What does the number 13 mean in hebrew language. Jewish principles of faith according to Maimonides.

2:7; Num. The word, consisting of two Hebrew letters —chet (ח) and yud (י)— is a Jewish symbol, frequently appearing on pendants and other jewelry. The 7 is a sacred number and 7x7=49 means completeness and completion. The Old Hebrew and Old Greek languages had no special numbers. The Hebrew alphabet is often called the "alef-bet," because of its first two letters. Yeshua HaMashiach (Yeh-SHOO-ah Ha-Mah-SHEE-akh) is Hebrew for “Jesus the Messiah ” Yeshua is a shortened version of the name Yehoshua (Yeh-HO-shoo-ah), which means “Adonai saves ” Mashiach is the Hebrew word for Messiah and means “anointed one Feb 1, 2018 · These suffixes are added to the construct forms of the number. The number twenty-four is associated with judgment and severity. -The feminine numbers are used for basic counting, so these are more important overall. In the Hebrew language, "threescore" is represented by the word "shishim. 11. From all the children of Jacob, only one was born from love – Joseph. Note that eleven and twelve have THIRTEEN. 3:13-14), "Breath" (Gen. Aug 13, 2021 · 13 months in a leap year on the Hebrew calendar. Her research and teaching focus primarily on modern Jewish literature, with special attention to 5) It Was Often Thought to Be the Language of Angels — and God. For other uses Western (Arabic) numerals (1, 2, 3, etc) are used. Gematria is a numerological system by which Hebrew letters correspond to numbers. Thus, one would expect to see 13 linked with love and unity, and a careful look shows that it is. In some way, unity is also associated with the number twenty-four. Table of Contents. It is the age at which a boy becomes a Bar Mitzvah and is considered to be a man. You are being called to embrace challenges as a chance for growth and to view shifts in career trajectories as opportunities rather than obstacles. A large number may be expressed by multiplying a base number by itself. The number twenty-four written in Hebrew letters is “kaf-dalet” - כד. ) Hebrew numerology, or Gematria, is a system where numerical values are assigned to each letter in the Hebrew alphabet. -The masculine are used for counting money (shekels are masculine) and other masculine objects. Chapter 12 ended with an encouraging reminder about the nature of the new covenant (Hebrews 12:26–29). ” However, emet is equal to the final letters of Genesis 2:3 (bara elohim la’asot), and shema is derived from the initial letters of Isaiah 40:20 (seumaromainehem), meaning “raise your eyes on high. Additionally, Hebrew does not make use of Arabic numerals. With the use of the Hebrew language God revealed Himself to mankind. These ten horns are related to the beast, which had also seven heads. ) Aug 13, 2021 · 13 months in a leap year on the Hebrew calendar. Numbers eleventhrough nineteenare formed with a combination of the number tenand onethrough nine. : R. Echad (one) and ahavah (love) are linked, because their Hebrew numerical value is the same: 13. God is not making new things, He is making all things new. This mystical tradition extends beyond simple number-letter correlations; it delves into the essence of the Hebrew language, unearthing profound insights into scriptural, spiritual, and existential realms. (For more on 13 and other words that equal 13, click here. According to Jewish tradition, there are 70 nations and 70 languages in the world. ” This symbolizes About Hebrew Nouns and Verbs By Jeff A. Most modern texts now use Arabic numerals (0,1,2,3,4, etc), however calendars […] Apr 28, 2021 · Since the irregularity of nouns in respect of gender and pluralization is an ancient aspect of Hebrew already found in the earliest books of the Bible, one must look to Hebrew’s pre-history for its genesis; and since Hebrew is a Semitic tongue belonging to a family that includes such living representatives as Arabic, neo-Aramaic, and various 2 days ago · Tav Hebrew Meaning – 22nd Letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. " The child root אור (A. For example, the Hebrew number elevenis אַחַד עָשָׂר—a combination of one (אֶחָד) and ten (עֶ֫שֶׂר). Professor Naomi Sokoloff is the chair of the University of Washington's Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures department. See below for the exact parameters of how this method may be applied. So if we apply the clear teaching of Revelation 13:18 to the Hebrew "www", we actually have 6+6+6 or 18 — not 666. Love in Hebrew is אהבה Ahavah, Aleph-Heh-Bet-Heh or in numbers 1-5-2-5 which in total has the value of 13. And every generation discovers them anew. ). 