Doing nothing working from home reddit

Doing nothing working from home reddit. i lay in bed for 40 minutes because im usually exhausted and trying to convince myself not to quit my job. I'm currently the senior looking after two first years both working from home. Also posting about it online, even anonymously, could come back to bite you one day, so just something to think about. That people who go LETS START THE DAY are psychopaths and that nobody wants to do anything. Not 100% remote, but I work-from-home 1-2 days per week. Hell Yeah. A community intended to provide a place for users wanting to ask questions, create discussions, post job listings or put themselves out there for hiring, all related to the UK and jobs within the UK. Your boss will perceive perpetual motion as work. Get up get dressed properly do a short walk. If I do the math I figure this guy could gross a little over six figures on a normal work schedule which isn’t excessive in our area. Before this, I was an intern and I largely did nothing all day and I kinda figured it was because I was just an intern. It's actually pretty common, but it's the sign of a bad job. 5 minutes of dynamic stretches, such as arm circles, leg swings, and torso twists. As long as I'm contactable at all times, my boss is quite chill with it. Cynicusme. Thats just the nature of forcing people to do 40hour weeks when we simply dont need it. Like 15% vs 60% offering fully remote work. Lunges: 2 sets of 10-12 repetitions per leg. That's the key, obviously you don't want to do any of that work, but you just do it and motivation will follow. I just have to be more mindful about those sorts of things now and I feel a whole lot better. I got laid off from remote work twice now. At my current job, where I have been for 4 months, it has been full on 100% of the time. 10. LOL. Working at home does not mean being alone or going solo. [Advice] How doing NOTHING is changing my life. I personally have been more productive at home - in the office I’d work 4 hours, at home maybe 5-6 hours out of a 8 hour shift. Physicsmagic. Sometimes what you think is rational is really just absolutely not. It’s not as great as you think it would be, and it gets old really fucking fast. I worked with Needle in the past and I started off being paid $10/hr and it was switched to $0. I spend time on Reddit, watch TV shows and sometimes movies, but I also do emails, phone calls, help visitors with resumes etc. . Turns out you've already burned out earlier and you're realizing it only now. Your first couple of weeks at a new job will probably be very light and give you plenty of time to adjust. Having a dedicated place at my home is also recommended,since your brain associate those "cues" and triggers a focused mindset. Get a secondary monitor, it improves work. cmVkZGl0. Since the pandemic started, everyone is talking about how the work world has changed and WFH is now a real option for a large part of the workforce. In addition to what others have suggested, I got my dog a baby gym for $40 on amazon. i wake up at 730 am. I want to clarify that this is all due to a lack of workload to be done, and in my particular role, creating work is. People working from home are not grinding it out for 8 hours a day squared into the screen. I know this is a thread about opportunities working from home but just wanted to say if anyone posts about transcribing from home, unless you can get on with a local hospital or doctor office it sucks. A subreddit for those who want to end work, are curious about ending work, want to get the most out of a work-free life, want more information on anti-work ideas and want personal help with their own jobs/work-related struggles. Cool-down: Yes, take initiative where you can. Media monitoring. Going from doing a lot to doing nothing at all can be very jarring for someone who is used to being busy. •. I was there for 1 year and 9 months. You just do it. damn what would you do for 7 hours with no phone. That said, there are definitely some drawbacks to working from home, such as the lack of social interaction. 7k. Workout: Push-ups: 2 sets of 10-12 repetitions. It is an assumption that by posting . So I decided to get a third work from home job. Nothing yet. Make sure your actual job meets the expectations, and then start going outside your lane to fill out your resume. Assuming most sysadmins work regular daytime hours and this sub is majority-USA, most of us are "working" right now, or maybe getting ready for work in the Pacific time zone. She is 32, unemployed and doesn't appear to be trying to change that, lives with her parents, is being pushy about moving in with you, doesn't let Clean rmails, organize, see if anything in the future needs prepared for, other than that I just relax or do something like prep dinner, workout, etc. 4. Swapping between my work computer and home computer is easy. I can't do work from home. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. an intern is not allowed to do any work for the company. I do nothing at work and make well over 100K. They can give you projects to do, but it's not supposed to be real work that contributes to their company in any way. My only job was to wait for alerts to come into my email, see if there are articles mentioning McDonald’s, and if there are, sending the link to the relevant team at McD’s that wan r/UKJobs. I want more responsibility at work, but it's a very small company and there truly doesn't seem to be anything else for me to do. i have no life. Enjoy your leisure and the time saved by not having to commute. I hate working from home. The worst part is dealing with irate customers or loud coworkers, IMO. I'm an extrovert through and through. Definitely work more remote than in office. Get some form of exercise in every day, even a 30 min walk counts. Traditional. disagreeable. The calls came through the computer on my headset. Make sure you are getting good sleep. "Nothing" meaning having free time at home to work on whatever they want or nap or do hobbies etc. Exercise. and occasionally go to in-person workshops and events related to work. Try to set a goal for the near future and set some studies to get improvement. It was such a LOVELY day. If we were to stop writing, many of the top blogs and online magazines would no longer have any content for you to read. I know they cut me because of my health. I am convinced even full-timers at a lot of places spend a huge chunk of time doing nothing actually valuable. I get the odd task to do throughout the week but 90%+ of my day I have nothing to do. No commute! Be responsive to work chat & email. Probably $10-$15/hr average. Under section 139 which relates to payments provided to employees during disasters (covid) it's tax free. Yep! That is what office work is like, haha. If someone wants to go solo it is an option, but it means the person needs to meet their social needs in other ways. -Work vs private life blending. I do one or two simple tasks. Try spending some of that 70% of downtime networking across your company, seeing if you can pick up new projects to get promotions, or finding a new job. It’s good to have some kind of structure I think, even if it’s 20 hours a week. Make sure your routine includes taking care of yourself. I worked under contract at a PR firm on the McDonald’s account for 8 months during the pandemic. There actually aren't enough hours in the day to do the work. I like going out, too, but even in the before times, it was always so much work. I honestly would give up a higher paying job to work from home full time or 80-90 percent of the time. However in busy days, I usually end up working way longer than 8 hours. I do literally nothing at work 99% of the time. I'm not sure I can really explain my full situation, because that would take pages and pages of text. Technically speaking, if you are in the U. Hell, with no commute time you even get to sleep and watch a show or movie. 2. One seems to be getting on ok-ish. I wouldnt complain you have so little to do. If you're anything like me you think you can't because you won't be able to dedicate time or energy to going to the gym. Now I do calisthenics and ride my bike for 2 miles every day and I cook more. 2 words. i work from home. When I transitioned from going into the office 5 days a week to mostly a hybrid work model not having dedicated space in my house for work drove me crazy! Another benefit is that the extra bedroom can be a tax write off if you only use it for work! Home is where my comfy bed and couch are. In reality, I spend my entire days on Reddit and YouTube. Even some part time volunteering or taking a class that interests you would be of great benefit. Anxiety doesn’t need a rational reason to happen. Let's talk about real, actual full-time jobs from home. I practically get paid to do an hours worth of work, and then I sit around all day looking busy. set up a working area, preferably a spare bedroom and set up an office. I love staying home and just being cozy and comfortable and reading a book or watching a movie or even just doing nothing much of anything on the internet. I would say that a lot of people try to do a lot of different things just to feel “occupied” which does not translate to efficiency. Dragon1562. We're an inclusive, disability-oriented peer support group for people with ADHD with an emphasis on science-backed information. S. I can easily do the work I need to do within the first hour and then just follow up as the day goes on - total at desk time would be around 5 hours for both jobs. I got a night-shift job doing data entry back in 2015. No shame there, just find