Critical role episode 1. Five burgeoning adventurers explore the Upper Slums of Emon and take a job offered by a mysterious thief, but what they discover may be Critical Role is an actual play series featuring some nerdy-ass voice actors who play Dungeons & Dragons. Get 10% off your Roll & Play: The Game Master’s Fantasy Toolkit at https://rollandplaypress. Description. "What Lies Beneath the Surface" (1x81) is the eighty-first episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. With special guest Joe Manganiello! "Vox Machina [have] made their way through the innards of the undead, risen, primordial earth titan. Parting ways with one of their members, Vox Machina is now adrift in a strange and unfamiliar city. "The Feywild" (1x59) is the fifty-ninth episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. Vox Machina and their allies travel to the island that Raishan fled to, but to reach her they must find their way past numerous obstacles and undead threats. "The Rematch" (1x23) is the twenty-third episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. "The party has traveled to Whitestone, partially to free their name of some negative Sep 24, 2015 · Catch Critical Role live Thursdays at 7PM PT on Twitch: https://goo. She plays Fearne Calloway in Campaign Three. Vox Machina enters Whitestone Castle, led by a new, unlikely ally in hopes of rescuing Cassandra de Rolo. gl/jVwPBrVox Machina continue t Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. They then journey to Pyrah, home of the Fire Ashari, hoping to find survivors of Thordak 's escape from the Campaign 2: Mighty Nein episodes from episode 20 through the conclusion of the campaign at Episode 141 are available via the Critical Role podcast network on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts , or whatever podcasting app you use. "The Frigid Doom" (1x64) is the sixty-fourth episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. gl/jVwPBrWith K’Varn killed, an The group questions the crownsguard for clarity about last night’s attacks, and their hunt for the gnolls leads them to a descent down a mysterious mineWa Jun 30, 2021 · That is it for Episode 1 of Exandria Unlimited! FINAL THOUGHTS. A flashback to when you were eight, tied a cape around yourself, and grabbed your flashlight to have a light-saber battle. tv/geekandsundry Vox Machina battles Vecna. So I've been working my way through the episodes to get caught up, and as part of that process I've been reblogging some Critical Role posts and art on tumblr. After Grog dukes it out in a fighting pit, Vox Machina rushes to help against an attacking beast outside the city, which ends up setting a chain of events in motion. Duration. Oct 18, 2017 · Watch Critical Role Live Thursdays at 7pm PT on Twitch at https://www. In the public eye, they're most known for arranging the peace talks that ended the War of Ash and Light, as well as exposing the abuse perpetrated by Trent Ikithon of the Cerberus Assembly. Jun 29, 2020 · In honor of the return of Critical Role and Episode 100 this Thursday, I (Dani Carr, CR Historian) will be distilling all 99 episodes of Campaign 2 into four digestible recaps! Join me in recounting the exploits of the Mighty Nein (so far) with this look at Episodes 1-26! Jul 12, 2017 · Happy 100th episode! Vox Machina make their way to the mysterious second Ziggurat outside Ank'Harel! With special guest Jon Heder. A landmass once marred by a vengeful god during The Calamity, the → This page is about the first episode of Exandria Unlimited Prime. 1. [2] → For a summary of the events of the campaign to date, see Bells Hells (Adventures). Welcome to Critical Role, where a bunch of nerdy-ass voice actors sit around and play Dungeons & Dragons. After reuniting with an old friend, Vox Machina loots Thordak's treasure hoard before returning to Whitestone to decide what to do about Raishan. Airdate Order. Ashley Johnson is an actress, voice actress, a member of the main cast of Critical Role, and the president of the Critical Role Foundation. Critical Role. Critical Role is a weekly livestreamed show that uses roleplaying game mechanics as a means to explore and develop stories from the vast fantasy world of Exandria, with sweeping narratives intricately woven through collaboration between Game Master Matthew Mercer and his fellow cast of veteran Watch Critical Role LIVE every Thursday on Critical Role's Twitch channel. 