick because it gathers their wind so well that they can burp quite violently and bring their milk up with it. Good luck. For most babies time makes the difference. Sharing posts outside of Mumsnet does not disclose your username loopy, have you tried plain old gripe water? we gave this a go, after faffing about mixing colief with EBM, then having infacol spit all over us, and found the gripe water much more effective for DS. She has gaviscon infant sachets which I use as and when, usually 2-3 times a day. Mumsnet makes parents' lives easier by pooling knowledge, advice and support on everything from conception to childbirth, from babies to teenagers. Quote React the doctor advised that we started weaning to try The gripe water contains dill oil and bi-carb which helps break up the gas bubbles to ease wind and ‘colic’ pain. Reply. The warm bath in quiet room was also a real help. Hello all! Baby has been diagnosed with cmpa and started on nutramigen yesterday. Please if anyone can Ds2 had severe reflux, but the paeds doc said to try a anti-reflux formula first. Does anyone have any experience of using Ranitidine for acid reflux? My DS has just been diagnosed with acid reflux - Gaviscon didn't help and we ha Skip to main content Skip to main navigation Skip to search Skip to talk navigation Advertisement countBapula, I tried gripe water but he was so enraged and upset at the taste that I haven't tried since. My only concern is it seems to be impossible to get a hold of in shops and only available online. Fingers crossed it works. Tried gripe water for the wind which seemed to work for a day but then things got worse not better! After about 9/10 days we stopped the gaviscon, he had 4 poos in one day and seemed much happier! I decided on the recommendation of a friend to try comfort milk, which seemed to have pretty much the same effect as gaviscon, only helped the reflux slightly and Hi, My 15 week old son has had a lot of trouble bringing up his wind for the past week and he just seems so uncomfortable all the time. Also tried all different kinds of bottles and none have made a difference. The water feeling in throat drives me to insanity . We'd tried Infacol and Gripe water but they didn't seem to settle her too much. Ideally we would have increased the gaviscon but we wanted to avoid digestive issues. I used a calpol syringe or you can buy them from The gripe water contains dill oil and bi-carb which helps break up the gas bubbles to ease wind and ‘colic’ pain. Gripe water can be given to babies on its own -- be sure to read all instructions on a gripe water package carefully before administering. She is putting on weight well Sharing posts outside of Mumsnet does not disclose your username He's having gripe water too just a little helps for a short while but still really uncomfortable. CMP is in formula and can be passed through your breast milk if you are bf. And yes, his poo is more or less normal bf poo, nice and yellow, but it's not that runny - it's very mucus-y. Gripe water, infacol and reflux. There's no actual medical reason why it should work, but it definitely does! DS is 8 weeks old and formula fed C&G. I am looking for some advice. Breathing with a wheezing or vibrating noise; Pause in breathing while sleeping (apnea) Does Gripe Water help address silent acid reflux? Anecdotal evidence suggests that Gripe Water might reduce stomach acid, thus Used both infacol and gripe water with our dd who's now 17weeks but used up until about 3 weeks ago as she had quite bad wind. I suffered terribly for over 25 years; it disappeared after I had my son so I think he must have knocked something back into place. I am convinced perimenopause and my hormones are to blame. The gripe water seemed to work for a few days but the she was being sick nearly every feed and seemed to have terrible tummy ache all the time. She was kind and had two colicky/reflux children herself. even drinking water would burn awfully. They were always super chilled and easy going afterwards. Because baby’s digestive tract is much smaller and less developed than an adult's, she is more prone to acid reflux — where food comes up from the stomach to the esophagus — following feedings. It is very hard and I do recall it being worse around the 6-8 week mark. God knows if it is hereditary but makes live even m Sharing posts outside of Mumsnet does not disclose your username I have Acid reflux and need help! 12 replies cosietea · 25/11/2024 19:30 I have GERD diagnosed 2 years ago. The paed prescribed Losec to help her reflux (altho she doesn't spit up much at all) but I was still worried about burping so the chemist said that I could still give her Gripe water if needed but mixing it solves my worries. My girl suffered for 2 years. Projectile vomited both times then we threw it away. My GP asked for a stool sample but unfortunately I was unable to give it due to flying away for a week and then I got my period. I put a towel over myself when I feed him to help cut down on the laundry. I have tried gripe water, and infacol, nothing seems to work. Then since moving