1. How to count in Hebrew (עברית), a Semitic language spoken mainly in Israel. Twelve sons and one daughter. Almost every other number can be made masculine or feminine based on these numbers. ” The Meaning Of The Number Thirteen. The language used by the descendants of "Eber" is called "Hebrew" (Eevriyt in Hebrew), but is never called "Hebrew" in the Hebrew Bible, but is instead referred to as the "Language of Canaan" (Isaiah 19:18) and the "Language of Judah" (II Kings 18:28, Isaiah 36:11, 13, Nehemiah 13:24, II Chronicles 32:18). Irwin The final book of the Bible, Revelation prophesies the ultimate judgement of mankind in a series of allegorical visions, grisly images and numerological predictions. Mar 18, 2024 · The idea that the number 13 is bad luck comes from pagan influences. The number 16 in Hebrew culture is often associated with love and loving-kindness, derived from the value of the Hebrew word for love, ‘ahavah,’ which adds up to 16. The number 13 is also the numerical value of the Hebrew word “ehad,” which means “one. In gematria, each Hebrew letter is represented by a number (for example, aleph = 1, bet = 2, etc. The Meaning Of The Number Thirteen. It can be associated with rebellion, apostasy, hope, or redemption. By being in Oct 22, 2023 · The number 13 influences the Hebrew language and symbolism, signifying unity and transformation. Jewish principles of faith according to Maimonides. The number 16 is connected to the Hebrew letter ‘Ayin, which can symbolize insight and clarity. , 28 → כ״ח ‎‎). H113 אדון adono can be translated to “lord, master, sir and owner” in the Hebrew texts, which are all general terms in English that do not mean one is calling on an idol to help us understand that the Hebrew word אדון does not mean one is calling upon an idol if one uses the word אדון (adono) unless one gives an actual idol the Mar 18, 2024 · The idea that the number 13 is bad luck comes from pagan influences. Dec 25, 2016 · This has to do with the fact that English simply does not have the grammatical mood used in the Biblical Hebrew. Water constitutes a vital element in our lives: a human being is largely composed of water and the majority of the earth is covered with it. Where there is no noun, such as in the case of a telephone number, the feminine form is used. What Does the Number 13 Mean in Hebrew? In Hebrew, the number 13 is known as HaShem, and it’s among the holiest angel numbers. The “whole” (ehad), meaning 42,360 individuals gathered together, constituted one assembly. Because it is the language of sacred texts, Hebrew itself was often considered sacred. Meaning mark, sign, omen, or seal, it is the symbol of truth, perfection, and completion. This ancient tongue held the greatest spiritual truths that guided our lives through the ages. Hebrew numbers. The meaning of the number thirteen is found when the numbers one and twelve are combined. This system, developed by practitioners of Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism), derived from Greek influence and became a tool for interpreting biblical texts. Hebrew was often thought to be the language of the angels, and indeed, of God. His conclusion to the article is this: Mar 18, 2024 · The idea that the number 13 is bad luck comes from pagan influences. And Adam? His Hebrew name, אדם, means “human” or “of the earth”. כד = Twenty-four = kad = pitcher . It is a return to the essence and purpose of one’s life. He is expected to take on the responsibilities of Jewish law and tradition and to lead a Jewish life. It also may mean a combination of items that constitutes a complete whole. Cardinal and ordinal numbers must agree in gender with the noun they are describing. The picture below illustrates the Hebrew alphabet, in Hebrew alphabetical order. ) Mar 18, 2024 · The idea that the number 13 is bad luck comes from pagan influences. 