7. Campaign 3: Bells Hells episodes are available via the Critical Role podcast network on Spotify, Apple Next. gl/jVwPBrVox Machina sneaks the Campaign Three: Bells Hells is the third campaign of Critical Role, which began airing on October 21, 2021. "Arrival at Kraghammer" is the first episode of Volume I of the Dungeons & Dragons streaming series Critical Role, and the first episode of chapter 1, Beneath the Mines of Kraghammer. "The Nameless Ones" (E1x01) is the first episode of Exandria Unlimited Prime. Watch, listen, or read the episodes, playlists, and extras on critrole. " In the Belly of the Beast " (1x54) is the fifty-fourth episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. "The Temple Showdown" (1x11) is the eleventh episode of the first season of Critical Role. They hurry back to Whitestone to save one of their own and end up being offered an alliance from the This page is about the real-world actor. Oct 27, 2021 · That is it for Episode 1 of Critical Role Campaign 3! FINAL THOUGHTS. 7:00pm Thursday. I've got a few messages saying 'hey, thanks for introducing me to this cool thing!' but also a few saying 'the stuff you're reblogging looks neat, but the videos on youtube are all "Hubris" (1x17) is the seventeenth episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. "Vox Machina, in facing the terrible threat of Vecna returned to physical form, went to seek audiences with a number of the deities of Exandria. gl/D9fsrSListen to the Critical Role podcast: https://goo. "Race to the Ziggurat" (1x34) is the thirty-fourth episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. Vox Machina is left shaken in the aftermath of their battle with Anna Ripley. com. With battle plans in place, Grog frees some Westruun citizens while Vox Machina busily prepares to engage Umbrasyl with the cunning of their tactics and the strength of the Herd of Storms . Jun 8, 2023 · This first chapter of Candela Obscura will be 3 stand-alone episodes starring Robbie Daymond, Laura Bailey, Anjali Bhimani, and Ashley Johnson with a story led by Matthew Mercer. For the character from the "Liam's Quest" one-shots, see Ashley Johnson (character). It is also their 100th sequential episode. The quest continues to become more dangerous with every step. Five burgeoning adventurers explore the Upper Slums of Emon and take a job offered by a mysterious thief, but what they discover may be more dangerous than any of them Vox Machina EP 1 – Arrival at Kraghammer. Additionally, they freed Percy from prison while he was attempting to hunt down Anna Ripley, a pivotal character during the Briarwood arc. As Vox Machina prepares for the return to Emon, Grog demands a rematch against Kern to regain his honor. Vox Machina EP 6 – Breaching the Emberhold. Twitch subscribers gain instant access to VODs of our shows like Candela Obscura, Critical Role, Exandria This episode is sponsored by our friends at Hit Point Press. gl/jVwPBrVox Machina raise a to After witnessing a devastating tragedy, a young street urchin has the veil yanked from his shrouded life - upturning and thrusting him into an esoteric world Follow the adventures of the Mighty Nein, a group of misfits and outcasts in the world of Exandria, in the second campaign of Critical Role. With the Briarwoods coming to Emon, Percy reveals the full tale of how they slaughtered his family and seized control of Whitestone. comDi "The Draw of Destiny" (3x01) is the first episode of the third campaign of Critical Role. The show will continue on the last Thursday of each month. Disparate souls collide in the mountain spires of Jrusar when three different groups of adventurers meet during a battle against an unusual array of enemies I would like to welcome you to Marquet. Jun 24, 2015 · Arrival at Kraghammer | Critical Role: VOX MACHINA | Episode 1. March 12, 2015 10:00 PM — 3h 3m. Midst. Vox Machina EP 8 – Glass and Bone. I am by no means, an expert on Critical Role or Dungeons & Dragons. " Those Who Walk Away " (1x45) is the forty-fifth episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. gl/jVwPBrVox Machina fights for "Reunions" (1x33) is thе thirty-third episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. As the citizens of Westruun learn of Umbrasyl's demise, they must decide whether to flee possible retaliation from the Chroma Conclave or reclaim their city. Ghostly attackers infiltrate Greyskull Keep as Vox Machina prepares to journey northeast to Whitestone and confront the Briarwoods. Dec 9, 2015 · Catch Critical Role live Thursdays at 7PM PT on Twitch: https://goo. After witnessing a devastating tragedy, a young street urchin has the veil yanked from his shrouded life - upturning and thrusting him into an esoteric world, guided by the light of a secret order… Knowledge of what lies beyond the Flare continues to be elusive. Check out our store for official Critical Role merch: https://goo. Vox Machina EP 2 – Into the Greyspine Mines. 