meaning in the smaller things that matter to you. A typical in office day had me being interrupted by phone calls, bosses (multiples), co-workers, office guests, IT and other support staff, deliveries, and just random shit. Once I told them “company pays me money and they expect me to work for them even though I’m at home. I think I will end up in a work-from-home job again in Yeah. Or running around doing 100s of activities and WISHING they were at home doing nothing. If my job was more demanding and hourly i’m not sure i’d be AS satisfied, but tbh i have it pretty good. 5 days in 5-15F weather on them. I work as a Junior Architect at a small architecture firm and there is nothing for me to do 80% of the time. Use this time to do things you want to learn and experience for yourself. the average office worker completes 3hours work in an 8 hour day. Also clearing your workspace at the end of the day so it’s clean and tidy for the next day. My girlfriend works with Uber doing e-mail support. I’m absolutely sick of coming in to work every single day with nothing to do and pretending to be hard at work. Online work is my only option, as it is very difficult for me to get around. I work „hybrid” night shifts (I’m in the office maybe 4 hours a month) in small logistics company and it feels like I’m doing nothing lately. My natural instinct if I’m stressed is to distance myself, which can work if it means I’m taking a break or grabbing a drink, but it’s incredibly easy when you’re wfh to stay online but not work. I am been working from home over 8 years now. Here are some of the nice things about working from home: Saving gas money - I have saved like $200 on gas money. Yes for introverts no for extroverts is what I've gathered after speaking to people. If I don’t do my work right I will be let go and that would mean I won’t be able to pay my Ultimately, losing weight while being fully employed means you have to carve out time for your health. maybe a book. It's not Motivation -> Work. Google university will be your friend, learn new stuff and apply it. The work environment at home is better, the breaks are shorter, and people will work longer at home. I have been working from home for 3 years and I absolutely love it more and more everyday! ๐Ÿ˜Š. Lots of people benefit mentally from a hard days work. I do nothing at work. I had to connect to a VPN, so they could watch my computer traffic. There were minimum requirements for the internet, and they paid me an extra $0. Keep doing your job, do as u/Low-calAdministrator says and schedule small tasks daily. Learning to implement your own daily schedule and routine without having it implemented for you is important for mental health and self discipline. I gained weight, my skin went to shit, in the colder months I didn't see anyone for days at a time. I spend half an hour writing a memo. This subreddit at this particular time of day disproportionately represents sysadmins who have time to Reddit during the workday. Archived post. Work/Life balance. I have been in this situation. Around 5 is probably my average I’d say. If you get a bachelor’s in PR you can make it your specialty. You might be one of those people who need to end the day feeling more fulfilled if you’re feeling bad. Outside of covid it is possible to provide tax free home office reimbursements for qualified business Quravin. get a confortable chair! (extremely important) never work from your bed. Doing nothing and just relaxing is highly underrated. I am living with a somewhat-serious amount of depression because I don't do anything. Then a month went by, two months…and I had been working both jobs no problem, collecting two paychecks. 100%!! Thank u. I tried removing distractions, working in a cafe or library (can't always do that), etc. Nothing productive. When I don't move, obsessive thoughts tend to invade, medication or no. This is, of course, the ideal productivity cycle. All you are legally allowed to do as an intern is observe, and learn. Pick up a hobby you can do during work. 25 years working there. So when I'm basically forced to sit down and stare at boring shit for 90 minutes it suddenly becomes way worse. But have nothing to do, the fear that you won't have money, etc is way worse. It's usually looked down upon like you're being unproductive and not doing something right. Now, they pay me a nicer salary, I have my own office and a $2000 laptop, and they give me all sorts of benefits and most days I’m still not doing much. I work out and I see zero benefits when it comes to my depression. This will be much easier the smaller the company, but even in a fortune 50 you'll find opportunities to take on new projects. It’s just better. Or persoanl injury claims assessor at insurer - mostly computer based and possibly work from home 2 or 3 days a week. -Time