13th of Adar (or Adar II in leap years) is the Fast of Esther. The Torah refers to Eve, the first woman, as aim kol chai, “the mother of all life. This is because the number 10 is seen as a perfect number, and the number 5 is seen as half of that. Three, shelosh [f. When two words or phrases have the same numerical value, this may indicate a connection. " Oct 22, 2023 · The number 13 influences the Hebrew language and symbolism, signifying unity and transformation. K. We have learned that twelve refers to the people of G-d and the number one relates to HaShem; therefore, the number thirteen speaks of a unity between G-d and His people. B. Imma (EE-mah) אמא. In the Torah, the number 5 is also connected with the number 10. God created man with many base desires that reside in the blood, but he also gave us the means to assert our control over them and be an aluf over the dam. The Hebrew language uses a different word to describe an undivided unity. Four is the number where God stamps what he has created. It represents the restoration Tikkun תיקון of all of existence. T he number twenty-four in Hebrew spells out the word “kad” or pitcher. ) The Old Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters and the ancient Greek alphabet 27 letters. The word mem stands for mayim, which means water. Similarly, a single geresh (U+05F3 in Unicode, and resembling a single quote mark) is appended after (to the left of) a single letter to indicate that the letter represents a number rather than a (one-letter) word. Nov 8, 2018 · Yeshua HaMashiach – Anointed to Save. HaShem also means “God is One,” so in other words, there’s really no God but Him. Number of days of Yom Tov in a year (Diaspora) Months in a leap year on the Hebrew calendar THIRTEEN. Benner Hebrew Nouns. THIRTEEN. Many numbers in the Hebrew language tend to have a deeper meaning. Explore the Hebrew language. Dec 27, 2022 · The number 5 is a very significant number in Hebrew Torah. ) Oct 22, 2023 · The number 13 influences the Hebrew language and symbolism, signifying unity and transformation. Everything God does makes sense and so does this name, because Adam was the very first human, and God made him from the dust of the earth: Jun 15, 2015 · In other words, the first day of creation is described with the cardinal number “one” in Hebrew; whereas, the remaining days are described with ordinal numbers (2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. The Name of God, YHVH (יהוה), means "Presence" (Exod. In post-biblical times, it was referred to as lashon ha-kodesh, the holy language. So where does the number 18 that the sages give come from? While there are various explanations given, the simplest one is that The word “spine” (שדרה), in the language of the Talmud, does not refer to the entire vertebral column. D. Tav is the last letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. Oct 22, 2023 · The number 13 influences the Hebrew language and symbolism, signifying unity and transformation. (For example "yod" + "aleph" (אי) = 11). The whole Bible (OT and NT) was written on 22+27=49 (7x7) scrolls (see Structure of the Bible). 13 has long been regarded as an “unlucky” number. The parent root אב (AB, Strong's #1) is a noun and means "father. At first glance, it may seem like just another numeral, but a deeper dive into the biblical references to this number reveals a wealth of spiritual significance and meaning. 30:20), and "Love" (Exod. It is often associated with the idea of grace or favor. ) Feb 27, 2024 · The Bible is a book steeped in symbolism, and one of the most enigmatic of these symbols is the number 13. Hebrew numbers 11-19. It can also be used to symbolize rebellion and depravity or lawlessness. Symbolic Meanings in Hebrew Culture. Adding ten (Jod) to another number brings the meaning of that number up to a higher level. The Sanhedrin, the highest ancient Jewish court, was made up of 70 sages. Feb 22, 2024 · Throughout history, the Bible has been translated into dozens of languages. Hebrew letters are used to a limited extent to represent numbers, mainly on calendars. The Greek word chrusos, Strong's Concordance #G5557, occurs 13 times in 12 Greek New Testament verses. After memorizing the numbers it’s actually not so hard to manage. The earlier section of the Talmud is the Mishnah that was published around 200 CE What is the meaning of "threescore" in Hebrew? In Hebrew, the term "threescore" signifies the number sixty. ) The Meaning Of The Number Thirteen. In fact, we find that the Mishnah (Ohalot 1:8) counts the vertebrae in the neck separately. The letter aleph is also a word which means to teach or inculcate. Feb 11, 2021 · What does the number 13 mean in Hebrew language? 