3k 17. gl/jVwPBrWith the party now spl To unlock more episodes, have an ad-free experience, and access rich lore-expanding bonus content, join the fold over on https://Midst. Transcripts of the first campaign and the first 42 episodes of Campaign 2 were created by Critical Role Transcripts through "Cornered" (2x53), when captioning was taken over by Critical Role itself using a professional transcription service. "Vox Machina had been counting down their preparations to the eventual showdown and second battle with Vecna, whom they discovered recently had completed his ascension into godhood Dec 7, 2015 · Catch Critical Role live Thursdays at 7PM PT on Twitch: https://goo. Hot on the heels of Dr. 9k 2. gl/jVwPBrVox Machina joins forc What started in 2012 as a roleplaying game between friends has evolved into a multiplatform entertainment phenomenon with a variety of shows, including the flagship show Critical Role, comic books Categories. Check our Marvel Puzzle Qu "Dark Dealings" (1x112) is the one hundred twelfth episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. 'No Touching the Drunk Dwarf!'. gl/jVwPBrAs Vox Machina prepare Critical Role’s Campaign Two ended earlier this month with its 141st episode, and this week (6/28/21), Critters were introduced to Episode 1 of Exandria Unlimited — an 8-episode mini-campaign set 6 years after the end of Campaign Two. Nothing could possibly go wrong… "Vox Machina had been climbing their way through the bowels of an undead, risen primordial titan, previously having found information about the history of Vecna from the "Cloak and Dagger" (1x68) is the sixty-eighth episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. [1] They began Critical Role. Jan 6, 2016 · Catch Critical Role live Thursdays at 7PM PT on Twitch: https://goo. Anna Ripley, Vox Machina finds themselves on the beach of the isle of glass. Vox Machina EP 5 – The Trick About Falling. They soon find that they are too late to stop Vecna's return and the transport of Airdate Order. Happy campaign 3, y’all! So excited to see what shenanigans this new batch of would-be heroes will get up to! For those who are interested in the previous adventures of Fearne, Orym, and Dorian, check out Exandria Unlimited! May 22, 2023 · For example, by the time Critical Role episode 1 was released, Vox Machina had already fought a dragon at a Winter’s Crest festival, which was a very early plot point building toward the Chroma Conclave arc. The satyr guide, Garmelie, leads Vox Machina toward the cancerous tree that houses Fenthras, Wrath of the Fey Warden, one of the Vestiges of Divergence. gl/BhXLst Catch Critical Role live Thursdays at 7PM Voice actor Matthew Mercer leads a group of fellow voice actors on epic Dungeons & Dragons campaigns. 8/10 (88) Rate. gl/jVwPBrThere is a deadly curs "Scaldseat" (1x107) is the one hundred seventh episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. Cookie. After wiping out a grave threat to Emon’s emperor, Sovereign Uriel Tal’Dorei III, the band of adventurers has been sent on a journey by Arcanist 7. Thanks to Marvel Puzzle Quest for spo Welcome to The Re-Slayer’s Take! Candela Obscura. Major props to Robbie, Aimee, and the brilliant GM Aabria! Matt got the final How Do You Want To Do This!!! What a joy to see him defeat a baddie as a character. It's the premiere of Critical Role as an online streaming series, but the campaign had been in progress for two years as a Pathfinder game "A Name Is Earned" (1x49) is the forty-ninth episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. After their success at the warcamp and their victory over the bulette, Vox Machina takes to the air to make their escape and delve deeper into Khaloor in search of Lady Kima. For the organization, see Nameless Ones. Following in the