zone overlap can be small, meaning you have to change your waking/working hours. But I also get it's not for everyone, and isn't feasible for all jobs. My supervisor is super busy with meetings all day (his status is on red all day on Though to be fair, before I got this job I spent 3 years at uni doing almost nothing too, barely getting my degree haha Before that though I worked in a fairly work-intensive job where I was on my feet 4-9 every week night, and on the rare occasion that job died down some nights, it'd drag like crazy because there wasn't something active I Sleeping longer (or staying up later); making better meals; enjoying my home, pets, and partner; and picking up hobbies. Not the most important job in the world, but it's fun and I love being able to work from home. Set up a space in your home dedicated to work. Few distractions! 4k monitor, standing desk, KVM switch. i clock out at 430. My partner put a blanket on the chair next to her. I was lonely and isolated. Run it by your supervisor to make sure you're not wasting/stealing time or interfering with something else, but otherwise absolutely figure out what work needs to be done and do it. Or virtual workers comp assessments/return to work programs. My mind will not participate, maybe it's the fact that no one watches whatever I'm doing that makes it so easy to go off task. 50 per hour for the use of my computer. I sit up in my room on Reddit for hours, then sleep, then get back on all i do is exercise and work. Admittedly we are hybrid… once a month. I don't take just lounging around for granted. yewteeko. There was this quote I heard a while back about how we all deal with depression and anxiety. I have been given an overview of what will ultimately be expected of me, but no clear day-to-day tasks. I end up "preparing" to do something a few hours a week, "putting things away" a couple of hours a week, and traveling to the place (and coming home from) where I'm going to Cons: -A ton of online meetings :D. You should definitely consider projects that you think might add value. Lifestyle. I just don't remember doing it. GelatoInRome. Short answer: it just depends on your luck. I generally use whitenoise background sounds (library, etc). SpeechMustBeFree. xorflame. The answer for me was to get more exercise and put more effort into eating healthy and take my wife out on more dates. Depression from not doing anything, not progressing is way worse. Take a look at which companies are opposed to remote work. Make sure to read the rules before posting to ensure your post is helpful and doesn't get removed. I’ve been work from home for almost a year now. It is really mentally exhausting to be depressed. On a light day, around 3-5 hours would be more than enough. Not an idiot at all. At home no gripes k can stay entertained work on other things. I can't do telephone-based customer service, because my r/ADHD. She needs a job. It’s tough to feel connected to your work, especially if it’s not something you find interesting and is stressful. Most people just sit around doing nothing a lot of the time. A lot of companies simply do not have that much work to do. I spend a few hours doing painstaking research on what laptop, video card, monitor, or office chair I should buy. I'm heartbroken. Scheduling activity into your day helps. 5. Head to our discord for live support: discord. shortsquirt83. If anything, working out makes me feel more exhausted and drained. *Edited for formatting. I think I could get my head in gear if I was returning to the office, but after nearly year of what has virtually been house arrest This is my first job out of college. So that means a lot of the reimbursements related to equipment provided to employees for WFH during covid are tax free. 25 a chat if you weren't scheduled to work. Writing can be done from anywhere, which is why we don't need an office. Saying you’re doing “literally nothing” can change your mentality, and it can make you slowly do less and less work over time. To be brief, I do nothing. Pull-ups: 2 sets to failure (or as many as you can do) Crunches: 2 sets of 15-20 repetitions. I dread working out, but I still do it because I love being firm and toned, but no matter what type of exercise I do, my depression doesn't go I work from home, and yet am not alone with about two hours per day in voice or video chat with teammates, plus have email, text chat, and code reviews done asynchronously. But I am available immediately if needed. I am just beginning the third week of a new WFH position and I have nothing to do. Zero facebook, twitter, espn, news, reddit, imgur, youtube, etc. Squats: 2 sets of 10-12 repetitions. I know several people who do a 'commute' of walking outside for ~30 minutes in order to set themselves up to start work, and separate their non-work time