13 is the age at which a Jewish male becomes obligated to follow Jewish law, the age at which a Bar Mitzvah is attained. Is the internet "hooking" the world into the 666 system. Word order in Modern Hebrew is somewhat similar to that in English: as opposed to Biblical Hebrew, where the word order is verb-subject-object, the usual word order in Modern Hebrew is subject-verb-object. Is the number 13 divine in the Hebrew language? The number 13 is significant in Hebrew due to the Thirteen Attributes of God in Jewish tradition. Every Hebrew sentence must contain at least one subject, at least one predicate, usually but not always a verb, and possibly other arguments and complements. Adar II (or the 13th month in a leap year) is considered extra lucky because the month of Adar according to tradition is a “lucky month”. Jacob had thirteen children. It consists of 22 letters, all consonants, none of which are lowercase. Torah, the most vital element in our spiritual lives, is referred to as water, as it states: “Ein mayim ela Torah13—There is no water but Mar 18, 2024 · The idea that the number 13 is bad luck comes from pagan influences. Chazal [6] teach that if two words have the same numeric value, then the essential meaning of the two words is the Not only does echad=13, but the Hebrew word ahava (love) also has a numerical value of thirteen, as expressed verbally in the Nazarean Codicil: 1 Yochanan (John) 4:8 H e that loveth not knoweth not HaShem ; for HaShem is love. . The history of the Hebrew language can be divided into four major periods: [20] Biblical Hebrew, until about the 3rd century BCE; the language of most of the Hebrew Bible; Mishnaic Hebrew, the language of the Mishnah and Talmud; Medieval Hebrew, from about the 6th to the 13th century CE; Modern Hebrew, the language of the modern State of Israel The dialects organize into Mishnaic Hebrew (also called Tannaitic Hebrew, Early Rabbinic Hebrew, or Mishnaic Hebrew I), which was a spoken language, and Amoraic Hebrew (also called Late Rabbinic Hebrew or Mishnaic Hebrew II), which was a literary language. In the book of Revelation chapters 13 and 17, the number ten appears in reference to ten horns. Everyday words are derived from existing Hebrew phrasing(e. Oct 19, 2022 · In Judaism, the number 13 has great significance. 1) The Letter Yud (10) The Meaning Of The Number Thirteen. However, the Torah, written in Hebrew, did have a specific name for God. It’s also been discovered the Hebrew letter "vav" means "hook, peg or nail". Languages signal the modality of a given verb based on the mood it is placed in (for instance, the indicative, subjunctive, conditional, etc. Each noun is either feminine or masculine, and the numbers change accordingly as well. Derived from the King James Dictionary, it refers to a numerical value commonly used in biblical contexts. , mishmesh ‘apricot’ from Arabic m THIRTEEN. The number "6" also resembles a "hook". The Hebrew alphabet, the holy language of the Bible, is used for biblical Hebrew, Modern Hebrew, Jewish Aramaic, Yiddish, and Ladino. It serves as a reminder of the deeper layers of meaning embedded in Hebrew culture and the spiritual significance they hold. According to these, empires Aug 13, 2021 · 13 months in a leap year on the Hebrew calendar. Apr 30, 2024 · The number “6” in the Bible is often associated with man; just as the number “7” is the perfect number and “3” often correlates to the Trinity. 34:6-7), but it also means "I-AM-WITH-YOU-ALWAYS" (אני תמיד איתך), teaching us that God is an ever-present help for us . There are 147 words and phrases in the Bible's original languages that are recorded exactly 13 times. One Hundred and Twenty THIRTEEN. English speakers who are unfamiliar with Hebrew might struggle to accurately pronounce the Hebrew word for 6, "shesh," solely based on its visual representation. 666 and 777: The Unholy and Holy Trinity As a simple example, the Hebrew word אב (father) would have a numerical value of three (1+2=3). They are expressed as 10 + 1, 10 + 2, 10 + 3, etc. May 9, 2015 · The language of the Hebrew Bible is the literal, meaningful Hebrew language not gematria. -Number 1 through 10 have masculine and feminine forms. ) Sep 20, 2023 · Have an ear attuned to God’s language! Keep your eyes open! When you spot 11:11, receive it as His loving reminder that He is with you. Introduction to the Hebrew Alphabet. These ten horns are ten kings which rule with the beast. . • studies about the Hebrew language, by Yishai Neuman • A lexically creative approach to the teaching of Modern Hebrew as a foreign language, in Materia giudaica (2006) • studies about Modern Hebrew, by Yael Reshef • The re-emergence of Hebrew as a national language, in Semitic languages, an international handbook (2012) Jun 15, 2015 · In other words, the first day of creation is described with