footsteps of Vox Machina and the Mighty Nein, the newest group of would-be heroes, Bells Hells, came together in Marquet only to be What started in 2012 as a roleplaying game between friends has evolved into a multiplatform entertainment phenomenon with a variety of shows, including the flagship show Critical Role, comic books "The Final Ascent" (1x113) is the one hundred thirteenth episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. However, when some discover that there are still old chapters yet to be closed, our unsung heroes must reunite for more stories untold… It has been six months since the fall of May 24, 2017 · Catch Critical Role live Thursdays at 7PM PT on Twitch: https://goo. Nov 23, 2016 · Catch Critical Role live Thursdays at 7PM PT on Twitch: https://goo. He adds the dream to his journal. It follows a group of adventurers, Vox Machina, first in their adventures across the continent of Tal'Dorei and eventually the larger world of Exandria and other Planes of Existence. Picking up several months after the events in Cognouza, The Mighty Nein have all started new chapters in their lives. " Critical Role Answers Your Questions at SDCC! " (Sx14) " Denizens of the Moonbrush " (1x61) is the sixty-first episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. Glimmers of understanding May 16, 2023 · The third campaign of Critical Role may be where to start with Critical Role. Perhaps a humble Share your videos with friends, family, and the world This episode is also sponsored by Roll & Play: The Game Master’s Fantasy Toolkit. Critical Role, and DnD, can be viewed in many ways. Our story begins as Vox Machina, the heroes of Emon, arrive at the cavernous underground city of Kraghammer. Campaign 3: Bells Hells. The Campaign name itself is Bells Hells and is set on the continent of Marquet. I haven’t played D&D yet, myself Mar 13, 2015 · 1x01 Arrival at Kraghammer. With both new and old players, Arc 1 sees three groups of adventurers meeting up at Jrusar to form an alliance, but things quickly shift as the city itself is full of mystery and tensions. After a year spent enjoying some downtime and accomplishing some personal goals, Vox Machina reunites for a beach vacation and an unexpected family reunion for a certain someone Airdate Order. An exhausted Vox Machina spends some time hashing out their pent-up frustrations and examining their spoils of victory. Zerxus tells the Dawnfather to stop and he vanishes. CAPTION STATUS: CAPTIONED BY OUR EDITORS. Between this episode and the next story episode, a special "Dungeons & Dragons Campaign Tips" (1x12) aired on the intermediate Thursday. Between this episode and the previous Vox Machina campaign episode, two special one-shot episodes of Critical Role aired: "Deadlands One-Shot for MDA Charity!" (Sx11) and "Critical Role EXTRA – Liam's Quest!" (Sx12). May 31, 2017 · Catch Critical Role live Thursdays at 7PM PT on Twitch: https://goo. 6k 2. Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 . What began in 2012 as a bunch of friends playing RPGs in each other's living rooms has evolved into a multi-platform entertainment sensation. A long-form improv performance. The campaign that became Critical Role began in late 2012, with the players beginning the campaign at level 3. The flying city of Avalir begins its triumphant return to the continent of Domunas while the Ring of Brass, a group of eminent city dignitaries, begin to uncover hints of something rotten within their gilded home…. The party prepares as their confrontation with Ripley draws near. The fact that a third campaign would happen was first confirmed in an Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Old demons and new discoveries will surface on the Isle of Glintshore. Vox Machina EP 3 – Strange Bedfellows. gl/jVwPBrVox Machina return to Vox Machina travel to the pools of Wittebak where they meet a lonely stranger residing in a strange old house Guest starring Darin De Paul! Thanks to Quid "The Mighty Nein Reunited Part 1" (Sx73) is the seventy-third special episode of Critical Role. Bedrock | MIDST | Season 3 Episode 10 Critical Role . Thu, Apr 9, 2015. It is set on the continent of Marquet[1] and begins in 843 PD, within a year after the events of Exandria Unlimited Prime. Vox Moronica, Extra Life for Charity game, D&Diesel) as well as numerous Q&A's and Panels with the cast here: Official Geek and Sundry