from their work-time. It actually sucked because nobody was allowed to bring phones into the building (it was a government building and they didn't want people taking pictures I guess). It's changing my life, and so it can yours. It was a data entry position, meaning I get an email containing the details of an order and proceeding to I essentially work 2 hours for every 40 hours of pay. I love my job and my work but I’ve been finding since about September, after many months of lockdown and working from home (pre pandemic had always worked in the office), I just have zero motivation to work. I loved working at home for the time I was doing it, as do most of the people I know who did it/are doing it. Today was my first day working from home ๐Ÿ™‚. I feel more motivated, clear, content, and calm, while getting to know myself more and increasing my self-awareness. Basically, make a conscious effort to take care of yourself more. I had a job for a few months where I was working from home and I liked some aspects (not having a commute was pretty nice and it was a That having been said, I live my life in those brief moments of "doing something" that exist between working, sleeping and waiting for a chance to go out and do something. Jobs with 70% downtime get you nowhere in the long run. I attend a few meetings every week, but I basically surf the web or entertain myself most days. I'm a Content Writer. I had just started a new position around 5 weeks ago in Inside Sales and after the first week of initial training, I haven't really been given any direction. They gave me a multiple month long There are several studies out there that have shown that productivity has increased when people work remotely. The days we’re in the office, my motivation is through the roof. I have a bullshit office job where I’ve done about 5 hours of actual work over the last Worked out great until I was laid off 2 weeks ago. I have nothing to do at work. I would like to end my addiction to doing nothing. I read wikipedia, retaining none of the information. I also had some heated conversation when family doesn’t understand. In office, I'd probably pretend to look busy or talk to coworkers lol. I spend 12-hour shifts doing nothing in a closed office at night. Doing nothing, just sitting with myself without distractions, has become one of my, if not the most valuable activity in my life. Definitely worth it, if nothing else but for shutting work away from your home life. Stock it with a nice desk, office chair, keyboard, mouse, and monitor. The person above you literally just said they work half the day with people following up with "me to" prolly the same people who cry about companies ending work from home. It's where my TV and computer and books are. This is, of course, subject to change, but for the last year, that is an accurate average. ADMIN MOD. Reply. With how busy life can be doing nothing can be a premium sometimes. Use your time wisely. At least cuts down on the commute. Part of me wants to look for something else, but another part of me doesn't want to give up the hybrid work model and the freedom of getting to do whatever I want when I'm at home. Get a good breakfast in. Wanting to contribute meaningfully to projects, people and society is a grest source of personal meaning. I always rush to leave from work when there is few minutes left to close and once I reach home all I do is change into night clothes and get in bed and watch YouTube and other social shit. Working out is doing absolutely nothing for my depression. Puppy loves sitting with her while she works, looking out over the garden or sleeping on it. Long answer: at my previous job I was like you, had nothing to do 80% of the time. First appointment probably in person but subsequent virtually might be ok. You can try, but it’s That being said, you do need to be careful. then i go to the gym. I'd watch Netflix, or do my 20-min workout, sometimes I'd leave for a bit to buy lunch/dinner. My job is salary and very lax, so I can run errands, go to the gym, or watch tv whenever. [traditional] I've worked my way up the ladder to a point where my subordinates do 95% of my work. So maybe don’t stop being busy, just stop being busy for someone else. I have a little corner in my living room that is just mine. I’m an IT guy so I’m fixing computers which rarely break and i maintain website which i build for this company. Finish work short walk, change into comfort wear. He spent 3. Many, many jobs aren't needed for a full 8 hours. I view more cat pictures. So literally 7 hours of doing absolutely nothing. -Paid for results, not butt in chair. gg/jobs. What you're experiencing is incredibly common and happened to me a couple times as well. Put you in the right mindset and gives time to prepare for work and unwind afterwards. I answer a few