the cardinal number “one” in Hebrew; whereas, the remaining days are described with ordinal numbers (2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. Feb 5, 2015 · The Orthodox Study Bible has a footnote saying that 7 is the number of perfection, 777 represents the Trinity, evil is represented as something less so 666 is an evil response to the Trinity, and 8 means one more and 888 represents the number someone would get from 'Jesus' (Ιησους), a suggestion I would find convincing if the idea of Aug 18, 2023 · An expert in the Hebrew language explained to Lead Stories that "nasa" does not mean in Hebrew what the post claims it does. W. Every Number has actually two forms, masculine and feminine, that change according to the noun it refers to. Chai (חי) is the Hebrew word for life. The two Hebrew letters that make up the number 13 are YOD and GIMEL, translated to English these letters mean the hand or outworking, and pride or to be lifted up. Thirteen Attributes of Mercy. All the rest were the consequence of contracts, agreements, and a vow. The picture to the right illustrates the Hebrew alphabet, in Hebrew alphabetical order. g. The number 13 in Hebrew is also associated with eternity, unity, and love. Thus, 70 in some way represents the totality of the world. What does the number 13 mean in the Bible? The King James Holy Bible contains significant meanings for each number that appears in the text. Meaning. Sep 18, 2023 · Non-phonetic representation: One disadvantage of the English language is that the representation of the Hebrew number 6 does not provide any phonetic clues about its pronunciation. Feb 12, 2021 · Are you seeing the number 4 a lot? Like 4:44? What does this mean and what is God speaking in numbers? The Hebrew number four has to do with “the creation of things made. As a result, God has acquired a number of names: Dios, Apajui, God, Enkai, Dieu, Gott, and so on. McKee has an excellent article debunking gematria entitled "The Effect of Mysticism and Gnosticism on the Messianic Movement". May 25, 2021 · Hebrew Language and Hebrew People. Note that Hebrew is written from right to left, rather than left to right as in English, so Alef (א) is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet and Tav (ת) is the last. The Power of Hebrew Letters Yud (10) and Aleph (1) In the early Hebrew pictograph alphabet, each letter was represented by a symbolic picture connected to a deeper spiritual meaning. The most common noun form is the use of the two-letter or three-letter root. That means when you are counting with Hebrew numbers, you would say, “achat, shta-yim, sha-losh,etc. It is hard to believe that only scholars and religious practices used the language of the Bible for Forexample, you may find the words emet and shema on an amulet;literally they mean “truth” and “hear. ” Letter Substitution Not only does echad=13, but the Hebrew word ahava (love) also has a numerical value of thirteen, as expressed verbally in the Nazarean Codicil: 1 Yochanan (John) 4:8 H e that loveth not knoweth not HaShem; for HaShem is love. In fact, it is a language all of its own, and it serves a multitude of excellent purposes. R), can be a verb meaning to "enlighten" (Strong's #215), but is also used as a noun meaning "light" (Strong's Jun 15, 2015 · In other words, the first day of creation is described with the cardinal number “one” in Hebrew; whereas, the remaining days are described with ordinal numbers (2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. The number 13 stands for Satan, evil, wickedness, demons, and all other horrible things associated with them. Another interesting insight. , šaʿôn ‘clock’ from šaʿah ‘hour’) or borrowed from contemporary languages (e. ” Jun 15, 2015 · In other words, the first day of creation is described with the cardinal number “one” in Hebrew; whereas, the remaining days are described with ordinal numbers (2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. In Biblical Hebrew, there is a mood not found in English, the cohortative. Oct 22, 2023 · What does the number 13 mean spiritually? The number 13 holds diverse spiritual meanings depending on the context in which it appears. Hebrew scholar, J. Confused? Don’t be. Jun 15, 2015 · In other words, the first day of creation is described with the cardinal number “one” in Hebrew; whereas, the remaining days are described with ordinal numbers (2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. 