to formula the above symptoms got worse and we added symptoms of reflux- sick after almost every feed or sometimes some time later Gripe water did'nt do much for my ds but the infacol helped a little - it was quite a while though before we found out it was reflux and the dr presribed gaviscon which really did the trick. My friend swears by Gripe Water which you can give them from one month - however I found this didnt help much either as dd just kept spitting it out. I’m very slim, young, etc. 2 - Get a 2nd washing machine and feed him over a wipeable surface. HV thinks its because of the switch in the milk and that if it doesnt get better by the weekend I should bookan aappointment to see the GP for Nutramigen on Tuesday. Quote It could be that she needs movement, but it could also be silent reflux - you mentioned piercing screams. It was a huge help to eventually meet mums who had reflux babies and we could cope with it together. I am in need of help as I am totally out of options 😭 Since around 3 weeks old my baby who is is now 5 weeks old has been taking first 2oz of her bo Can you use more than the recommended dosage as its all herbal? My dd settles if I give her gripe water with cooled boiled water but the 6 doses in 24 My baby is only 4 weeks so tonight I tried gripe water for the first time. Ds reflux greatly improved. So you’re not really double dosing any ingredients. Quote React Add Sharing posts outside of Mumsnet does not disclose your username gripe water etc but none of it works> If anybody has any other things worth trying please let me know! Also any routine advice would be great as you can imagine you end up just doing random things each night as you are so tired etc. Infacol is not recommended with reflux. It may be normal and not related to medicine, but might be best to check with your Dr. With DS1 I did quite a lot of reading about the benefits of eb If you think baby may have colic then i would seek advice from hv burping can be tricky but doesnt need gripe water to help. My DD is 10w & since she turned just about 4w she started having symptoms of acid reflux, as I go Hi mumsnetters I have been a silent reader for many years now and this is my first time posting. Here are some of the subtle signs that you may notice. we went through alllllll of the above. Whenever the baby is suffering from heartburn due to the formation of acid in the stomach, you can always trust gripe water to be an appropriate cure, as the sodium bicarbonate present in it works as an antacid and turns out Woodwards gripe water was recommended by a friend as something she used on her own children a number of years ago. I' Gripe water claims to relieve stomach discomfort by soothing the digestive system and helping to expel gas bubbles that can cause fussiness (or what has been coined ‘colic’) in babies. Skip to main content Skip to main navigation Skip to search Skip to talk navigation Advertisement My LO was exactly the same, month early too. OP posts: See all In the the end Gavisgon didn't help with reflux and the Dr moved him on to Rentadine. The dietitian recommended these to me to help keep him regular as he sometimes suffers with constipation and trapped wind. She said this is because people keep trying things till the colic stops so will say the last thing they tried is what helped. After feeding I wind him and occasionally he Don't use too many things like infacol, gripe water etc, they are probably not helping much. We got referred to paediatrics. I wondered if we could use gripe water alongside it. I used to love hearing it gurgle and bubble through my DCs tummy, followed by a hearty burp. Tilt the cot up at one end if possible, it sometimes helps Sleeping upright on someone will also help. Gripe water was a lifesaver as it settled his stomach a lot. Look up The Crazy Reflux Lady - reflux is a symptom not a diagnosis. Hi my DS3 seems to have really bad GO reflux. 30. Sharing posts outside of Mumsnet does not disclose your username My 15 week old has pretty bad reflux. She's 7. If you haven't explored reflux do that. I had to do it every feed though without fail. I’ve It sounds far more like they have reflux/trapped wind/colic than any sort of bum problems. I am using gripe water by my son doesnot like the taste and takes out 😒. But she seems to cry Sharing posts outside of Mumsnet does not disclose your username Acid reflux help 29 replies Judystilldreamsofhorses · 10/08/2021 23:38 I am suffering with an unlovely combination of post-nasal drip (allergies) and what I think is acid reflux. Giving it before a feed is supposed to line the stomach. HV advised changing to comfort milk and giving gripe water for di I am breastfeeding and my baby is 7 weeks old and since he was around a week old we have had problems with his reflux. Have been diagnosed with Reflux, the poor little thing was getting worse, he is now having to take Mumsnet makes parents' lives easier by pooling knowledge, advice and support on everything from conception to childbirth, from babies to teenagers. wdsxikv pouz txyg nmei fnmh zuiy ktrmj xoup laznuhb ferb