emails. But most of the people fail in WFH. Whenever people are looking, re-organize your desk, grab a piece of paper and walk to the other side of the room as if you have a purpose, check to make sure you have supplies, stare at company spreadsheets, and ask other people what they're working on. 6. Considering she feels it's the only thing she has to offer when she is rejected she feels completely useless. Absolutely. The Wall Street Journal had new data out recently that found the biggest employers (50,000+) were drastically more likely to force people back into the office than smaller employers. That woman is 32. I think it turned out great and well worth the $2. The anthropologist David Graeber wrote about how soul destroying "Bullshit Jobs" are and estimated that a great number of office jobs do not, in fact, provide tangible value to anyone. Not even think of completing tomorrow's work in advance. As long as you’re not pushing work onto other people who are working hard and underpaid, then there’s nothing to feel bad about. My 5-year getting paid for doing nothing is over. Reply reply. Working from home was horrible for me. Nearly a million and a half users say they 'feel at home' and 'finally found a place where people understand them'. I quit and needed something fast at night while I look for something better during the day. then i eat fruit and drink half a protein shake. Personally, working from home has reduced stress and wasted time. Yes, but depending on the job sitting doing nothing means I'm not making the most money I could be making and it's quite boring especially if forced to go into a office. There is not enough actual work to do. cs. So to answer the question, yes, I kinda do slack off during WFH and my boss kinda knows too. It's a full-time job with good pay, and I've tried hard to get that job for myself. Would do it more, if I could get away with it. Share your stories, struggles, and non-medication strategies. utopian_potential. I created a new user on my computer, and installed their softphone software. For one person that actually works their shift from home, there are 3 people who don't. You should do those things whether or not you wfh for mental and physical health health. Companies. (I have 3 monitors and am thinking of a 4th) get a confortable headset if you are taking calls or doing meetings. She's using sex to compensate for her short comings. Tips. Long walk before work, lunch play - enough for our pup to sleep for the rest of it. -More self-discipline needed vs office job. I check all the slack channels, I do lots of work, I pair program with senior engineers and learn lots from them, we go for It paid something like $1 per chat, you could do multiple at a time if you could handle it, and it was pretty simple honestly. I calculated that I only did about 2 hours of work actual work on an average day. smootex. Saving commute time - I used to have a 4 hour commute and now I just wake up and the office desk is right there ๐Ÿ˜. Breaks are good, but the summer is also valuable time to improve yourself in ways that school cannot do. The funny thing is that when I'm gaming I often notice myself pausing it and moving around a bit once every 20-30 minutes or so. It's a brand new position, so there's no existing blue print for what to do. I usually browse the web, read articles, play clash of clan, etc to pass the time. -instead of drinking a smoothie in my car during my commute to my first patient, I enjoyed a nice breakfast in peace. You could be sat in the Maldives with 4 super models and i bet you would still spend 1 day just jamming about on iPad not doing much. May 24, 2023 ยท Experts say it is generally a bad idea to rat out a colleague who’s not doing work unless it’s really impacting you, and it can be a very bad idea to rat out yourself. I posted about it on a home improvement FB group and all these boomers started commenting on how I spent too much. That includes fetching coffee. You want to get into a productive cycle: Get work done → Build your confidence you can get things done → get deserved leisure → get more work done. I read the entire Harry Potter series, Fifty Shades, and about 10 other books on the clock. noregrets. Remote work has had my motivation incredibly low for months. MOD. For context, I am a home health clinician who just transitioned from patient care to management. Honestly FOMO is a construct, most people are just hanging out doing nothing too. That's statistically speaking. -Not meeting colleagues in person very often. I get into work and I load up reddit. I get angry about politics. The other way around you can have your paid leave and relax. Give yourself a set time to do those things. I make it my little cubby hole for getting work done. I am currently doing my fourth internship. xb th jl vg jm ej pt nr jq hp