16:22), "Life" (Deut. Unlike the Indian tea chai, which is pronounced with the “ch” sound of “chocolate,” the Hebrew chai is pronounced with the same “kh” sound as in challah. May 8, 2024 · Before we dive into the number three, we have to explore the meaning of the number in Hebrew. It similarly indicates leadership, as implied by the related word aluf which means a general or tribal head. 4 What Does The Number 13 Mean In Hebrew Language 2022-08-09 Old and New Unsolved Problems in Plane Geometry and Number Theory Homewood, Ill. The word ehad does not necessarily refer to a single, individual item. Traditionally, Hebrew numbers were written using the letters, so if you look at a biblical passage in Hebrew, such as Psalms chapter 1 verse 3, it would be marked chapter א, verse ג. It is found the most in the book of Matthew (5 times) followed by Revelation (4). Feb 27, 2023 · We already know the Hebrew meaning of Eve, or Chavah. The Hebrew alphabet (Hebrew: אָלֶף־בֵּית עִבְרִי, Alefbet ivri), known variously by scholars as the Ktav Ashuri, Jewish script, square script and block script, is traditionally an abjad script used in the writing of the Hebrew language and other Jewish languages, most notably Yiddish, Ladino, Judeo-Arabic, and Judeo-Persian Jews traditionally refer to the Hebrew language as Lashon Hakodesh, “the Holy Tongue. Oct 24, 2019 · Especially if you’re planning a prolonged visit to Israel, using the correct Hebrew numbers for counting in Hebrew could be very important! Number systems are the other alphabet in any language. Aug 26, 2015 · With Hebrew numbers, however, cardinal and ordinal numbers must agree in gender (masculine or feminine) with the noun they are describing. בְּעַבְדְּךָ֔ בְּעַבְדִּ֥י בְּעַבְדֶּ֑ךָ בְּעַבְדּ֣וֹ בְּעַבְדּ֤וֹ בְעַבְדְּךָ֔ בַּ֭עֲבָדָיו בַּעֲבָדָֽיו׃ בעבדו בעבדי בעבדיו בעבדיו׃ בעבדך הַעֶ֙בֶד֙ הָ֠עֶבֶד הָֽעֲבָדִ֖ים הָֽעֲבָדִים֙ הָעֲבָדִֽים׃ הָעֶ֔בֶד 3 days ago · Modern Hebrew, based on the biblical language, contains many innovations designed to meet modern needs; it is the only colloquial speech based on a written language. Plural The Hebrew and Yiddish languages use a different alphabet than English. The Hebrew language, much like Latin languages, is gendered. Numbers in Hebrew Each Hebrew letter has a number associated with it. Seventy is also considered the full span of a human life, and was the number of years granted to King David. ], sheloshah [m Not only does echad=13, but the Hebrew word ahava (love) also has a numerical value of thirteen, as expressed verbally in the Nazarean Codicil: 1 Yochanan (John) 4:8 H e that loveth not knoweth not HaShem ; for HaShem is love. What does Hebrews chapter 13 mean? The final chapter of the book of Hebrews offers instructions for Christian living and a farewell which includes both a prayer request and a benediction. ) do not exist in the Hebrew numbering system. More Info on Biblical Meaning of 13. According to rabbinic tradition For example, "teen" numbers (12, 13, etc. A Brief History of Counting and Number This is used in the case where a number is represented by two or more Hebrew numerals (e. The Hebrew word for love (ahavah) and oneness (echad) share the numerical value of 13 . You also get BONUS Audio Lessons here at HebrewPod101. Learn Hebrew vocabulary, phrases and words FAST with TONS of FREE lessons! Always Updated. That word is yahid. Both alphabets have together 22+27=49 (7x7) letters. Not only does echad=13, but the Hebrew word ahava (love) also has a numerical value of thirteen, as expressed verbally in the Nazarean Codicil: 1 Yochanan (John) 4:8 H e that loveth not knoweth not HaShem ; for HaShem is love. ” Modern Hebrew, on the other hand, is referred to as Ivrit (Hebrew for “Hebrew”). Sep 13, 2020 · What does the number 13 mean in the bible? In the bible, the number 13 means the outworking of pride. This name, YHWH, is known as the Tetragrammaton (which means "four letters"). The number 5 is also connected with the number 12. Note that Hebrew is written from right to left, rather than left to right as in English, so Alef is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet and Tav is the last. ” Is the number in Hebrew for “world”. Therefore, numeric values have Aug 13, 2021 · 13 months in a leap year on the Hebrew calendar. Nov 13, 2023 · What Does 13 Angel Number Mean for Professional Development? In the professional realm, angel number 13 stands as a symbol of innovation, change, inspiration, and bright new beginnings. Each letter has its own sound and numerical value. jkcj mbiqts fycv mkdrr gubd gli gqfa boli yqi yglr