page for Critical Role episodes. co as a paid subscriber! Some themes and situations that occur in-show may be difficult for some to handle. gl/jVwPBrPercy reveals the full May 25, 2016 · Catch Critical Role live Thursdays at 7PM PT on Twitch: https://goo. As Scanlan tries to make amends for his actions, what lies beneath will lead to a shocking reveal The Mighty Nein are a party of powerful adventurers based in Wildemount, primarily active between 835 and 836 PD, and the protagonists of the Second Campaign of Critical Role. tv/geekandsundry Vox Machina make their way through the cursed caverns of the un Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Vox Machina has just one week to prepare for a diplomatic feast Episode List. Check out Fool’s Gold: Into The Bellowing Wilds from Hit Point Press at http://FoolsGold5e. On its shoulders was held the long-abandoned, until This episode is sponsored by The Deck of Many. What began in 2012 as a bunch of friends playing Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. For the individual, see The Nameless. However they received little May 10, 2017 · Catch Critical Role live Thursdays at 7PM PT on Twitch: https://goo. After getting Blessings and fragments of the essence of three of All legacy episodes of Critical Role (the entirety of Campaign 1: Vox Machina and episodes 1 through 19 of Campaign 2: Mighty Nein) are available via Geek & Sundry’s channels. "The Path to Whitestone" (1x27) is the twenty-seventh episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. 1-0 : 03 Oct 17: Critical Role One-Shot – Shadow of War (Part 1/2) S01. All hell breaks loose as Vox Machina race to stop the return of Vecna! While the cultists' ritual nears completion atop the Tower of Entropis, Vox Machina make their way through the streets of the city below. E5 ∙ The Trick About Falling. "Our band of adventurers, Vox Machina, have been in search of May 19, 2024 · A guide listing the titles AND air dates for episodes of the TV series Critical Role. About us. The hour arrives, Umbrasyl descends Apr 13, 2016 · Catch Critical Role live Thursdays at 7PM PT on Twitch: https://goo. twitch. Vox Machina find treasures, horrors, and mysteries as they make their way through the body of an undead primordial. New episodes will be added to this playlist every Monday when they become available! All legacy episodes of Critical Role (the entirety of Campaign 1: Vox Machina and episodes 1 through 19 of Campaign 2: Mighty Nein) are available via Geek & Sundry’s channels. Oct 29, 2015 · Catch Critical Role live Thursdays at 7PM PT on Twitch: https://goo. Vox Machina and their allies commence their "Hope" (1x56) is the fifty-sixth episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. New episodes will be added to this playlist every Monday when they become available! May 11, 2016 · Catch Critical Role live Thursdays at 7PM PT on Twitch: https://goo. All new episodes are available on Critical Role’s channels. "The group, having heard that the Briarwoods—a couple who had taken power in S1. Playtime for adults. Check out our New Viewer's Guide. com with code CRITICALROLE10. Vox Machina ventures deep beneath the Stormcrest Mountains to confront the mysterious androsphinx mate of Osysa — and hopefully learn more about the Vestiges of Divergence. Descending deeper beneath the city of Whitestone, the weary members of Vox Machina are on a collision course with the Briarwoods and their insidious plot. Sep 27, 2017 · Watch Critical Role Live Thursdays at 7pm PT on Twitch at https://www. Holy shit, y’all, what an episode 1! There’s so much to uncover and so much brilliant character work being done. gl/jVwPBrVox Machina make a dea "Candela Obscura: The Cold Embrace" (CO1x01) is the first episode of Candela Obscura's first chapter. Check out the latest Animated Spells from The Deck of Many at http://Animatedspells. The closed captions featured on this episode have been curated by our CR editors. Back in Whitestone to debate their next move, Vox Machina discovers their return from the Feywild may not have been as clean-cut as it seemed. In search of one of the Jul 26, 2017 · All hell breaks loose as Vox Machina race to stop the return of Vecna! Thanks to our friends at Wyrmwood Gaming for sponsoring Critical Role! Check out their Arrival at Kraghammer. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. gl/jVwPBrIt’s been one year sin Transcripts of episodes of Critical Role. Vox Machina, along with Lionel Gayheart and Scanlan Shorthalt, travel into the mountain range of Marquet to investigate the existence of another Ziggurat. gl/jVwPBrTeetering at the edge Chapter 1. [1] Searchable transcripts that include timestamps and links to the relevant portions of the VODs are located at Feb 1, 2017 · Catch Critical Role live Thursdays at 7PM PT on Twitch: https://goo. Their attention turns to Draconia where the destruction wrought by the Conclave again leaves the party to search for allies amongst the scattered survivors "Race to the Tower" (1x102) is the one hundred second episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. Campaign One, or The Campaign of Vox Machina, is the first campaign of Critical Role. gl/jVwPBrIn the wake of the dev "The Elephant in the Room" (1x72) is the seventy-second episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. "Vox Machina, having traversed many places in the world in hopes of finding a way to expel or destroy the Chroma Conclave, a "Deadly Echoes" (1x82) is the eighty-second episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. As Zerxus approaches the surprised demon, he looks up to see the ground approaching fast. "The party completed the venture of taking the . Meanwhile, Keyleth begins to suspect that a mysterious power holds sway over Percy. Vox Machina search for a powerful artifact that could help swing the tide in their favor. Arrival at Kraghammer. Fresh off of slaying Yenk and Vorugal the Frigid Doom, the weary members of Vox Machina take time to catch their breaths and set about gathering what spoils they could find from both the corpse of the wyrm and his treasure trove before resting and returning to Whitestone for their next → For the location that this episode is named for, see Feywild. Vox Machina, having made their final preparations, make their way to the top of the tower of Entropis. After some final errands, the party returns home to Greyskull Keep and Feb 24, 2016 · Catch Critical Role live Thursdays at 7PM PT on Twitch: https://goo. In addition the the main episodes of Critical Role, you can find Special Games (Critical Trolls aka. With the burden of so many lives and so much destruction, the members of Vox Machina struggle with their own responsibilities and destinies. In previous campaigns, Ashley played Pike Trickfoot and Yasha Nydoorin. Now in its third campaign storyline, the show features seven popular voiceover actors diving into epic adventures, led by veteran game master Matthew Mercer. Vox Machina EP 7 – The Throne Room. "Unfinished Business" (1x100) is the one hundredth episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. Vox Machina EP 4 – Attack on the Duergar Warcamp. Vox Machina descend into the heart of an undersea volcano to find the forge of the gods. The year is 843 PD, or Post Divergence. " The Rematch " (1x23) " Crimson Diplomacy " (1x25) " The Feast " (1x24) is the twenty-fourth episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. Now in its third campaign, the show spans multiple storylines in the world of Exandria . "One Year Later" (1x95) is the ninety-fifth episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. During the first chapter of Critical Role, Lady Allura asks Vox Machina to find her friend, Lady Kima, who disappeared into the mines of Kraghammer upon learning of a great evil resting beneath it during a vision quest. "Passed Through Fire" (1x69) is the sixty-ninth episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. She was also "The Climb Within" (1x110) is the one hundred tenth episode of the first campaign of Critical Role. cookielawinfo-checkbox-analytics. "The adventuring group of Vox Machina had been battling the Chroma Conclave, a collection of ancient chromatic dragons that had terrorized the Tal Resolve | MIDST | Season 3 Episode 11 Midst; 0. Jun 1, 2022 · The demon tells Zerxus to ask himself who they betrayed. Zerxus wakes up in his tower with his magical steed, a starry griffon named Tempus. Battles commence, debts are settled, and secrets are revealed as the group descends into the haunted catacombs. comThis episode is also sp Watch Critical Role LIVE every Thursday on Critical Role's Twitch channel. May 18, 2016 · Catch Critical Role live Thursdays at 7PM PT on Twitch: https://goo. gx oz up ow kb jp gm wj bo va